fang shi tian shu

Chapter 211 The twisted gap that is difficult to calm

"Oh? The top leader of our trip has made a speech! Little Sir, let's talk about it. What's your opinion? Diao Hongwu didn't even look at Wang San. He didn't know where he was facing. He almost regarded the back of his head as a face and looked at Wang San.

From the moment Wang San did not pretend to be in a coma, this Diao Hongwu has been using this kind of contemptuous satire and ignoring him. The reason? I just don't accept it!

Because of Wang San's various actions on the way, almost every practitioner has a bad feeling for Wang San. In particular, Diao Hongwu, who has the highest cultivation among this group, clearly has the cultivation of eight meridians, but he wants to look at the people with the cultivation of these six meridians? In terms of cultivation, he dumped him a few streets far away; in terms of teachers, he was the eldest disciple of the two elders of the Yuantian Sect, and Wang San was just an uncultivated wild boy; in terms of prestige, he was supported by all practitioners along the way. Wang San shook his hands and was despised by everyone. In terms of ability, he could bring it up. What can Wang San do in such a large team? Go out alive, come back to death, and bury a whole team of elites?

So, why do the generals of the elders in the teaching only protect such a thing and don't care about themselves at all?

Talking about ten thousand and talking about so many conditions is just jealousy.

Of course, Wang San knows Diao Hongwu's careful thinking. However, this Diao Hongwu has really gone too far.

Wang San opened his mouth and said coldly, "Our purpose this time is to disrupt the enemy's actions, not to kill the enemy. Along the way, we have fought almost all the barbarian strongholds. It seems that there are enough enemies to kill, but..."

Diao Hongwu sneered and said, "But what is it? If so, why are you still lying on a stretcher and asking for someone to carry it?

Wang San ignored his interruption of sarcasm and continued: "However, our deeds along the way are too obvious. As long as the other party looks at which strongholds we attacked, we can immediately infer our location. In this way, our strange soldier is completely exposed to the enemy's eyes. What's the significance of the strange soldier? And..."

"Don't pretend to be compassionate. Do you have any experience in leading troops? Without experience in leading soldiers, why do you talk to me? Are you commanding or am I commanding? I'm commanding. I know more than you. What right do you have to talk about me? Diao Hongwu is purely in flames.

Wang San ignored it, raised his voice and suppressed Diao Hongwu's voice and said, "After continuous fighting, even the soldiers of the Guards can't guarantee more than 80% of their combat strength. Ordinary soldiers are injured and tired, and their combat strength is almost halved. Although you have protected the practitioners very well before, without any casualties or much effort, they are weak, but this urgent march has made everyone unable to bear it. If it goes on like this, where can the whole team still have combat power?

Diao Hong was so angry that he almost roared: "What do you little boy know about morale? Do you know what a fighter is? Do you know what it means to expand the results? You haven't experienced this yourself. How can you analyze it? You don't have this qualification at all. What you said is all wrong!"

At this time, the two have completely evolved into a quarrel, and everyone's attention has to be attracted by their quarrel. Wang San said, "Can't you say what eggs taste like without laying eggs? Is there anything wrong with what I said? People like you who don't listen to others' advice to march in disorder are mentally ill!"

It's not that Wang San doesn't have this temperament. This Diao Hongwu has satirized him for more than a day or two. Mud Bodhisattva still has a little temper. Even if Wang San can pretend to be peaceful and innocent, there is a limit!

Moreover, it's okay for these bastards to die by themselves, but they have not fully recovered their combat effectiveness now. They die, carrying the stretcher, and their wounded man lying on the stretcher will also die!

At this point, Diao Hongwu suddenly changed his face and stiffed his face like the bottom of the pot, as if he was extremely angry and "educated" and said, "It's wrong for you to talk like this. You said that everyone else is sick, and there are hundreds of marchers in total. Do you mean that they are all sick? What do you think when you scold a group like this? Moreover, don't deny us all the time. This is a concerted action. Why does your opinion deny so many people? What's more, you don't have access to intelligence now and don't know what's going on. If you don't know the information, you don't have the right to speak, so don't argue about this matter. Naturally, everyone's choice is right. Take good care of your wounds."

X your X XX! Wang San's heart is scolded! No say? Do you know if I have ever been a soldier? Do you know what weapons I have used? Do you know that I haven't read military books? Do you know that I have never been to the battlefield? Do you know that I have no experience? Saying that I don't know the situation and you don't know my situation, why do you refute all my opinions like this? I have been a lieutenant, do you know?

