The mage is fierce

Chapter 2 Yellow finch on the back

The three men didn't seem to care, as if nothing had happened. The old god was eating wine and vegetables there. The simple and honest teenager still sorted out the fur and herbs in the package. When the young man saw that he had touched many things, he was alert and continued to dig out and stared around at people.

These five people killed people here, and there was no scruples in their hearts. They had already decided to pay attention to the act of killing people, so they couldn't help but take a little extravagant and viciousness between their looks.

The boss's wife supported the counter with her two elbows, lowered her head and dare not open her eyes. Her upper and lower teeth kept fighting. She was afraid that these people would hear it and shut up, but she couldn't close her lips. Liu Xinchen did not sit down after standing up. His mouth was wide and he stayed there, but his hands were still holding the little one behind his buttocks. The bench is about to break the bench.

The young man searched for the dead clothes and trousers there. When he touched the trousers of one of the two brothers, he suddenly gave a shock, pulled a small cloth bag from the foot of the trousers, stretched out two fingers to pull the rope, fell into his hand, and dropped a magic nucleus!

Liu Xinchen has only been in this world for more than four years. He has never had a chance to go out. Even if he went up the mountain, he was just hunting and shooting birds. Naturally, his face was confused and he didn't know what this stone looked like. But when I looked up and saw Jesslow, I saw a layer of fine particles on her swan-like slender neck, and I knew that this beautiful boss's wife definitely found good things and became murderous.

This magic core is only available to cultivated monsters. When the warrior reaches level 7, he basically begins to practice magic. At this time, if the weapon in his hand wants to instill the magic from cultivation, he must use forged hundreds of steel. The exquisite ones often use the blood contained in the monster to quench the aura, which can play a better role in increasing. If the magic core powder is added, the magic emitted can be accompanied by various attributes. And many magicians don't have a weapon embedded after the magic core is cut!

And this monster is not as ubiquitous as in the warrior stories of the minstrels. A monster, or a nest of monsters, must be king within a hundred miles, and the surrounding aura is abundant and can be cultivated. There is no such thing as two or three warcrafts in a power area. The Fog Forest is known as the third largest forest in the Esch Continent. It is more than 11,000 miles long from east to west and more than 7,500 miles wide from north to south, which is larger than the total area of the 16 countries in the north and south, but the monsters in it are only a few hundred nests. Even if the seven-eight martial arts enter, they have to break through the thorns and hunt for a month at most hundreds of miles. Therefore, many martial artists have never seen living monsters all their lives. I've seen it, and I've lost my life.

I don't know whether this five series of Linglian is too lucky or bad luck in Fog Forest. When it comes back, it meets the owner of this thing. During this period, it is either a wolf rush, or a bloody battle, entangled for two or three hours, and finally broke one person, but it also accidentally killed the opponent. These people are all from the old world, but they have found another secret place, hiding the materials of the monsters, and only bringing out the most valuable magic core. They know that if this big thing is brought out, it is difficult to hide their eyes and ears. I don't know how many people will come to rob them. But I didn't expect to die in this tavern and change a hardship to a pillow of sorghum.

The teenager touched this thing, but he didn't know it. He held it in his hand and called out, "Master, there is still a stone!"

The three people were shocked when they looked at it! In a distraction, I heard a "ding--" sound on the counter!

As soon as this sound came into his ears, the man in blue burst into a blood hole in his chest! The flesh and blood splashed out, and the sound in my ears was still crisp, inexplicably showing a kind of sadness.

But Jeslow stretched out a jade finger, bounced the cut knife out, and penetrated the chest of the man in blue. With his strength, he broke the plate and nailed it to the table in front of the kind middle-aged man!

The boss's wife Yuzhi came out, but Liu Xinchen also raised his left foot. The two of them lived in a wine shop for four years, and their partners killed and sold goods several times. Jesslo's every move was already familiar to the point that when he saw his muscles twitched, he knew that the beautiful woman's fart was fragrant or smelly.

Liu Xinchen's action was silent. Even when the boss's wife saw it, she felt a little dazzled - his hands loosened the small stool behind his back, kicked his right foot, and his left foot stepped forward!

This span is very strange: the three looked at his right foot, which seemed to be curved and full of elasticity, as if they were about to cross eight feet. However, Liu Xinchen fell down his left foot halfway, as if he had kicked his right foot down to exert force. This span was only four feet forward, only a few inches farther than ordinary people!

The left foot fell to the ground again! The right foot "snored" on the ground and dragged an arc. First, he protected the crotch with his knees. He leaned down and slid forward!

This step is moving forward at a high speed. Obviously, the wind should be strong, but the ground is not frightened. Moreover, he had no room to jump, and it seemed that he could only move forward five or six feet, but Liu Xinchen suddenly accelerated and jumped forward one foot!

These two steps seemed to walk only four feet. Obviously, they could only walk five or six feet forward, but strangely one foot forward... The three people saw him go to the two descendants. At this time, they had reacted in their consciousness, but they were unable to take action, and they were indescribably uncomfortable.

