fang shi tian shu

Chapter 212 What kind of person, what kind of thing

Chen Gengqing blushed and shouted at the people below him, "I don't care! No matter what you do, you must kill those imperial people! Get them all killed!"

The houses in Nanman are mostly tents, and those high-footed buildings also leave gaps in the walls made of bamboo and wood for ventilation and heat dissipation. In this way, the house is certainly impossible to be soundproof. Chen Gengqing's shouting spread far away.

The city next to the wilderness was originally built for the garrison. On weekdays, the training of the troops, the noise of the army, the vendors and labor of goods, make this semi-military simple city show the atmosphere of a developed large town. However, at this time, the whole town was silent, which made Chen Gengqing's voice spread farther.

"Tell you, give me some energy! We won't go to war without the general? Let me tell you, those generals have left, and these soldiers will all be at our disposal! If you don't get this done, you will have good fruit!"

Chen Gengqing and his party were actually in the general's tent at this time. However, unexpectedly, there is no military general here except for a few of their practitioners.

As early as when the Snakehead Mountain was not broken, the southern barbarian king Kle Yifeng began to operate the front line. In addition to the gradual withdrawal of key middle and high-level generals, some important troops from the southern barbarians have retreated. At this time, those who stayed in the wilderness area are not only troops with low combat effectiveness, but also some routine teams that have no ability to fight tough battles.

A practitioner below took advantage of Chen Gengqing's tiredness of breathing and asked, "The high priest didn't say anything?"

Speaking of the high priest, the anger on Chen Gengqing's face suddenly subsides, but he seemed to be a little arrogant and bowed his hand to the distance and said, "What's wrong with you? Is that the power of action that the high priest wants from the barbarian king, otherwise, can we control the soldiers in this whole city?


Chen Gengqing said impatiently, "Tell you, this barbarian king looks down on us and thinks that our immortals can't do anything, so he withdrew all the generals just to see our jokes! If we can't kill those empires and hit the giant python barrier opposite, where should we put our faces!"

With that, Chen Gengqing took out a letter from his arms and said, "Look, this was written by the high priest himself!" If there is a problem, you will understand after reading it! Look!"

Chen Gengqing shouted, but no one dared to look up and really read this letter.

Chen Gengqing absolutely obeys the survival logic of bullying. In his opinion, if you want to climb up, you must flatter the superior, because the official position is given by the boss. And sitting in an official position, you must let your subordinates be abusing yourself, the same reason. And those who have climbed to a high position naturally have to shout at their subordinates, which is their natural right after being their superiors' grandchildren. Each of his subordinates hates him so much that even as long as his status is lower than him, as long as he has deal with Chen Gengqing, he will feel that he is a complete bastard, a villainous face. However, everyone who is higher than him feels very good about him! For nothing else, he will flatter and take care of his face!

Anyway, all the power of Chen Gengqing is given by his boss. Does it have anything to do with the people below?

If ordinary people do it so unbridledly, it may lead to some problems, but there is no such situation in Chen Gengqing. Because this Chen Gengqing's cultivation has reached nine meridians!

Although he has retreated since hitting the nine meridians and has never practiced well, the cultivation of the nine meridians is also cultivated after all, which is not countered by practitioners with low cultivation at all. With such cultivation and working under his hands, naturally no one dares to object, pure words.

Look at the letter in his hand? Maybe as long as he looks up, Chen Gengqing will condemn himself of disrespect to the high priest.

However, because Chen Gengqing strictly abides by his own rules of bullying, he will never joke and lie in the name of the high priest, as everyone understands.

This is also one of the important reasons why the pace of Chen Gengqing's promotion is abnormally stable.

Chen Gengqing took out the letter in his hand and shook it, then made a mistake and sorted it out in a regular way. He put it close to his body, patted it and settled down. Then he said, "So, you must work hard for me and never let these mortals led by the barbarian king see our jokes! We are the elite and in charge of so many troops. Why can't we win? Give me some energy!"

The practitioners below straightened their waists.

"Go now, pull out a team, and lead the team to find it for me! Go now! Hurry up!"

Chen Gengqing shouted, but this time, few people rarely started.

Chen Gengqing was furious and was about to attack. A practitioner said, "Lord Chen, the action plan needs your approval. Without your plan and you to guide us, we can't complete such an important task!"

Hearing this flattery, Chen Gengqing didn't feel it was a flattery at all. His expression was extremely serious and said, "Okay, I'll make a plan for you!" Come on, look at the map!"

Everyone followed Chen Gengqing's buttocks, bowed their heads and walked to the front of the battle map. The practitioner who opened his mouth to beat the horse and picked up the small flag and said, "Lord Chen, you see, the previous war report shows that the places where we were attacked are arranged like this. In this way, their attack sites can be lined up in a long line. This shows that the direction they are going should always..."

"Tell you, they just keep going to this city!"

