The Legend of Mortal Cultivation

Chapter 2008 Yellow Turban P puppet

Sanskrit's voice rose, and countless silver words gushed out of the net, and in an instant, the illusion of the big stars fell straight down.

The loud rumbling sound came

Everything within a radius of more than ten miles was completely submerged by the dazzling silver light.

The spirit of heaven and earth in the void suddenly became extremely violent, and it gave birth to a gray hurricane that went straight to the sky out of thin air, which involved everything nearby and smashed it.

From time to time, earth-shaking bursts come from the silver giant net, but the real situation is completely covered by dazzling light and can't be seen clearly.

The young man in golden robe controlled the whole huge net with one hand and suspended in the sky with his back upside down in the other hand, as if he was not worried about the escape of the three Holy Spirits at all, looking very leisurely.

After a cup of tea, the loud noise in the silver net gradually decreased, and finally became silent.

The young man's eyes moved, and after the mind swept down, a sneer suddenly appeared on his face, and he grabbed the five fingers of the palm of the silver net and pulled it back.


The huge silver network broke in an instant.

The hurricane, the silver light and other flashed, disappeared out of thin air, as if everything was just a phantom.

But the huge mountain below is much shorter than before.

And in the ruins at the top of the broken peak, there are three of them emitting faint light, quietly suspended in the low altitude.

A silver ancient mirror about ten feet large, a half green bamboo more than ten feet high, and a green ball of light.

As soon as the young man in the golden robe saw these three, a trace of joy flashed on his face, and his sleeves rushed down.

A piece of silver glow flew out, rolled three things into the air, and with a few flashes, it fell into the hands of the young man.

"Sure enough, as long as the wisdom is erased and sacrificed, these three treasures can barely be used." The young man in golden robe carefully identified what was in his hand, and his face muttered with a trace of satisfaction.

"But these things are not enough. If I get a few more pieces, I can barely use my magic power. However, I heard that Mr. Han of this spiritual clan also seems to have a Mahayana period. In my current situation, it will take a lot of effort. After the young man put it away, he said to himself twice.

After his face changed for a while, he suddenly snorted coldly and made a decision. Then the golden light on his body flashed and turned into a dazzling golden light and went away.

The vicinity of the broken mountain suddenly became empty, and no more active figures appeared, and everything seemed to be extremely silent.

But about half an hour after the young man left, there was a sudden buzz in the peak, and a red light flew out of a pile of gravel.

This ball of light is only the size of a fist. After a flash, it stopped in mid-air, with a crystal purple eye in it.

After turning his eyes a few times in the air, he suddenly stared at the direction of the young man in the golden robe and stopped moving.

This thing is obviously a magic weapon controlled by others, and it is also hidden from the eyes and ears of the young man in the golden robe, which shows its extraordinary sound.

The purple eyes suddenly turned, and then the whole body flashed, but there was no sound.

Make all this look extremely strange.

Almost the same. In a golden palace in the sea of clouds, which is far away from here, an old man with crane hair and childlike face sat on a black wooden chair, staring at a white crystal ball suspended in front of him, and his face was gloomy.

On the surface of the crystal ball, the pictures are slowly changing, showing the scene of the young man in the golden robe defeating the three Holy Spirits just now, and there are some faint voices coming.

When the old man heard the young man say the word "spirit slave", his face suddenly changed several times, but his eyes flashed, but he immediately recovered as before.

But with the change of the crystal ball picture, showing the silver giant net released by the young man in the golden robe, the old man stood up from the chair and let out a low roar:

"Sheling Skynet turned out to be this thing. It's impossible. Even if it's really a fairyland, you can't bring it with you.

The old man was obviously not an ordinary person, but when he said the words "Sheling Skynet", his face couldn't help twisting with resentment.

"No, it's just an imitation. Otherwise, under the restraint of this treasure, how could it be so long to disperse the three illusions? No, it should not be the real Sheling Skynet"

After the old man saw everything in the future, he relaxed a lot and walked back and forth in the room with his hands upside down.

"But even if it is just an imitation, it seems that it can exert the miraculous effect of restraining our spiritual clan, and we can't underestimate it. This person, whether he really came from the real fairyland or not, since he is holding this, he must not let him leave our spiritual clan alive. However, if it is really a fairyland, it is probably impossible to kill it completely. It seems that only to use that person can be completely suppressed. After walking for several times, he suddenly stopped and said a few words to himself in a gloomy tone,

Then the old man turned around, sat back in the chair, and thought hard with his eyes flashed.


