The mage is fierce

Chapter 8 Godfather

As he walked along the roadside, the little mute swayed two large buckets, walked and stopped, and waited until he picked up water and approached the entrance of the village. It had taken almost half an hour on the mountain road. Looking from afar, there were occasionally one or two families in the village who began to cook breakfast. At the entrance of the village, several sleepy young women lazily brought out the toilet.

Liu Xinchen immediately cheered up, pulled up an ugly smiling face, "ah, ah" all the way, and fulfilled his little mute duties.

He is already a middle-level warrior among the villagers, and everyone who got up early came up to talk:

"Ha ha, you are the first to get up today..."

"If my kid is half diligent with you, he will teach people to worry..."

"Twelfth aunt, the little mute killed two warriors yesterday. After all, this boy was raised by a wolf. It has only been more than four years, and it is said that he is already a six-level warrior..."

When Liu Xinchen came to this village, he had no clothes and only surrounded a few leaves around his body. Even the only small hoe with him at that time was hidden outside and deliberately made himself dirty. He didn't understand the language of the world at all. Therefore, the villagers regarded the child as a child raised by a wolf hyena in the mountains and had no doubt about his identity. As for why it was exchanged for an exquisite silk admission ticket in the eyes of the world, it naturally regarded it as the simplest barter. Although everyone looks down on this servant, there is still sympathy, so many families still have pity for his identity. They usually have leftovers to eat and don't forget to bring him to satisfy their hunger.

Liu Xinchen is old and sophisticated. In a few months, he will take care of his people to help him do things. He is a little older, and he even helps with the heavy work of carrying water and fat. As a result, people understand him as an animal's righteous instinct.

The little mute accelerated his pace, and as soon as he entered the door of the restaurant, he had a faint feeling. Now he has made a leap in one night. Although he is still not used to it, he knows that there are four people standing or sitting in the house.

The four people heard his footsteps in the room and were silent. Liu Xinchen didn't know it. He went to the room, took the water tank and poured yesterday's water out of the door, and poured a load of water into the tank. As soon as he put down the bucket, he heard Su Lingnan's voice in the room: "Mute, come in and tell you something."

Liu Xinchen lowered his head and walked into the door.

Unexpectedly, it was not Su Lingnan, who sat on the main seat. The first was an old man in his 50s, who was Liu Xinchen's Meng Xue teacher, Su Linghan, who usually loved him the most.

He is about 1.84 meters tall and slender. Wearing a light cyan Confucian dress, the wide robe is gently belted, the face is thin, and the hair is meticulously combed, and half of it is white. The beard under the jaw is dark and shiny, and there is no color at all. His eyes were clear, and he looked at the little mute coming in. With a narrow eye, he couldn't help showing a color of love...

Su Linghan also has the skills of a four-level demon warrior. He is the fourth son of Uncle Su Lingnan. Six years ago, he was originally Cao Ling, a warehouse in Shapu County, Yunping Province of the Reims Empire, and he also had the identity of Yingshi.

In this world, martial arts is the foundation, but in terms of fame, it is divided into two types, one is a warrior and the other is a scribe. Samurai can only be obtained from military achievements. Four-level soldiers can be beheaded again and five levels to be promoted to become a warrior. The scribes call themselves to govern the country and the world, so they also need four-level warriors as the starting point. Warriors at level one, two and three are nothing more than refining power. At level four, they begin to meditate and communicate with heaven and earth before they can talk about the word "self-cultivation". In the future, most scribes will not continue to improve their combat effectiveness to avoid their bravery staining themselves.

After reaching the fourth level of martial arts, if you know the classics in literature and pass the exam, you can be promoted to Xiushi. When a person becomes a samurai or scholar, the state will give 20 to 50 mu of good land without tax, so that you can concentrate on martial arts or knowledge. Xiushi went further and studied the classics. He was recommended and became a family of his own, which can be called Yingshi. Above the heroics, there are still national soldiers, and these characters are like magicians, which are very rare.

After the incident of Su Lingnan Dielangdan, the world was shocked, and the Su family fled and lived in seclusion here. Su Linghan also abandoned his official to follow. When he was young, his wife died of childbirth, and he fell in love with his deceased wife. Therefore, he felt guilty and unresolved. Although his father had been severely rebuked for many years, he refused to continue, so his room had been out of breath.

Liu Xinchen has a lot of foundation in his previous life, so he has made rapid progress since Su Linghan's enlightenment. Within two years, he has become familiar with half of the teacher's books and historical allusions. The article has been written in a mess. Su Linghan regarded this son as a proud disciple. He actually regarded him as his son and cared for him very well. He never meant that the little mute could not speak or look ugly. The so-called poetry and calligraphy spirit in his belly, Su Linghan is indifferent and usually has little temper. However, in the past four years since he accepted the little mute as a student, he has been angry more often than in his life, all because others laughed at or beat the little mute.

Sitting next to a man in his forties, he is Su Lingbei, Su Lingnan's brother. The two brothers are very different in size. He is slightly fat and only as tall as Su Lingnan's shoulder, about1.75 meters. But sitting on the chair, the horse's golden knife, expressionless, and he didn't know whether he was happy or angry, and he gave birth to a solemn feeling. This person is a six-level knight and a martial arts teacher in the village with Su Lingnan. He once served as the gate chief of Shapu County. He usually likes to study military science, but it is not easy to practice martial arts. Although he was very good, after reaching the sixth-level knight, he only maintained it for more than 20 years and did not make a breakthrough. In his words, it is enough to learn from ten thousand enemies and have martial arts functions.

