The mage is fierce

Chapter 89 Liu Mingtong's embarrassment

In fact, as an old magician, Liu Mingtong's consciousness is always shrouded in more than 20 meters, and every plant and tree on the ground is as it is now. Normally, it is impossible to have this problem, but this stone is only three inches square, but most of it is buried in the ground. Liu Mingtong only thought it was a small stone, which had no impact on his regression. Under this pull, he immediately fell into the Jedi!

Su Minghai smiled sweeter and sweeter. He actually picked a charming eye at Guan Bihe with a pale face and stepped out - he followed Liu Mingtong with a fast sword and chased him for 30 meters or more, and finally fell to the ground.

This foot is also this stone! For the same thing, when he met Liu Mingtong, he became an enemy, and when he met Su Minghai, he became a helper. Although Liu Mingtong's figure was unstable, he could see clearly in his eyes. He saw that Su Minghai was still flirting with his wife at this time, and he was even more angry. A stunned man suddenly felt that the sword light flashed in front of him, and his wrist suddenly hurt, which made Su Minghai pick up a sword obliquely! Under the pain, the right hand instinctively shrinks, but the heart knows that it is not good, and the feet are strong, and they are about to jump back.

Su Minghai got help from his feet, and his body suddenly accelerated, almost 45 degrees to the ground. The long sword tilted and hurt the other party's wrist first. His body was close. With a light smile, he cut a big mouth in Liu Mingtong's abdomen!

In the previous move, he also asked for his speed, and there was not much magic power on the sword; but the horizontal sword, the cutting distance was long, and Su Minghai deliberately did it, and a wave of three or four rounds of dark power was contained.

Liu Mingtong suddenly felt a chill in his abdomen, and then he stung in like thousands of wasps, shouting "ah ah" in pain. Under the severe pain, the dagger turned out, more than twice as fast as usual. He fought with Su Minghai's long sword, and he took advantage of it to get out of the distance.

Su Minghai can also use his sword to exert the power of 'tiger attack', but it can't be regarded as the last blow. Under the increase, what a killing! First, the sharp Yuanli cut the skin, and then the magic power split into hundreds of fragments, rolling and exploding in Liu Mingtong's body.

Liu Mingtong just opened a little distance and suddenly felt the awe-inspiring wind in front of him and rushed to his face!


He just suffered my reaction. How can he catch up so quickly?

How is this possible?

This is absolutely impossible!

Yuanli will still have time to make up for the abdominal wound in the future, forcibly transport it to the crotch, and his clothes will be revived!


I took Su Minghai's foot!

Dragon's claws!

Liu Mingtong's whole body was kicked up and flew straight out of the woods! The abdominal wound has just been made up by Yuanli, forming a crystal clear film. Just like a giant beast opened its mouth, revealing the wriggling stomach inside!

This thief!

The thief's body is flat, and the long sword is blocked by me. How can he do it! How can you kick this fierce kick?

Liu Mingtong is in mid-air, but he still can't believe it - under the world, is there such a leg method?

Su Minghai just waved his long sword obliquely and hit a tree next to him, using a trick of 'golden carp piercing waves' that he had only heard of in his previous life, but had never seen or practiced.

At the beginning, Su Minghai was only strong in practicing martial arts. Of course, he was not interested in it. But now, under his jump, even four or five side-by-row Eight Immortals tables can pass through, and naturally he has practiced this move by the way.

Liu Mingtong received this kick, and half of his crotch coat was shattered, and almost even his little brother was exposed. There is another gap in the abdomen, and half of the short coat on it also fell off, revealing the strong abdominal muscles, but at this moment, the skin has recovered as usual.

After he rose to the top, he always paid attention to the layout of scenes, dressed in wide robes and slowly. He used ancient rules. Even when he spoke at ordinary times, he had to pretend to be lazy and unrestrained. Now he was not only forced by Su Minghai to leak sexy muscles in front of his wife, but also beat most of Yuan Li. He couldn't help spitting out a mouthful of blood.

Su Minghai's foot exploded fiercely, which also exhausted the remaining momentum. Now after almost half a year, he has grown two centimeters, but the young man is only tall, not heavy, and weighs only 120 pounds. It is far from the weight of Liu Mingtong's 1.77 meters and 150 catties. Under such a full kick, his body was suspended again, and he couldn't help but stagnate.

But he saw that victory was in sight, and he could finally eliminate the block in his chest. How could he give up? Seeing that Liu Mingtong's chest and abdomen were undulating and his feet were still unstable, he immediately rushed three steps and threw himself in front of the other party in a blink of an eye. The sword shook and clicked out a line of sword flowers, covering the other party's seven key points.

Liu Mingtong came here, but he used a set of swordsmanship when he became famous - Bibo to Water Sword.

This way of swordsmanship is that 13 years ago, when he was fighting in Cangshan, the fog river was clear, but it was deep and clear; the cold fog was blurred, but it changed for no reason. What is taken is a deep word, a word, and a magic word, which is endless, like the softness of water, and can break the strength of the world. It can be said that it has obtained samadhi in the water.

