The mage is fierce

Chapter 3 The Yellow Sparrow is behind

But it is said that the man in blue was punctured by Jesslo's heart and lungs, but he is an eighth-level demon warrior. The magic power rotates and seals the blood. At this time, although the mute was only at the bottom of level 5 or 6, he stepped on and acted mysteriously. In three steps, the three of them were also first-class good hands, but they could not find a chance to intercept. His body suddenly fluctuated from high to low, as if far and near, and could actually arouse Qi and blood - like a hungry man eating meat, suddenly eating a piece of smelly food, but he was too hungry to swallow in one bite, and his heart was indescribably uncomfortable.

He felt fierce in his heart, but he clenched his teeth and whispered a word, "Let's go!"

Seeing that the two could not react for a moment, but when he looked at it again, he saw that the mute had already killed his nephew. Every move seemed to be calculated step by step, but with a kick, three punches and one elbow, the move was fierce and vicious, and there was no waste of even punching back.

At least his nephew is a five-level force warrior. He can't even take a step back, so he has been beaten to death. This can teach such a mute figure to hide behind the scenes, and I don't know what means will be made to make it out. I know that I'm afraid I kicked on the iron plate today.

He thought a lot, but only between the lightning. He was afraid in his heart and couldn't help increasing his voice and said, "Come on!"

- The word "fast" needed someone to exhale, so he could no longer suppress the injury on his chest, rushed to connect his heart and lungs, and sprayed out all the broken internal organs. The whole person softened like mud...

The remaining two also thought of this at the same time: stay and fight shockingly, and when all the masters in the village gather together, they can't leave anymore!

The man in black suddenly got up, turned around and kicked out the sitting bench, flying straight between the dumb and the young man. But he hopes to stop the mute and leave a glimmer of life for his descendants. He rolled and rushed straight to the door. His feet rustled, and his whole body was full of strength, forcing away all the dust on the ground. After only a few steps, there was a bright floor behind.

The first kind man raised his foot, stepped on the stool with his right foot, stepped on the table with his left foot, and then flew upside down, and his toes pointed two times on the roof beam. He was only one line away from the man in black, and also ran to the door.

Liu Xinchen killed one person between three punches and two feet at this time, and his ambition suddenly rose in his heart! Seeing the bench flying, leaning back and a little toes, he kicked the stool to the young man.

This stool was hooked by a man in black just now, and it flew vigorously, which was kicked by Liu Xinchen, and the "woo" spin brought the wind. The teenager was thin and weak. With two strong efforts, he couldn't help taking a step back. Then he suddenly felt that his hand was heavy, but Liu Xinchen waited for him to block the bench, then stretched out his legs and stepped on the bench, and turned back to jump out!

The thief, ambitious at this time, actually gave up the opportunity to kill the teenager in front of him and wanted to stop a high-level figure from the door first!

The teenager was caught off guard and was squeezed by a stool on his chest, and he couldn't stand up. He staggered three or four steps, knocked over a table, and broke two stool feet. He couldn't stop his body, and fell out three or four steps to stop the wall.

Liu Xinchen turned back and jumped out. His upper body had first landed. As soon as he pressed his hands back and forth on the ground, his legs had followed, just like a fierce horse monkey. As soon as he pounced, he embedded his two claws into the hind legs of the man in black! With his hands, he shrugged his body and climbed back on the other party's bear-like waist.

This big man in black is an eight-level force warrior. How can he easily calculate like Liu Xinchen's? His body tightened and suddenly accelerated. His right leg stepped forward like a split. He suddenly took a big step forward. His whole body muscles were tight and hit the door frame, hitting a two-inch thick door frame with a gap. The right arm hit horizontally, but the left foot stepped forward.

Although he was rough, he was extremely calm in his actions. Liu Xinchen climbed up his waist and did not fight back first, but used the strength of his body to knock him off. So far, with force, even a slight pause between the backhands has almost made up for it. The whole process was like flowing, without even a trace of delay, and he broke out of the door.

Liu Xinchen's body was thin and his strength was much worse. He was hit by this big man and immediately fell down. Fortunately, the other party intended to get off and had no time to hurt people. He quickly put his toes on the wall, slightly bent his body and disappeared. Then he saw another arm sweeping over, almost covering the whole world in front of him!

At this time, he was still hanging on the wall like a mural. Seeing that the other party was coming fiercely, he quickly shook his shoulder, punched first and then chiseled, and used four different methods to eliminate the strength of the man in black. His feet kicked hard on the wall again. He had a bottom in his heart, and he didn't care about the man who had escaped, and then rushed back in the air!

