fang shi tian shu

Chapter 315 No need to practice

Out of the door of the dungeon, a practitioner asked, "Brother Diao, do you need to add some ingredients for him?"

Diao Hongwen thought for a moment and shook his head and said, "Just fight normally. Don't use torture. He is still a little bit unintractable and too much to explain. No, report the matter first, see what the elder above said, and find out what crime he committed.

Wang San is still puzzled in prison. The cultivation of opening up eight meridians is already very high. It seems that the cultivation of those people is not very high!

Just as Wang San was stunned, a voice came from the side: "Little brother, why were you arrested?"

Wang San turned his head with difficulty and looked at him. He was talking about a man with a luxuriant beard, who was also tied close to the talisman. He seemed to be a practitioner like himself. He sighed, "I don't know! They said that I was wanted by the military, but I haven't seen a soldier for many years and have nothing to do with the military!"

The big man asked, "I don't think you have seen a soldier. You haven't had much contact with people in the past few years!"

" do you know?"

The big man didn't care whether Wang San could see it or not, and he took it for granted: "You don't even know the skills of Yuantian Sect now. You are really too ignorant."

Wang San took the opportunity to ask, "Brother, things are as good as God! I'm in the mountain goods business. I've been running in the deep mountains for more than a few years. I really don't know what's going on outside. I am now practicing eight meridians. Is it very low?

Exaggerated by Wang Sanyi, the big man was in a good mood and said, "It's good according to the previous statement, but last year, Yuan Tianjiao changed his internal skills. Now the twelve meridians, fifteen veins and eight strange meridians can be practiced. If you only talk about eight meridians, people think that your collateral veins and eight strange meridians have not been practiced. Of course, I think your cultivation is low.

"Brother, your cultivation must be very high! It seems that your prohibition is much stronger than mine!"

The big man nodded contentedly: "Of course! I am now opening up nine meridians, seven meridians, and two strange meridians. Not to mention this border town, even if it is placed in a big city, I am a highly cultivated person!"

"So awesome? So what kind of meridians have you opened? Can you give me some advice?"

The big man curled his lips: "I can't tell you this casually. Yuantianjiao only announced the principle of all the cultivation of meridians and collaterals, as well as the method of practicing the first few meridians. Later, it depends on self-understanding and what kind of skills you have to do.

"What's the strength of that!"

"Naturally, it depends on the number of bars that open up the meridians! The more connected you are, the more vitality you will have and the stronger your magic strength will be. You have only opened eight meridians, which is naturally unmatched with them. According to the current algorithm, your strength is at least twice as weak as mine.

All the meridians of the whole body? In those years, isn't the opening of some meridians conflict with each other? In those years, I also got the elder's notes, which were clearly written, and there is nothing wrong! Tell the big man the questions in his heart, and then the big man replied, "Some are conflicting, but some are complementary. Therefore, the way and sequence of meridian cultivation have become the key to the skill. For the skills I have explored now, only five meridians can't be opened up, and there is still room for progress.

"Brother, since you are so powerful, why are you still arrested! I don't think those people are very powerful.

The big man's face was full of bad luck: "That charm is too evil! It is said that it was personally refined by the elders of Yuantian Sect. How can idle people like us withstand it?

After a few words of greeting, the big man continued to enter the settlement. Although he said he couldn't stand it, he was conceited on his own cultivation, and he still wanted to try to break through the shackles of the Taoist charm. However, Wang San has learned from his mouth the cultivation methods of the first few meridians announced by Yuantian Religion, and he has understood the general principle.

Yuan Tianjiao is really insidious! The cultivation method they announced is definitely the fastest progress in the early stage, and there will be no problem until the middle and late stage. However, if you practice in this way, you will inevitably encounter the problems encountered by this big man! The opening order of the first few meridians is destined to have ten meridians that can't be connected at all because of the vitality conflict! This is still the best situation. In case someone deviates from the optimal way, there will even be 20 meridians that cannot be opened! This seems to be welfare, but in fact it is the most sinister calculation!

However, Wang San has not only opened up the meridians since the day he learned to practice. Until now, in addition to eight meridians, four meridians and two strange meridians, this is his real cultivation! What's more, over the years, he has been studying the space in his body. His main mind is on the understanding of space magic without expanding the concept of meridians.

Since that's the case... just take advantage of this time to rush to practice and untie this charm!

