The Legend of Mortal Cultivation

Chapter 2007 Sheling Skynet

When the black armor man heard what the woman said, he had no doubts in his heart, and immediately said yes.

And the woman's sleeves in palace dress brushed, and a pink glow flashed wildly, and the two figures disappeared vaguely.


In the same, on a peak of the spiritual region adjacent to the human race, the three Holy Spirits in the combined period exist, just like a young man with an unusually handsome face surrounded by a great enemy.

The young man was dressed in a golden robe and stood in the air with his hands upside down, looking at the three people opposite him blankly.

On the front of his golden robe, there is a huge golden lotus flower printed on it, which is extremely eye-catching.

And on the peaks below, there are potholes everywhere, in which there are many corpses and remains piled up, and many broken objects are scattered all over the ground, with thousands of pieces, but there is no aura at all.

"Whether you are a human being, it has violated the taboo of our clan to slaughter our same kind in Zuyun Mountain and dare to absorb their essence. The three of us will definitely kill you thousands of times to avenge this." A short and fat old man among the three Holy Spirits opposite said with some teeth.

The other two Holy Spirits next to him, one is a hair-haired old man holding a green bamboo stick, and the other is a beautiful woman who is about 30 years old,

The two looked at the young man in the golden robe as if they were spitting fire.

The spirit clan is different from the general alien clan. Because of the difficulty of opening the spiritual intelligence, the number has always been relatively rare compared to other ethnic groups, so most of them attach great importance to each member. Fortunately, once the spiritual people turn on their intelligence, they will immediately have a lot of magical power. The Jiedan Yuanying level is only the most common existence among them, so they can always coexist with the Yasha demon and other clans in the corner of the spiritual world.

Just like this place, Zuyun Mountain is a well-known stronghold where the spiritual people live, and these three Holy Spirits are the three elders of this stronghold.

A few days ago, the three Holy Spirits went out for something to do. As a result, they immediately saw that the whole stronghold had been slaughtered and absorbed their essence. And the murderer who did this, the young man in a golden robe stayed here and never left. The anger in the hearts of the three Holy Spirits can be imagined.

Although the young man in this golden robe does not seem to be strong, none of the three Holy Spirits can see through each other's specific level of cultivation,

This makes them angry and a little uneasy at the same time. Otherwise, they would have captured the other party long ago, and they would have been deadlocked until now.

"Well, have you finished your story? It's just some transformed spiritual slaves, who dare to be so presumptuous in front of me. Their essence can be used for me, and it is also used well. I think the cultivation of the three of you is far beyond other spiritual slaves. If you are willing to worship my Lord and use it for me, you can save your life. After humming, the young man in golden robe finally opened his mouth, but he looked completely condescending.

"Spiritual slave, are you from the fairyland?" As soon as the three Holy Spirits who had been spitting fire in their eyes heard this, they lost their voice at the same time.

"Oh, you actually did this. Did some of you run down from above? No, you can't do it at all with your cultivation. It seems that someone else told you. If so, I would be more interested in the person who told this. Well, now that you have my origin, you still don't obediently show your body and let me make a blood deed. Otherwise, it will be the same thing for me to capture you later and then erase your intelligence myself. It's just a little more expensive." The young man in the golden robe was stunned when he heard the words, but immediately said with a sneer.

The three Holy Spirits listened to each other's true admission of what they had guessed, turned pale and looked at each other in horror.

If the other party is really a person from the upper world, the combination period of the three of them is in his hands, and naturally it is completely vulnerable.

"No, if he is really a person from the fairyland, how can he make such a big noise when dealing with our people? He is fooling us with false words. The old man with green bamboo, although the fear on his face was still there, his eyes turned quickly a few times, and suddenly said loudly.

"No, the emperor's words are extremely true. I have never heard that people from the fairyland can come to this world. Even if he is really a person from the upper world, there seems to be something wrong now. Otherwise, how could we talk so much nonsense? The three of us don't have to be afraid of him together," the beautiful woman said with a gloomy look.

When the young man in the golden robe heard the words of the three people opposite him, his face condensed slightly.

And this inadvertent change naturally can't hide the observation of the three Holy Spirits on the opposite side, and the heart is naturally more settled.

"Do it, don't let this nonsense boy leave here alive." After the short and fat old man in the middle flashed fiercely, he suddenly pinched his hands, and a white bronze mirror appeared on his chest, which was aimed at the young man.


A white pillar of fire spewed out of it and turned into a sea of fire more than a hundred feet high.

And the old man in hair and the beautiful woman did not hesitate to take action at the same time.

