The mage is fierce

Chapter 28 Magician vs. Magician

Su Minghai had no choice but to run into the woods to hide.

He is light and lives in the mountains and forests for a long time. Although Zhuang Jing is thin and small, he walks a magnificent road. But in the woods, the thief ran farther and farther, shouting angrily in the back.

Just now, Zhuang Jing's seven apprentices were still standing still, but the fat Yan Zejing's eyes glowed. Matthew and his wife also forgot to cover up the details of their six-level soldiers and danced in the half of the tea room scattered with thatched rafters. At this time, they saw the two run into the woods and quickly chased out to watch. Only the four idle men still sit on the ground and can't earn their money.

Su Minghai ran in the woods while shouting "I'm really framed". He ran for a long time, looked at a gap, jumped out of the forest and pulled out the long sword on the ground. Come to fight against Zhuang Jing again.

The old man chased him in a fire, jumped out of the forest, jumped eight feet high, and opened his right palm. With a "woo", the old man's ear scraped down.

Su Minghai was overjoyed to see his figure hanging in the air and unable to change. Using Wudang's tricks in the sword, he raised his right foot and pulled the sword to break the old man's wrist.

This Wudang sword is also known as the "Shenmen Thirteen Swords", which is taken as a "straight" and a "near". Although the so-called thirteen postures are mostly used to hurt people's wrists by flirting, thorns, points, collapses, splits, cuts and washes, and the rest are used to assist with pulling, belts, lifting, grids, stirring, pressing, and six postures. Often, it has hit the opponent's wrist before the enemy's sword reaches.

Su Minghai's sword collapsed, and the sword was as strong as lightning!

The old man is not in a hurry. Between the contraction of the wrist, with a flick of the finger, the tip of the sword immediately bounces away!


At the bottom right foot, he kicked Su Minghai's wrist and kicked the sword far away.

Su Minghai's swordsmanship is still being practiced, and it is not as integrated as the original fists and feet. The old man had just made 30 moves with Su Minghai, but he understood some of the meaning of Wudang to the sword. This time, the hands and feet are used as long swords, which is quite the true meaning of swordsmanship.

How rich he had experience in fighting. He suddenly learned the true meaning of this boy's swordsmanship and kicked Su Minghai's sword away in one move.

The old man kicked the sword in Su Minghai's hand with the sword he had just learned from the other party. He was overjoyed, laughed and fell down.

But when he jumped in the air, Su Minghai also laughed. His left hand fell, and his five fingers rushed out, digging Zhuang Jing's eyes.

Zhuang Jing's body still hasn't landed, only his right palm obliquely supported the other party, shook his left sleeve, and jumped out with a fist and hit Su Minghai's chest. Unexpectedly, Su Minghai couldn't catch his left hand. Instead, he pinched Zhuang Jing's right hand, stepped forward with his right foot, slightly removed the opponent's fist, and elbowed to the other party's heart!

The old man also changed his mind. He pressed his right hand on Su Minghai's left hand, floated back and waited to fall to the ground.

Su Minghai waited at this moment. His left foot kicked forward and immediately broke Zhuang Jing's pace. Before his toes fell, his right leg rose again, and he actually hit a whirlwind leg in the air. Zhuang Jing lowered his head to avoid it. Su Minghai hit each other with his hands and feet and "pa!" There was a sound, and the fierce wind actually broke half of the old man's bun!

Although Zhuang Jing narrowly avoided this move, he couldn't help but be surprised to see that the other party was so powerful. However, Su Minghai's right leg was split, hooked in his hand, and attacked three moves.

Su Minghai's hands are also using the way out of mountain fists. This whirlwind leg seems to hit far, but it is actually a close-fitting trick. After this, he immediately dragged closer and closer to the old man and grabbed it into his arms!

The old man took a grand and grand road, and it was inevitable that his hands were a little messy when he was close to the little thief who specialized in short-body beating. He immediately moved and dodged, trying to distance himself.

Su Minghai must catch every punch, and he must hook his hand out of his palm. Even a foot is kicked out, but he is entangled with Zhuang Jing. In a hurry, the old man spread his full of magic power to avoid Su Minghai's hand. In the field, the horse was full of vigor, beating a flat pothole and dust all over the sky.