For others, it may be difficult to impact cultivation, but for Wang San, it is just digging out a few rivers in the inner vision space! In his inner vision, in addition to rivers, sand and rocks, and swimming fish, the trees and flowers on the land are more diverse than in the botanical garden! It has almost become a real small world! Moreover, Wang San has also figured out that the diversity of species in his inner space is closely related to his understanding of space magic. Nowadays, his space magic is modestly small, and the cutting and opening of small spaces can be done with confidence. Although the cultivation of vitality has not increased much due to the study of space magic, the abstract hurdles have passed. Are you afraid of this simple?

The two important wanted criminals were arrested, and the defenders and Yuantian Taoist priests in the city breathed a sigh of relief. These two are the number one offenders! In particular, several generals who were not currently reconciled actually stamped all the wanted notice for the two suspects to reach a consensus, making them the number one suspect in the empire!

Fortunately, the two were arrested within a limited time, otherwise, the whole military system would be fined! If you catch two people, the masters at all levels of the city can get all kinds of rewards, which is almost a pie falling from the sky! Report the matter, and the nearest general Lin Qiufeng, who is nearby, replied as soon as he asked to control the people, and he would come to mention them in person.

Lin Qiufeng came in person! After receiving the reply, the whole Mailing Pass was boiling! Who is Lin Qiufeng? One of the six famous generals of the empire today! Although it is not as powerful as the original seven-star general, it is also one of the most powerful people in the military now!

Most importantly, including Lin Qiufeng, they are extremely young!

Young means that it has just started, which means that the core staff group has not taken shape, which means that his subordinates still need to supplement many middle-level officials! If you can have a good relationship with such a young and able general, the future will be just around the corner! Those generals, including those who have disclosed their identities, rarely appear, so there are few opportunities to pull in the relationship, and many people can't see them. But now, Lin Qiufeng is going to come in person!

Be sure to perform!

As soon as the order above

arrives, the whole Mailing Pass is ready! Urban defense rest, city appearance construction, military discipline style, all the image projects were put on the planned agenda of the border defense army at the first time. During this period, the requirements have even reached the point of harshness. All the city wall sentry towers should be repainted. There is no garbage on the ground in the city. Wash it with clean water twice a day, and the officers and soldiers of the border guards must maintain a state of combat at all times. Weapons and armor must not leave their bodies, and all actions are based on wartime. Everything proceeded steadily and livelyly, and the officials and people in the whole city, whether they were in love or not, put down their work and put themselves into this activity.

And the Taoist gate of Yuantianjiao also can't rest. Diao Hongwen, the deputy director of the Taoist gate, said to the master, "Your excellency, we caught those two wanted criminals. We can't let the defenders steal the limelight. We should also take some action."

"We are the first to take good care of people and not let them run away. No matter how his military moves, it's just to rob us of the rest of our achievements. Don't care.

Dao Hongwen said, "Your Excellency, you can't say that. Over the years, the development of Taoism in the army has been strictly restricted by military generals. Except for so much strength, we have not been able to make any military achievements. If it goes on like this, won't our credit be in vain? So we also have to compete for this skill, so that Lin Qiufeng's core team has the position of our practitioner!"

"You mean..."

"Yes, my lord, only when we enter the decision-making layer can we make decisions that are beneficial to Taoism. If adults can participate in it, not only have the military's *, but also inside the Taoist gate, it will naturally rise!"

The Lord nodded: "What you said is reasonable. But how can we do it?

"Naturally, it's from the suspect!" Diao Hongwen said, "After all, he is a practitioner. Naturally, it is necessary to torture practitioners to use the method of practitioners. If it is handed over to the military, their means to deal with ordinary people may not be effective. If you ask what should be asked..."

"It seems that we have enough ability, and in case we ask what secrets are, then..."

The two smiled tacitly and said, "It's up to you to do things. Naturally, it's your first achievement!"

When he came to the prison, Diao Hongwen still had a smile on his face. At this time, looking at Wang San, he seemed to see some treasure. My future depends on this boy! Don't be too tough, and I don't want to spend more time!

Kicking Wang San's foot with his eyes closed, Diao Hongwen sneered and said, "Kid, stop struggling. If they could crack it, they would have run away long ago! Be good, what the hell have you done! From the truth, so that you won't suffer more from skin and flesh!"