The growth history of waste Taoist

Chapter 22 I don't even have an object

Brother's email was sent after dinner. The content was more sincere than the elders. He first cared about my recent situation in terms of thinking, life and work, and focused on whether I had been bullied and enslaved by Chengying.

I looked at my brother's email with tears in my eyes and wanted to reply to the email and roar: Yes!!!

But looking at Chengying's uncertain face, he still held the impulse silently and read his brother's comments word by word.

Brother's comments were very incisive. He first put forward a series of feasibility analyses on Fang Ya's spell, made comments on the role of centipede essence in it, and then returned in the email very understandingly:

Considering that your brain capacity is not much larger than the photo on the student ID card, I will briefly explain the reason why you didn't find Fang Ya's spell:

1. You are too weak.

2. You are too weak.

3, you are too weak.

4. Your inspiration has been paralyzed.

...Thank you, brother, who left me a backup option at the last moment, otherwise I would have really hit the laptop screen.

The next explanation is relatively simple. The senior only mentioned the way to improve the spiritual power to prevent the spiritual pressure from being paralyzed, and then the way to improve the spiritual power to detect trap spells in future actual combat... In other words, it is to improve the spiritual power. In order to prevent me from skipping the analysis and not looking at it, the senior brother also deliberately marked it with a underline. Lang:

If you guess correctly, Chengying should have noticed the resentment occasionally revealed by Fang Ya and the aura released by the centipede essence, and you don't feel it at all, and even feel that the room is very clean, which is proof of your lack of ability.

In addition, you can't get in touch with Chengying in a different space, and Chengying can't break the confinement of centipede essence at the first time, which only shows that the spiritual power you provide to Chengying is not enough to play its original role.

To sum up, your ability is too weak.

I stared at the email for 30 seconds before turning back and asking Chengying, "Have you noticed Fang Ya's resentment before?"

The shadow nodded.

"Where is the spiritual pressure of centipede essence?"

Chengying still nodded.

...That seems to be my reason.

I sighed long and looked at the sky 45 degrees with a bright and sad chin: "I really don't want to admit the mistake I made because of my youth."

Chengying also sighed: "I don't want to admit that my contractor is an idiot."

What's wrong with the fucking idiot... Are idiots not human? Find out that you are pestering me to tie the contract, aren't I begging you to tie it?

I took a look at Chengying, and he looked back blankly. I weighed my force value and the force value of Chengying again. Finally, I sadly turned off my mailbox and dared not continue this topic. After reading a few pages of Tianya, I didn't see any gossip, so I turned off the computer and went to bed.

Then I didn't get up until noon the next day...

Ah... I don't think I can describe and describe how wonderful Chengying's expression was at that time. By the way, I didn't have the time and energy to describe his expression at that time. I hurriedly pulled a set of clothes on my body and dragged Chengying straight to the party place.

The rented house is close to the city center, and it can be reached in a few minutes for shopping and parties.

As soon as I caught up with the large army entering the restaurant, I knew at a glance that there was no food. I quickly dragged Chengying over and patted the monitor on the shoulder falsely: "I'm sorry to be late. How long have you been here?"

"I just arrived and I'm going to go out for dinner." The monitor looked back at me and said, "Is this the friend you said?"

I nodded.

She immediately pressed Chengying's shoulder with her hands together and said with a sincere face to persuade him, "Young man, if you are short of money, you can go to Mji and KFC to work. If you can't do it, come to your sister for help. My sister promises to introduce you to a good-paying shop. If it's still not enough, you can discuss it with your parents. Don't make such a decision. "


I looked at the monitor with a blank face and only listened to the monitor's righteous words: "Don't do such a thing as a rich man! Once you embark on this road, it will be difficult to be good! While you are young, you still have time to look back. It will be too late in a few years!"

I'll go! Sister, do I look like a person with a white face? Among other things, can I afford to support my three-digit deposit?

I was furious and was being squeezed to the side as I was about to correct the monitor's words. Several embarrassing people who had not yet entered the door obviously heard the monitor's words. Looking back, Chengying tacitly joined the industry of persuading beautiful teenagers to return to the right path.

I walked around a few times and found that I couldn't squeeze in at all. Looking up and looking at Chengying, he was smiling brightly. He neither said nor said no. Obviously, he was avenging that I didn't want to take him out to dinner!

As a result, this further confirmed everyone's love for him, and the large army rushed out of the restaurant. I was squeezed into the restaurant by a bunch of foodies from the door and struggled to find that there was nothing I could do. I simply abandoned myself into the restaurant to find a seat first. Now the film is more popular than me. Even if I don't pay the bill, most of the embarrassing people will take the initiative to pay for him.