The right foot was just in place, and Liu Xinchen wrapped another bag with his left foot, still wrapped his knee around the crotch. His two legs are wrapped around, and it's awkward, but this bag is almost as fast as the wind, as if he can fly out another six or seven feet! At this time, Liu Xinchen loosened the small bench and passed through less than two feet of space and fell to the ground.

At this time, even the two teenagers reacted. The simple and honest mind was calm, calculated the position of the little mute, made progress, staggered his fists, and was ready to take action!

At this time, the three men next to him were finally relieved - good! This step seems to be less than two feet, and the third step of the little mute has been completely disrupted - in such an emergency, there can still be such a fantastic idea... I have taught a good apprentice!

Who knows that Liu Xinchen stepped less than half, and his left foot stepped down again. He seemed to jump seven feet, but only stepped three feet!

His original speed has accelerated to extremely fast, and the last step has halved the distance, and the time has been reduced by more than half. It seems slow and fast. The simple and honest teenager should not say the position of his hand, and there is no time to take action.

Liu Xinchen's left foot fell, and his right foot rose again. He seemed to kick sideways, but it turned into a bullet leg, as fast as lightning, directly hitting the crotch of the simple and honest teenager!

The simple and honest teenager inserted his right hand and hit the dumb man. He was happy and felt that his opponent's strength was not as good as himself. He said to himself, "You can only fight hard with me like this. Let's see what else you can do!"

In his mind, Liu Xinchen's right foot fell, and his whole body came up, and his right hand trembled like a drill, and a phoenix-eyed fist hit his chest. The simple and honest teenager blocked his left hand and withdrew his left foot, trying to distance himself. Liu Xinchen didn't hit a hit, and his six fingers of his right hand bloomed like an orchid for a moment. He turned his fist into a hook, jumped, and hooked the opponent's arm with his backhand. Pulling into his arms, his whole body almost hung on the simple teenager, closer, and his left hand was in a circle...

If this little mute can't be kicked, he has to step on his upper body. If he can't hit it, he still wants to catch people. When the people next to him look at it, they all take a cold breath and feel that they have never seen such a vicious shot!

The simple and honest teenager was on both sides. Although the dumb man was sideways and his left hand could not exert force, he grabbed the opponent's hair in a circle. His shoulders trembled and exhaled. His right foot suddenly stepped down, and his right fist hit the opponent's chest and abdomen. This punch actually gave him 12% of the strength!

For general warrior opponents, if they exert their strength, there must always be a process of recovery. Liu Xinchen seemed to have other skills, but he used the shock of the foot and the rebound from the ground to gather strength, and punched 12 strength in close to his body!

The teenager was punched in the chest and abdomen and was hitting the sword bone at the end of the thoracic spine. This place is called the dovetail, which is the place where the human body's veins, qi and blood dissipate. The teenager was punched by Liu Xinchen and inserted into the horizontal compartment. Suddenly, his whole body was hot, blood surged, and his body couldn't help hooking up. He is just a five-level soldier, and he will be hit by this blow if he is dead.

Liu Xinchen still didn't stop. His body sank, stood a short horse, grabbed his hair with his left hand, and pulled the other party closer. He pressed his head on his right knee, raised his right foot, stepped on a shock foot again, and turned his right arm, but turned his right knee as a cutting board, with a blast of elbow, and another twelve strength! From top to bottom, hit directly in the middle of the ear door!

The simple and honest teenager's right ear door was cushioned on the dumb right horse step, and his left ear door was elbowed up and down with all his strength. He only felt dark in front of him, and he couldn't help hissing and struggling hard. At this time, his chest and abdomen were so painful that he couldn't breathe; his ears were like opening a bell and drum dojo, "jingle" sounded into a ball, and his whole body was muddle-headed and did not know the east, west, north and south.

Liu Xinchen saw him grab it back hard, opened a thin crack in his mouth, smiled, and the tumor on the right moved back and forth, and his expression was indescribably ferocious! With all his strength, the qi and blood attacked, and the scar on the left showed a red color. His hands suddenly loosened, and his right foot hung in the air, "Drink!" Exhale! It's a shock!

Turn your hands out, with belt ribs, shoulder straps, shoulder straps and elbows! The two fists made a sound of breaking the air that was cold to the bottom of people's hearts in the roaring wind, and hit the teenager's back and navel at the same time!

The teenager was hit hard, but he was like a sandbag. He couldn't even call out, and immediately the beach was underground. His whole body trembled and twitched into a ball. In his nostrils, blood came out like an arrow and instantly dyed a large area of the ground red - but he was hit by the elbow straight up and down and cracked the bottom skull.

but with a strange smile on his face, he opened his mouth and clicked in his throat. In the end, he actually laughed three times - he was knocked down by the front and back boxing.

He broke the sword protrusion with a punch on his chest and abdomen, and his heart was choked. His throat clicked for a long time, and his face became blue and darker. He could no longer breathe. He only jumped on the ground like a fish on the shore to fight for his life.