As soon as this swordsmanship came out, there was a clear red in front of Liu Mingtong, which was as transparent as crystal, but he could not see his figure. This area is as red as water, like fog. Su Minghai put out 18 swords in a row, and the two of them walked half of the flat ground. Fang Shi touched the other party's sword road, turned his wrist, and took Liu Mingtong's wrist!

A few days ago, he had a good fight, which reduced Liu Mingtong's subordinates by more than 900, and even raised his level by two levels, and his experience became 23366/32886. At these two levels, he added all his strength and physical strength, and now his circumference has become strength: 30 (including necklace + 2), agility: 35, physical strength: 32, spirit: 40, which can fully exert the power of the sword in his hand. This boy has always cherished his life. Now his blood volume is as high as 98 points and his magic is 55 points. He is no longer a rookie who died as soon as he touches it. If his body is not fully developed, this attribute is no longer under Liu Mingtong, a magician for seven or eight years.

Su Minghai pulled out this sword, and Liu Mingtong's original sword road like clouds and flowing water was immediately interrupted by him and had to make a move. As soon as the sword was biased and rattled, he made a mistake with Su Minghai. But his sword was cut out, and the sword immediately stopped. Su Minghai's long sword is either banged or dotted, cut or belted, or stabbed or flirted, and changed 11 moves in a row. Liu Mingtong changed and tried his best, but this bright sword only flashed between his chest and abdomen, but he still couldn't touch the other party's sword body.

Liu Mingtong has now exhausted 60 to 70% of his power and dares not let Su Minghai touch him again. Seeing that the other party's long sword could not leave his own key points, he couldn't help but jump. While Su Minghai exhaled all in one breath, the twelfth sword blade circled around and cut his waist and abdomen, he made every effort to take action. The red light in his palm flashed, and finally sealed Su Minghai's long sword to the outer door, and it was his turn to counterattack.

The warriors who are not much different in the world have always taken the lead, but one side has attacked vigorously, and the other side retreats with a breath. When the attacker ran out of energy and had to regain his strength, the attack and defense changed momentum. It was the turn of the defending side to counterattack and start the second round. Repeatedly, until one side makes a mistake and can't prevent the other party's attack; or one party is exhausted, there will be a victory or defeat.

But just now, in Lin Zhong's fight, Su Minghai first attacked the crossbow, then the leg attack, and then came out six or seven rounds of fast swords in a row. Through the flowers and trees, he turned seven or eight times in the forest and made a detour of 30 or 40 steps. I don't know how many times he changed his breath, but Liu Mingtong couldn't find a chance to counterattack. He was as embarrassed as an old dog under five or six sticks and was driven away by the boy.

He was passively beaten just now and was extremely aggrieved. Now he is finally coming out in one breath, bursting with strength, and his footsteps hovering, stepping on a piece of flat ground like a cow ploughing field, indescribably comfortable and refreshing in my heart! A round of swordsmanship caused the storm, the mountain flood burst out, and there was an unstoppable momentum.

Now that both sides are on the flat ground, the benefits of Su Minghai's terrain just now are much less. After being attacked by Liu Mingtong, he had to hover left and right and use the Type 13 sword posture in turn to reduce Liu Mingtong's anger.

But Liu Mingtong is now full of anger. Although the swordsmanship is unparalleled, there are always fewer calm changes. Su Minghai just took the five swords and seized the opportunity of Liu Mingtong's swordsmanship. He took the long sword and took the opponent's sword body to bring the situation back one point. Liu Mingtong's sword was originally flashing, as fast as lightning, but suddenly he was mentioned by Su Minghai's sword, and he couldn't help but lose a little control in his hand. Shocked, he immediately calmed down. The dagger took the opportunity to pull an arc, with one sword and three flowers, stabbing Su Minghai's chest and shoulders.

Su Minghai curled the corners of his mouth, jumped his wrist, grabbed the opponent's sword body, turned his hand and stirred it down. Liu Mingtong was pulled into a draw before he could exhaust his breath. Taking a step forward, his wrists protruded, and the dagger stabbed Su Minghai's right shoulder like a blood-red snake letter!

For such a situation, I don't know how many tricks Su Minghai's Wudang swordsmanship has. He retreated and walked back, and Liu Mingtong's blow has been empty. He was taken a wrong step by Su Minghai, turned back with a sword, and whined down.

In this move, Su Minghai took his waist step by step, belt arm, and sword momentum. He turned back and split down, almost exerted the power of 121%!

When Liu Mingtong saw the momentum of a sword like a mountain collapse, he knew that it was impossible to catch the hard block. His heart darkened, the cat's waist staggered backwards, and a virtual sword stuck to the sword body and pierced the other party's wrist. I have made up my plans to start a new round of defense.

The warriors of this world wear more armor. Therefore, the swordsmanship used is mainly based on stabbing, splitting, flirting, pressing, grid and other strong attack moves, otherwise it will not destroy the opponent's armor. Now when he encounters Su Minghai's light and rapidity like a dragonfly, heavy as a mountain cracking, changing and complicated, flowing swords like clouds and water, he immediately tied his hands and feet and made a judgment. Liu Mingtong is also a veteran magician who has been fighting for a long time and is proficient in killing, but he can't go all the way to the end in Su Minghai's hands.