fang shi tian shu

Chapter 314 Inexplicable Animosor

"Third brother, are you all right? Caught?" Yunduo was a little scared and asked.

Wang San twisted his body and felt that there was something wrong with the circulation of vitality in his body, but he still comforted: "It doesn't matter. It took a little time to break free. You really can't underestimate those old guys. It seems that the whole cultivation system has developed a lot.

"Well, I don't understand..."

Wang San thought for a moment and said, "It's like vitality is water. They study what temperature can make the water freeze, and then find an easier way to cool the water. This approach has been biased towards the underlying research. However, my vitality is not pure water. It is mixed with a lot of things, and the freezing temperature changes.

After saying this, Yunduo still didn't understand it decisively. However, after being with Wang San for so long, she can always distinguish clearly. When Wang San began to talk more, it showed that he was confident and not afraid of losing many words. With a lot of stability in his heart, Yun Duoduo said, "Then let me go quickly!" It's so uncomfortable to tie it up."

"That..." Wang San was a little embarrassed. "It still has some influence. I'm going to crack it and learn it. Their development style is completely different from my direction and is meaningful. We should study hard.

"Well, it means that it can't be solved for a while, and you lied to me again."

Although Yunduoduo is used to Wang San, Wang San still feels a little embarrassed. Close your eyes and seriously crack the talisman.

What Wang San doesn't know is that this kind of charm, which almost becomes the symbol of Yuantian Religion, can't be used casually at all! As Wang San felt, this kind of charm is not easy to crack, and there are many practice laws involved, so only the Yuantian Church headquarters in the imperial capital can have enough talents to study and make it. As for the division, there is a special set of training to teach people to use this kind of Taoist charm. Speaking of use alone, it is also a knowledge that is not easy to learn. The complexity and power of it can be imagined.

As soon as Wang San entered the settlement, the people who arrested them came in.

"Third brother! They are coming!" Yun Duoduo passed the sound, but there was no response!

Wang San's current expertise lies in the power of space. He is very unusual and unpredictable, but he also has drawbacks in practice. The most obvious thing is now. As long as you practice, the whole spirit seems to have entered another space, unconscious of reality, and the interference of external movements will be extremely strong against him!

Yun Duoduo knew Wang San's problems. Seeing that he didn't answer, he twisted his body and said to the practitioners, "I don't want to be here!" These are all men! I'm going to the female prison!"

"What kind of female prisoner do you want, and there are still conditions for prisoners?"

"No! Men and women are not close. I don't want to be here! I'm going to the female prison! I'm an imperial man. You can't do this to me!"

A practitioner squatted down, looked at Yun Duoduo, who was constantly struggling, and mocking, "What about the imperial people? Do you know what crime you have committed?"

"I'm not guilty! I'm going home to visit my family! I can't practice either. Why did you arrest me? Even if I am guilty, I will be imprisoned! Can't be with them!"

Yunduo didn't talk much at first, but after so many years with Wang San, how can he learn his poor ability? She kept shouting and forcing the other party to answer her words, and time was dragged by her!

After quarreling with Yun Duoduo for a long time, these practitioners finally found that their talent for quarreling was too low, so they simply staggered the topic and said, "Your names are Wang San and Yun Duoduo? It's a couple, right?

"Yes. How do you know!"

It's written on the wanted notice, just to check with you. Do you admit that you are prisoners?

"Since you know our names, why don't you know our identity! Let people go! We were originally servants of the Yuanshan General's mansion, but now we are going back to the general's mansion to have a look and think about the consequences!"

"General Yuanshan Mansion?" The name came out of Yunduoduo's mouth and shocked several people in front of him. Looking at each other, a man wondered, "Didn't you say that you went back to the empire to find relatives? Why did you get involved in the Yuanshan General's mansion again? Is it possible that you have been lying to people before?

Yun Duoduo explained angrily and seriously: "No! We were originally servants of General Yuanshan Mansion. Because we became relatives, we went back to our hometown with our father-in-law. Now my mother's family can't get in touch, and letters are always returned. We come back to find someone. By the way, we also need to see the general and his wife. It would be better if they were willing to help find their mother's family. By the way! Don't you know who my father-in-law is? His name is Wang San. It turns out that he has also done things in the army. He took hundreds of people to lurk behind the wilderness and killed at least tens of thousands of people. Previously, he also had a position of worship in Yuantianjiao. He has done so many things for the empire. Why should you arrest him? I'm going to tell my wife to go!"

Yun Duoduo said a big paragraph, every word was clear, and every word was slightly paused, which really reached the extreme of nonsense delaying time. And the content of the words also made several practitioners a little confused. Does it have anything to do with General Yuanshan Mansion? It's not easy to do...

One person said, "I don't care what house you have done. You are just a subordinate and a subordinate who has left. What right do you have to show off your power in the name of the master's family? Besides, General Yuanshan Mansion has no power anymore. Do you want to scare me?"

