The Legend of Mortal Cultivation

Chapter 168 Fighting

After doing all this, Han Li was relieved. He took out the gray sword rune, sat down cross-legged, and began to cast spells, intending to drive the rune to fly to attack the enemy in the shortest [img=/sss/sjian.jpg].

At this time, the "Brother Lu" opposite finally gathered enough aura on the Qing Jiao flag and launched a storm-like attack.

He stopped waving the flag, and suddenly pointed to Han Li with the tip of the flag. Suddenly, more than a dozen half-moon-shaped blue wind blades rushed out of the tip of the flag and rushed to Han Li.

The speed of these wind blades is too fast. It was still on the side of "Brother Lu" just now, but it has arrived at Han Li in the blink of an eye. It's really a wind spell. The attack speed is more than half faster than the spells of other attributes.

If it hadn't been for the protection in advance, Han Li would have even had no reaction [img=/sss/sjian.jpg], and he would have been cut into more than ten pieces by these wind blades.

When Han Li was surprised, the wind blade and the outermost fine steel ring collided fiercely. The cyan and yellow lights kept shining, and they also said "pop!" The sound of cutting.

When all the light disappears, there are more than a dozen long grooves [img=/ssss/cuow.jpg] on the outer wall of the originally smooth steel ring, and the whole magic weapon has become tattered. Fortunately, this magic weapon kept rotating when it was attacked, so it did not let these wind blades attack the same part, otherwise it would have already broken the ring.

Han Li and "Brother Lu" were surprised by this result.

Han Li felt that although the original use of this steel ring magic weapon was not for special defense, it was a genuine top-grade magic weapon, and the texture material had nothing to say. But he didn't expect that just a few wind blades could cut it into small and almost completely destroy it, which made him worried and didn't know if he could take over the other party's follow-up offensive.

"Brother Lu" was even more stunned. This Qing Jiaoqi is very famous among the top magic weapons. I don't know how much effort he spent and how much he paid to get it in order to cooperate with his spiritual root attributes.

This magic weapon can not only easily send out simple spells such as wind blades, but also because it absorbs a certain aura, all the wind attribute attacks from the flag have been increased. So the wind blades just now seem to be the simplest primary and lower-level spells, but in fact, the power of each of them is comparable to that of the middle-level spells.

That is to say, the attack just now seems simple, but in fact, it is a wild bombardment of more than a dozen intermediate spells at once, but in this way, even the outermost giant ring has not been broken. How can "Brother Lu" not be awe-inspiring and more afraid of Han Li!

Although Han Li and "Brother Lu" both felt each other's hot hands, the actions of the two sides were very different.

Because Han Li was still trying to drive Fu Bao, he did not want to give up halfway, so he knew that the attack of the other party would definitely be extremely profitable, but he had to hold on with it.

And "Brother Lu" is even more thoughtful. At the sight of Han Li from the defensive posture just opened to the end of the attack, the whole person has been sitting there motionless, so [img=/sss/zhido.jpg] The other party must be preparing for a killer, not a high-level magic attack. It's driving a powerful magic weapon.

Therefore, without hesitation, he injected the spiritual power into the flag in his hand again, pointed the tip of the flag at Han Li for a while, and shot a series of cyan wind blades to the opposite side.

This time, the wind blade is small in size, but the victory is continuous and continuous, forming a long cyan torrent. The amazing rush [img=/sss/guoquu.jpg] made the blue light and yellow light have a fierce impact again.

This time, the steel ring in front of Han Li only lasted for a short moment [img=/sss/sjian.jpg], and suddenly made a dull roar. The yellow light scattered, and the top-quality steel ring finally died and was crushed by the dense wind blade.

There was no obstacle to the wind blade torrent, and the rude ** was blocked by another top magic weapon Xuan Iron Shield, which had been waiting for a long time, and then another collision between black light and blue light broke out.

The black iron shield is very different from the steel ring magic weapon.

First of all, the grade of the two is one level worse. This shield is a top-level magic weapon of the same level as the Qing Jiaoqi, and it is not [img=/sss/shenme.jpg] that everyone can have in the immortal world. It is very rare. However, the steel ring is only a top-quality magic weapon. Although it can't be said that everyone has it, the immortals with a little value still have the opportunity to hold one or two pieces, so it is only a little rare.

