fang shi tian shu

Chapter 209 Past, Different Countermeasures

Cung De sits in the central military account.

The general below is as cold as a cicada.

"Let me tell you some good news," Cheng De froze on his seat for a long time before he said, "Wang San and his party have completely entered the control area of the barbarians and are now trying their best to attack the barbarians' barracks supply. With this battle, compared with the barbarians, they will be much more honest and will no longer harass our imperial defense line unscrupulously. From now on, the combat readiness level will be reduced, the soldier's rotation will be increased, and the state will be adjusted. Let's all go down."

However, none of the people in the room moved.

What a person Sun Yi is! Although he led only a hundred soldiers, he led the guard camp under the little general! If it really talks about his position in the army, Sun Yi is undoubtedly the second echelon of the front line of the Python Pass. Paralled with Luo Qiong and Lihai beside Cheng De, he can be said to be one of the three feet that support the whole front of the Python Pass!

And no matter how much the previous war report can be concealed, it can't be hidden from these powerful generals on the front line of pythons. What's more, how can this kind of thing be concealed!

Sun Yi died in battle!

Everyone dared not look up at Chengde's face and sank their heads.

"This strange attack has achieved our previous goal. You should have seen the information from the barbarians. They have begun to mess up. So you don't have to worry."

With a sigh in his heart, Cheng De said, "Since the strategic goal has been achieved, it is inevitable to lose some people's hands. I will make special arrangements for the family. You all go down."

After saying that, Cheng De did not say a word, closed his eyes and was silent. The meaning is obvious, to see off guests.

The generals looked at each other and retreated silently.

Luo Qiong also wanted to say something, but Cheng De's eyes were still closed and seemed unwilling to open them at all. What I wanted to say was stuck in my throat and I went back. After a moment, I suddenly didn't know what to say. Looking at the Li Hai on the other side, the two motioned to each other, secretly arched their hands and retreated together.

In the whole council chamber, there is only Chengde left.

Cung De still closed his eyes and remained motionless.

Suddenly, two lines of tears flowed out, and Cheng De slid down directly from the seat and knelt down on the south.

"Godfather, the child is unfilial."

How many years ago, a soldier who was only 16 or 17 years old was sent to the python pass. Although the soldier is very brave and brave, he is extremely aggressive and flamboyant because of his age. The ten captains of the small soldier's team almost condoned the bad temper of the small soldier. In order to protect the bullish little soldier all day, I don't know how many whips he has received and how much words he has spent.

Until the ten chiefs blocked the deadly knife for the soldier in a battle.

"Brother, why do you always protect me?"

"You are the smallest and the strongest in our team. Who are you protecting?"

"If I'm the strongest, I don't need you to protect me at all, and I don't need you to block the knife at all."

"Kid, I see you as if I were before. I really don't want anything to happen to you."

"There is no such saying, first brother, I've read a book, don't lie to me."

"Oh, you don't know, I really think so. I think your personality is really similar to me back then. The feeling that I want you to learn well, want you to be different from me and more promising, and I want you to learn from me honestly... Alas, I haven't read a book, I can't tell."

"Is it similar to the feeling of a father looking at his son? I heard that fathers want their children to look like themselves, and they want their children not to learn from themselves, but to be better than themselves.

"Don't say that, that's what you mean."

"Brother, do you treat me as a son?"

"At our age, you are also my brother."

"But I always feel like a son in front of you."

"You boy, I'm less than ten years older than you. How dare you call me godfather?"


"You little son of a bitch! It's my birthday, isn't it?"

On this day, the whole python was famous for fighting on the front line. He was chased all over the barracks by a seriously injured man with a big hole like a sea bowl on his waist and abdomen. Once again, he was so handsome that he personally whipped the little soldier 15.

After this day, the soldier and the tenth husband rushed to the front of the other party in any situation to relieve the pressure for the other party.

After that day, the soldier never called the ten captain "Godfather" again.

I didn't know, I called out this "godfather" again, and the two were separated from each other.

Cung De knelt on the ground and did not move at all. The only thing that moved was the tears in his eyes that could not stop.

"General Luo, General Li, how about it?" As soon as the two deputy generals left the general's mansion, they were surrounded by a group of generals.

Luo Qiong sighed and said, "Let him be quiet. Let's go, let's go."

Naturally, everyone knows that Chengde and Sun Yi have the deepest friendship. If Sun hadn't always known a few words, he wouldn't have been just a captain who led the whole guard battalion. Some people even said that Sun Yi deliberately did not learn military tactics and did not lead troops to fight, in order to personally be responsible for the safety of Chengde.

Although Sun Yi has a bad temper, he is really loved by soldiers and his combat effectiveness is really strong. The whole python feels that Sun Yi is a good general and a good man. However, such a person, in this way, left when he should not have left.

After enduring for a long time, a general finally couldn't help looking back at the general's mansion that was almost invisible and asked, "General Sun is dead, shall we just forget it?" No one will be held accountable?"

Luo Qiong recalled the report and said, "A total of 51 guard battalion soldiers and 13 practitioners went on the mission. In the end, only four guard battalion soldiers and one practitioner survived."

Everyone takes a deep breath! The soldiers and practitioners of the Guards Camp are all top combat power! What does this mean?

Luo Qiong didn't say anything next. Wang San and Sun Yi's whole team did not match, and he had known it for a long time. Now that the elite team is almost completely destroyed, and only Wang San has survived, how can people not think about it?

Is that Wang San intentional? Or on purpose?

No one knows this thought in Luo Qiong's heart, just like no one can guess the thought of the barbarian king * Kle Yifeng.

After receiving the military information report, Kele Yifeng still abandoned everyone and said to his shadowy tongue: "Take back all our generals and secretly transfer the most elite team. You go over to recruit another round of members and take back all the people who look good."

was puzzled and reminded, "Your Majesty, the imperial team has not been found yet."

"Yes," said Kleyi, "I haven't found it, so we should give enough space for the people of Dixianmen to find people."