fang shi tian shu

Chapter 231 Counter, a man's siege

seven meridians!

For others, the seven meridians may not be very rare. After all, Diao Hongwu, who led the team, is the cultivation of the eight meridians, and the other practitioners of the seven meridians have not died in battle and still survive in the team.

Not to mention the practitioners of the Fairy Gate.

However, there is a complete spatial structure in my meridians!

"Hahaha! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you for letting me break through, haha!"

Everyone only heard Wang San's almost crazy laughter from the array.

At this time, the space cracks in the array suddenly changed, and some sparse cracks burst again. The whole space was like a cocoon bound by countless insect nets, covering all the scenes in it, and even Wang San's continuous laughter was almost completely covered.

These dense space cracks not only become dense, but also begin to produce different attractions and repulsions! Wang San only felt that his body was constantly involved by all kinds of strange forces, his vitality was involved, and even his spirit began to be involved!

This is the real disaster of Wang San!

All the space cracks and the space laws of their extension are all to tear and devour Wang San!

Yunduoduo cultivates the road of heaven, and the divine knowledge of heaven is not against nature. She caused a natural disaster and had nothing to do with cultivation. Most of it was because she was mixed with Wang San and inevitably did a lot of things that went against God's will but conform to Wang San's will. This is the reason why Yunduo caused the thunderstorm. Lightning is a quake, and it is born to restrain the spirit of consciousness.

And Wang San's cultivation is not high, but his space skills, from now on, the real entry is a small success. Therefore, dealing with his natural disaster is naturally a space disaster!

Spiritual consciousness is constantly pulled by the space cracks around. If it were anyone outside, it will inevitably be twisted into dust in an instant, and even the blood fog will not be left, and it will be sucked into countless space cracks.

Wang San picked up Yun Duoduo again.

The demon removal array was abolished by the heavenly disaster. Yunduoduo's spirit was better, and he finally regained some consciousness. Feeling the strange thin lines around him, Yun Duoduo asked, "Third brother, what's wrong? Am I involved with you?

"These people outside wanted to hurt us, but it turned out to make me break through by mistake."

Yun Duoduo was overjoyed: "Third brother, you said that after you break through, my disaster will be easy to pass!"

Wang San gently kissed Yun Duoduo's forehead and said, "Yes, it's okay."

A kiss on the cheek.

But Yunduoduo still smelled the blood in Wang San's mouth!

"Third brother, don't lie to me! Isn't it okay? Why did you get hurt!"

Wang San smiled and said, "How can the third brother be willing to lie to you! Your disaster is not threatened, but this is my disaster!"

Only then did Yun Duoduo, who was confused, find that the thin lines suspended in space kept going in and out of Wang San's body, wrapped in vitality and even some flesh and blood! Wang San's face has not been very bloody since the beginning!

And Wang San held himself tightly. More importantly, as long as he was a little far away from his body, Wang San could not keep it at all.

"Third brother, you..."

Wang San patted Yun Duoduo on the back and said, "It's okay. I shouldn't die. So, now it's time to give them a thank-you gift and thank them for helping me break through."

Yun Duoduo put his chin on Wang San's shoulder in surprise, looked at the complicated space cracks like peerless patterns around him, and exclaimed, "It's so beautiful! Third brother."

Wang San took the time to look around and said, "Yes, if only we appreciate such a beautiful thing, doesn't it seem selfish?"

After saying that, Wang San stepped out.

Only this step, these space cracks that had already reached dynamic balance seem to have been suddenly broken, twisted violently, and poured out around!

Several empires and barbarian soldiers who were the first to take the brunt did not even make a sound. Their bodies split directly, and then the cracked fragments disappeared!

Body, vitality, everything exists in space. Space is broken. How can things that exist in space be preserved?

People who don't have time to escape, struggle in danger, those spells, those knives, all become jokes!


Chen Bin, who was hiding in the dark, finally issued the first order outside his plan! He is a new military general, but he is also a practitioner. From the time those space cracks appeared, Chen Bin had an endless sense of powerlessness. He knew that these people, even the more than 100-meter imperial elite, had no room for resistance in front of this strange power. I thought this strange power was too domineering to last long, but now these cracks have spread out rapidly. What's the use of these people continuing to surround here?

However, Diao Hongwu did not agree!

"You can't go! This is their return to the light and the final struggle! If we retreat and let them escape, we will be the sinners of the world!"

Diao Hongwu's words did not play a role. Most people are barbarians, so they naturally have to listen to their own generals. What's more, those cracks are so strange that they can't resist at all, and even Diao Hongwu himself can't help retreating!

Wang San's voice sounded at this time: "Don't go, everyone, enjoy these space cracks! This is the gift of nature. The scattered pattern is so plump, freehand, and so pleasing to the eyes! This is the result of everyone's efforts. Don't miss it!"

Where does anyone have the heart to appreciate? Whether it is practitioners, ordinary soldiers, or even those guards and battalion soldiers, they will die at a touch in the face of these patterns in Wang San's mouth!

Everyone, especially the barbarians, retreated in an orderly manner at the beginning.

However, order means order.

I saw with my own eyes that the companion behind me did not act recklessly, but was strangely cut into countless pieces. Through the cracks of the fragments, I saw the wriggling of the muscles and internal organs in the body, and then disappeared irregularly, and finally there was not even a trace of dust left. They are not afraid of death, but they are afraid of such a weird and meaningless death!

Stop for a moment, and all order will be shattered by powerlessness and fear!

The maintenance of order must be premised on the formation of order as a force. If the order does not have any effect or even reacts, how can anyone abide by the order!

Like snowballs, in an instant, sporadic deserters turned into large-scale defeats, like scattered sand blown by strong winds on the road, piled up aimlessly together.

"Don't go! You should know how to appreciate art. Fortunately, I have arranged the venue. Let's take a good look at this rare art!" Wang San's figure is still buried in countless dense space cracks. But the more he can't see his figure, the more dangerous his voice is, like a life-threatening ghost.