fang shi tian shu

Chapter 213 No strategy, only fighting

Diao Hongwu asked, "How's it going? Have you felt difficult in the recent battles?"

The leading guard battalion soldiers said, "Now we are still facing the regular troops of the barbarians, and there is no sign of large-scale dispatch of troops."

Dao Hongwu patted his chest and said, "It's been three days, and these barbarians haven't reacted yet. This is a good thing! This shows that their reaction ability is low and their command is not good. We just want to kill the enemy quickly when the other party can't react.

Seeing Diao Hongwu's gratified and a little excited, the soldier thought for a moment and still said, "Mr. Diao, even if the barbarian's decree is not going well, he should not be unreacted for three days! I think there is fraud in it.

"Is there fraud?" Speaking of this, Diao Hongwu glanced at Wang San lying on the stretcher and said contemptuously, "Why do you also say it's fraudulent? Are they willing to pay the cost of the loss of 6,000 or 7,000 troops along the way in order to induce us?

is not proud of Diao Hongwu. Along the way, because the combat strength of the soldiers of the Guard Battalion and those practitioners is really outstanding, the barbarians without special top combat power can hardly resist. With countless arrow-like attack points to rush forward, the barbarian defenses were almost useless, and this group of people hanged almost all the enemies along the way like mowing grass.

This is just a team of hundreds of people!

Today's results have been ten times the number of their own teams!

There are fewer casualties, and there is a loss of soldiers along the way, but only a dozen people!

Thinking of his people's achievements, the guard battalion soldier also muttered a little. Although I think this matter is strange and should be fraudulent, I think that even if the other party makes an ambush, it is not worth the loss to pay such a price. What's more, with their own fighting power, even if they are trapped by the enemy, they can also take away several times their own enemies when they break out.

So, what on earth do these barbarians want to do?

Diao Hongwu comforted: "Our group of people, to put it bluntly, are all dead men. We just want to interfere with the territory of the barbarians and prevent them from having the energy to attack our python. No matter how these barbarians are arranged, haven't we achieved our goal now? Don't curse yourself all day like some people, just say something depressing.

Needless to say, Diao Hongwu refers to Wang San.

Wang San didn't hear it.

I didn't hear it.

Since he and Yun Duoduo were rescued, Wang Sanqiang endured the severe pain in his body and insisted that he and Yun Duoduo be put on the same stretcher. Seeing that everyone agreed, he finally passed away in a coma.

How can there be only one woman in a team of hundreds of people safe?

Fortunately, Wang San protected him, and these soldiers were still disciplined.

Wang San is thin and tall, and naturally not heavy. Although Yunduo is slightly fat, she is a little girl after all. The combined weight of the two is not as good as a guard battalion soldier with muscles comparable to steel. Therefore, two people were saved to work hard.

Therefore, the whole team of more than 300 ordinary soldiers were divided into more than 30 shifts, carrying these five pairs of stretchers in turn. It's almost two days to get more than half an hour's turn, and it's not a burden for these soldiers. However, it is not convenient for Wang San to talk from these soldiers. I haven't got along well yet. Who would like to talk to you?

Even if there are very few people who know you when they come up, and everyone is like this. Looking forward to asking for news from them? It's harder than ordinary people, and your secret can't be kept either. Wang San understood this and became more and more speechless, no matter how these soldiers, or how toss Hongwu.

Diao Hongwu continued to ask, "Are you familiar with the terrain in front of you? Where are we going? If we run away, can we escape from the barbarians immediately?

Fang Jin, the leader of the Guards battalion, was obviously prepared and said, "We have also touched this area several times, and we still know it. The prisoner who was caught before also asked some questions. They have not received any orders now, just raise their guard. In this way, if we travel for two or three days, we can hit Shanyang City on the edge of the barbarians.

"Can you believe the words of prisoners?"

"There is a reference to their march map. Our means are not enough to ask for false information.

Diao Hongwu also put down his heart. No matter how strong he is, he is still a lay person in marching and fighting. He knew that Wang San couldn't do it, and he also knew that he couldn't do it either. It's just that he feels that Wang San is better than himself in all aspects. With Fang Jin's guarantee, Diao Hongwu said, "You must pay attention to the strength of the other party. As long as their strength becomes stronger, don't show off and run away immediately. Keep the green mountains without worrying about firewood.

Fang Jin doesn't care either. This is an obvious manifestation of the timidity of new recruits, but for this kind of practitioner who has never seen blood, it is enough to give them a lot of help in the battle, and there is no need to pursue it.

The battle along the way has never stopped. As they get closer and closer to the edge of the wilderness, the gathering points of the barbarians have also begun to become dense, and the barbarians seem to have finally begun to arrange against them. There are more and more conflicts along the way, accompanied by more and more troops to face the enemy in the war. Diao Hongwu tried to retreat several times, but Fang Jin's feedback to him was that the extra soldiers were only ordinary soldiers, without any high-end combat power mixed in it, and he could still fight. So, he kept marching.

The six injured numbers led by Wang Sanyun are lying in five pairs of stretchers, in an absolutely safe position in the middle of the team. Although I can hear the killing outside never stop, I can't see it far away. Wang San's only feeling is that the shouting of the soldiers on his side has obviously become a little tired and hoarse, and the high fighting spirit should not last long.

However, it has always won.

As the danger of the barrenness under their feet became lower and lower, the knife in the soldiers' hands became more blunt, and the smell of blood on their bodies became heavier and heavier. Even Diao Hongwu, who was obviously bold in Wang San's eyes, was a little guilty. He pulled Fang Jin over several times and asked, "Why hasn't there any action on the opposite side? Should we change the route to avoid the wind and take a break?

If things don't happen to you, anyone will be angry. However, once you are immersive and happen to yourself, you will feel the real crisis and urgency, and the original domineering spirit of "once I take action, everyone will walk aside" will be gone.

Fang Jin thought for a moment and said, "Indeed, we haven't encountered much resistance from the beginning. I don't believe that the barbarian generals are so stupid. Maybe there is really fraud in it.

It has been nearly three days since I met the first wave of enemies after Snake Head Mountain. In three days, there was no effective counterattack. This is absolutely abnormal!

Diao Hongwu glanced at Wang San lying on the stretcher and said, "Let's withdraw now. If you die, there is no effect of detering the threat."

Fang Jin just wanted to answer, but his face suddenly changed!

(Morning, no, there must be another chapter this morning.)