fang shi tian shu

Chapter 208 Finally, Nightmare

The two ran like crazy, but the rustling in their ears never went away!

Yunduoduo is a slightly fat girl, and Wang San can only be regarded as a thin bamboo pole. How can a man of more than 120 catties run for his life with a man of more than 100 catties? This kind of simple running, without the slightest power of vitality, is purely fighting for these legs. Wang San is not a person who practices strong gymnastics. That little physical strength is not enough!

It's not that he doesn't want Yunduoduo to return to its original form. Yunduoduo is now breaking through the critical line of the heavenly disaster. If she changes back to its original form, the prohibition on her body will immediately disappear, and the heavenly disaster will come soon!

Although Sun Yi is the most powerful person in the whole guard battalion, he has been hit repeatedly in the heart and physically. Although he still has some strength, the injury in his body is also a little unbearable. What's more, he still has two and drags two! Almost all the weight of the four big men weighed on him and ran for a while. Ren Sunyi also began to breathe unstablely!

The explosion made by Wang San just now is too domineering. Sun Yi, whose body is full of injuries inside and outside, is already a miracle that he can escape with people.

Although it is easier to go up the mountain than to go down the mountain, for the two people who are running away now, going down the mountain is simply the best gift for them by God! Regardless of what body balance is or foot landing, the two people used both their hands and feet with the momentum from high to low. Except for curling up and allowing themselves to roll from top to bottom, all postures came out just to escape!

However, this is going down the mountain. The vines spread on the ground, and the speed does not need to be slow. Following the two to escape halfway up the mountain, the vines like mudslides really brought up the earth and rocks along the way, and really formed a mudslide!

Wang San did not look back, but listening to the voice behind him, he had already found that the situation had changed. But what's the use of knowing it? Whether he knows it or not, the only thing he can do now is to run away!

As close as the foot of the mountain, this vine mudslide limited to the mountain road has been nearly one person high! The earth and stones were mixed with vines, as if they had become part of the control of the vines, demonstrating to Wang San and others not far ahead.

"It's good to be flat!" Wang Sanqi gasped and took four breaths before saying these five words. The clothes on his body have been completely wet with sweat, and his back and chest are tightly glued to his body by sweat, which makes Wang San feel more and more that there is something pressing on his chest and it is difficult to breathe. And the more and more rapid breathing made his throat and nasal cavity painful, as if there were countless red knives constantly cutting. His calves have passed the soreness. Now, his two calves have almost completely lost their intuition. He only feel that these two calves do not seem to be their own at all, but two irons made of lead water are decorated under his torso. The heart beats more and more crazily, and even the ears can hear it. The next second, the heart that makes a loud noise will explode its chest and fly out directly. And what prevents the heart from jumping out is actually a huge impact on the body every time the feet hit the ground!

This is the hardest time Wang San has run since he lived! So he can only keep setting goals for himself, just go wherever he goes, and wherever he goes is safe, and he can slow down a little down where he runs. Although several goals have been set in advance and the situation has not improved since it is achieved, this is the only way for Wang San to persevere. If not, the unreachable feeling of the end will directly destroy him who has no power to fight back!

Although Sun Yi did not speak, his breathing was much more even than Wang San at this time. The more you run, the more serious the injury in your body will be. Previously, the wounds on his body dyed all his robes red. After this period of full escape, the clothes stained with blood turned red by sweat again!

Run to the foot of the mountain!

The feeling of losing control and falling down the mountain at any time suddenly eased most of the time, and at the same time, without the support of the highs and lows, the tired running speed of the two people slowed down.

However, the most unreasonable thing happened: the vine mudslide behind him still maintained the speed just now, or even faster!

Perceiving the abnormal movement of the mudslide behind him, people like Wang San were so terrified that they almost shouted! If he hadn't really lost the strength to shout, he would have let the whole world hear his current fear!

Wrapped in countless earth and stones, those vines were all scattered into these earth and stones. Entangled, these vines actually formed a net basket-shaped frame, supporting all the earth and stones as one as bones, so as not to disperse and lose. During the whole process of rolling down from the mountain, these vines almost did not waste any energy. They completely used the terrain to strengthen their own strength!

Until this time, at the foot of the mountain, the terrain slowed down and the movement of the prey slowed down, and these vines burst out their long-accumulated power!

These are the vines with high wisdom and self-awareness!

At the foot of the mountain, a few hundred meters later ran to the bush forest, and after the bush forest, there was a large team of this line! If you find a large army, even with the tactics of the sea of people, you can resist these vines!

However, it's too late!

Wang San and Sun Yi kept squeezing their injured bodies, but their legs, which had already been out of power, did not listen to the call at all. The pace was uncontrollably reduced, and the pace was uncontrollably slowed down!

And the large vine mudslide is less than five meters away from them!

"Help...Help..." Wang San tried his best to shout, but there was only an angry voice. Even the vocal cords have been running non-stop! Although Yun Duoduo was pulled by Wang San, he was more unbearable than Wang San. His face was pale and seemed that he was about to faint.