A green bamboo in his hand stroked the void in front of him, and suddenly countless green bamboo shadows appeared in the sky of the young man in the golden robe, more than a hundred mu in size, and fell silently.

A ten-finger popped forward in a series, and a group of blue light flew out. After a dripping turn, it suddenly turned into a dozen blue giant birds dozens of feet long and rushed away with a clear sound.

Although the three Holy Spirits do not believe that the other party is really a person in the upper world, the other party is definitely not small. As soon as they take action, they can't help using a big killing move, hoping to solve the big enemy in front of them with one strike.

When the young man in the golden robe saw this, a trace of essence flashed in his eyes, but he exhaled "stupid" in his mouth.

Then he suddenly pinched out a strange fingerprint with one hand, and a transparent halo suddenly appeared on his body surface, and then flashed and burst. Countless gold and silver runes surged out, condensing into a huge golden and silver shield in an instant, protecting it

Under the flash of the green shadow in the air, it turned into a blue giant wood dozens of feet long and rumbled down.

As soon as more than a dozen blue giant birds rushed forward, their wings were one, and the dense cyan wind blades roared out, as if thousands of cyan blades were slashed away at the same time.

As for the white sea of fire, it was just a roll, and the rolling white flame completely submerged the gold and silver mask into it.,

The young man in the gold and silver charm cover witnessed such a fierce attack, but there was a trace of disdain on his face. He just casually patted one palm on the charm cover and spit out the word "open".

A loud rumble came.

The gold and silver charms rose sharply in the flashing light, and each gold and silver rune was several times huge in an instant, showing a translucent solid form.

Whenever the giant wood, wind blade or flame touches the runes on the gold and silver rune cover, they are electrocuted and opened, and they can't shake the cover at all.

Seeing this, the short and fat old man's face changed, and he raised his hand and rolled the flames fiercely without thinking.

A low roar in the white sea of fire condensed into several fire unicorns, each of which was the size of a calf, spewing out a light silver spirit fire all over his body.

The whole sea of fire not only rose more than half of the flame, but also turned into a light silver color, and the temperature of the nearby void suddenly became as hot as if in a stove.

After the old man with hair and the beautiful woman looked at each other, they turned their palms without saying a word, and several glittering treasures appeared and wanted to be sacrificed together.

But at this moment, a cold sentence of the young man came from the gold and silver charm cover:

"The play is over, and I'll take you on your way."

As soon as the voice fell, the looming figure in the rune flashed and disappeared out of thin air in an instant.

Without the support of young mana, the golden and silver charm cover was immediately broken under a roll of white flame.

But the three short and fat old men who witnessed this scene did not show joy on their faces, but also circled their back to backs in a changing moment, and at the same time released the huge god's thoughts around.

"What's the matter, my mind can't be seen from that person."

After a moment, the old man in his hair drank a little in fear

Although the beautiful woman did not say anything, judging from the ugly expression on her face, it was fruitless.

And the short and fat old man's gloomy eyes flashed. When he was about to say something, suddenly there was a Thunderbolt in the air, and then countless silver light appeared. Then the golden light flashed, and the young man in the golden robe strangely emerged in the light spot, and raised his hand to grasped the void at will.

With a "boom".

Those silver light spots flew violently in an instant, and in a blink of an eye, they condensed into a huge silver net of miles, not only covering the three Holy Spirits below, but also the giant peak below.

What's more strange is that this silver net does not know whether it contains magic power. Although it has not yet fallen, it emits a strange smell from the silver net, which makes the three short and fat old men soft all over, and the small half of the mana in the body can't be raised at once.

"It's not good, it's Sheling Skynet. He is really a man of the fairyland. Let's run." The short and fat old man is obviously the highest-cultivated person among the three Holy Spirits. One is strange. Immediately, his face twisted a little and roared. Then his body shook down, and his body was blurred with the ancient mirror in front of him, and made a piercing thorn

As soon as the other two Holy Spirits heard the name of "Sheling Net", their faces suddenly turned pale and bloodless, and they shook their bodies without saying a word. Unexpectedly, one was a green hurricane paste, and the other turned into a green bamboo dozens of feet high, and at the same time burst out a dazzling split shot and left.

"If you want to leave now, don't daydream."

When the young man in the golden robe saw this, he smiled and shook his palm slightly. Suddenly, a silver light lit up in the palm of his hand, and turned into more than a dozen silver wires connected with the whole giant net, and then gently mentioned it.

As soon as the silver giant net rose, it fell down with a gloomy and cold smell.

Under the flash of silver light, this net seems to cover the whole world in it.


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