The mage is fierce

Chapter 244 Kokang's Hasty Work

At that time, most of the people lived in settlements in the form of families. Each family had several discerning people, and their sense of belonging to the family was far above the country. Therefore, after these people knew that this place was about to become a land of war, their families fled one after another, and nearly 120,000 people could not escape 20,000 in the end. Because Qiancang County is located in the Wujiang River Valley, it has a lot of arable land and is convenient to go downstream. Therefore, among the nearly 100,000 people, more than 30,000 people have settled in Qiancang County, which has pushed the population of Qiancang County to nearly 90,000 in one fell swoop. Since then, due to local stability, many 50,000 wild people in Qiancang County also came out of the mountain, and later it became a large county of 110,000 people.

On the 6th of April of the sixth year of Longxi, Zhao Hongzhi and Xinbiguan Zuolang fought in the area of Yufeng Village with 3,500 people. Jide was captured in defeat, and his lieutenants Jian Shiqiang and You Bo were killed by the chaotic army. The soldiers died in the battle, surrendered 1,700, and the rest of them dispersed, and finally returned to Lance with less than 200 people. Shen Tujun, the emperor of the Lance Empire, issued a special edict to regard these 200 soldiers as warriors, and everyone was promoted to one level and gave countless gold and silk.

On the seventh night of April of the same year, Zhao Hongzhi broke through the new Biguan, and the county guard Fan Zhenliang burned himself and died in the city. Youlang killed Geng Hao in the enemy's bed at the head of the city. Lieutenant Oliver. Colin, Tan Zhuangxiang and Yu Qijin were killed in the battle. Only 1,500 of the 5,000 soldiers escaped, more than 2,000 people were killed, and the rest surrendered. There is also Lieutenant Karpas. Sean got rid of his life, because he gathered the defeated soldiers with meritorious deeds and crimes, and he was reduced to all of them. Shen Tujun personally edicted Fan Zhenliang's second son to go to the palace, and special Jin Fan Zhenliang was the uncle of Xiliao, shaded for three generations, and attacked the title of his eldest son, and the second son was awarded the title of baron.

After Zhao Hongzhi returned to the former Cangbao, he found two sets of isolated books in several cases in his study. One is the eight volumes of the "Record of the Famous Mountains of the Golden Pot" by Du Guangting, a great gentry, 500 years ago, and the other is the 9 volumes of "Famous Ministers" compiled by Ye Shi in the Zhao Dynasty, all of which are rare and excellent products. There is also a note under the book: "My little brother is about to break through, and I will leave first. I will see you again in Yongping during the funeral of my uncle."

Zhao Hongzhi didn't expect that Su Minghai would immediately break through again. He couldn't help sighing and looking at this friend at that time, who was getting farther and farther away from him...

Su Minghai knew that Zhao Hongzhi's marriage, which was scheduled for April 12, could not be held because of Zhao Yu's funeral. He had to wait until the expiration of his three-year filial piety period before he could get married. Although he was more interested in Taoist cultivation in his previous life, after knowing that An Ding returned the elixir, he was pregnant in October, breastfed for three years, face the wall for nine years, and soared once a day. According to this calculation, after he achieved the golden elixir magic seed in mid-May last year, he should have begun to fetuses in March. But because of these days, he has been uncertain and has experienced many battles. When the time comes, he has no sense of it. However, because he is warm every day and mobilized more magically during the war, the little real seed in his chest feels much more powerful.

After killing Yu Yantai this time, he finally felt that the magic was ready to move. He had no experience about it, so he immediately left an explanation in the former Cangbao study, went into the mountain to find a secluded place, and began to warm up every day. After more than a month in such a hurry, I secretly returned to Luowu Town and harvested more than 1,100 experiences and came back to retreat. By May 28th, there was still no movement, but the golden elixir seed was more solid. On the contrary, he had a few new pieces of equipment, which warmed him thoroughly, and even increased his combat effectiveness a lot.

Su Minghai thought that the chain boots built at Kou Kang should have been completed, and Zhao Yu's funeral was in late June, so after cleaning up the place for meditation, he got up and galloped to Shizhuguan.

And on the same day, Lan Xuezong served at the outer door, An Rui. Corestel has checked with Sam, the leader of the Lion Wind Gang of the Wendy Federation, searched the whole Wendy Federation, turned north from the Reims Empire and approached the territory of Xinbi County. On this day, meditating in the mountains, I felt the unique enemy mark of Lanxuezong!

The so-called enemy mark is a spell that leaves a mark on the enemy for the clan to pursue with 50% of his own blood when the mage fights with people and is unable to fight against the enemy. As long as there are people from the same sect meditating within 500 miles, they can vaguely feel the direction and distance of the enemy.

Anrui. Kreister was overjoyed and immediately got up to track him. He used his magic skills and traveled more than 200 miles in half a day. After midnight, he easily found a secluded place to feel it again, but he found that there was suddenly no trace of the other party in his consciousness!

"Is it really the work of a master of Jing Yadao?"

He chased wildly and had entered half of Xinbi County, but the other party had no trace at this moment. Aristel couldn't help but hang a trace of gloom in his heart - holding the mountain boundary, the closest to it is the well road, and its voice is faintly above Lanxue Sect. And within half a day, this person should have set off after himself, but now he has escaped a sensing distance of 500 miles, so it is basically possible to determine the identity of this person - mage! At least he is a human mage! And the level is probably higher than that of an old man in his460s!

He didn't know that since Su Minghai decided to go to Shizhu Pass today, naturally he would leave as soon as it was dark - now he could run 700 or 800 miles a day. Naturally, he did not want to surprise the world during the day. Instead, he entered Shizhu Pass overnight and came to visit the old man Kou Kang early in the morning.

Even if it was hurriedly processed within a month, the things made by Kou Kang brought unexpected joy to Su Minghai - the whole pair of boots were specially made according to the shape of his feet, and the joints were extremely flexible, which was no different from wearing leather boots. The sole is made of mulberry gold silk cloth, and the bottom is a solid layer of snake skin as the bottom. In the middle of the sole, there is also a leaf of blood refined steel embedded in its shape, which is just the same shape as the sole of the foot, and also adds a lot of kicking power. The whole boot tube is soft snakeskin, decorated with extremely fine blood steel rings, dense and seamless with the whole soft snakeskin...

Super craftsman's boots: chain boots, defense: 11, required strength: 30, durability: 18/18, maximum damage +2, kick damage: 6-14, required level: 12.

Su Minghai knows this "maximum damage +2", plus the damage of kicking. Now his legs are amazing. If he uses a tiger to attack three layers of gas and a strong kick, he can beat an old magician more than half of his strength. Once this pair of boots are completely warmed, he may kill Yu Yantai's master with one blow. Although he can only use it until level 12, he is now only more than 1,300 experience away from level 12. Even if he only cultivates by himself, he can rise to level 12 in two months. During this period, it is just right to put this pair of chain boots in the package rail and slowly warm up.