fang shi tian shu

Chapter 257 A few words

After Chu Wendu returned to the imperial capital, he mainly said three sentences.

Chu Wen didn't care about anyone's attacks and speculations. Xie En only said one sentence: "Let you clean up the Western army, take away the original generals, and let you install the cronies of all parties, but the action process of the establishment system of the Western Army is the foundation I have adhered to for many years. As long as I live, you will not Xu Dong."

This word came out, and the court was in the court. There were many quarrels in the court, and Chu Wendu's words became a huge torch that once again burst the fire potion. Only Jiang Kexiong, the emperor, suppressed the controversy and said, "A good system is more important than a good general? Humph, for the time being.

At the end of the morning, all the officials were afraid of the famous and violent General Chu, and were even more shocked by the harsh words put down from the front. No one dared to come forward to talk to him, and Yang Hairuo, who had been waiting outside the hall for a long time, could easily see him. When he told Yang Hairuo to go to the house to attend the family banquet, Chu Wendu said, "Don't think that you have the final say with a big fist, otherwise the soldiers will have already reversed, and the practice plan has been reversed; don't think that if you can win people, you will have power, otherwise the soldiers will have rebelled early, and the practice plan will have been reversed."

The two sentences made Yang Hairuo and the second monk confused and probably understood the meaning of the words, but he didn't understand why his uncle said such words at this time. But she knew her uncle's temper, so she could only respond first and talk about all her questions later.

And the family banquet was held at the first time. In the face of several family members of the brothers in the courtyard and the desperate brothers around him that he had not seen for many years, Chu Wendu's first sentence at the banquet was: "In the imperial capital, there is a third decision on business. You mother-in-law always have a chance to get together, but it is hard for her sister-in-law to pull a family alone. You dare not visit, I'll go!"

In a word, the men and women here cried silently. Chu Wen and Murongchi didn't say a word, and the spirits dried three sea bowls in a row. Although Yang Hairuo endured it and did not shed tears, his nails were embedded in the flesh of the palm of his hand and bled unconsciously.

In the capital, in General Yuanshan's mansion, the wife rarely became really angry with the two young masters, pointed to her nose and scolded, "You two bastards! What a mess! The family of the general of the border army arranged to do quality in the capital. This kind of three-year-old child knows the truth. You are all over 20 years old, why can you still not understand it!"

"Mom, we understand. But that's Uncle Chu. I think we should meet him. After all, he is a junior..."

Madam was so angry that she said, "Do you understand? Do you understand that you still messed up? What do you think I moved here for? It's just to show those people that we are not interested in those power struggles. Don't visit us. We just want to live in peace. But what are you doing!"

"We just got into the carriage and said a few words to Uncle Chu, but we still didn't allow us to talk? Besides, Dad and Uncle Chu are brothers, and the family relationship is even more intimate than their own uncle, so..."

Madam was so angry that her head ached. She rubbed her temple and said, "Two things that can't hold the wall!" It's because the relationship is too good that it is suspected of party formation for personal gain! You don't understand such a simple truth! Your sixth uncle didn't see anyone along the way. He went to the pilgrimage to the Holy One as soon as possible in order to show his lack of selfishness and absolute loyalty to the Holy One! You don't understand such a simple truth! When we arrived at the capital, we closed the door and deliberately distanced ourselves from others, which was to fundamentally block others' mouths, so as not to be attacked and win over the power! You don't understand such a simple truth! Especially at such a ** time, your father and uncle were all dismissed, and as a result, you two went to join in the fun! Do you want to take this opportunity to get a position and become a prince in the army? You don't understand such a simple truth! I'm so angry!"

"But we don't have this thought, just..."

Madam patted the table and said angrily, "Do you have any thoughts that are useful? The important thing is that others think you have this intention! Originally, when I was accompanying you, you basically didn't go out much. Most people didn't know you when you kept a low profile. But now that this has happened, everyone now knows who the two young masters of Yuanshan General's Mansion are, and they all know that these two young masters choose to appear when they choose to appear like this. Under such a comparison, is there no intention to be useful? You don't understand such a simple truth!"

"We just miss Uncle Chu. When we were young, Uncle Chu was the most..."

"jin jin! Don't go out of the hospital. When will you reflect on when you can go out!"

After training her two sons, the lady specially called Wang San and asked, "Mr. Xiao, my two sons are ignorant. Can't you see the truth?"

Look at the accountability of short-term performance, what an asshole system!

Wang San said, "What your wife said is more or less understandable."

"Understand something?" Madam sneered and said, "Looking at Yunduo's uncomfortable appearance all day long, how can you only understand a little? I can see that your practice has not been used several times, but the ability of calculating people has never stopped. What on earth do you think about this?

Wang Sanwei said, "Madam, it's really not my plan. I also want to be with Duoduo... But every time I see her, I..." stopped talking and changed the topic with discouragement. "I just feel that the two generals have been dismissed now and have no military power. What's wrong with meeting them? Anyway, the two young masters are sincere, and no one can find fault. Besides, now that the general has been dismissed, is still tense, does it make sense?

"Young people are hot-headed and confused for a while!" Madam shook her head and said, "Like you and Yunduoduo, you know the general direction, but you always make such small mistakes to delay big things. Let's teach in their room these days. The two children do seem to have made some progress, which is also due to you. When the matter is over, we will find an opportunity to reward them.

Why wait for things to pass? Because I'm in a bad mood now, I have no idea of reward.

Wang San took the order to thank him and left.

Back in Yang Pojun's room, Wang San said, "Ogod, it's all over."

"Is it over?" The two young masters couldn't believe it, but they were afraid of the "gu" in their bodies controlled by Wang San at any time and dared not get angry and asked, "What do you mean? Are we going to end our confinement? Is this your original purpose?

Wang San was also in the mood and asked, "Are you tired of pretending your emotions and calculating other people's thoughts and reactions all day?"

The two young masters don't dare to answer. Who knows which answer makes Wang San unhappy, and he will have that kind of sharp pain again. However, Yang Poxie paused and said, "I'm tired. Learning from you these days is the most tiring days in my life.

"Then we won't learn this. I'm more tired than you. Next, I will teach you thousands of skills in the usual sense.

(I'm tired too! Writing this kind of plot is brain-consuming and troublesome... It's more tiring than my previous digging a big hole to write suspense... The key is not to please. But the lines are all here, and they can't be done without them. I have written 2,000 words from nine o'clock to now, which is not a simple state problem. Next, I adjusted myself.)