fang shi tian shu

Chapter 258 Hot Water, Tofu, Dice


"Madam, Mr. asked for two large wooden barrels for bathing."

"Madam, the little gentleman asked us to buy tofu. The tenderer the better, and the more seven or eight boards."

"Madam, the little gentleman asked us to set up a stove to boil water in the yard, but he didn't think there were enough water for two people to carry it."

"Madam, little sir..."

The lady held her forehead and listened to the servants' continuous reports with a helpless face. Finally, hearing this endless report, the wife asked, "But it doesn't matter. What else does he want?"

"Well... He asked each of the two young masters to prepare ten sets of clothes to change clothes, 20 pounds of soap horns, towels at any time, and five people to wait for work..." He swallowed his saliva and said, "They seem to be taking a bath. The water poured out is basically tofu soup. Is it possible to soak the bath water with tofu? Beauty?"

"Let them go, it's just troublesome and waste a few plates of tofu. Those who are envoyed by them come to receive rewards at night.

"But it's just a shower, with such a big constitution..."

Madam said helplessly, "Don't worry about them. Let's see what the effect is later. Go down."

When one person calms down, the lady also feels ashamed to cry. Let Wang San teach his two sons, just find something to do for all three of them. Who wants to be so big! At first, the two sons cried and said that they were beaten every day, but they couldn't see any injuries. Now they take a shower, which makes the whole house restless. What will happen to Wang San next?

If it hadn't been for the recent progress made by her two inhuman sons, and if Li Su and the generals outside had been saying good things about Wang San, she would have kicked Wang San out!

There are also two young masters who want to drive Wang San away.

Two small tables, each with a sieve cup and six dice.

Behind the table is a large waist-high bathtub, which is full of hot water, and two pieces of tofu are placed at the bottom of each bathtub.

At this time, the two young masters were soaking in the bathtub, stepping on tofu under their feet, standing carefully, and did not dare to come out.

Yang Pojun held his breath and said cautiously, "I really can't stand..."

Saying this, the two pieces of tofu under his feet were directly broken. So he heard Yang Pojun screaming, shocking the world and crying!

"Wang San, this is embarrassing! Don't you know from the ground? Besides, we are such a heavy person, how can we hold two pieces of tofu!" Yang Pojun shouted unwillingly.

Wang San looked at Yang Poxie's bathtub and nodded, "Look at the second young master, isn't he standing well? You see, his stomach trembled all over, and the tofu also trembled, but it was not broken. Don't learn!"

As soon as Wang San's voice fell, the clear water in Yang's evil bathtub suddenly turned into turbid milky white. Yang Po said evilly, "Wang San, can you say less! You have a belly, and your whole family has a belly! Aren't you making trouble? It's not easy for me...ah!"

Wang San said, "Of course I know that force rises from the ground, but to shake the dice, you only need your hands. Do you need to use your feet? If you are not good at learning, others will know that you have played tricks when they see you moving the dice all over. It's strange not to kill you. You have to hide even if you go out of thousands, right? Anyway, with me, just do it, and don't move other parts. That's right!"

With that, Wang San picked out two pieces of tofu and said, "Change the water. Everyone has a piece of tofu on his head. Don't drop it."

"You are embarrassing! Without you...ah!"

Wang San is not in a hurry. Anyway, it's not him who hurts.

"If you don't rely on making props such as dice, you can only be quick-eyed. Either you can pick up the dice cup and shake it, or you can secretly glance in with your eyes. And it's best to control when you pick it up and shake it. The dice are swaying on the top of the dice cup. It is difficult to turn over, but it is easy to control. It is more difficult to roll the dice on the table, but the skill is actually very simple, just remember a few points. There are several points on each side of the dice. How much force can be used to shake it to turn it several times? What is the effect of suddenly reverse when turning? What is the effect of walking the arc? How will the dice turn over when the dice collides with each other? These should not only be memorized, but also become an instinctive memory of the body. It's easy to say, but it's all things that make perfect, and it's time-consuming.

Wang San said a lot, and he didn't care whether the two young masters listened or not.

After the water was changed, the two young masters stood on the tofu in the bathtub again. Wang San continued: "So, it's easy to distinguish the master. The master shakes the dice regularly. The action is definitely a combination of these movements, and he never needs to be vigorous, and always controls his strength gently. Most importantly, when doing these movements, ordinary people must move in coordination. That's why I want you to stand on the tofu. When you shake the dice, the more uncoordinated your body is, the more you use the strength of your arms to exert force, and the more you look like a novice reckless man, so that you will not be targeted. Coupled with the disguised emotions I taught you before and the judgment of the banker's emotions I will teach you in the future, you won't lose, and you can also keep your life from being silenced by the banker.

The two young masters didn't listen to a word. Standing on tofu, is this what people with normal brains do?

But it's the most annoying. Wang San even scooped out water little by little! The less water, the less buoyancy, and the easier it is to break!

"Did you learn strong gymnastics for nothing? Disassemble the movements of strong gymnastics, and use dark energy on your waist, hips, knees and ankles! Fine control, fine control!"

Constantly changing water and screaming. Tired of carrying water and boiling water outside, there are also people who go to the tofu shop to keep urging tofu to run errands. However, with the prohibition of sound insulation, they can only work in vain and don't know what's going on inside.

At night, the wife looked at her son who had obviously turned white a lot, paralyzed like a dead dog, and was speechless for a moment.

Li Su ran to Wang San's room and said, "Mr. Xiao, what on earth did you do? How can you stir up the public?"

"Madam asked you to come?"

"Yes. General Chu got the news. Seven or eight days later, when he had arranged the family affairs, he would come to visit his wife. Madam wants to ask, if you wait for General Chu to come, I'm afraid..."

"It doesn't matter. I'll change the way then."

"Little sir, what on earth did you do today? I really don't understand. Can bathing in tofu water for a long time whiten? Looking at the skin color of the two young masters, it doesn't look like it's just swollen..."

Wang San smiled awkwardly: "It is true that tofu water has this effect. The brine is a little corrosive, removing the dead skin, and then the nutrition of the beans is soaked in little by little, whitening without wrinkles. Therefore, it is not just a coincidence that there are many beautiful women making tofu. But I really didn't do this to give them beauty..."