The mage is fierce

Chapter 90 Hidden Device

However, Liu Mingtong's retreat and transformation also hid the momentum of the sword. Unexpectedly, when Su Minghai saw Liu Mingtong cutting his wrist, he was not worried and happy. His wrist was paused in vain, and Liu Mingtong could no longer reach Su Minghai's wrist. On the contrary, this mountain-like split completely turned into a sword cutting force. The tip of the sword jumped down, and only felt that his wrist was cold. He could not even see the trajectory of the sword clearly, and was intercepted above the tiger's mouth!

This move turned into a sharp sword in vain, just like a sharp spike suddenly appeared on his chest when a person was galloping in a 100-meter sprint. With this crazy braking feeling, Liu Mingtong's almost uncomfortable bloodline was about to turn upside down. But after all, he has decades of experience in life and death, so he can still twist his five fingers in this unavoidable way! The hilt in his hand jumped out, blocking Su Minghai's blade! The wrist turned over, and the handle of the sword had been pinched back in his hand.

But when Su Minghai arrived, the long sword in his hand could still change his move - cutting the sword and suddenly turned into the sword washing!

The blade of five catties and nine taels suddenly turned into a flying dead leaf, moving obliquely, and stuck to or even sticking to Liu Mingtong's short sword. For example, a husband gently hugged his wife, and a mother took good care of her baby. Gentle and powerful, firmly moved Liu Mingtong's cherry red to the outer door.

At this moment, the situation suddenly changed!

Liu Mingtong's face turned white!

Even Guan Bihe, a weak woman, couldn't help taking a step!

Su Minghai's face is red, his skin is as fat, and his eyes with a smile bring out the clouds of the distant mountains!

The left hand hooked and pinched into a monkey's claw; the right hand did not return the sword, but followed the situation and made a flat elbow; the waist and crotch would not move, and the right foot was empty. Then, like an old cat that saw its owner go home, he rushed into Liu Mingtong's arms.

In an instant, Su Minghai chiseled Liu Mingtong's shoulder socket with his left monkey claw!

Right arm elbow, one elbow, flat top Liu Mingtong's lower ribs!

Lew your right foot, bounce your leg, and bounce to Liu Mingtong's crotch!

Su Minghai grabbed, elbows, legs, left and right, went up and down, and attacked Liu Mingtong! At this moment, this veteran magician can't avoid it. As long as you are hit by Su Minghai, the follow-up tricks will keep up, and you will be in a dead end!

Left monkey claw comes first!

A chisel!

Criandered off Liu Mingtong's left shoulder joint!

Liu Mingtong's heart suddenly sank.


The whole body was stirred up, and the dust on the ground suddenly stagnated, as if under invisible heavy pressure. It sank to the ground until a foot away, and Fang began to "bang" sound, stirring up five feet high like a wall!

Su Minghai continued to hit with one elbow and one leg, and Liu Mingtong gathered on the surface with all his strength to take Su Minghai's two heavy blows!

"Oh! Poo! Poo! Poo! Poo!"

Su Minghai's two blows were only halfway through and stopped in vain!

In the air, there was a sound of a sharp blade breaking through the air, which was like a rolling string, and five sounds came together!

Flying knife, copper coin dart, iron thisbur, plum thorn, pear nail!

The five sounds that break the air are actually five different hidden weapons. One flew behind the ear, and the other three were aimed at the right armpit and side back Tianxi, Qimen, and ointment acupuncture points!

If Su Minghai hits these two blows, he will be shocked by Liu Ming and Tongyuan's strength. He can't protect himself for a while. At least, he will be nailed with two or three sharp hidden weapons on the critical points of his body!

Gun Bihe! When Su Minghai was at the foot of the mountain, he also inquired that she had just recovered from her illness for a month - he immediately believed that this person was at most a middle-level warrior. When the warrior reached a high level, he had exchanged magic with the outside world. The external evil was inviolable and there was no reason to get sick. Therefore, as soon as he heard that Liu Mingtong took her up the mountain every day, he was immediately overjoyed - just gave the count more scruples.

Just now, I saw her weak appearance. Although her skin color was delicate and crystal clear, the color was pale, and she couldn't think of the head of the high-level warrior. She only thinks that she is well-reate and well maintained. Unexpectedly, this delicate woman turned out to be an eight-level master!

Lanyang Housekeeper is a famous martial arts family, famous for his light and fast body and lightning fast sword. Guan Bihe is an authentic direct descendant of the branch of the Guan family. When he met Liu Mingtong, he was already a six-level peak figure. Liu Mingtong's Tianfeng Liu family is also a big family, but Liu Mingtong is just a silver concubine in the family. Before she got the title, she was not valued by the family at all. The two were originally wrong, and Liu Mingtong's appearance was not very good, but Guan Bihe looked at it right and married the mixed-race concubine of the Liu family.

Guan Jiang, Guan Bihe's mother, was also a famous and ruthless chivalrous thief before she married, nicknamed Qianshou Avello. Avalo is a god of Tujiao. It is said that he has thousands of hands and eyes that can penetrate all the sorrows in the world. Guan Jiang's people called Avala with thousands of hands, talking about her hidden weapon kung fu, overwhelming, as if there were thousands of hands working together. The speed and complexity of the action can be imagineable. Guan Bihe also learned his mother's hidden weapon at home. When she first met Liu Mingtong, Liu Mingtong's martial arts were still under her, so she laid the foundation of fear at the beginning. Later, Liu Mingtong went through a long battle. After Guan Bihe got married, he rarely killed people, which made him become a magician first.

Guan Bihe has been married for more than ten years and has practiced to level eight. In fact, he has also reached the point of Yuanli transformation attack. The agility of power is no longer under Su Minghai at this time. Only the compensation of Yuanli's skin and bloodline, the recovery of magic in the external vitality, and there are also many gaps with the magician. She couldn't break through for a long time, so she considered Zixi. She just gave birth to a son with Liu Mingtong in the middle of last year. After giving birth, his body suffered a loss, and then he fell serious after learning that Guan Tianxu was killed, but the foundation of the eighth-level soldier was still there.

Su Minghai saw that Guan Bihe was recovering from his serious illness. Naturally, he only thought that she was just a weak woman, and how could he get so many flowers and plants?

In shock, he had to accumulate his strength and take advantage of the situation to raise his head and avoid a copper coin dart and a pear nail. At the same time, his right elbow retracted and hit the iron thistock to the ground. The remaining plum thorn hit the upper right arm and was turned by his power, which eliminated his internal strength, but suffered some slight damage. But the last flying knife firmly penetrated into his side back plaster hole, straight into three inches, and was caught by Yuan Li. The magic power inside suddenly exploded, and the inside immediately suffered a lot of damage!

When Liu Mingtong arrived here, he finally recovered his breath, rolled sideways and fell down, rolled straight out two feet away, and began to jump up. The cherry red dagger crossed, and he waved his posture and recovered in a hurry.