fang shi tian shu

Chapter 232 Empire

Chen Bin's position is on the outermost part of the whole battlefield, which is the furthest away from Wang San. Such a position is convenient for him to objectively grasp the real-time situation of the whole battlefield and run away. But just after he turned around and took a few steps, an invisible wall suddenly hit him, making him unable to move forward!

Chen Bin touched forward in panic, and a hard wall could be clearly touched in front of him. The beating, knife cutting, and magic were ineffective, and he could not shake half of the wall. However, there is nothing in front of us!

Looking back, the whole team has collapsed! Even if he reorganizes the team now, he can no longer complete the original spirits of the whole team!

Leaning against this invisible wall for gambling, Chen Bin was stunned to see the soldiers chased like headless flies by an ugly wool ball.

He is not a talented person.

Born as a farmer, and his parents died early. Although he was born on the imperial border near the southern barbarians, the unprecedented locust drought a few years ago also affected these poor people far away from the disaster area. The world is barren, and it must be the people at the bottom who have no family to suffer first. Affected by the disaster, he lost his family. Influenced by the villagers' inexplicable superstition, everyone regarded him as a disaster. In order to survive, he endured. He was beaten and scolded without regret. He was injured and unconscious and didn't care at all, as long as others were willing to give him a bite to live.

That year, he was 17 years old, when the three outlooks began to form.

Even if he met the charlatan who taught him the introductory knowledge, his life has not improved. The charlatans themselves don't know much about practice, and their understanding is extremely shallow and limited. But in order to learn this kind of thing, Chen Bin pretended to be a grandson for more than a year and became a punching bag for more than a year. It's not that he is willing to endure the abuse of the charlatan, but that it is difficult for him to learn such a simple thing.

Everything is just to survive.

The world has changed greatly, and the earth fairy gate secretly accepted people. Just as he saw the threshold of practice, he was taken into the earth fairy gate without even stepping into the door, which changed his life.

However, the hierarchy of practitioners is too clear. If he can't go up, he is still swallowing his life at the mercy of others. However, in order to live, he can endure it. He endured the white eyes of his brothers, endured the daily abuse of the teacher, endured everything, and became a job as an attendants to wash the toilet for the elders. Because he knows that he is just a practitioner of four meridians, and he may not be able to add a few meridians in his life.

Until now, he found that he really had the talent to serve as a general in the army!

All the patience and insults before made sense in an instant, as if all the hardships he suffered in the past were prepared for the current army.

His life is no longer just for survival!

Until now.

The messy thing like a wool ball not far away has dashed all my hopes. It seems that I am going to die. How can a person with only four meridians avoid this disaster? Even if he survives, what about the team he led? After suffering such a great loss, who else will believe him and let him lead the army to fight in the future? Originally, this was the battle to build prestige, and it went on like this...

Everything is ruined.

Chen Bin's eyes are becoming more and more numb and empty, standing still as if they were rotten wood.

The imperial people fell one after another and fell in front of Diao Hongwu, making Diao Hongwu's virtual fire more and more vigorous. Despite his trembling feet, he said angrily, "Wang San! You ungrateful bastard! How dare you attack your own people!"

No one responded to him.

"How much did these people help you! Carry you to walk, give you food, and protect you in war. How dare you do you to fight against us! You are not afraid of retribution!"

Wang San's voice came: "No kindness. Even if there is, it will be taken away when you want to kill our couple.

Yun Duoduo said an anxious voice: "Who and you are a couple!" She's still a big girl!"

The episode, but no one laughed, but the mood was heavier.

This shows that the maker of this space crack is not strange and extremely safe! That is to say, they can't consume it!

"Wang San! I won't let you go! You don't want to die!"

At this moment, not only Diao Hongwu, who was already hostile to Wang San, but everyone in the imperial team began to loudly scold Wang San for being ungrateful and ruthless.

They forgot their previous argument that "non-our people must have different hearts".

Anyway, morality is just something for most people to defend themselves.

Wang San was unmoved. Those growing and moving space cracks, like the tentacles of the devil, constantly involved in life and harvesting.

A figure was silent and rushed back to the cracks. When everyone retreated, his behavior was extremely eye-catching.

However, it is only eye-catching.

The moth fights the fire.

It shattered and passed away.

Chen Bin died.

Before rushing to those space cracks, the magic released by his left hand and the machete suddenly smashed by his right hand seemed to be a child's play.

All attacks, before these space cracks, are children's play.

can't resist.

From afar, after the dense cracks here grew, all the thin line-like traces suddenly shrank, as if they were exploding inward. Then, countless bucket-like thunder and lightning fell, and the vitality fluctuated violently.

The dark clouds in the sky almost pressed on the ground for a long time. Until the night.

Within a radius of 1,000 meters, the ground seems to have been ploughed, more than one meter lower than the surroundings. There is nothing on it, not even stones, and the ground is not covered with sand, but dust. Occasionally, I see some burnt black marks on these dust, which is the only color on this land.

Wang San sat on the ground, gasping heavily. In the gas he exhaled, the smell of blood was extremely obvious. Looking at these extremely desolate scenes around him, Wang Sanxin said with lingering flinchingly, "Did I do all these?"

Yunduoduo said, "It should be." Third brother, where are we going next?

Wang San smiled bitterly: "Let's go back to the empire first, but the whole army was destroyed in this battle. As a team leader, I don't think there is any good fruit to eat.

Yun Duoduo said, "But this time a lot of imperial people have also died, and some of them have been destroyed in vain..." Yunduo obviously lacked the confidence to say this. This kind of destruction of the whole army was not fought on the battlefield, but because she was killed by Wang San indiscriminately. It's a loss.

"Such a large formation can be used in the time of disaster, otherwise how can I, a person with seven meridians, kill thousands of people alone? Will anyone believe it? It's okay, let's go. It will be an empire."