But the kind middle-aged man has also jumped to. This person is agile. Seeing Liu Xinchen rushing, he swings his fists and goes straight down to the door! Liu Xinchen hit the rabbit like a fast eagle, aimed his fist at the tip of his fist, aimed at the head of a kind man, and struggled to catch the other party's blow. The man was in the air, and his figure was two feet higher than Liu Xinchen's opponent.

Liu Xinchen was also knocked over and fell by the other party, but the boy was flexible. He pressed his palms on the ground, his feet fell squarely, and walked diagonally in an arc. Around this kind middle-aged man, he punched out!

Seeing that Liu Xinchen bullied good and feared evil, this kind man did not chase the man in black outside. He only entangled his peaceful face and couldn't help hating him. He used the crispness of broken bones between his hands and feet. His elbows and knees fell down like rain, and immediately beat Liu Xinchen into a mess!

But he said that Jesslow hit his finger and killed the man in blue with a two-inch skin-cutting knife. "Si..." He took a long breath and slowly raised his head: It was as thick as a cloud! The eyebrows are as good as a sword! The nose hangs like gallbladder! Lips are as hot as fire! After inhaling, the man in black kicked out of a stool and jumped up the beam with the kind man. The boss's wife slowly opened her eyes, and her eyes became brighter and brighter, which made people feel afraid to look at them.

This pair of deep and bright eyes is like telling a different story together:

Crazy, like a fire rolling in the air!

The confusion is that the spring water is gradually flooding on the embankment!

Sadness, like fallen leaves wandering down in the autumn wind!

sparse, like a white bird flying alone under the blue sky!

Jesslow stepped out of the counter, which was five feet and three inches high, but somehow this foot suddenly stepped on the counter! Two hands a minute in front of the skirt, he tore off the front of the pleated skirt, stepped out again, and reached six feet in front of the stage.

With his feet, he rushed forward, and his body was almost parallel to the ground. He folded to the left and arrived next to the first table on the left. His left hand patted on the foot of the stool, which was even worse!

Then step out with your right foot, return to the third table at the right head, stretch out your right palm, and the speed is three points faster!

The left foot crossed again, and it was already on the door frame, and his body rotated, sweeping his leg to the kind man in mid-air!

In this three consecutive steps, she first swept to the left, re-rotate to the right, and then rushed to the left. Her figure was close to the ground, and the long skirt behind her floated, and her long white snow-pink legs loomed. The skill of swallows in one hand to catch water has reached the point of being fascinated. It was really like a swallow flying away by water, and it has stopped her opponent.

The kind man couldn't help staring at Liu Xinchen's show off his kung fu. When he was in the air, he suddenly felt a thrilling white in front of him, and a pink leg came with a sharp wind. He was extremely flexible, and the back road was clear. He knew that he would retreat to the hall in one block, and it was difficult to get out of it. Therefore, he patted his backhand and leaned back, and fell to the ground.

Only then did I find that there was no trace of Liu Xinchen on the ground - how well did this pair of men and women know about the cooperation? Jeslow nodded on the door frame, and Liu Xinchen was relieved and no longer wanted to pester him. He pressed a palm on the tip of the other party's toes, borrowed the power of the kind person, rolled and climbed, turned back to the inner side, and stopped the young man who had just climbed up from the ground and bullied the child.

Jeslow swept his leg, whirlled back, clicked on the door frame on the other side, leaned back, and swept out his left leg again. The kind man just raised his upper body and borrowed a little waist strength. One hand was oblique, and the other hand stood like a knife, and he split the other party's shin bones straight - in front of him, it was bright and dazzling, and it was pink and tender white! Jesslow's left leg suddenly closed, and his right leg went from top to bottom, and the sound of "hout" sounded, just like splitting the air, and in an instant, it came to his eyes again!

The kind man didn't want to retreat, so he had to soften his right palm knife and hold it up with his backhand. Jeslow's right foot was a little in the palm of the opponent's hand, and his body was like a light swallow. He played a somersault in mid-air, stretched out his foot on the beam of the house, and rushed down again. In a blink of an eye, the kind man was three feet away at the door, tossing and turning, palms or fists, elbows or shoulders, knees or crotch, and passed fifteen or six moves with the boss's wife, but he always couldn't go out.

Jesslow purely used his legs, sweeping, kicking, poking and swinging. Every time he hit each other, he flew back. With familiarity with the structure of the house, or door frames, beams, hangings, or roof columns, and even seat benches, it became a place for her to borrow strength. The whole person was like a windmill blown by a tornado. , hovered up and down, kicked 23 legs straight, but still didn't fall to the ground!

The tables in the Nomura pub are all made of miscellaneous wood in the mountains. The shape is rough and heavy, but these 23 legs are kicked out and forced by the surrounding atmosphere. They banged twice and turned over to two tables.