Yun Duoduo was really afraid, regardless of procrastinating the time, and hurriedly asked, "What? What's wrong in the house? Have you been bullied? Impossible!"

Two people came up and carried Yun Duoduo and said, "Bully? Who dares? But the name of General Yuanshan's Mansion can no longer be scary. Please be honest!"

"What are you going to do! It's rude!" Yunduo's struggle became more and more intense, but it was limited to external constraints and physical characteristics, and he could not turn over any waves.

"Nonsense! Aren't you going to the women's prison? We don't have a female prison here. We lock you in the storage room and won't let you be with them.

The name of Yuanshan General's Mansion is really good! Wang San had woken up at this time. Naturally, he understood that this was not a good time to enter the fixed time. When it was unsafe and stable, it became his instinct to withdraw regularly to enter the fixed scene. He sent a voice to Yunduoduo and said, "Don't be afraid, I'm fine."

Yun Duoduo was carried out. In the cell, the three practitioners stared at Wang San with bad eyes.

"What are you going to do? I'm a good person!"

A practitioner took out a chair from the side and sat straight on it. Looking at Wang San, he said with deep meaning, "Wang San, why did I say that the name is so familiar? It turned out to be a great offering in those years!"

It's definitely not a good thing to turn over old things and add this attitude! Wang San hurriedly said, "It's not a big offering. I just went to the southern barbarians front line with some people and was dismissed when I came back. I didn't care about anything."

The practitioner sneered: "It's good that I can't remember. Since I remember, there is no good fruit for you! At that time, I was also in the imperial capital. My brother went to the southern front line with you. As a result, only you came back, and the rest of the people did not come back! Who will believe that you didn't do anything secretly!"

"Your name is..."

"My name is Diao Hongwen. Do you have an impression of me?

"Diao Hongwen...Diao Hongwen..." Wang San suddenly realized, "I remember! Is Diao Hongwu your brother? At that time, he had the highest cultivation and had always commanded the whole team! I remember that we were all dispatched by Diao Hongwu at that time!"

Diao Hongwen sneered: "Dance? Well said! How high was your cultivation at that time, and how high was my brother's cultivation! The gap between you and him is the gap between heaven and earth! But why can you become a great worship? Why is the position in teaching still above my brother? Moreover, a humble person like you can run back under the destruction of the whole army. If it hadn't been for your hands and feet, ghosts would have believed it!"

Wang San had to admit that his behavior at that time was indeed worth considering, and this kind of unreasonableness can be easily figured out. However, he and Yunduo are the only survivors, and only living people can talk!

"No! At that time, we were going to retreat, but we were ambushed by tens of thousands of enemies at the foot of Snake Head Mountain! It was Mr. Diao who asked me to come back to report the rescuers when he saw that the situation was not good. This is what Mr. Diao meant. It's really not my fault! He also felt that my cultivation was low and didn't work well before he let me escape!"

Dao Hongwen raised his eyebrows when he heard the words and ignored it. Instead, he asked, "What is your cultivation now?"

Wang San sincerely replied, "Although his talent is not good, he has been practicing in recent years, and now he has opened up eight meridians."

"Eight meridians?" Diao Hongwen seemed to hear some extremely funny jokes. He laughed so much that he couldn't straighten up and wiped his tears and said, "How dare you say the eight meridians?"

Ah? In those years, Mr. Diao had eight meridians! Moreover, people with nine meridians are rare. Elders are all ten meridians. My cultivation is not weak!"

Diao Hongwen smiled and said, "In recent years, the internal skills of Yuantianjiao have improved a lot. But I have no obligation to explain to you, because I want to give you a little punishment as the price of cheating my brother!"

Wang San shouted, "It's not me!" It was Mr. Diao who asked me to come back to report the news! What a injustice!"

Then various spells were smashed down.

Wang San screamed extremely cooperatively.

These people are also fierce enough to choose the inner thighs, the position under the ribs and armpits, and the hand strength is also heavy, and it is too late for Wang San to roll.

"Ok, the order is to live. Don't kill it. Keep it a few times a day to relieve your brothers' anger!"

Wang San was extremely wronged: "I'm right! Why did you hit me!"

"I won't cheat my brother for you, I won't sit in a big worship position for you, and I won't be a wanted criminal by the military, just because I don't like you! I just want to hit you! Do you want to move to Yangyuan Mountain as a backer? Bah!"

Diao Hongwen walked out of the dungeon with the two scolding, but Wang San learned a lot of information. Is the internal practice changed? There are not many eight meridians. Can fifteen meridians and eight strange meridians be cultivated? He directly called Yang Yuanshan's name. Has the General Yuanshan's mansion completely fallen? Is the military wanted for me? I don't have a holiday with the military, but I have made friends with several generals! Is there a place for the great offering? If you care so much about this position, is it important to have qualifications now? It's not right. What the hell is going on?

I can't think of these clearly, but Wang San is sure of them. Boy, touch me? It's not ten times a hundred times, but ten thousand times to return it to you!