fang shi tian shu

Chapter 196 Empirism kills people

Although Wang San said that he did not hide his breath for these soldiers, he was still pasted with a Taoist symbol to turn his breath on his body. In addition, the original medicine and strong physique of these soldiers, the sparse spewing venom along the way did not pose any threat to them, but became the best footnote of these soldiers.

"Kill!" Sun Yiyi was the first to rush straight to the practitioner, and then cut it off with a knife in his right hand!

The previous huge whip wrapped in vines also directly twitched Sun Yi.

However, Sun Yi's combat strength is more than that of ordinary guard battalion soldiers! A huge whip broke in response!

The second one!

Article 3!

Article 4!

It was not until the fifth huge whip was pulled out that it could stop Sun Yi's knife!

Without any interruption, the right knife gradually stopped, and Sun Yi's left machete was picked out at the same time and rushed forward without reservation!

Eight huge whips were cut off, and Sun Yi also went straight to the practitioner.

But what fell into Sun's curtain was not a person, but a huge vine like a beehive hanging on the tree. Before Sun Yi could react, a huge whip that had long been attracted behind him directly hit Sun Yi's back!

The back of the waist has the least muscles and the weakest protection of the spine and kidneys. This long-hidden blow actually cost Sun Yi directly.

But Sun Yi did not avoid it at all and let this whip be whipped on his waist! Even if Sun Yi's body is the toughest, after receiving this blow, he also snorted and his qi and blood were unstable. But with such a blow, his legs suddenly broke out and flew faster to the vine group on the tree like an arrow away from the string!

Change speed with injury!

This kind of thing can only be done by Sun Yi, who can't be killed easily.

So, the simple knife in Sun Yi's right hand almost touched the vine.

The rest of the guards battalion soldiers behind him also rushed forward, and the siege was formed.

But at this moment, the huge vine suddenly dispersed! All those vines scattered into dozens of huge whips and rotated around!

At this time, Sun Yi jumped in the air and had nowhere to borrow power, and he was blown out by these huge whips.

"Can you guys kill my brothers? A bunch of rubbish, Arabian Nights!" The practitioner did not avoid it at all. After the huge whips of the vines were pulled out, he appeared in the original vines.

However, seeing the practitioner's body, the soldiers of the Guards camp removed their attention from this figure and began to guard against enemies that may appear elsewhere.

Because this human figure, like the previous fake eagle, is a polymer composed of vines.

Sun Yi also thought that this human figure was something that a practitioner changed to confuse them. As soon as he landed, he carefully sensed the breath around him and wanted to find the real place of the enemy.

Only Wang San shouted: "Damn! Empiricism kills people! That's the Lord!"

However, it's not that Wang San didn't say it in time, but that he talked too much nonsense. Just as he said the word "empiricism", the human figure hanging on the tree suddenly fell, and all the vines on the ground floated up against gravity!

The soldiers of the Guards Camp did not react, and as soon as this human figure landed, it turned into a five-meter-high Hulk composed of vines!

"Idiot! He really didn't suppress his breath. Do you still treat it as a blindfold? What did you do when the body came out just now? Stupid!" Wang San couldn't stop scolding behind, but his scolding didn't work at all. The Hulk just took shape and punched a nearest guard battalion soldier!

The soldier had no more time to react at all. Seeing this fist bigger than his body waved over, he knew that he had no time to avoid it. He gave up his knife and hit this huge fist directly with one move!

Hearing a loud bang, the soil under the soldier's feet suddenly exploded and flew out and cut on his face. Even the soldiers of the guard battalion felt a burst of pain. Looking at it again, the ground was abruptly smashed into a large pit nearly half a meter deep, and the soldier of the guard battalion actually carried the giant's punch with his own body!

Seeing this scene, the rest of the guards battalion soldiers have estimated the fighting power of the Hulk turned into the vine. He has a huge figure, but his strength is comparable to his own. So these soldiers all held knives and cut down angrily.

However, the Hulk did not care how the soldier of the guard battalion acted. His fist, which was still deadlocked with the soldier, suddenly softened and turned into an independent vine in a primitive and scattered state! The soldier is still competing with this fist. How can he instantly adapt to the change of this fist from extremely rigid to extremely soft? It was just when the shape of this fist changed that his whole body was completely immersed in these vines!

"Haha, fight with me? You all have to die! I want to avenge my brother!" The Hulk suddenly spoke, and his voice was inexhaustible hoarse, but it also seemed inexhaustible crazy.

Wang San sighed: "These big soldiers are crazy to revenge and don't care about anything. Let me take action so soon."

With that, three charms appeared in Wang San's hand again, and the surrounding vitality gathered frantically to Wang San's hand when the three charms were stimulated. Everyone in front of this vision felt it. The soldiers of the Guards felt the convergence of vitality, and the forward rush suddenly stopped. Instead, they retreated together to maintain the charging posture.

The practitioner among the Hulk was stunned, and then laughed and said, "Is this your way to kill my brothers? I don't know if these vines are willing to be more powerful? What a injustice they died. Go and go to the funeral!" With that, the Hulk waved his fist again with the guard battalion soldier and waved to a guard battalion soldier again!

"Go!" Wang San shouted softly, and the three Taoist charms in his hand were annihilated, and the vitality gathered in his hand turned into an vitality arrow and shot at the right fist raised by the hulk.

The practitioner among the giant sneered in his heart, and his right fist paused. Instead, he was going to meet the vitality arrow shot by Wang San. With the help of vitality to make the vines stronger, he killed the soldiers under his fist in one fell swoop.

With an arrow shot out, Wang San bowed his head and said to Yun Duoduo in his arms, "See? What does empiricism kill people? Those soldiers felt that what looked like vines was not the body, and the practitioner felt that as long as it was vitality, it was beneficial to the vines. So, you must not make such mistakes as them, understand?"

Yun Duoduo nodded weakly, and at this moment, the huge right fist facing Wang Sanyuan's arrow suddenly exploded!