The mage is fierce

Chapter 9 Next

"What's wrong with the mute!" Su Linghan slapped the table violently! You don't speak loudly and whisper... Can you just talk nonsense? Saints said: Those who want to cultivate their bodies should first correct their hearts. Those who want to correct their hearts..." will wait for the endless talk, and the long talk will go on...

Su Lingbei was very embarrassed for a moment and whispered more and more: "Fourth brother, don't be angry. I'll talk about the business... Can't we just talk about the business..."

Su Lingbei is a knight who walks all the way, with excellent combat resistance. Su's hometown in the Kingdom of Reims was called Niang Zipo. More than ten years ago, the Su family was besieged by 500 drama bandits in the middle of the night. Su Linghan's father, Su Zhaijue, the patriarch of the Su family at that time, also died in this battle.

In an emergency, Su Lingbei led the people to fight and retreated and retreated to the ancestral hall. He held a heavy shield at the door and fought for three hours. Although there were other good replacements during this period, Su Lingbei was the only Knight of the Su family. Even if Su Lingnan, who was at level 7 at that time, played, was nothing more than supporting two or three quarters of an hour. Among the replacements, one of them died of exhausting life. Only Su Lingbei stood for three hours and stood like a mountain. It lasted until dawn, and the county soldiers from 63 miles away arrived. Only after the war, he was weak. When he walked out of the ancestral hall, he knocked the stone and broke his scalp a little.

This battle was shocked, and because he usually spoke softly and had some female appearances, he got a nickname, known as "Nangziguan". When the old man was angry, he said that he spoke in a small voice, but he secretly implicated him and the nickname of "girly".

Su Lingbei has a fear in his life, but he is "fear of his wife". Every three or five days, his wife's scolding Su Lingbei can spread all over the village. The lingering sound is endless for a long time. However, his wife comes from a martial arts family and is also a seven-level warrior. She is bold by nature and usually only respects scholars very much. During the family quarrel, as long as Su Linghan came forward, his wife was stunned and couldn't even say anything. Sometimes she could apologize to Su Lingbei or something, which made Su Lingbei's face "great face". Moreover, when he was an official in Shapu County, Su Linghan's Cao Lingchao was stuck in the neck of Su Lingbei's soldier's head, so Su Lingbei never dared to talk back to his fourth brother.

Su Linghan saw that Su Lingbei was soft, so he turned around and said gently, "Today, you have to go into the mountain early. If you have something to say, finish it quickly so that you can get up."

Su Lingbei coughed and turned his head to the little mute and said, "The rules of the family, the little servant, there are readers with four levels of force, or martial arts practitioners to level 6 soldiers can be classified as their own family and recorded in the genealogy. Your child is loyal and talented. You and Nanshi value you very much. The fourth brother has always loved you, and he has no children under his knees, so we thought about letting you worship the fourth brother as a father, so that we can accept the incense of his room. If you don't have the idea of starting your own family business, when you come back from the mountain this time, choose an auspicious day to enter the ancestral temple.

When Liu Xinchen heard this, he had a lot of experience and was indifferent. He had no feelings for this Su family, and he couldn't help but be a little moved:

- The Su family lives in seclusion here, and there are seven brothers. The eldest brother Su Zhaijue died in battle more than ten years ago, but only the six sons he left behind are here; the second brother Su Zhai Heng has two sons, the third Su Zhai Jin, and only one son Su Lingdian, who was killed by Liu Xinchen two years ago, which is considered to have broken the inheritance; the fourth Su Zhai Shang and the fifth Su Zhai are all The second son, Su Zhai Kuang in the sixth room has three sons, and Su Zhaiguan in the seventh room is also the second son. Only these 17 households were issued by their wives, which can be regarded as the direct descendants of the legitimate branch. Other concubines, or domestic servants, are regarded as collateral branches.

Generally, domestic servants become regular, and they are all side branches. Liu Xinchen, who worshipped Su Linghan as his father, is the only son. In the future, he will inherit Su Linghan's family business, which will be counted as one of the 17 branches.

The little mute didn't think much about it. He made a tearful look in his eyes. He walked to Su Linghan's seat and worshipped him.

Su Linghan was very comforted and laughed. He stretched out two fingers and mechanically combed a delicate beard. As soon as Liu Xinchen finished the ceremony, he stood up in a hurry to help the little mute.

Thinking that this teenager was so talented, he was born to be dumb; he also thought about his own magnificent article, but now he has a descendant; and then think that he has nothing to do with his son, and now he finally has an ed to his deceased father... For a moment, he can't help crying: "Good child... Good child... Please get up quickly..."

When I said it, I suddenly felt that this was wrong? He said, "Get up quickly."

He has been thinking about Liu Xinchen for a long time. Now that he is excited, he is unscrupulous and blurted out the words "Please get up quickly". His face can't help but be a little strange. He quickly changed his words, hoping that the brothers next to him will not listen to him.

Fortunately, he has been the fourth brother for a long time. Although one of the two brothers and one of his sisters is superb in martial arts and can be heard clearly, they both bite their lips and dare not make a sound. Even the smile on their faces lowered their heads for fear that he would see them.

Liu Xinchen argued with his godfather underground for a moment and then got up. He looked up at Su Linghan with tears in his eyes, looking like he was affectionate. Su Linghan held Liu Xinchen's left hand in one hand and stroked the tumor behind his right cheek tremblingly. He didn't know whether it was more pity or more distressed. He refused to put it down for a long time. After pondering for a long time, he said, "Good boy, you are the generation of the word 'Ming' for my son. I also thought about it for many days and thought of a name for you to call it 'Minghai'. Do you think it's good? You entered the village on the fourth day of March four years ago, and you have been in the wolf's den since you were a child. I'm afraid you don't even know your birthday, right?

