fang shi tian shu

Chapter 322 General Yuanshan? Break through!

"General, if the distance becomes farther away, will you order the cavalry to reduce the load?"

"Four-ring array, pay attention to travel."

The four-ring array focuses on the rotation of soldiers in the array and the continuous combat strength of the battle group. This array is not used for strong attack. The adjutant was puzzled, but did not say anything, and the order was issued. In the meadow, the soldiers began to move, and the formation gradually formed.

Suddenly, there was a scream!

The sound of arrow feathers!

The sound of arrow rain!

"Faling round array!"

Countless arrows flew from all directions and knocked on the armor. Even if they did not hit a shallow pit, they would make the people in the armor dizzy with tinnitus. With the general's order, the light infantry quickly hid behind the horse equipped with armor, and the cavalry in heavy steel armor stood on the outside of the horse, curling up and resisting the flying arrows with their armor.

Horses block people, people block horses again! The round array is a preliminary preliminary formation, but this kind of round array is unheard of!

The Beiyi soldiers who have been ambushed around have long been used to the bizarre but extremely effective formation of the imperial army.

But the imperial soldiers were full of shock! Including the heavy armored general! This trip was completely temporary. How could Yi people seize their sudden thoughts a few hours ago and then make a strict ambush again! Even if there are spies in the army, it can't be so efficient!

The rain of arrows continued without weakening at all. However, the more so, the more frightened the imperial soldiers in the battle! Such a huge arrow vector will take half a day to transport it here alone. Can these foreigners be unpredictable?

Under the impact of countless arrows, no matter what, the steel armor was almost shot abruptly! Some unlucky people have been shot holes in the armor by arrows, and the arrows have been shot in from them. With the number of arrows and the probability of one in ten thousand, the imperial soldiers were consumed to death!

The enemy's arrow rain is still not sparse, and it can't wait any longer! The general roared: "Lyu!"

The soldiers who had not been shot began to move. However, when the people and horses started to pull out and the formation just changed, the rain of arrows all over the sky stopped abruptly, and the sound of horses' hoofs came one after another! It was when the pace of the imperial army was unstable and the formation was in chaos, the Beiyi troops seized the right and fleeting opportunity and resolutely launched an attack.

However, how can anyone calculate this instantaneous change so accurately!

The imperial soldiers didn't have time to think about this in the future and gave an order for the leader: "Blade!" The whole formation changed again, quickly gathered into a fan, facing the sound of the horseshoe head-on.

It was not the brave cavalry that hit them, let alone those Batu who didn't know what their lives were.

On dozens of fast horses, the practitioners of the earth fairy gate with a black robe!

The traces are revealed, but the practitioners on the fast horse do not fight! Qiqi grabbed the reins, and a piece of magic was inspired!

Although it is far less dense than the arrow rain just now, the frightening vitality fluctuations emitted by those spells make the imperial soldiers even more shocked!

The two major schools of practice, Yuantian Religion and Dixianmen, have become more and more incompatible within a few years. The concept of removing the two gates and the use of vitality is completely different, and the magic of the two schools is also completely different. The metamorphosis of Yuantian Sect is the first to take shape, with stronger visual impact and equally powerful. The magic law of the Earth Fairy Gate is extremely strange, sinister and has few obvious external appearances. At this time, the earth fairy sect magic, which has always been known for being strange, sinister and difficult to detect, has been inspired by such a number of power. How can it not be shocking!

"Break the law!" The chief general shouted and jumped to the front of the formation in a few steps. With his movements, all the heavy cavalry separated from the war horse and stood at the same place as the general, with a sudden knock on the left and right arm armor!

Then I saw a halo suddenly lit up on all the heavily equipped cavalry, blocking all the flying spells!

Breaking the law of heavy armor!

More than a dozen people rushed to the horse. Even if they have gone to the depths of the meadow, the weeds more than two meters high blocked all the sight, and they were desperate to move forward.

"You mean she has been coughing since she changed her armor? When was that?" Although the horse's back was bumpy, Wang San kept passing on and answering questions with Li Su.

"Just a few days before the barbarian fell ill. I will never remember the lady's illness correctly.

"Who made that armor?"

"Yuan Tianjiao Imperial Capital Headquarters. We specially customized dozens of different models of armor through a secret channel for the military. Except for the lady and me, no one knows that this armor is specially made for the lady.

Wang San narrowed his eyes, rode the horse side by side with Li Su, and stuffed a pendant into Li Su's hand: "Let everyone take it on."

The pendant is shaped like a six-pointed star, which looks just made of ordinary iron, and the workmanship is rough. However, holding it in his hand, Li Su felt not only the vitality around him, but even his blood was a little disordered!

Without saying a word, he urged the horse to distribute the pendant first and asked, "What is this?"

"Interference, mainly for communication control spells or magic arrays."

At this point, Li Su suddenly understood Wang San's idea and said inconceivably, "Those armors are in an absolutely secret way. How can they be tamped with by the enemy!"

"I don't care if it's possible or not. How far is it from the enemy's tent?"

"The time of incense is when you come out of the meadow."

