The mage is fierce

Chapter 245 Corestre's Shock

When Kou Kang saw that Su Minghai was extremely satisfied, he immediately smiled and said, "Su boy, don't be happy now. Haha, it will be a big surprise when you come back to me next year!"

Su Minghai's eyes lit up and immediately enlarged: "Mr. Kou? Have you started to build that pair of chain boots?

Ko Kang's two bubble eyes turned over and said angrily, "Cut - do you think it's kneading dough? Knead it and come out? I'm going to take this pair of boots as a masterpiece of Lin Lao's harvest mountain. I dare not say how far leather can go, but every texture folding of blood steelmaking needs to be carefully calculated. Hey hey, I've only made most of the strategy so far. You can wait slowly..."

"I haven't started to do it yet!" Now it's Su Minghai's turn to roll his eyes. Kou Kang doesn't care how the teenager is feeling and said, "It's 28 today. Are you going to go to Grandpa Zhao's funeral?"

Su Minghai nodded and said, "The boy and Brother Zhao are not rebellious. My husband also loves me very much. This time he is going to Yongping County."

Ko Kang said, "Alas... I didn't expect that my father-in-law died of a violent illness. The old man asked for 200 gold coins from him that year. This is really not authentic... I'll also send him..."

The old man has lived in seclusion for ten years now. Su Minghai didn't expect that he would go to Zhao Yu's funeral. He just wanted to come and get his boots and leave. Now seeing that he was willing to go with him, he immediately said with great joy, "The boy is worried that he is too lonely. It's best to have an old man with him!"

Ko Kang laughed and said, "As long as you don't think the old man is talkative..." As a blacksmith, he was very straightforward and immediately said, "Su boy, let's go as soon as we go. The old man told the family, and we will go on our way immediately."

At this moment, it is early in the morning. Su Minghai can't travel blatantly in broad daylight. At night, there is no need for this - Shizhuguan is only more than 200 miles to Yongping, and there is a fog river in the middle. He takes a fast boat down the river. It is more than 100 miles a day. At night, guests can rest, and the boat will still move forward and arrive at dawn. Head. So the two went out, hired a fast ship casually, and went on their way comfortably...

However, he said that Corester could not detect the enemy's message and slowly suspected that he had reached the head of the well in the Cang Mountains. In the most powerful place, he did not dare to move. Just in case, he began to travel to the Cangshan area. In the middle of the night, he arrived at Xinbiguan.

At this time, it was still under martial law. After Zhao Hongzhi got to pass the city, in order to prevent accidents, he moved most of the original more than 5,000 residents to Shizhuguan for resettlement, and moved the population from all over Yongping to enrich Guancheng. Moreover, Xinbiguan is the only way to the Wendy Business Federation, and there are many merchants. This is the interest of various countries, and Zhao Hongzhi can't block it. Therefore, in the city, people come and go, bustling, but it is several times more lively than usual.

After all, he was so old and became a refined man. Seeing that he was about to enter a densely populated place, he also knew that he changed his mage's dress, stole a few clothes before dawn, disguised himself as an old man in his seventies, and then entered the customs.

In the past two months, many people along the way have been discussing the battle of Xinbiguan. Su Minghai happened to kill Yu Yantai at this pass, which naturally became the talk of passers-by. Although Corester also heard of this young magician who appeared in the sky like a comet, he lived in the sect for a long time and went out of the mountain. People in the world may have passed two generations. 18-year-old magicians and 60-year-old magicians are all new things for people in their 40s and 60s, so they are not very curious. After entering the customs, he casually bought a horned horse and rode north. Soon after, Xinbiguan spread the story of a 70 or 80-year-old man running around on a horned horse.

The horned horse walked with all his strength for a day, and it only took 120 miles. In broad daylight, every time, a kind passer-by came up to persuade him to be careful. As a result, he only arrived in the area of Ningxuanlou at night. Naturally, when he continued to meditate that night, he still couldn't feel it - Su Minghai was already on the boat at this moment, and he had walked more than a hundred miles north, and the distance between him and Corester was not shortened much at all.

Andy. Corestel was even more disappointed, but at night, he still abandoned the horned horse, launched the magic art, and went straight north.

His magic is a spell that is simply used to catch the road. On the flat ground, he can drive out 800 miles in one night. However, there are many mountains in the area of Lance Juhua, and he can't figure out the specific whereabouts of his enemies. He must go roughly in the direction he sensed the day before yesterday, so it is not so fast to walk. All the way past the former castle, I walked more than 60 miles north. Under the hazy starlight, I saw a sparkling water in front of me. It turned out that in this place, there was a stream that flowed from Cang Mountain into the Wujiang River, turning and hovering, just in front of him into a big lake.

When the stars shone on the lake, Corester was shocked and felt cold sweating down - his journey seemed to be guided unconsciously and slightly deviated from one direction, as if someone had deliberately led him here!

These means can only be made by characters above serious people and mages, or ghosts and gods who have a long history! What is the identity of the guy who killed Zhan Qiyuan and the other three? How can even such ghosts and gods and even high-level mages drive them? The most important thing is that Corestre has never revealed the purpose of the trip in the past few days. He rarely talks to people along the way, let alone inquire about the trace of the enemy. How can this person know that he is looking for that person? How can you start to guide your direction nearly a hundred miles away?

Coristel suddenly stopped, and with a flash in his hand, there was a small wand. The original crystal light of the beads at the top suddenly dimmed. He didn't know when he changed into a magic robe, and there were countless small whirlwinds hanging around him. Obviously, between the lightning, I have added a lot of protective spells to myself.

"What kind of person! Come out!"

There was silence around, only the sound of the lake hitting the water and grass on the shore. Above the blue sky, there is no cloud or wind - people did not come out, but the starlight in the sky seemed to be more and more brilliant...

The starlight reflected in the lake is getting denser and denser, and Corestor condenses almost all the spirit to the front - in the lake, it is not the starlight that becomes dense, but the lake water, whirls silently!

The wave light was condensing, and a column of water slowly protruded from the lake, constantly twisting and changing. Under the reflection of the starlight, it looked extremely strange... Finally, the water column finally condensed into a human appearance, and then suddenly cracked a crack at its end. There were many small pieces in this gap. At the same time, there seems to be some other structures.

This seam turned out to be the mouth of the waterman!

Coristel's face is more dignified - it can condense the lake into such a delicate shape. The mana control of this thing has reached an extremely abnormal level, and he is not an enemy! At the same time, he also confirmed the identity of the other party - this is a god who has lived for thousands of years!

Coristel has also seen a lot about such an after-day spirit. In his Lanxuezong, there are many such cow ghosts * snake gods, who usually help the sect manage some flowers and plants, classics, mountain patrols and other chores - the reason why Ge Long and Su Minghai were so arrogant last year is also related to this - even the gods are just doing chores for the sect. What about you, a magician? ? Moreover, there are many magicians who are slaves and servants in the sect. They whisper when they see people. Should I let you be a slave with me or praise you...

It's just that Ge Longhe didn't figure out a thing at that time - there are indeed many magicians who have reached the 300-year limit and will do everything they can to enter the sect to extend their life in order to reach the 500-year life limit of the mage. But these people only entered the magician after cultivating their own skin and flesh and knowledge. Although they are at the same level as the human mage, they can't take a step forward in the future - they are people with no future. The only thing they want is to live another 200 years.

Similarly, there are many magicians who practice real tricks at the beginning, and it's their turn to go out and look everywhere. Even many geniuses, as soon as they enter the high level, some sects come out to secretly examine his mind. Once they are qualified, they will grant them the sect's mind method - because in the sect, the most progressive and the most powerful are these people! They are the pillars of the sect!

Coristel knew this truth, so he was almost frightened at this moment: this person can even drive such a god, and these gods can only be subdued by the elders in the sect, or a mage like him who can't wait for a master to come out of his back - then his identity is Zhi: Either he is a master who is beyond the reach of others, or there is a strong backer behind him!

He was thinking a lot in his heart, but as soon as the waterman over there opened his mouth, it was not like that: "Is it the lord of Lan Xuezong who came? The small one is Stasi, the god of meteorite lake water. Hey hey, he has also been sealed by Taihuanji Yaozong. What does this adult call him?

"Damn, I'm not here to be my enemy..."

Coristel opened his mouth and was stunned for a long time before saying, "I am Lan Xuezong serving Andy. Corester, what do you mean by leading me here?

At this moment, he was still relaxed and felt that his whole body was cold, and he almost shivered. He instinctively wanted to take advantage of the wind to pull the flag, but he didn't even say the word "outdoor" served at his outer door.