The mage is fierce

Chapter 27 Framed

At this time, Tao Ling came up with two more people. The first one picked up a burden, and the other behind wore a big straw hat. He should also be a businessman.

Gao Qing was glad that he had a good life and wanted to run down the mountain quickly. The man was still in the air, and he slapped the footman in front of him and his burden on the ground, and his eyes were not alive.

After landing, he was still unwilling to stop and kicked the people behind him away.

The person behind him was thin. Seeing Gao Qing kicking him, he seemed to be stunned and stood there and forgot to fight.

Zhuang Jing was very anxious, but he just threw Gao Qing out, but he couldn't return to save people. Yan Zejing and four Gao Qing's entourage were forced by the power of the magician, and they stood there as if they were crazy.

Gao Qing saw that he was about to kick the thin man. Suddenly, the man in front of him stepped sideways and crashed into his arms.

The man wore a big straw hat and was short. When he stepped forward, the straw hat only reached Gao Qing's shoulder, and he could not see the man's face clearly.

Gao Qing exerted his strength, but he used all his strength behind the man and put a thigh on his waist, as if to massage people. While he was depressed, he suddenly felt a sharp pain, and immediately came from a burst of vigor!

Under the collision between the two, Gao Qing's center of gravity was unstable and the anti-rebellious man fell to the ground. The pig-killing scream screamed and screamed a few times, and the blood clots in his mouth gushed out, which was inexplicably killed by the man.

At this time, the thin man slowly looked up, revealing a wheat-colored young face, with a faint white mark on his left cheek, which inexplicably killed a person, but his face was flat and without even a trace of expression. But it's Su Minghai.

It turned out that he just grabbed Gao Qing with a stick and egg with his right hand and lifted it up, so Gao Qing called it so tragic. When the body was attached, his left hand stood out of his right shoulder and imprinted his inner strength in the chest and abdomen.

The pain of Gao Qing was unbearable, and even his horizontal kung fu was so painful that he dissipated. With this palm, his inner body was immediately shattered.

This hand grabs and pulls the right hand like a rake, and the left palm is flat like a whip. It is a trick of iron cattle ploughing in Su Minghai's usual boxing path. As long as he is close to him, anyone will be very sad if he ploughs like this.

His close action was not very quiet, and his figure was covered by Gao Qing. Everyone was at a loss for a moment, only to know that Gao Qing's iron plate fell on the ground and it was painful to death. Only Zhuang Jing can see it clearly.

The old man saw that the person he let go was killed like a chicken, and he was so vicious. Although Gao Qing took the blame for himself, he couldn't help but be angry. He stared at Su Minghai and turned back and walked away. He also shook his head. Even he couldn't help admiring the teenager for such a trick.

Su Minghai smiled innocently at the old man as if nothing had happened. He took a few steps forward, took off the straw hat on his head, and said to the fat man and four Gaoqing attendants who were still there:

"Can you please make way?"

Everyone was still a little stupid for a moment. They couldn't turn around and really mechanically made way. It was not until the teenager passed through the crowd and walked out of the vicinity that the four attendants reacted.

Na Zhuang Jing said angrily:

"You young man, how can you be so vicious! He didn't say anything about destroying the whole family, and he wouldn't even let go of an orphan girl! I took you and let you go to Taoxi County to meet the government before talking to this family!"

At this time, Su Minghai knew that a big extermination case had been pressed on his head.

He is not the one who can be captured, and immediately argued, "Senior, wait! I have a great hatred with Liu Mingtong, who took Cangshan, and this time I came to pursue him for debt. He was hated for killing many of his men by me. This must be Liu Mingtong's trick to frame me!"

He thought it was really good: after killing more than ten people such as Gu Cheng in the dirty land, Su Minghai picked them up softly and carefully and cleaned them up. He was afraid that the corpse would be demonized, which hindered * entry and exit. He also set a fire to pile the corpse together and burned it clean.

After this rectification, the sky was more than four o'clock, so it was only about ten miles away from this dirty place and found a place for a night.

This dirty place is still nearly 200 miles away from Taoxi County. Anyway, Liu Mingtongnuo has a large family business. If the monk can't run away from the temple, he will be on the road for another two days.

