The mage is fierce

Chapter 107 Competition with Saint-deland

St. Delan comes from rich experience and doesn't pay attention to Su Minghai. But now seeing that his figure is so erratic, he also think that he has never seen such a fast body. He can't help shouting, and his thick cloth clothes suddenly opened, and the lines on it flowed, which also used one of his magician skills - 'green earthworm chasing water'. This is the skill he realized for the chaos. Outside, the original power of the robe flows, and even if there are five or six swords are cut at the same time at the same time, it can be easily unloaded - only then did they fight, and Saint-deland had to take a defensive posture!

At this time, Su Minghai's figure had suddenly appeared on the side of Saint-Dran's body, and his left hand was like a claw, and he took the opponent's left rib with one blow. His right hand was chiseled and drilled, and even the air popped. Later, it came first, but it was the first to prevent the interception of Saint-deland's left hand. His left foot suddenly kicked out, and at the same time, it also broke Saint Teresa. The footwork.

This three-style move, pull out the ribs and remove the elbows and force the legs, almost at the same time. Although Su Minghai still has a little temptation, his subordinates are extremely tricky. Like St. Delan, a magician from such a powerful warrior is really a little difficult to defend.

But when people have reached the position of magicians, they have become extremely familiar with how to give full play to their strengths and restrain the weaknesses of the enemy. Saint-deland's left shoulder shook, but the first thing to avoid was Su Minghai's right hand that chiseled his elbow. His right foot stepped forward, and his right fist came out of his waist, whining and hitting it flatly. Unexpectedly, there is a sense of landslides and unstoppable - force warriors, only attack, attack, and attack again! You can be injured anywhere else, but in the end, you must be injured with your own weapon!

At this moment, the strong wind that Su Minghai had just swept through and forced the wet rain on the ground. But Saint-deland was just this ordinary punch, which was fierce. These water drops that had just been brought up were actually "wandering" and forced back to the ground. The disease of strength made the mud on the ground fly again.

Su Minghai's claw, if he wants to catch St. Delin's left ribs, his body will be bombarded with this fierce fist! Although Saint-deland may break one or two ribs at that time, Su Minghai will smash most of the bones of his whole body no matter where he receives this punch!

He had no choice but to return with this three moves. His body took advantage of the situation, but he circled around Saint-Andrean for half a circle, lifted it with his backhand, and grabbed the other party's left leg.

St. Delan did not advance and retreat this time. His left leg shrank back, and then changed to a left fist, hitting it flat.

If you change to an ordinary person, it's always a little awkward to work like this. But when Saint-Deraine did it, his left leg shrank, but it still became a place to borrow. On the contrary, this boxing was very strange and powerful, but it was just a shock, silent and restrained.

Su Minghai was very knowledgeable, and his left claw was vibious. The original attack turned into an arm borrowing force, and his whole body shrank into a ball. A somersault in the air turned to the left side of Saint-in. His right hand was chiseled into a claw, and one claw aimed at St. Delan's legs!

He started the speed explosion at this moment, and how fast his body is. But this somersault was only half over, and he could hear "Kah!" behind him. A sound - Saint-Dran's punch actually used an empty boxing method. The magic flew out of the air and broke a big branch with a thin arm!

At this time, St. Delan's left leg shrank and just reached Su Minghai's claws. Su Minghai was overjoyed, and his five-finger tendons were tense in vain, like five sharp knives, "Wow!" The ground was inserted into the Bend tendons of St. Delan. But as soon as the fingertips came into contact with the bulging trousers of the other party, it was like grabbing a large piece of pork belly, fat and elastic, and couldn't help slipping in his hand. Hiss quickly cleaved his fingertips and "hised" tore a big hole in St. Delan's trousers tube and touched the flesh inside.

But St. Delan has been immersed in the magic skill of 'seeking water' for many years, and Yuan Li immediately reacted. Su Minghai's claw caught the skin and flesh of the other party, but it was like hitting a small ice cube on the ice, and finally did not cause any damage to others.

Saint Delin walked all the way as a power warrior. In terms of physical speed, he is naturally not as good as Su Minghai. However, in terms of strong boxing power, he is far above this developing teenager. At this time, with a little negligence, he scratched a leg of Su Minghai's trousers and couldn't help blushing. While the boy was getting old, his left foot fell to the ground and shouted:


As soon as he raised his right foot, he suddenly kicked away the soles of a big foot towards Su Minghai's small body!

Although the power of this foot was only lifted overnight, there was a pit in the place where he was originally right. The wind was violent, as if even the heaven and the earth had become more dim. Su Minghai's move was a little old, and he felt so suffocating that he could hardly breathe. Before this leg arrived, the sand on the soles of his feet flew out first and hit his white coat.

Su Minghai's body suddenly turned into a light leaf! At this time, his toes were only one foot from the ground, but he suddenly turned around and gently pointed on Saint-Derin's ankle. Naturally, it was slippery when I met the other party's protective 'green earthworm'. However, Su Minghai did not resist this sliding. He supported his left hand and supported it on the back of St. Delan's calf. After another slip, the whole body turned into a slippery loach and hovered on the other party's leg. The right hand was chiseled, and the ground was chiseled head-on in Saint-Derland. Although it was slippery, it also made a ripple of the original force of Saint-deland in this area. Kick the right foot again, support the opponent's kneecap, and finally don't slide away again. The whole person immediately got a loan, like a lizard, and jumped back to the left knee of St. Deland.

The hands are on the ground, the whole body is in the air, the left foot is bent, and the right foot is kicked back in the air. Saint-deland was also a little unprepared. His elbow fell on Su Minghai's right leg, which had already solved these two kicks. Instead, he turned the boy two feet away.

Saint-deland's strength was so strong that he kicked back insipidly, but Su Minghai had to point, chisel and step on it three times, which began to resolve this overnight power. During this period, there was also a change in the body from Guan Bihe's body. But even so, the first-hand advantage has been exhausted. The only cheap thing is to scratch a piece of cloth on St. Delan's leg, and it doesn't hurt any fur.

Saint Delan saw Su Minghai landing two feet away, but he did not take the opportunity to pick this cheap one. Hehe smiled and said:

"Brother Su's body is really extraordinary. I have been fighting for many years, and I have never seen such a fast and casual body like you. However, the kung fu in his hands and feet is extremely tricky and strange..."