After fifteen or six moves, the two rolled and finally gave Su Minghai a flaw. Taking advantage of Zhuang Jing's bow and punch, he tripped his left foot, stroked his right fist with his right hand, and hit the old man's right shoulder with his left hand. He hit the old man two or three feet away and rolled to the ground. It was one of the nine short fights he learned in his previous life.

All the people next to him rubbed their eyes. The old man fell down and lost face, but also opened the distance. He jumped up and shouted, "Let's see where you're going!"

Su Minghai saw that Zhuang Jing came fiercely and jumped suddenly, turned around and ran into the woods. He began to shout again, "I was really framed!"

The old man chased after him, but he couldn't catch up with him, so he had no choice but to do nothing.

Su Minghai is also helpless. Now he has suffered and can't beat him. Then you can only use this rogue method and beg the old man to think that there is nothing he can do about the thief and turn around.

After two laps in the woods, Su Minghai figured out the old man's response to these means. He jumped out of the woods again, picked up his sword, and bowed to go.

Zhuang Jing no longer used the method just now this time. These swords are too light and incompatible with his character. Long fist flat fist, front leg reverse leg, attack one step at a time.

Su Minghai is still the same: Seeing him punching, his long sword was hidden behind him, suddenly jumping, and the tip of the sword jumped to the front. He held the handle with his hands, raised his right knee and elbow, pointing to Zhuang Jing's elbow from top to bottom.

The old man turned his fist into a palm and patted the sword, but Su Minghai's body sank. His elbow followed his right foot, and the tip of the sword collapsed. It was Zhuang Jing's wrist!

Zhuang Jing's right hand shrank, and his left fist was about to be shot out, but the boy suddenly jumped lightly. The blade took the opportunity to take a small flower and cut the opponent's left hand back.

Zhuang Jing's punch was not old. His left hand sank, and his right foot stepped forward. He made a sudden sound, and his right fist came out directly! Su Minghai saw that he came fiercely, with his right foot back and a sword.

The old man was furious and thought that the boy was going to escape again, but unexpectedly, Su Minghai's long sword turned around and whined flat. The target was still his wrist! Zhuang Jing's fist shrank, and the corners of his sleeves were full of power, becoming iron-like. He wanted to sweep the tip of Su Minghai's sword. Unexpectedly, Su Minghai's wrist turned over, and the long sword stood with a big flower, a chop, and it was his wrist!

The old man is also aggrieved. Speaking of which, the two have fought so many moves that they haven't even fought with each other, as if they have been circled around each other's weapons. A strong breath is in my heart, but I can't get it out. When it came to the ninth move, he took down the sword with a capture technique and threw it again when he threw it on the ground.

Su Minghai immediately started a short-circuit and wanted to fight with the old man. Zhuang Jing also learned to be obedient, took more cross steps, shortened his fists, and sealed the door all over.

The two made a short fight, and immediately hit each other with their elbows and knees, chirped for more than ten times.

But both of them are magicians. The power flows on their hands and legs, and both of them remove the strength. Between the exertion, there is nothing wrong. The old man immediately realized Su Minghai's foundation and shouted, "What a young man!" Full of strength, the short coat bulged out, and the short fist hit out like a wheel!

When Zhuang Jing hit more than 30 moves, he suddenly felt that his hand was heavy, and the other party also usually punched, but an unexpected momentum came, burst into his arm, followed the meridians, and attacked straight up!

He himself reacted and hanged away. The two forces touched the back end of the forearm and roared. Zhuang Jing only felt a pain in the arm bone, but it was broken!

He didn't know that Su Minghai had hidden a tool table weighing 200 to 300 pounds in his pocket, with 30% broken bones and 20% probability of a fatal blow.

The two men hit each other with short fists, and there was always a time when they could not solve the need for Yuanli to resist. As a result, Su Minghai was very lucky, and the 30% chance of broken bones was launched, which immediately knocked off Zhuang Jing's protective power.

