fang shi tian shu

Chapter 323 The Power of One Person

The first one to rush out was the unmarry. These soldiers who have simply practiced preliminary strong gymnastics cooperated superbly and rushed through the wild knives and horseshoes regardless of injuries, and rushed directly to the practitioners in the distance!

The general shouted: "Nonsense!"

At this moment, another group of soldiers rushed out! It's a heavy soldier who breaks the law, and a heavy soldier who breaks the law on foot! The armor is thick and can't be walked quickly, but the Beiyi cavalry who disturb the horse's steps with their lives really can't cause damage to these heavy soldiers! The fast horse machete is cut on the heavy armor, and even the dent is not obvious! After being stabbed by more than a dozen or even dozens of knives, all the soldiers in the heavy armor were shaken to shed blood. However, even so, they still did not fall, and even the huge axe in their hands cut down countless people!

The commander of Beiyi shouted strangely, and the long-lancers wandering outside hurriedly joined the regiment, and those suicide-like imperial infantry also rushed to the practitioners of the fairy gate, with a burst of magic!

The whole army of infantry was destroyed!

The heavy armored infantry was damaged!

However, what the adjutant wants is this moment! At this moment, the enemy cavalry rotates, the formation is chaotic, and the practitioner has just stimulated the spell, and the array cannot be carried out in a short time! He slapped the horse lying on the ground, turned over the horse, and shouted angrily: "The whole army assault!"

The rest of the troops happened to be one by one, and everyone surrounded the general and rushed away quickly!


More than a dozen people galloped in the distance! Sure enough! Attacked!

Without anyone's order, turn over and change horses, and raise the whip at all!

"Quick! Hurry up!" Li Su's voice changed and shouted sharply!

The sound is getting closer and closer!

In addition to the shouting of killing, the sound of weapons is endless!


At this moment, there was a roaring explosion in front of us! For Wang San and Li Su, what shocked them more was the huge vitality fluctuation in the explosion!

Li Su shouted strangely, jumped directly from the horse and ran forward desperately, even faster than riding a horse!

Within a few steps, the barren grass in front of Li Su suddenly became short, and then hundreds of Beiyi soldiers appeared in front of him!

These Beiyi soldiers are fully armed, carrying several arrows and arrows, and even a few chariots that are not suitable for grassland horse fighting at all! And across this batch of Beiyi troops, the battle in front can be faintly seen.

Facing the battle group, these Beiyi soldiers did not notice Li Su's sudden appearance at all.

How can Li Su take care of these miscellaneous soldiers! Regardless of hiding his whereabouts, the sword came out of its sheath and passed directly through the Beiyi troops!

No one can stop it!

Wang San and 20 cavalry jumped out of the grass. Seeing the bloody road killed by Li Su, Wang San shouted, "With * Jun! I'll put it behind!"

How can Wang Sanduo say that 20 cavalrymen are desperate to urge horses to go!

Why do you have to let the general rush to the front every time! Why do you have to charge the general every time! Why can only make the commander an attack arrow at every critical moment!

Seeing the generals walking ahead, the blood in their bodies suddenly burned! They don't know the name of this collar, but this general who hasn't even announced his name can fight so hard. Why do these people with names shrink in the end? We are also imperial people! We are also soldiers!

These soldiers' eyes suddenly turned red and crushed all the way, and there was no enemy!

Wang Sanlema.

Others were overwhelmed by blood, but Wang San couldn't. In this short distance, the horses under everyone are almost out of power. Among Wang San's three war horses alone, one has foamed at the mouth and is about to collapse. If so, not to mention saving Yang Hairuo, such few people rushed over, and even the return trip is a problem. How can we save people!

Picking a horse with strength, Wang San turned over and took out an iron plate.

"Everyone is in its position! Look here! I am also the one sent by the imperial army to reinforce!"

Wang San's shout was extremely abrupt. Hearing this, the attention of almost all the Beiyi soldiers was attracted by Wang San.

"They are regular soldiers. I'm a practitioner. Don't worry about them. Catch me first!"

Wang San looked relaxed, as if he were joking. But this is the time of war, and no one will joke with him! The Beiyi general looked at Wang San and conceited himself. But what if there is fraud! The beheading operation ahead is about to be successful, and its own team was originally stationed here to intercept the imperial reinforcements. Even if there is fraud, it is just an established imperial army in the rear. What can we do! Thinking about this in an instant, the team gave up Li Su and the 20 riders that rushed through and turned their heads to Wang San.

"Yes, that's right. I'm the focus of this trip!"

Seeing that the 20 people had run 100 meters away, Wang San picked up the iron plate in his hand and said to the Beiyi soldiers who were full of vigilance and stationed in place, "Don't worry, I'm the only one. There is no ambush behind."

The Beiyi soldiers were not moved at all, especially the fine adjustment of the formation, and soon added the gap formed by the previous impact, which was obviously a hundred-war division.