The two people sat down in the hall, and Su Lingnan, the nominal owner, could only sit on the side. Although he had a serious face, he only put half of his buttocks on the seat, and his legs stretched out and curled up with his hands horizontally. Su Linghan, who taught him frowned. The boss's wife Jesslow also looks like a good baby. She looks extremely virtuous and stands on her husband's side.

Liu Xinchen bowed to the four people one by one and stood in the hall. Three of these four are small mute teachers, and one is his nominal master. It's okay on weekdays. When he is asked to come in and talk, he will naturally suffer this worship.

Liu Xinchen also has some details about today's matter. He usually shows force, just like a five- or six-level warrior, but yesterday he killed two teenagers with the peak strength of a six-level warrior. Liu Xinchen is still young, light in weight and insufficient strength, so it is very simple to cover it up. The gradual improvement of force is also consistent with his developmental situation. For the people of this world, the family is their biggest support, so the common branch or slave of the family is loyal to the family. The family is not hesitate to invest and promote promising children. He estimated that once the strength of these six levels was shown, it should be time to avoid slavery and be included in the genealogy.

Liu Xinchen comes from another world. Although he has no feelings for this Su family, he even has a trace of hatred in his heart. But he also knows that if he doesn't have a reputation, it will be completely difficult to go out in the future. What has been asked for in the past four years is the arrival of this day.

Su Linghan sat on it, brushed his beard and opened his mouth, but did not say anything. Instead, he turned his head and looked at Su Lingbei. Su Lingbei still didn't cry or laugh on his face. After pondering for a moment, Fang said, "Dumb, there are three main things to call you today."

"The first thing is that Lingnan fought with the strong man yesterday. The meridians were shaken, and the vitality was a little unstable and needed to rest for a few days. Today, I took you to Uncle Cai, Mingde, Mingxian and four of you to enter the mountain.

He spoke softly and patiently. After saying these words, he squeezed his mouth and looked at his brother obliquely. Obviously, he thought that Su Lingnan could take down the other party by more means yesterday, but instead, he fought head-on with the other party and caused injury. He was not happy. He comes from a leading army and is always a little sare about this kind of tough fight.

Su Ling is the son of Su Lingnan's seventh uncle, ranking 14th in the family and is the best hunter in the village. The level of tracing is extremely high, but the force is not very strong, just barely entering the fourth level. Su Mingxian is a villager who sorted out the trophies with the little mute yesterday. He is a six-level soldier and the son of Su Linghan's second brother. Su Mingde is the eldest son of Su Lingbei, but he doesn't like military science, so he has to practice martial arts. He often hangs with Su Lingnan and has a five-level level.

When the mute heard this, he said, "Ah", pointed to his hands and feet, pointed out the door in pain, and then led to Su Linghan, waiting to dance non-stop. Jeslow's face was gentle, and he interrupted with a smile, "Don't panic. I'll go out later to ask Mingzhong to carry water. You can go straight up the mountain with your eldest brother."

At this time, even Su Lingbei showed a gratifying smile, and the four people secretly said: "People say that they are dumb and loyal, and it's really not bad. At this time, the first thing that came to mind was to help people carry water.

Su Linghan has no children and takes great care of the little mute, so Liu Xinchen has helped the teacher carry water and cook since he was 13 years old. Su Lingnan's third uncle's name is Su Zhai Jin, and he was the grocery store owner who despised Liu Xinchen as a thief. Su Zhaijin has only one son, who used to beat Liu Xinchen and was finally used by Liu Xinchen to use mold to cause liver cancer. Su Lingdian, who died for two years, was also a fifth-level figure.

And at that time, Su Lingdian was only 23 years old and focused on practicing martial arts. He still had not married. He didn't even leave a grandson for him, and he was the only son. From then on, his house was cut off. Poor Su Zhai Jin's white-haired man sent a black-haired man. This sadness was too much. His son was sent to the mountain, and he also fell ill in bed. After three months, he also died aggrieved death. Since then, the third aunt has also been sick and unable to work.

After the death of Su Lingdian and Su Zhai Jin, the name of dumb loyalty was revealed again. Liu Xinchen took the initiative to carry water and other heavy work. Every morning, he must help pick up the water. In rainy days, the house leaks, and there is no need to be reminded. He must climb up first to make up for it. In the corners of the field, he will work hard and strive to be the first. From then on, the villagers treated Liu Xinchen as their own family. When they spoke, they all gave a thumbs up and said:

"Mute, loyal! Every time Su Lingdian beat him half to death, when the third aunt was alone, it was the little mute who carried the heavy work of her family. This mute is loyal to that..."

Su Lingbei saw that the mute answered this and said again, "The second thing is to give you a bottom first. In recent years, your child has been loyal and straightforward. In everyone's eyes, it goes without saying that martial arts has reached level six. This part of learning..." Turning his head and looked carefully at Su Linghan: "If you want to ask the fourth brother to say, his talent is still above learning martial arts... Alas, it's a pity that you are a mute. You can't learn martial arts in the future. You can also follow me to learn the art of war, but you can't lead the army. You still have to take the road of learning martial arts and be a thousand people. Kill hundreds of people..."

Su Linghan was also sad when he heard it, and his face turned pale and became furious: