The mage is fierce

Chapter 106 turned out to be --

When the man saw Su Minghai constantly reporting these many materials, he only rolled his eyes. I know more that this is just the name of the material, among which the materials are more or less particular, but I'm afraid that there are many Mingtang in processing. He said, "How much cooperation can these many materials make? During this period, all kinds of fragrances, one after another, are naturally natural, and there is no sense of abruptness. Su Minghai's reputation is not false! Everything in the world, together, I'm afraid it's the magician who got an understanding and breakthrough from the barbecue... I didn't expect that this chef could take martial arts further!"

While thinking about it, he also said, "It's just a skill to cook, but the little brother actually changed from one to biochemistry, and endless. It can be said that it's really a skill!"

When this sentence is spoken, it is a little obvious - such a question is inevitably suspected of spying on other people's details.

Su Minghai is now secretly busy recovering his magic, but he didn't expect to go up here. Hearing the words is just a pure, shy smile, and there is no excuse. The kitchen he carried with him was extremely comprehensive. He took out two large plates and spread two green vegetable leaves on each to neatly divide the venison. He took out two small plates of prepared sauce and put them next to the venison. Fang pushed a large plate in front of the big man and said:

"Please use it slowly..."

Then he added: "Although I have added seasonings to this deer leg, the barbecue on the fire is fragrant, but the flavor is not enough. This plate of sauce is supplemented with this flavor, and it tastes unique.

After saying that, he took out two pairs of bamboo chopsticks and divided them into pairs.

The big man saw that Su Minghai cut meat with cutting boards and special knives, and put vegetables on small plates, even the vegetable leaves at the bottom, piles and pieces. It's no different from him who usually eats at home. Now he eats other people's, uses other people's, and looks at Su Minghai's magical tricks, as if he has even opened up a new world of his martial arts. I couldn't help looking up to the sky and roaring, covering the whining wind and rain outside, reaching out to take out a porcelain bottle and laughing:

"Well, I still have a bottle of 48-year-old Wengyuan barbecue. Now there is meat and wine, and I can finally eat happily."

After saying that, the plug was opened, and suddenly a strong smell of wine came to my nose. When he touched the wine, his robe was flat, but he could produce a bottle containing two or three catties of wine. Obviously, he also had his own room.

This Wengyuan is produced in Huacheng Province. The mountains and forests are dense and the springs are clear. It is the place where good wine is produced. There are two kinds of famous wines in the Juhua Empire, which come from Huacheng. This Wengyuan barbecue is one of them. This wine is sweet and crisp, and its mouth is like a fire. After swallowing it, it will emit a roasted fat-like fragrance, also known as green fire wine.

Su Minghai's intoxicated smell said:

The wine of blue fire has been extremely rare for more than 20 years. Unexpectedly, my husband is also an elegant person. When he arrived in this wilderness, he also brought such good wine! This wine is like burning in the mouth. It should be served in a cup of rue. Wood helps fire and adds mellow beauty.

After saying that, he took out two wooden cups and sighed:

"Unfortunately, this Yunxiang cup is not made of the old stem of Yunxiang trees for more than a hundred years, and now it can only be done."

"Haha, there is no reason to be comprehensive in this world. The number of 50 is 50, especially one, which is used for forty-nine. As a magician, Brother Su is a little unidentified to say such a thing.

After the martial arts advanced to the magician, the world's martial arts are all believed in, which is a good article. In a way, this road has come to an end. Therefore, they have sought breakthroughs from other ways, and this big man has obviously learned a lot about these nagging things.

Su Minghai is a eloquent and retorted: "Life is between heaven and earth, so it can't be perfect. Similarly, people who are in the fence are not perfect, and if they are perfect, they will jump out of the fence. Therefore, if the first-level warrior is complete, he will become a middle-level warrior, and if the high-level warrior is complete, he will become a magician. Life must seek progress, so we should try our best to pursue perfection.

The man obviously had never heard such a crooked theory. Hearing this, he was paradoxical and had a great understanding. He met Su Minghai for a short time today, but he seemed to have seen his new world two or three times, but he still couldn't figure it out for a while. The whole body seems to have crawled into thousands of lice, and the itching is unbearable. Scratching his ears and cheeks and praising loudly:

"Brother Su's words are very reasonable. Haha! It's stupid!" While speaking, the name has changed from the doll at the beginning to the little brother, and now it has become the Su brothers.

The two frowned, raised their glasses and drank them all. They suddenly felt sorry for each other, looked at each other and laughed, and stretched out their chopsticks to take the venison. The big man probably has never eaten such a beautiful thing, and his mouth is full of admiration.

After a few bites, Su Minghai smiled and said, "Since you want to be perfect, the eldest brother's name will be known to the eldest brother, and the eldest brother's name should also be a hint to the younger brother."