However, the magician's power is mixed with the skin and flesh, and even many body structures have a tendency to become a force, so he immediately automatically consumes part of the power, wrapping the broken bones and melting them into a ball. Except for the reduction of the total strength, it has no effect on their own combat power.

Under Zhuang Jingdahe, he jumped back. At this time, he no longer dared to look down on Su Minghai's little head and stretched out his palm: "Kill the knife! Come on!"

One of the seven attendants jumped forward and held the handle of the shoulder knife with the palm of his hand. With a sound, he pulled out the long knife on his body and handed it to Zhuang Jing's outstretched palm.

Zhuang Jing is known as "seven knives to kill the heart", and it turns out that there are really seven knives!

The seven attendants behind him, each carrying on his shoulder, is Zhuang Jing's long knife!

No wonder these seven apprentices have such kung fu! If there is no superb martial arts, how can you calmly hand over a knife to Zhuang Jing in a fierce battle!

This knife is five feet long, which is more than half longer than the ordinary two feet seven eight, and stands almost one punch higher than Zhuang Jing, a thin old man. The blade is three feet eight inches long, three inches wide, the handle is one foot two inches long, and weighs 37 catties. It's like a gull. However, its tip is also open on both sides, which can be hit and stabbed. Even if it is held on the back of the knife with one hand, it can drag and cut people. It's the killing knife among the seven knives!

Zhuang Jing has been immersed in the knife method for 80 years and has written the book "On the Knife Theory", which has been widely circulated. Among them, he believes that after the martial artist reaches the level of magician, it can be divided into nine grades according to the meaning of the knife, which are: beheading generals, rushing camp, killing arrays, killing hearts, breaking obstacles, autumn water, dreaming, Qi, and randomness. Each product has its own special famous knife cooperation, which can be used at will, and there is no resistance in the world.

There are two knives, the former is three feet long, and the latter is eight feet and four inches long. It is made of a combination of killing array knives and air knives. It is mostly used in battle arrays and is rarely used at ordinary times. Therefore, Zhuang Jing only needs to bring seven knives to kill arrays, kill hearts, break obstacles, autumn water, dreams, harmony, and casual seven knives, so it is called "seven knives to kill the heart".

This killing knife is most suitable for killing the densely array of enemies. Although the knife is heavy, it pays attention to hovering and working hard, and the knife is as powerful as a dragon. Even in the knife mountain gun forest, it can be protected for a while.

Zhuang Jing took the knife, pressed the handle of the knife with his left palm, and pulled the back of the knife with his right hand. The blade was placed horizontally, and the blade was loosely hanging down. He walked slowly to Su Minghai step by step, which was very easy and casual.

Su Minghai still held the sword in his right hand and put it on the ground as a crutch behind his right leg, as if he was lazy.

But when he looked at Zhuang Jing walking step by step, he felt a cool atmosphere in the air for no reason. The old man's thin body seemed to become a fierce ghost, with blood dripping down his body, and he could smell the smell of blood in his nostrils!

The old man slowly walked to the front, lifted the knife, as if he had not been caught, and reluctantly pushed the knife out.

But Su Minghai is under great pressure, and this feeling is extremely strange: it seems that it is all in the palm of his hand, but he seems to feel unable to take action! It's like when a master is in a stalemate with someone, he meets a man at a low level, has the determination to die, and cuts him with a knife with all his strength.

Su Minghai gritted his teeth, picked out with a sword, and pointed to the right hand on the back of Zhuang Jing's knife!

Zhuang Jing looked like he was doing his best, reluctantly turned over the knife and took the sword with the blade.

This is the helplessness of light swordsmanship when it meets the battle knife method:

Usually duel, in order to cut faster, the change of the center of gravity is mostly on the weapon, so Su Minghai can use subtle changes in swordsmanship to intercept the opponent's power point;

And the swordsmanship is rushed by the whole person or hand, and the center of gravity changes more on the human body, and the change in swordsmanship cannot be reflected when dealing with it.

Zhuang Jing took the sword. The blade was crooked and the angle changed slightly, but it still pushed to Su Minghai, but the speed was one point faster. Su Minghai's long sword shrank and stretched out. Zhuang Jing continued to come forward and took it with a knife body, which was one point faster!