However, no matter how angry he is, Wang San can't say these words. Although what Diao Hongwu said is denying himself with his own conclusions, in reality, who knows what logic is? Being said by Diao Hongwu's "we" and "everyone", people around him automatically classified themselves as the opposite of Wang San and consciously thought that they were "brain sick" in Wang San's mouth. Coupled with Diao Hongwu's calm and "reasonable" appearance, everyone thought that Diao Hongwu was right, and the eyes looking at Wang San became bad.

Those practitioners have naturally been dissatisfied with Wang San for a long time. The four guards battalion soldiers who survived with Wang San were too seriously injured and had been in a coma, so no one explained what was going on the Snake Head Mountain at that time. Therefore, all the rest of the soldiers put the blame on Wang San. If Wang San hadn't made trouble, why did everyone else die and only he survived?

holding his breath, Wang San did not argue. Close your eyes and take the time to adjust your body's meridians, so that you won't get in when these idiots die.

In the inner vision, the meridians in Wang San's body have all changed. It's not that the rivers that symbolize the meridians have changed, but that the river banks around the river have begun to have plants!

Before, outside the meridians and rivers, it was actually not land, but a nothingness, just like some rivers hanging in the air. But now, the original void around has changed into land. On the land, there is a lot of sand and stone, and even some plants appear. Although most of the things on the river bank are extremely messy and can't tell what it is, it also represents a new realm!

Those river banks and those sand and stone plants on them are distorted by the space sucked into Wang San!

Not to mention others, even Wang San himself can't figure it out. Isn't space distortion energy? How can you really become a physical object and enter your own meridians?

Also, what exactly is space distortion? If it's not energy, is it really the projection of multidimensional space in three-dimensional space? Is it a small independent space? Or is it something that has nothing to do with space, not for cause and effect, but just companionship?

Wang San didn't understand even if he wanted to break his head. At this time, he extremely hoped that someone would give him some guidance!

Then, Wang San remembered his dead master again. It has become a dead ghost. What should I ask?

The only thing we know now is that as these spaces twist into the body, Wang San also has the ability to cast real space spells. To truly master the space magic, it is necessary to completely sort out the "river" that is like a garbage dump in the inner vision, and the injury in your body naturally needs to wait for the problem of the meridians to be solved before it can be fully recovered.

If you want to cry without tears, how can Wang San know when he can get rid of his injury! I can only cry in my heart: "Master, why don't you leave me some powerful inheritance props so that I can be invincible all over the world as soon as I come up. I only left such a rag pocket and the broken robe inside. Fortunately, I always carry it with me like a treasure. Look inside... this inside..."

Seeing that Wang San was generally silent or unconscious, a leading soldier from the Guards came to Diao Hongwu and said, "Mr. Diao, our record along the way is okay. Shall we find a place to hide and adjust it first and recover before launching the next round of attack?"

Diao Hongwu asked, "Do you think the practitioners in the barbarians are easy to fight?"

The soldier thought for a moment and said, "With the assistance of all practitioners, it doesn't feel difficult to fight. It's just that it's much more difficult to deal with than ordinary soldiers, and we need to do our best.

D Diao Hongwu: "This is also the reason why I don't let everyone rest. We are now a strange soldier, and the barbarians have no time to react, so we rarely see practitioners on the road. But what happens when the other party reacts? The army pressed on, and more practitioners also came back. At that time, it would be difficult for us to kill so many enemies. We can only try to kill each other's people before the other party reacts and hasn't finished the dispatch, and seize this time of four or five days, or at least one or two days. Let's support it again. Once we feel that the other party's practitioners are getting more and it's hard to kill, we will immediately run away and hide.

"I'll talk to my brothers right now." Hearing this, the soldier unconsciously bowed his hand and turned away.

After saying these words, Diao Hongwu took a look at Wang San, who closed his eyes, and smiled in his heart: You don't know anything. How can you!

If Wang San can hear it, it will naturally explode. When you find that the pressure increases, people's pockets may have been laid! As soon as they close the door, how many people can break through here?

South barbarian, on the side of the wilderness, there is no city.

Because the barbarians themselves can survive on the edge of the wilderness and can also enter the relatively deep position of the wilderness without much influence, they completely regard this wilderness as a plain, on which there are many villages, many strongholds and many barracks. The small gathering area destroyed by Wang San and his party is basically such a small gathering area.

And the center of all the gathering areas in the wilderness is also on the edge of the wilderness, a city that only uses a fence as a symbolic wall.

In the city, some people are worried.