fang shi tian shu

Chapter 195 The Source of Sin


On the side of the top of the mountain of Snake Head Mountain, two people stand in a hut randomly made of fences and thatch. There are no lights, no decorations, no props. In the whole hut, except for this old and young figure, there is only a huge pool. The ** in the pool is as dark as ink, sticky as blood, and there seems to be something surging in it. However, this rolling ** does not emit any smell.

"Someone stepped on my vine, and more than a dozen people are coming in our direction."

The young man said incredulously, "Six brothers should have solved them all. There should be no trouble."

The old man carefully smelled the water in the pool, nodded and said, "This medicine has basically been restrained, and it will be done soon. Now that they have come up, they must have solved your brothers. We'll solve them later."

The young man's face is incredible! Although these vines directly changed by living people were made by them, even their initiators were greatly shocked by the power of these vines!

This method of turning living life into vines was founded by a crazy Taoist priest of Dixianmen. Because the method is too vicious, no one has ever used it. Even the Taoist priest who founded this method has never succeeded for various reasons. The crazy Taoist was not insane, but what he did was too cruel. It's okay if it's just killing people, but the means he uses often make people die. Under his command, thousands of people have suffered because of experimental magic! However, such a crazy Taoist priest has always regretted not perfecting this human-like magic. The reason why he is entangled is that there are thousands of lives to experiment with him!

The master beside him, the fellow disciple of the mad Taoist priest in those years, was also the cultivation of the mad Taoist priest with his own hands, locked him up and only allowed him to do pure theoretical research. As the fellow disciple of the mad Taoist priest, the master clearly understood that the more powerful the magic created by the mad Taoist priest, the more lives will be consumed! Therefore, after locked up the mad Taoist priest, the master also paid special attention to memorizing the magic that this mad Taoist priest needed the most human life.

And by mistake, just as he was about to completely forget this spell, several people from their fairy gate were sent to the Snake Head Mountain to fight. On this snake-headed mountain full of poisons, the master found the poisonous water that was repeatedly penetrated by various poisons! This poisonous water has many effects, but what surprises the master most is that it can perfectly become the main material of the magic that turns people into vines!

With the memory of this spell, they really succeeded. And the final result shocked them! This master is just the cultivation of nine meridians, and other disciples of the earth fairy sect who followed him are probably the cultivation of six or seven meridians. However, after these disciples are familiar with the manipulation of vines, they can fight against the master!

This kind of vines are more violent when they meet their vitality, which is simply the nemesis of all practitioners, and what is more surprising is that because all the vines are transformed by living people, they are extremely friendly to the people who are manipulating them, which can completely cover the breath of the controller! Although you can do nothing but control these vines when you cover your breath, this completely invisible feature still excites everyone!

can directly improve the combat effectiveness of a practitioner by several orders of magnitude, and also hide his whereabouts at the same time. Is there anything better than this in the world?

So this young disciple does not believe that those imperial people can kill the brothers who manipulate the vines, even if the main body of this team will be Chengde, one of the seven-star generals of the empire, even if this team is a prestigious guard camp in the world!

The previous killing of cutting melons and vegetables like a game has proved that these refining people can't compete with these vines at all!

Seeing that the disciple still looked unbelievable, the master said, "Something in the world is possible. It seems that there are indeed masters in the other party's team. You can try their depth with those vines outside first.

The young disciple took the order, and only the master was left in the hut.

The master's eyes stared straight at the pool water in front of him, with a crazy look on his face!

Wang San and his party are not looking for extraordinary people, and their eyesight is naturally excellent. In the distance, I saw a small house.

Sun Yi looked at the hut and asked in a very low voice, "Sir, don't we need to hide our breath and sneak attack?"

Wang San sighed impatiently and said, "Do you want to sneak attack? Grab a handful of grass on the ground first."

When Sun heard the words, he did it immediately without saying a word.

From the foot of the mountain to the top of the mountain, there is only a little more incense on the road, but the soldiers of these guards battalion have been obedient to Wang Sanyan. They saw with their own eyes how Wang San found this road that was not a road at all, and saw Wang San extinguishing the poisonous grass and poisonous insects in the grass like cutting vegetables.

If they see this, they may still not be convinced by Wang San, but several thorns on the road deliberately violated Wang San's words, but they almost died on the spot. On the contrary, it was Wang San's rescue at the critical moment that they survived. It was not until they saw this that these soldiers really took Wang San seriously.