No longer transmits the sound, Wang San immediately urged his vitality and shouted, "I will urge you to send the pendant on your body. You will feel a little flustered and dizzy. Don't panic, hurry up to get used to it!"

After shouting this sentence, Wang San muttered, "This time, it seems that there are too few people..."


With an order, the Beiyi cavalry hidden in the depths of the meadow rushed out! To everyone's surprise, these Yi people did not use sabers, but long guns that no one in the Beiyi army had ever used! These long guns are held in the hands of the Yi people, and you can clearly feel the astringency of the gun body. However, this charge does not require any shooting at all! After the magic of the practitioners of the Earth Fairy Gate was blocked, their purpose was extremely simple: to destroy these broken heavy armors!

This is definitely a premeditated ambush!

The current war can be said to be a coordinated battle between ordinary soldiers and practitioners. Especially practitioners, with their powerful power, wide attack range, and more accurate long-range strikes than archers, play an increasingly important role in the battle, and even the victory or defeat of some battles depends entirely on the victory or defeat of the two practitioners. However, the melee ability of practitioners is extremely weak. Even some Yuantian practitioners who are inclined to melee also dare not rush to the front. Their physical strength and muscle response speed are too far from that of normal soldiers.

Because of this, the appearance of the empire's broken armor has become a nightmare for Beiyi practitioners! The appearance of this broken heavy armor is no different from that of ordinary heavy armor, and even the grassroots imperial soldiers can't distinguish it. However, soldiers who wear broken heavy armor can almost ignore all kinds of magic on the battlefield. With the bravery of the soldiers themselves, they can completely break through the enemy's protective circle and kill the local practitioners directly! It can even be said that the imperial army has rarely suffered defeats, relying on these broken laws and heavy armor!

And the disadvantage of this heavy armor is that it can't withstand puncture attacks due to the internal seal engraving. The fall of a few people just now is because the arrow hit the same position of the heavy armor, and if they are hit by this long gun, they don't need the speed of the Beiyi cavalry, and these heavy armors will inevitably be pierced!

Only the core generals and developers of the military know the characteristics of breaking heavy armor, which can withstand chopping and smashing but cannot defend against stabbing, but why Yiren can formulate long gun tactics according to this weakness!

You know, Beiyi has never had soldiers with long guns, and these broken heavy armors have never been damaged by stabbing!

How can they develop such targeted tactics based on this unprecedented problem!


Under a round of fire from the rear infantry, the Beiyi Lancers fell one after another.

However, the Imperial Infantry only carried small barrels of arrows, and after a round of volley, the arrows have been reduced by half!

However, not only the front facing the broken heavy armor, but also the Beiyi soldiers rushed out in all directions!

Several imperial infantry had no time to change their weapons, so they hurriedly put a short arrow on the light crossbow in their hand and shot it randomly. However, how can a short arrow stop the machete of three or four cavalry!

Behind the side is the impact of the Beiyi cavalry on the infantry, and in the front, after the failed attack of the Beiyi practitioners and the long spear soldiers, another round of dense arrows were fired! I don't care that there are also Northern cavalry behind the array!

Such an obvious beheading action!

The whole imperial team consciously tightened and turned into a dense circle again.

No matter how meticulous the formation is, it is difficult to defeat the absolute numerical advantage of the enemy! In a blink of an eye, nearly half of the people were harvested! Nearly 100 bodies were left behind, and all the soldiers forcibly surrounded the generals in the center. In addition to the general, who was surrounded in the middle, there was also a fast horse and seven broken soldiers who sat still and rested!

"There is no need for your protection! Get out of the way and let me go!"

What responded to this general was the knife that all the soldiers put on their necks!

The adjutant said seriously: "General, General Ren is charged into battle, and it is a death crime according to military law. We have strict discipline, and once we violate the military law, we will immediately adjudicates ourselves!"

A stream arrow flew straight to the adjutant's head. The general stretched out his hand, grabbed Liu Ya, and said coldly, "Can you do it?"

"We can't do it, so we can die." The adjutant knelt on one knee, "General Yang, I will send you out of the encirclement!"

The general's voice was shocked: "Do you know my surname is Yang?"

The sound is not loud, even so insignificant in the wind full of arrows roaring. But when they heard this, all the soldiers' eyes showed a strange light!

"General Yang, after I create an opportunity, you will definitely rush out of the encirclement!"

The general was furious: "Nonsense! The combined combat strength of all of you is not as good as mine. How can you create opportunities!"

The adjutant suddenly stood up, looked at the suddenly dense Beiyi soldiers on the periphery, looked at the inexplicably brilliant imperial soldiers on their faces, and shook the sky: "Swear to defend General Yuanshan to the death! Go!"

(My update method is indeed a little defeated... When I have time, I can write it, and I can update three thousand words. If the time conditions are not good... It seems that I can't always take "part-time without making money" as a matter of it... Anyway, I can get a full attendance bonus for the number of words per month, but I lack more days. Of course, there must be before 12 o'clock tonight, and then before I go to bed after 12 o'clock.)