fang shi tian shu

Chapter 259 Slightly Deviation

With nothing to do, Wang San made the same memes for Li Su. Li Su just stood in, had a few movements in her hand, and her face instantly became wonderful. The tofu under his feet was not broken, and Li Su kept scooping out the water in the bathtub. After scooping up to two-thirds, it is overweight and the water becomes milky white.

"Little sir, I really want to open your head and see what's inside. How did you come up with this method?

Wang San covered his head and said carefully, "Just think about it. Don't take it seriously. It's just fun."

"Do you know it's useful for me?"

"What is really useful is naturally universally applicable. It's just body details control. It's no big deal.

"I am writing to the generals as a training subject."

"Don't mention my name."


"Bible, Brother Li, please arrange for some maids to help us change water or something tomorrow. If it's a little beautiful, it's up to you."

"Just look a little better than the clouds?"

"You know."

"Little sir, you are really..." Li Su was really speechless.

Wang San's hippie smile: "Don't praise me, I can't help but praise!"

Li Su came out of the bathtub, put on his coat and said, "Little gentleman, you are really similar to General Chu. My mind is full of strange ideas, but I don't show my ability. It seems that I haven't seen you use any magic except for a few hard work, right?

Wang San nodded and said, "Yes, it's useless."

"But Yuantian Sect often uses it. Although there is no dispute over the court, they have been preaching the law. You should have heard the slogan.

"Everyone can practice and live conveniently."

"Yes," Li Su said, "Look at them. They advocate that daily things can be solved by magic. Those outside have to use magic for almost everything they do. Why don't you use them? After a long time, I almost forgot that you are a great practitioner.

"You have killed someone, can you talk nonsense? You have a good brain, can you talk nonsense? You are handsome, will you talk nonsense? You have a lot of strength, can you talk nonsense? You are proficient in poetry and songs. Can you talk nonsense? You are one of the important generals under General Yuanshan. Will you talk nonsense? It seems that you have rich experience in the past, and I haven't heard of you!"

Li Su said awkwardly, "That's different..."

Wang San snorted coldly: "What's the difference? The most annoying of those who show off, I will order something for fear that others won't know. I can't wait to find a painter to draw a bowl of white rice and tell the world that I ate fine grains today. In addition to proving that he usually eats bran and coarse grains, what else can he prove? Emptiness, inferiority?"

"This is not talking about you. Don't be angry!" Li Su quickly stopped him.

"I'm not angry. For example, I will naturally use the place where the spell is useful. If you have nothing to show off, that's the slave of the spell.

"Alas!" Li Su sighed.

Wang San asked, "Do I make you speechless?"

"It's almost the same, and your temper tone is really similar to General Chu's, and you fall in love with Gang online."

"Originally, everyone feels special, and it's just subdivided into dozens of categories, arranged and combined."

What else did Wang San want to say, but Li Su turned around and ran away.

The date has been set, and Chu Wen will visit General Yuanshan's family on December 15.

Wang San's training is also fast. Anyway, he has several sound insulation skills, and nothing can be done.

The accident is on the other hand.

Although Wang San is a little evil, he is still somewhat handsome, isn't he? At least it looks better than ordinary life.

Although Wang San is still a subordinate of the general's mansion, the identity of the practitioner and the fact that he has received the imperial edict before are well known in the house. This most delicate identity happens to be higher than the servants, but there is no obstacle for the servants to deal with him.

Although Wang San is hanging out with the two disappointing young masters in the house, he also taught as a gentleman during this period. Even "little gentleman" can easily make people feel admiring.

Wang San has no shelf and can talk to everyone. It is even more gentle to women.

The relationship between Wang San and Li Su is good, and beautiful men are always pleasing to the eyes, right?

What's more, this man doesn't mind dating the maid!

Wang San is accurate. He is full of conditions that can make the little girl have a sense of admiration. Isn't it enough to attract some little maids in the house?

In addition, these little maids inevitably love to show off.

So this situation occurred: whenever Wang San gave the two young masters a lesson, the maids in the house always rushed to help, and even rough work such as carrying water was robbed by a group of little girls, which made the men confused.

"He really looks good when he smiles! It's that kind of bad smile that makes people's hearts itch! It's so beautiful!"

"Cut! How many times have you seen it! I sent him seven plates of tofu today, and he smiled at me and talked to me every time I sent him.

"What are you? I know. He is so powerful! Today, when he helped me carry water, he almost hugged me. I feel so safe!"

"Don't be happy. When I chop wood, he snatched the axe from my hand!" His hands are so beautiful, white and slender, and very powerful, and very soft.

"Only once you touch your little hoof will make you spring? I didn't say how many times I went in and how many times I changed the water for the young master.

"What's wrong with changing the water?"

"Well, it's best to change water. Wang San is very considerate. He said that changing water is a heavy job and won't let me do it. If I don't let go, he will keep fighting with me. Don't touch me, I've got into his arms!"

"No! I'm also going to change the water tomorrow!"

"No, I'll cover this job!"

"Who stipulated it! I'll do it tomorrow!"

"I want to do it too!"

"I also want..."

At night, after turning off the lights when she went to bed, the maid's room chatty and made a lot of excitement.

Although Yunduoduo is Yang Hairuo's maid and has a separate room, it is only separated from the large paved room next to it. When it is quiet at night, a sound comes naturally.

What's more, Yunduo put his ears on the wall to listen!

"Wang San! You big bad guy!"

Wang San sneezed, and Li Su asked, "Mr. Xiao, I've got too much water these days. Have you caught a cold?"

"No, no. I have offended many people before. Maybe someone scolded me. It's so late, let's talk about it."

Li Suzheng asked, "Mr. Xiao, tell me about going deep into the southern barbarians again. The more detailed the better."

Wang San was surprised, "Didn't you say it many times? General Cheng, the martial arts officer, and you, I have said it all. There is no change at all. Do you still need to confirm?"