After all, most people still don't have pain or long memory. They always feel that they will not be fooled when they see others suffer losses. Moreover, the more capable people are, the more obvious they are, because they feel different.

Everyone feels that they are different, which is the biggest commonality in the whole self-awareness.

Wang San understands, so naturally he won't care about these with them. However, this attitude made these soldiers of the Guards more admire Wang San, so that Sun Yi began to obey him.

Grabbing a handful of grass came up, and Sun Yi looked at it and really changed his face. Needless to say, Wang Sanduo clearly distinguished that this blade of grass was mixed with two extremely dangerous vines!

Wang San said, "So this road is the only road. Since we have stepped on this thing, people will definitely find it. It's all like this. What else do you hide? It's true to be prepared honestly and rush to kill.

With that, Wang San held Yun Duoduo in his arms and said to the soldiers of the guard battalion, "I have told you how to deal with this kind of thing. You have to rush forward later. I have to concentrate on holding her."

Wang San joked like this, and the soldiers of the Guards camp really smiled emotionally in their boundless anger.

In Wang San's words, Yunduoduo has no ability except to make various animals feel friendly. Naturally, the soldiers of these guards camp also feel that the breath of Yunduo is not much stronger than that of ordinary women. In this case, it is inevitable for these men to protect her. What's more, this little girl really has no sense of existence. She has been walking forward by Wang San, and she has always lowered her head and is ashamed to speak.

It's really introverted to have no sense of existence, but it makes people want to protect.

What's more, the method Wang San said before seems to work!

In Wang San's unreliable joke, everyone is getting closer and closer to the goal. Suddenly, Wang San and Sun Yi said at the same time: "Be careful!"

Under an order, everyone formed a defensive position and protected Wang San and Yunduo in the middle.

A huge whip as thick as an adult's thigh flew over!

The soldiers who were the first to face the cross-arms and heard a loud sound like a huge stone falling to the ground!

The soldier's figure was unwavering, but the ground under his feet was ploughed out by two and a half-meter-long ditch!


When the soldiers behind heard this command, they were immediately on alert. This "flat" represents that the strength of the opponent is comparable to that of yourself! Even the comrades-in-arms who were taken away by the vine before were first wrapped in the vines and could not exert force before they lost control. That's a matter of skill, this is a matter of pure power! How is that possible?

Wang San asked curiously in the back, "Why don't you pretend to hide your breath?" Do you know that all your companions are dead? No way! Our hands and feet are very sharp, and we don't have a tail! Is it possible that you are heart-to-heart and have electrocardiograms?

Hearing that Wang San could still say such words at this time, these guard battalion soldiers felt quite speechless. Sure enough, he is an unreliable person! However, at this time, they did not have the energy to sigh with Wang San's tone, and two long whips attacked from different directions and hit the soldiers in the middle fiercely!

Two loud noises, and the two strikes were again resisted by two soldiers. At the same time, three soldiers on the side slashed fiercely, but did not cut off the huge whip wrapped in the vine!

"Don't be angry, young man. I can find that your body is under the tree on the right. Don't use brute force to get angry. Don't you feel uncomfortable compared with these soldiers!" Wang San's mouth was unforgiving and kept laughing.

Yun Duoduo couldn't stand it and turned Wang San with his elbow.

When he was told to break his hiding place, this young immortal disciple did not hide it and said angrily, "You bastards, kill my brothers, I will avenge them!"

"Fuck you! Who are my brothers looking for revenge?" When Sun heard the words, he suddenly burst into swearing and rushed forward like crazy!

"I fucking chopped you up!"

"Kid, I ate you raw!"

"I don't have time with you!"

Listening to this immortal disciple, the soldiers of these guards camp were like tigers with trampled tails, and all the sadness and anger in their bodies burst out and rushed forward like crazy!

Wang San was abducted by Yunduoduo and his ribs hurt. He gritted his teeth and sneered: "Second son of China, don't you know that hatred is mutual? Let's see how you die!"

This hidden path is only 30 or 40 meters away from the big tree, and it will arrive in the blink of an eye!

(I didn't get up during the day, so I sent it at night. By the way, it seems that I haven't updated 3K for a long time... cough.)