The Legend of Mortal Cultivation

Chapter 167 Fighting on

However, it has been exposed, so it doesn't make sense to hide here [img=/sss/shenme.jpg].

Han Li took a deep breath, with a dazzling shield, a magic weapon in each of his hands, and walked out of the back of the stone.

"It's you"

After seeing Han Li's face clearly, "Brother Lu" shouted in surprise, and he actually recognized Han Li.

Han Li's heart sank slightly with the exclamation of the other party.

This "Brother Lu only saw him once on the hill that day, and he was still in a chaotic fight, but now he has been [img=/sss/guoquu.jpg] for several months, and he can still recognize him at a glance. This shows that this person is not an amazing memory. He can never forget it, that is , over-minded.

But no matter what the situation is, it is not good news for Han Li.

In fact, he has vaguely felt that the "Brother Lu" in front of him is the same kind of person as him, the same tactful and ruthless.

Especially the arrogant performance in front of people, it is absolutely the same kind of smoke as Han Li's low-key, but Han Li does not want to attract the attention of others, while "Brother Lu" deliberately makes others despise him to hide his true face.

However, Han Li thinks that he can't be as shameless as the other party, and he can't be as ruthless and vicious as the other party. He just always pursues the middle way of being alone.

Just when Han Li was awe-inspiring, "Brother Lu" also looked solemn and seemed to think of [img=/sss/shenme.jpg]. He looked at Han Li's fierce eyes and did not hide his murderous spirit at all.

Han Li sighed. Originally, he wanted to talk a little bit to see if he could fool [img=/sss/guoquu.jpg], but now looking at the other party's manner and relying on the other party's plan, there is no room for detours. He and [img=/sss/ There must be only one person who can still live in the world. Don't waste your words. It's better to do it first.

Thinking of this, Han Li didn't say anything. As soon as he raised a steel ring in his left hand, he roared strangely and rushed straight to "Brother Lu". Then he lit up his right hand. The blue and black gourd appeared in his hand, and spewed out five or six black balls from the gourd's mouth

After finishing all this, Han Li did not stop. His empty left hand made a slight gesture in the void, and several red fireballs appeared in an instant. His sleeves moved slightly, rolled these fireballs in it, and then suddenly shook "Brother Lu" and spit out the word "go" in his mouth.

Suddenly, with a hot air, the four rows of fireballs scattered and hit Brother Lu from different angles.

In this shot, Han Li almost used all the offensive methods of Fubao before he got the new magic weapon, especially the instantaneous method of the number of bullets in the end. It took Han Li a lot of effort to learn from Wu Feng, in order to catch the opponent off guard and kill the opponent in one fell swoop. .

In fact, if you don't feel that you are not familiar with the new magic weapon, you may not be able to get started quickly. Han Li has long been rude. After all, the new magic weapon is much more powerful than the old magic weapon.

However, almost at the same time as Han Li took action, "Brother Lu" was not idle. He turned his hands over, and a cyan flag about ten feet long appeared in his hand. The flag was blue and embroidered with a fierce green dragon with long teeth and claws.

At this time, "Brother Lu" saw Han Li's series of offensives. In the accident, he couldn't help but be extremely angry.

If you want [img=/sss/zhido.jpg], the reason why he first showed [img=/ssss/ziji.jpg], the most powerful magic weapon, the Qingjiao flag, is to be the same as Han Li, in order to make a killing move and kill people.

Unexpectedly, after Han Li appeared, he didn't even say a word, so he immediately attacked aggressively [img=/sss/guolair.jpg], and he was also vicious, with a posture of immortality.

In desperation, "Brother Lu" had no time to launch another attack. He handed the green flag to his right hand, but his left hand went to his waist and took out a yellow charm from the storage bag.

He glanced at this high-level rune reluctantly, gritted his teeth and threw it lightly in front of him, and read the words quickly.

In an instant, Han Li's steel ring had a faint yellow light. First of all, he rushed to not far from "Brother Lu" and smashed [img=/sss/guolair.jpg].

"Brother Lu" just pointed to the yellow charm with one hand and shouted in his mouth:

"Wind wall technique, start!"

With the shout, the yellow charm suddenly released a white light and suddenly turned into a white hurricane, about ten feet high, lying in front of "Brother Lu", blocking the way of the steel ring.

With a "pup", the steel ring rudely plunged into the hurricane, but it was immediately blown upside down, turned a few heels and was suddenly dumped [img=/sss/huiqub.jpg].

As for the ball that arrived later, it is even worse. It can only keep rotating outside the hurricane, and it doesn't even have the ability to rush into the strong wind.

Seeing this scene, Han Li's face changed slightly. He hurriedly stretched out his finger and pulled the last fireballs. They immediately turned two large arcs and flew flexibly to both sides in an attempt to bypass the wind wall and then attack "Brother Lu".

"Hey hey! It's beautiful!"

"Brother Lu" sneered and made an extremely skilled pinch with one hand. However, he pointed to the middle part of the wind wall, and the hurricane immediately broke into two pieces from the middle, rushed out very quickly, and stopped the fireball again.


A few cracks sounded, and the fireball could no longer be avoided and hit it straight.

The hurricane only trembled a few times, and the fireballs were swallowed. Han Li was stunned when they disappeared in the hurricane.

At this time, under the manipulation of "Brother Lu", the wind wall merged together again and returned to its original state.

"Carving insects and small skills, dare to take it out and make a fool of yourself! This brother, although not [img=/sss/zhido.jpg] your name, nor [img=/sss/zhido.jpg] your origin? But tonight, you are dead!" Brother Lu laughed wildly. He said.

Then he put his hands together, held the green flag again, and waved it desperately.

Han Li was a little nervous. The difficulty of the other party was far from his expectation, and such a fierce serial offensive was so easily cracked. Although the flag waved by the other party has not happened [img=/sss/shenme.jpg] so far, you can see from the solemn appearance of the other party that the counterattack of "Brother Lu" is definitely not a joke.

It seems that it is impossible not to use "Fu Bao". Han Li thought coldly.

But now he does not have the ability to condense the "fu treasure", so every time he uses the "fu treasure", he must win a certain casting [img=/sss/sjian.jpg], which can drive the "fu treasure" to defeat the enemy. For this reason, your own defense must be absolutely strict.

Thinking of this, Han Li looked at the opposite side again. He saw that the green flag waved by "Brother Lu" had gradually become dazzling, and the flag emitted a dazzling blue light, making the green dragonfly even more ferocious and terrible. It seemed that the other party's offensive was about to start.

Han Li no longer hesitated. With a move, the steel ring flew [img=/sss/huilaim.jpg], stopped a few feet above his head, and began to hover.

"Long", with a soft shout, the steel ring glowed yellow and expanded rapidly. When there was the size of the desktop, it stopped being huge.

"Felling", the steel ring obediently fell down again, put Han Li in it, and slowly rotated, forming a layer of giant ring protection.

Han Li did not stop. After the gourd was put away, the new shield was also sacrificed. It was magnified several times outside the blue mask, emitting black light in front of him and floating gently.

In this way, Han Li formed a three-layer defense outside. The outermost layer is the fine steel giant ring, the middle is the Xuantie flying shield, and the innermost one is the blue light mask used at the beginning.

(If you think it's good, please don't forget to collect this book)


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