Among the human race, in a mountain range at the junction of the holy city and the area controlled by Tianyuan City, a blue rainbow looming in the air, and a few flashes escape hundreds of feet away.

The speed of escape is simply breathtaking.

Suddenly, the direction of the blue light changed, and it fell diagonally into a hidden valley below.

It was just a flash, and the blue light suddenly appeared on the edge of a gray-white boulder below, and then the light subsided, and a man in green robe appeared.

This man is ordinary-looking, young, but more than 20 years old, but with a calm face, Han Li, who should have stayed in Tianyuan City.

He appeared in such a place at this time for some unknown reason.

After Han Li glanced at the vicinity, his eyes suddenly condensed, staring at a seemingly ordinary giant tree nearby, and couldn't take his eyes off it.

"Hee hee, it's really a good eye. With this little trick, I can't hide it from Han Daoyou's ears. A pleasant woman's laughter came from the giant tree, and then the whole giant tree blurred and turned into a man in yellow several feet in distortion.

And beside the big man, there was also a beautiful * woman in a five-color feather coat, who was looking at Han Li with a smile, but there was obviously a trace of surprise in her eyes.

"It turned out to be Fairy Ye. I don't know how long I've been here. I'm polite." Han Li's eyes restrained and smiled at the other party with a fist.

This woman is the ancestor of the Ye family of the Zhenling family. Han Li met him once at a party on the Wanlingtai. His magic power was unfathomable, and it seemed that he was not under the ancestor of the Long family.

Therefore, Han Li did not dare to neglect it.

"My concubine only came a few hours earlier. I wanted to use this yellow scarf puppet who had just arrived to make a joke on all the Taoist friends, but Brother Han saw it at a glance. It seems that there are still some problems with the refining of this puppet. After the girl in feathers smiled, she patted the big man in yellow beside her with a jade hand, and there was an empty sound of " bang bang".

This man, who seems to be the same as a real person, is actually a refined humanoid puppet.

"Ye Fairy joked. Even if this puppet is not without fbreak in change, how can it be hidden from you and me? Han Li replied with an indifferent smile.

"It's still possible to say that it's other puppets, but my puppet is from the old man Mugu. He can pat me on the chest to ensure that the puppet's illusion is likely to be deceived by the monks. But I didn't expect that if I used it for other Taoist friends for the first time, I didn't make any contribution. It seems that he is also exaggerating. However, in contrast to this, what happened in the later stage of Han Daoyou's advanced combination seems to be true. It's not a false rumor." The girl in feather blinked her eyes, but she smiled.

"Han encountered some opportunities a few years ago, and he was indeed lucky enough to advance to the later stage, but how the real magic power can be compared with such a deep-rooted Taoist friend as Fairy Ye." Han Li coughed softly and looked indifferent.

"Well, Han Daoyou dares to coax me with such words. I heard that even the incarnation of the demon ancestor and another later venerable of the demon clan fell into your hands at the same time in World War I. Such a magical power, and it is said that it is compared with my concubine. This statement is too false." The girl in feather rolled her eyes when she heard the words and said angrily.

"It's just some exaggeration. Han's battle could kill the two demons, mainly because other Taoist friends helped him. Otherwise, I have just advanced to the later realm. How can I have such a magic skill? Han Li hit a ha-ha and responded vaguely.

"Well, do you think I'll believe it? Don't skip the word. The girl in feather curled her lips and looked like she didn't believe it at all.,

Han Li smiled and said nothing.

When the girl saw that Han Li didn't want to say more, she no longer really asked. After slapping her palm and put away the yellow scarf puppet, she said to Han Li again:

"When I met Brother Han that day, Taoist friends had just advanced to the realm of combination. Now it has only been hundreds of years, and they have advanced to the later realm. Such an advanced speed is a little too evil. It seems that if it hadn't been for the outbreak of the demon disaster, I'm afraid that the messenger of the Holy Island would have found Brother Han and invited you to join.

"Well, Han has also heard a little about it. I heard that the Holy Island has not only transplanted the purest spiritual veins of the two races, but also stored countless rare materials and elixirs. If you can join it, you will indeed benefit a lot. Han Li didn't know what the woman was mean when he heard the words, but he replied quietly.

"Can Brother Han, the Holy Island itself is half of the most precious treasure, or the last place used by the two tribes to continue the inheritance of the bloodline?" The girl in feather clothes condensed and said slowly.


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