Sun Yi can shout out, but his heart is like a mirror. Even if he warns the people in front of him at this time, they will never be able to get there! Those vines are too close to me!

With a fierce bite, Sun Yi suddenly exerted his strength and threw the four soldiers forward with all his strength and shouted, "Run! Don't look back!"

Wang San's head buzzed!

Sun Yi, who threw the soldiers out, turned directly to meet the vine mudstones gathered more than two meters high!

"General!" Two capable soldiers burst into tears. They were thrown out by Sun Yi's strong force and couldn't stop their bodies from moving forward at all. They could only shout like this and want to call Sun Yi back.

And Sun's two arms, like the wall of the city gate, raised them high and hit the earthy stone fiercely!

The momentum of the whole earth and stone suddenly stagnated!

The two soldiers landed at this time, got up with difficulty, and were about to rush to Sun Yi.

"Run! Otherwise, I will die in vain! Those brothers died in vain! Let's go!"

However, they would not listen to Sun Yi at all and staggered to Sun Yi firmly. The blood all over their bodies has already solidified, and what has not solidified is the blood and tears that are surging out!

Wang San also stopped at this time, stopped beside the two unconscious soldiers, closed his eyes and knocked on his chest fiercely, and said cruelly, "What should they do? Do you want them to be buried with you?"

"Either we die together or I die and you live, this won't be counted! Get back!" Sun Yi shouted, and at this time, from the huge amount of soil, the vines had gushed out and wrapped around Sun Yi's arms!

The two soldiers didn't answer at all, and their eyes emitted a fierce light! Fierce light, angry for his general who wants to die before him!

It should be that the two of them will die and let Sun Yi survive!

Both of them were about to break their teeth, almost limping and still walking up the mountain!

Wang San somehow knelt down like this: "Two brothers, I beg you. You can only go up and die with General Sun. Don't go, don't go!" Wang San, who had already lost his voice, has become crying and begging bitterly.

And those vines have begun to spread all over Sun Yi's body! Those earth and stones have been completely stopped by Sun Yi's shining blow, and all the vines have given up these earth and stones and rushed to Sun Yi's body!

These vines that could be easily broken have become iron ropes at this time. Sun Yi, who has exhausted all his strength, can't stop pulling at all. He has to keep pulling these vines to avoid their own key points. They just want to struggle for more time and buy more time for the people behind.

Wang San kowtowed his head to the ground and said, "I really can't do it. My internal organs are almost broken into paste. I have no vitality at all, and I don't need any magic. If it hadn't been for this thing chasing me, I would have thrown it on the ground and fainted. If you go, I can't take these two away at all. General Sun is your brother, and they are also your brothers! I beg you, don't go there to die, I beg you..."

Wang San kowtowed to the ground. Sun Yi said angrily, "Idiot, you can't come here to save me!" Take them away! This is a military order!"

The footsteps of the two are still unstop!

Suddenly, Sun Yi turned his head. Without the majesty of the past, without the attitude of command, the eyes are full of sadness, loneliness and despair. Seeing these eyes, the two soldiers' hearts suddenly tightened and seemed to stop beating.

Sun Yi kept pulling the vines that fell on him crazily in his hand, but he said gly, "Help me take good care of my family and don't make trouble for Xiaodezi."

Two soldiers collapsed and knelt on the ground together. A head knocked on the ground, and the pain was endless.

"Let's go, don't let me die in vain." The vine has climbed to Sun Yi's head and let him pull it, but it can't be stopped at all.

The two soldiers suddenly kowtowed their heads again and stood up straight, as if they were two long guns piercing into the sky: "Your orders!" After saying that, turn around and go down the mountain.

"General Da En, we will never forget!" Turning around, their throats had been choked by tears, and their expressions became more and more resolute.

Sun Yi felt these increasingly tough vines and felt that they were about to get into his head. He sighed: I have no kindness to you. I killed more than 40 brothers. I am atonement.

Sorry, I'm here to accompany you.

A good general who should have left a heavy pen and ink in the world will die.

Even Wang San, who is self-apparent, has seen through people's hearts and people. In such a desperate and helpless situation, he is so sad that he is in a trance.

There are some things that can suppress mood swings that are not known in advance.

Wang San only remembered that as soon as they ran into the bush forest, they saw some figures on the opposite side, and then there was only darkness.

This night was like a nightmare.

(Finally finished this copy... The writing style of the thriller seems to be a little abusive... It's almost 600,000 words. I found that I still seem to be suitable for some layout and wiring to write about the general trend of struggle? Anyway, this type of plot will not be touched. There is no time to sculpt the writing speed of online articles. Writing this is equivalent to slapping your own face. This chapter is the end of this copy. It will be gone during the day tomorrow. I will take a break to make up for it and continue tomorrow night. Finally, I think the plot of going up the mountain can be seen separately. Does anyone want to review this plot as an independent midview?)