Wang San is more and more sure that there is something wrong with Yang Hairuo's armor! Moreover, the pathogen of the strange disease in the barbarian is Yang Hairuo!

No more nonsense, Wang San smashed the iron plate in his hand. After smashing, this iron plate suddenly disappeared!

has no impact.

It's just that Wang San's face is inexplicably less bloody.

After coughing twice and finding that there was no blood cough, Wang San was relieved and continued to urge the horse to run.

"Take him down!"

Just shouting out, the leading Beiyi general suddenly felt that the scene in front of him suddenly changed. When he turned his eyes, he saw a half of his waist cut away from his sight.

What's going on!

Before he could shout out and ask, the general suddenly turned dark and he was no longer aware of it.

Wang San is moving forward. Where passing by, there is a horse's hoof shaking. Wherever you pass by, you will be separated from the corpse!

Leave corpses everywhere behind!

Going further ahead is a melee! Only then did Wang San see the surrounded imperial team.

Li Su's body is full of blood, and the bright white sword has been broken into a short sword, which is covered with scroll blades. The whole sword body has been dyed dark red, and there is no trace of true color!

And the team behind him is only 70 or 80 people, and they are still falling down!

Outside the imperial battle circle is a group of soldiers in heavy armor. Wang San, the aperture on their body, is extremely familiar with the spell that completely disturbs the vitality around them, which can disrupt the spells attacked by the outside world and reduce the impact. But now, those apertures are swaying like candlelight, and the magic power is obviously exhausted!

Beiyi soldiers will see Wang San appear, and their expression will change significantly. Just now, their team was about to win, but it was bad on the general with black armor! All plans are seamless. Even if the empire's self-exploding moves kill and injuring some Beiyi cavalry, the remaining number is still more than ten times that of the imperial general, and it is simply easy to capture the imperial general!

But that general is too brave! Under a long sword, whether it is a person, a horse, a blade or a spell, it seems to turn into paper paste in an instant and break at a touch! If it hadn't dragged down the pace of the imperial team with several times the lives of its own lives, and if it hadn't been for the continuous spells of the practitioners in the rear who did not stagnate to kill the imperial team, I'm afraid they would have escaped at this time!

Only by his power!

What are the abilities of people who reappear?

Don't give these Yi people any time to think. Just sweep, Wang San understands that the dozens of practitioners of the immortal gate on the war horse are the key! Before the people on the chaotic battlefield could react, Wang San's figure disappeared directly on the horseback!

When his figure appears again, he is already in the center of dozens of practitioners!

And in his hand, he held a ball made of countless Taoist symbols.

"This spell is still easy to use on the battlefield. Chaos ancient big number, explosion!"

The sound has not fallen, and I only saw an explosion that broke the law and the self-detonation power of how many times! The explosion expanded rapidly, but it was blocked within 30 meters in diameter, and all the explosive power could not exceed a trace!

The person standing outside saw a huge hemisphere buckled on the ground, and the inside was filled with gray dust. Obviously, the explosion continued!

Li Su only felt that the pressure on her body suddenly lighted. In front of him was a barbarian cavalry who was shocked by the strange explosion. Li Su jumped high, made a knife with a sword, and suddenly cut it down! Then, the distracted cavalryman and his horse were split in half!

"Full speed breakout!"

Li Su shouted, and the general who was protected in it and several broken heavy riders gushed out of the team, and the arrows of the whole team were sharp again! Although there are many Yi soldiers on the outskirts, there are no such real elite opponents! In particular, those practitioners who have always played an important role are in the explosion and can't see it alive!

Dozens of imperial soldiers led by Li Su rode away, and their whole body did not fall into the grass. At this time, the invisible mask layer that limited the scope of explosion suddenly disappeared, and countless powders spread, covering the whole area of the open space flattened by people and horses, and they could not see their fingers!

Seeing that the general trend was gone, General Beiyi was about to open his mouth and pursue again, but he felt that his neck was cold!

The Lancer couldn't see around, and the long gun in his hand could not give him any sense of security, so he reached out and pulled out the machete behind him, but felt a cold neck!

Several cavalry horses were killed, forced to hold up, clenching the machete in his hand and groping for the people nearby, but they felt a cold neck!

A archer's combat power in this array, although he can't see anything, he has remembered the direction the imperial team left just now, and wants to shoot according to his memory, but he feels that his neck is cold!

Within this smoke, at the same time, all the Beiyi soldiers felt that their necks were cold!

The smoke has finally settled.

Among the countless dust, there are all beheaded corpses. The only one standing was also covered with dust, like a sculpture, solidifying the whole battlefield.

A Taoist robe is Wang San!

Wang San shook off the dust on his body, but the dust penetrated into his mouth and nose and sneezed for a moment: "Cough! Poo! Pooh! There is a lot of explosion and dust, teleportation and collapse. It's really not a good thing to fight! Cough!"