Secondly, although this iron shield does not have any attack power, it is a special defensive weapon. Its defense power is not as ambiguous as a steel ring. It is not comparable. It is not only thick and strong, but also has several special defensive spells attached to the shield, which greatly increases its defensive power.

Therefore, the attack flow of dozens and hundreds of wind blades, which seemed to be extremely crazy, was effortlessly intercepted by the iron shield floating in front of the Han facade, just like a rock standing in the torrent, emitting black cold black light, motionless, more than enough.

"Brother Lu" was furious when he saw this, but on the surface, he only snorted coldly. He shook his hands, and the wind blade at the tip of the flag no longer appeared out, but the hands holding the flagpole burst into white, making the spiritual power in his body rush into the flagpole like a flood.

After the Qing Jiao flag was backed by such a huge spiritual power, the blue light on the flag was more dazzling, just like a blue sun rising in the night, which made people dare not look directly at it.

And "Brother Lu", because of the great loss of mana, his face was extremely pale, but his face was fierce. It seems that he knows that there are many dreams at night and is ready to make a unique move desperately.

With the low roar of "Brother Lu", he threw the Qing Jiao flag into the air with both hands, then quickly flipped the formula with his fingers, and then shouted with his fingers.

"hua jiao"

I only saw the green dragonfly flag, which was shining and blue. In an instant, it became a blue giant dragon more than ten feet long, lifelike, with teeth and claws, exactly the same as the one embroidered on the flag.

"Go", "Brother Lu" did not hesitate at all. With a wave of his finger, the green dragonfly immediately opened its huge mouth and rushed at Han Li's front viciously. He heard a deafening loud sound, and the dragonfly's head was stuck on the Xuantie shield.

Blue light and black light, the flame soared at the same time, as if a [img=/sss/sjian.jpg] is the same. But not long after, the black light on the shield quickly weakened, and it was gloomy at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Seeing this shield, when it was about to end up like the previous magic weapon, a cold voice came out from behind it.


With this sound, the iron shield immediately became smaller and retreated quickly. In this way, the green dragonfly was full of flames, followed by fierce pursuit, and had the meaning of swallowing Han Li and this shield in one bite.

But at this time, Han Li, who was sitting cross-legged, suddenly flew a ash glow several feet long, in the shape of a giant sword. Unexpectedly, a sword that did not show weakness against the head and entangled each other.

In mid-air, for a moment, the blue light suppressed the gray light, and for a moment, the gray light restrained the blue light. For a moment, it was up and down.

After the iron shield was restored to the original shape the size of a palm, it fell into Han Li's hand and was put into the storage bag by his backhand. At this time, his all-body mana was used to command the rune treasure to attack, and he had no more power to sacrifice the shield.

The gray light turned by the rune treasure this time is obviously not the same as when killing the man in yellow last time. It can be seen from the sword light it has turned out that the power is at least three or four times greater.

To [img=/sss/zhido.jpg], this rune treasure can only turn into a ruler's long gray light in the hands of the golden light. When Han Li's hand is practicing driving, the rune treasure becomes a few feet of light, but when Han Li's meritorious power kills the man in yellow deeply The degree has changed to the appearance of a father-in-law.

Up to now, Han Li's mana has 11 layers. When driving this rune treasure, not only does the length change greatly, but also the shape is two or three feet long, but also faintly shows the shape of a giant sword, shining and crystal flow, which has become amazing, making people look sideways. If not, this treasure may not be able to resist the fierce attack turned into evil dragons by the Qing Jiao flag.

It can be seen that the power of the rune treasure not only depends on the power of the magic weapon sealed in it, but also has a lot to do with the depth of the magic power of the immortals. The more mana is, the more incisive the person can exert the power of the rune treasure to the fullest.

It's really not [img=/sss/zhido.jpg]. When [img=/sss/ziji.jpg] is successfully built and then drives this rune treasure, the rune treasure will show the form of [img=/sss/shenme.jpg] again. When Han Li was commanding the fight between Huiguang and Qing Jiao, he somehow had a whim.

(If you think it's good, please don't forget to collect this book)


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