"Yes, yes, Lord Chen is right. They followed such an almost straight line. Although we don't know why they chose such a route, our best choice is to infer from this route, concentrate our forces and put them..."

"Everyone went there and gave them all to me at once!"

"Yes, yes, Lord Chen instructed. We should surround and annihilate them. According to the instructions of the adults, we should lead a part of the team, put a pocket in the area of Shimizuzawa, continue to show weakness in the direction they are going, and then increase the pressure on the flank, so that they have to get into this pocket. In this way, as long as the door is closed in the back..."

"You just hit me so hard, and you have to kill them with human sea tactics!"

"Lord Chen is wise! We followed Lord Chen's instructions and ambushed near Qingshui Ze and waited for the encirclement.

Chen Bin said that the small flag in his hand had been placed into a decent battle map, and even the march routes of both sides were marked by him. In his speculation, the army infiltrated by the empire must keep moving forward until Shimizuzawa.

However, Chen Gengqing waved his arm and said, "What's the trouble! Around what? Around what? Our troops are so strong, do we still want to ambush? You are in this place, put it on the surface and beat it hard! Don't ambush, just fight!"

"Yes, yes, adults are right. The ambush will consume the soldiers' physical strength. If we don't ambush, we will fight directly with them!"

Chen Gengqing nodded and said seriously, "You must pay attention to this battle, obey the leaders at all levels, resolutely complete the task, and set a good example for our local Xianmen to take military action in the future, improve our morale and destroy the enemy's conspiracy!"

Everyone answered in unison, "Listen to Lord Chen's teachings!"

Chen Gengqing nodded, waved his hand with satisfaction, and said, "Hurry up and go down to work!"

A group of people came out and didn't disperse far. Finally, when he arrived at the place where the general's tent could hardly be seen, a practitioner said, "Chen Bin, I really admire you. If it were me, I would have fallen out with this guy. Can you still make him happy? It's a real ability to say all the useful things and leave a message to make him feel good about himself. I'm really convinced!"

Chen Bin said with a wry smile, "Who let us meet such a boss? There's nothing we can do. We have to find a way to live!"

Another person said, "I said Xiao Chen, I didn't expect that you knew so much about the military? I haven't seen you read military books before when I was in the door!"

Chen Bin sighed, "Who let me take on such a hard job? You can't practice peacefully, and you can't study magic like you. You can always learn something by following those generals to look at the map and listening to them study marching and fighting every day. Besides, if I don't study deliberately, I really can't live.

Everyone hugged Chen Bin: "That bastard just saw you bully you and kept smiling at him before asking you to serve him as a follower. However, you and Chen Gengqing deal with those generals every day. Why can you learn something, but he can't learn it?

Chen Bin smiled more bitterly: "As an official, he doesn't need other skills. He just needs to make his boss happy. Naturally, he has no talent in this regard."

A practitioner suddenly took a breath and said, "He really doesn't have any other skills. Have you ever heard of this stupid tactic of fighting directly without ambush? I, a pure lay person, know that ambush and sneak attack must be better than a hard attack. Doesn't he even know this common sense?

"His mind is full of climbing up, and he doesn't know any other common sense." Another practitioner said.

Indignant, everyone asked, "Chen Bin, you know best here. Do you think we listen to him?"

Everyone's faces showed a look of desire. Of course, Chen Bin knew what everyone meant, but after thinking about it, he still replied with difficulty, "Listen to him, don't ambush."

Other practitioners suddenly blew up: "Why!"

"Alas," Chen Bin sighed and said, "With this kind of boss, we must resolutely obey orders. If we lose, we will do exactly what he wants. Even if he loses the team because of his mistake, it is because of his reasons, which can only prove his decision. Therefore, even if we lose, as long as we have always obeyed the order and paid the price, he will be embarrassed to refute his face and punish us. Instead, he will give some rewards because we fought bravely, otherwise it is equivalent to admitting his wrong order.

"But if he doesn't obey his orders and wins, no matter how beautiful he is, he will feel uncomfortable. Marching and fighting, how can one not die and make no mistakes? He must reward you on the surface, and then try his best to find your little mistake and beat you to death because you are disobedient.

Everyone listened and was silent. Chen Binluo talked a lot, but the meaning was clear enough. There is no other way but to carry out that obviously wrong order.

"For fortunately, there is only Chen Gengqing. If there are such people in my fairy gate, sooner or later my fairy gate will be dragged down!" Complaining, everyone had no choice but to disperse and perform their duties. They have never done the march. Now that I suddenly take over such a job, there is too much to study.

And Diao Hongwu and his party did not know that the barbarians had begun to attack themselves and still attacked along the straight line!

And almost all seemingly unreasonable coincidences in the world are formed in such a stupid way.

(I'm criticizing illusoryism. By the way, it has been updated recently, and this chapter is 3K5! Without the decline for more than a month, then I will recover to collect and ask for red tickets! Collection! Red ticket! Sincerely ask!)