However, he also replaced the original husband with the eldest brother, and the two suddenly got close to each other. This boy is very good at being a human being. Just now, the big man knew his identity. If he asked him immediately, he would look a little hostile and a chicken belly. But if he continued, he would be rude if he didn't ask his name. At this time, the two of them praised each other and praised each other, and the atmosphere was much more harmonious. They opened their mouth and asked for their names, but it was just right.

The man was asked by Su Minghai for his name, and he felt extremely happy to be valued by the teenager. Reaching out to help Su Minghai fill another glass of mellow wine, laughing:

"This is my brother's negligence. My brother lives in Huang'an County, Pingshan Province. His surname is Delan and his name is Eric."

Although Su Minghai had one or two speculations in his heart, he was almost shocked to learn the man's name at this time. He immediately looked awed and arched his hand and said, "I didn't expect to see Eric today. St. Lord Delan..."

Saint Delan stared at each other, and Su Minghai quickly changed his words:

"Brother Delan fell into a battle 11 years ago and is still popular and circulating in the world. The younger brother can be said to have grown up listening to the eldest brother's deeds. Haha, from childhood to adulthood, the younger brother has worked hard to practice martial arts, but half of the purpose is to yearn for the eldest brother's 13 members*!"

Delan is another local emperor of Juhua, the Duke of Delan family in Pingshan Province. In fact, Su Minghai heard that he was from Huang'an County, Pingshan, and he already knew that this person was Saint Delan, one of the nine magicians of Juhua. In the Falling Flower War, this man killed 13 generals of the Hangjia Empire with the body of a seven-level warrior, four of whom were seven-level soldiers. He was known as the first general west of Jushan, and he was only 23 years old at that time. Only three years later, he joined the ranks of quasi-magicians and is the youngest genius magician in Jinhuzhou in a hundred years. Five years later, he understood the skills of the magician and achieved the status of one of the nine magicians.

After the war, Delan was awarded the title of count. Unfortunately, in the Battle of Falling Flowers, it was a great victory of the Juhua Empire at first, but later Juhua captured the Taidao Pass of the Hangjia Empire, but was cut off by the St. Lan Legion of the Hangjia Empire and was defeated. In the end, the two sides made a peace. Therefore, the territory has not been opened up, and the count of Delan can only be a crowned count and cannot be awarded territory.

There are many masters in the world, and it is no wonder that Su Minghai was shocked when he heard this.

St. Delan was obviously very proud of what he had done in those years, laughing:

"Okay, Brother Su, you are the youngest young magician in the history of Jinhuzhou, much stronger than me, a 26-year-old man who broke into the quasi-magician. If you praise me so much, I will be ashamed to dig a hole in it... Come on, let's continue drinking!"

He raised his glass to Su Minghai and took a sip.

This meal was mellow and fragrant. The two of them came and went for more than an hour before they stopped. When Saint-Derland arrived at the ruined temple, it was nearly midnight. At this time, it was almost three o'clock in the morning. April dawned early, and it would be dawn in an hour. Both of them were not interested in resting and talked about martial arts with each other. With that, St. Delan felt a little itchy and said to Su Minghai:

"Brother Su, I have benefited a lot from meeting you today. Why don't we prove what we have learned against one opponent?

Su Minghai also had this intention and immediately said:

"If Brother Delan is willing to give advice, I can't ask for it!" He stood up, joined hands with Saint-Dran, and stood three feet apart in the open space in front of the temple.

At this time, the wind and rain stopped early, and the dark clouds in the sky had dispersed, and even the stars were exposed. Only the remnant moon hid half of his little face shyly and reflected a touch of cloud into colorful colors. The broken temple is located halfway up the mountain, covered by the surrounding mountain shadows, and it is still dark. Fortunately, the two are full of magic, and their eyes are like night owls, and they are both magician-level figures. They are 20 or 30 meters around. They feel more real than their eyes, but they are not affected at all.

Su Minghai is young, so he naturally has to take the lead. He bent down with his fist, gave a slight salute, and said:

"Brother Delan, I'm not comnic, but I have to go first!"

Such complex and empty terrain has a great advantage for Su Minghai, a light warrior. Saint-deland did not dare to neglect. He stood a virtual posture with his feet back and forth, and said:

"Come on!"

As soon as the words fell, Su Minghai jumped up like a swallow. Halfway through, his body shook, and his feet suddenly stretched out to the ground a little bit, and suddenly accelerated! Even in Saint-Derand's divine consciousness, a virtual shadow is about to appear!

At the beginning, Su Minghai used the speed to explode, increasing the speed by 23%!

The speed is not like power. Its improvement is calculated according to the square of agility. This 23% speed increase is just waiting for Su Minghai to have almost 56 points of agility!