The little mute nodded when he heard the words, Su Linghan said, "The fourth day of March will be your birthday. In the year you enter the village, you should be 11 or 12 years old. This year, even if you are 16 years old, you will be ranked 16 in the village, but you will remember it in the future?"

I paused and spoke reluctantly:

"When you come back from the mountain, you don't have to wait to enter the sect. Move to your father's house first and let me have a company. You are only 16 years old now, and you have the foundation of level 6, and I can't delay your future. After you spend the Spring Festival with me, you will go out to travel and have more experiences to see if you can get some opportunities.

When this martial arts practitioner reaches the third level, a certain aspect of the body reaches a limit, which is called a "power barrier" and is a big mark. Just like Liu Xinchen's previous life, a good weightlifter may become a good boxer, but it is impossible to develop into a sprinter; a sprinter may still be a good table tennis player, but cannot become a long-distance runner; and a long-distance runner can also be a cyclist, but never a boxer The same reason.

Gain, weightlifting and boxing rely on explosive power, sprinting and table tennis depend on speed and coordination, while long-distance running depends on endurance. If these three items reach the limit, they will affect the development of the other two. Therefore, it is called "power barrier".

In this alien world, the next step is to pass the "getting" level and break through this barrier through meditation and practicing qi. Reaching the so-called heart and intention, intention and qi, and qi and strength is the field of entering the middle-level warrior, which can be regarded as a fourth-level warrior. At this stage, many of people's reactions have become physical instincts and do not need to think through the brain. Therefore, the combat power is rising in a straight line, and it can reach the point where "twenty or 30 big men can't get close".

And the intermediate warrior has reached the peak of level 6, at this time, the strength, speed and endurance have reached the limit, and the original strength has also reached a stage. Another level, called "heart barrier". If you want to enter a high-level warrior, you have to pass the "sensing" level, sense the innate vitality of heaven and earth, and fit into heaven and earth, you can be regarded as a high-level warrior. At this time, Yuanli can be poured into weapons and controlled. According to Liu Xinchen's martial arts novels in his previous life, he is an innate. A grass and a tree can be a sword, and flying flowers and leaves can hurt people.

When it comes to senior warriors, their neurological response has been greatly improved. Generally, it takes one-third of a second for ordinary people to react from seeing to their muscles. Even through targeted training, it is nothing more than a quarter of a second. Therefore, although there is a saying of "straight going straight", it is basically too late to block from the opponent's punch to your opponent when facing the enemy. There is a saying among the warriors in the continent of Eshi: "No fight, just once, if you commit a fight, it's ten times." That is to say, if someone attacks, you can hit the other party with thick skin and thick flesh, thus causing a continuous blow to the enemy or making the other party lose combat effectiveness; and if you want to block the fight, you can only fall into passivity. For high-level warriors, the nerve response time is reduced by almost half. According to the level and focus, it can basically be shortened to one eighth of a second and one seventh of a second. When people get to this point, it is possible to make a move.

This level is extremely sad. Ordinary warriors come forward to practice at level 4 or 5, hoping to experience the realm of sensing heaven and earth in battle. Liu Xinchen is a slave and young, so he has dragged on until now. Now that I have entered the Su family tree, I can be regarded as my own family. Moreover, in the eyes of the Su family, this child is kind, loyal and grateful. Now he is 16 years old, and his martial arts has reached the peak of "Level 6". If he doesn't go out, he will waste a good talent. Therefore, it was decided to let him go out to practice after entering the clan.

"You child, a little kind and loyal, which is good in the family. But you can't do this when you go out. The so-called 'benevolent man Leshan, wise man Leshui', I give you the name of 'Minghai', that is, I hope you will be more careful in the future, and you need to change some tactful machines..."

"Fourth brother, children go out to experience more, and naturally they will gradually understand these truths. Isn't everyone like this? Moreover, Minghai is a six-level soldier, and he also has many opinions on martial arts. When he goes out, he is the only one who bullies others, and there is no reason for others to bully him. You don't have to worry too much." Su Lingbei comforted in a low voice.

Su Lingnan said with a smile, "The fourth brother has a new son, and he is very reluctant to give up. Unfortunately, I don't know why in recent years. Maybe it's too much to get through the magician's level. If the fourth brother and Minghai get together for a few more days, and when I become a magician, I won't have to let the child go out and practice alone. Once the warrior enters the quasi-magician, he will have a lot of experience in heaven and earth. Because of this truth, many six-level soldiers even defected to work hard and act as subordinates, only to be able to give advice. Of course, a certain amount of experience is still indispensable.

He is as straightforward as a child, and his speech is casual, but Su Linghan doesn't care when he hears it. On second thought, this is also the truth. Not to mention that the two brothers of Su Lingbei Lingnan have experienced a lot of hardships in those years. Even if they were a scholar, who traveled around the world in those years, they were deceived three or four times? The calculation between people is vicious, and there is no personal experience. How can it be made clear for a while?

Su Linghan smiled and said, "I'm worried too much about this. It's just that I'm over 50 years old, and I don't know what to think of being a parent. How can I let go for a while... Anyway, you get up and go into the mountain now. I'm afraid you won't have more than ten days to enter the mountain. We've talked a lot here, and I'm afraid today's foot journey will not be enough. Try to come back before the snow, and I'll wait here for good information. Lingbei, you are usually more majestic. The children listen to you. You go into the mountain and take care of them more..."