Originally, according to his walking speed, he could walk 12030 miles a day. However, although he was proficient in personnel, he lacked such experience. When he inquired about the news in the village along the way, Fang Shi learned that Liu Mingtong and his party had left. Therefore, on the third day, I walked for another half a day before arriving in Taoxi County.

I thought it would be better to pretend to be a businessman than to go to Cangshan. After buying goods in Taoxi for a long time, I hired a footman. But he didn't know that the count was well-acted and left a large number of people to respond.

The Jiangbo bird had horses, but it actually arrived outside Taoxi County in the middle of the night that day. 200 miles along the way, he used manpower to meet them at various intersections. When he didn't hear the news of chasing people at dawn, he knew that it was all over. He immediately wanted to use the four people in black and more than 20 maids in his hand to remedy it.

He has many years of experience in the world. While riding a fast horse, he stared at the traces of Su Minghai and returned in turn. While collecting information everywhere, I immediately got the information that Zhuang Jing was going to pay a New Year call in Taoxi County.

Zhuang Jing is more than 90 years old. He is a famous magician-level master who has become famous for a long time, but the magician has a lifespan of 300 years, so he looks like only 50 people. After reading poems and books for a long time, he is kind and upright, and has the demeanor of a decent man. People call it seven knives to kill the heart. Although it is said that he fights with others, it is often the center of a knife, but it is also said that the knife in his hand only kills the person who kills the heart.

Jiang Bo bird thought that he was not Su Minghai's opponent, but he estimated that this boy was a *-level high-level warrior. He immediately boldly hit Zhuang Jing's brain. There are also quasi-magician-level backers behind him. It is calculated that once Su Minghai dies, this matter will sink to the bottom of the sea forever and has nothing to do with it. Even if something fails, Zhuang Jing is nominally just a quasi-magician and will not resist Liu Mingtong.

He sent two maids to control Zhuang Jing's itinerary so that the two could meet around Taoling. On the one hand, he chose the Meng family in the orphan compound around Tao Village, set the time, tied up the other party's business partner: the housekeeper of Fengjixing, and opened the door of the Meng family that night.

Jiang Bo bird itself is a six-level master, and the four people in black are also four or five-level figures. In the past three days, the injury has healed again. In addition, there are about 20 second- and third-level maids who have killed at least half of the people, which is simply devastating and immediately slaughtered the Meng family clean.

Of course, Miss Meng is also pretending to be a maid, but this person also has his identity. In the words, it is even the actual situation. Even the innocence and ignorance of the girl like Miss Meng's family pretended to be vivid and coaxed a handful of people to believe. Although Gao Qing and Yan Zejing's revenge was stirred up in the matter, the whole plot was really basically controlled by Jiang Bojiu.

Su Minghai was ignorant of these vicious tricks in the world. When Zhuang Jing was about to take action, he barely knew that he had been framed. But he was completely ignorant of the whole process and couldn't explain it clearly for a moment.

When Zhuang Jing saw that Su Minghai was still making unnecessary excuses at this time, he was even more angry and said hatefully:

"Such a Miss Meng family has forced you to die. Could it be that she gave her life to frame you?" His fists came out and went straight to the thief.

Su Minghai saw that the other party was vigorous and restrained. Between his behaviors, he could not afford the dust on the ground, but when he fell, he was as heavy as a mountain. I also had to be full of energy and waved a knife to deal with the other party.

But he usually only practices with *'s masters without any life-and-death struggle. In the dirty land, you are experiencing middle and high-level "low hands", which can only be used to increase some practice experience. In terms of martial arts experience, Zhuang Jing, who is in his 90s, can be said to have crossed more bridges than catching thieves. His martial arts skills are extraordinary, and Zhuang Jing has also fallen into the wind.

When Zhuang Jing said the word "Miss", he made a mistake and reached out his hand in front of Su Minghai.

Speaking of the word "Is it?", the offensive was like a tide, and the advantage on Su Minghai's weapons was flattened.

"She also gave her life to frame you up" came out, and the twelve words were used with her fists, elbows and knees, finger hooks and kicks, shoulder crotch, and changed for no reason, and 18 moves in a row. To the last hook hand, he took down the sword, and he toss the sword with his backhand. He toss the sword ten feet away and inserted it on the ground and trembled endlessly.