... What a fucking classmate who cares about sex and friends.

I picked up the chopsticks and ribs indignantly. As soon as I threw them into the bowl, I heard someone next to me smile: "Mo Yuan is still in such a hurry. I haven't started eating yet."


I looked around. Sure enough, there were not more than ten seats... The large troops were surrounded by the door.

I stared at the ribs in the bowl and thought about it. I felt that it was more shameful to put the ribs back on the plate at this time, so I grabbed the ribs and destroyed the body: "I'm sorry I didn't have breakfast. Just pretend you didn't see anything."

She smiled and didn't say anything. By the way, she asked the waiter to help me with a cup of tea. I thanked and raised my head after nibbling the ribs: "This ribs taste good. Remember to have a few more... Er, Lu Renjia?"

This guy is the most representative person among her high school classmates, because she is as famous as she is, and her whole person is famous for her transparency. Thinking that Lu Renjia participated in countless high school activities in those years, but when she came to the stage, everyone forgot this person neatly and uniformly, and even forgot that there was this person in the class when taking graduation photos, until the photos were washed out. Only then did I know that there were not 48 people but 49 people in the class.

My relationship with her is not good. At that time, my classmates only said a few words, but this time I felt that she didn't look very well. Academically, her face was pale and dark, and her forehead was faintly dark; popularly speaking, "Lord, I think your printing hall will be dark in the day. Disaster."

I looked at her stunned, and she smiled at me very shyly: "Yes, I haven't seen you for a long time. Where are you studying now?

I raised my finger to the school about one or two kilometers ahead, and was silent or asked, "How have you been recently?"

Lu Renjia nodded shyly: "It's okay, that's it."

"I mean, how are you doing in that area?" I put down my chopsticks and looked at her. When I saw her showing a strange and embarrassed expression, I realized: "Oh, I mean, have you encountered anything strange recently, that kind of thing that can't be solved with ordinary common sense."

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw Lu Renjia's face change, and his hand holding the teacup also shook: "You, can you see it?"

"I can barely see it." I looked at her again: "It seems to be quite serious? It's almost a week, right?

Lu Renjia looked like she wanted to kneel down for me: "Yes, yes! It's just a week, Mo Yuan... You know this! Can you help me?"

Er, how did the class reunion become a working meal? I'm telling her to help me and pay for my meal. Will she beat someone?

I looked back at Chengying. He was still tirelessly working to slander my reputation at the door. He noticed that Lu Renjia and I were few, so he picked up the teacup and motioned her: "Let's talk about it?"

Lu Renjia organized his words a little: "At first, it's not very serious. It's just an ordinary ghost press, which usually lasts for five minutes. It will be fine at about two o'clock in the morning. I don't think it's a big deal, so I don't take it to heart."

I went to Lu Renjia. Your nerves are too thick. You dare to say that it's not a big deal. You know, A Piao has no energy at the beginning. You can only draw energy from you little by little, and it will start to die when you have accumulated enough.

I bit the teacup and interrupted Lu Renjia's words: "Do you think it has been much more ferocious in recent days?"

Lu Renjia nodded desperately: "Yes, yes! In the past few days, it has been pressing the bed longer than before, and sometimes it doesn't leave after two o'clock. Yesterday, I was forced to push it with my hand. I didn't see anything pressing on my body, but I didn't expect to be caught by her as soon as I pushed it.

She raised her wrist and lifted her long sleeves to show me, with five clear fingerprints: "When I got up in the morning, I washed it with makeup remover, and I couldn't wipe it off at all. It hurts to press it like this. I asked my friend to come and help me today, but I still don't think I'm sure. I happen to know this. Can you help me see if this is serious?

I saw the black mark on Lu Renjia's hand and felt that she probably got into something extraordinary this time, because it was obviously not a black mark caused by ordinary floating psionic energy. With spiritual vision, you can find that the black and cyan gas inside is spreading out.

I tried to press the edge of the black print with my hand. Lu Renjia showed a painful expression, but I didn't pay attention to her face, because I found that the black mark was not as big as ordinary people's hands, so I asked her, "Are the fingerprints so big when you got up today?"

She looked down and said, "Huh": "Isn't it so big in the morning?"

Ah? Expanded?"

Lu Renjia nodded.

"It's really troublesome." I muttered and sat back, raised my hand and scratched my head: "You are probably wrapped in something amazing, because this black mark looks like a body."

In fact, it is not like, but the black seal is the autograph.

When I was a child, when I was practicing by the river, my brother asked me to get close contact with the bodyprints left by the water ghosts left on the drowning person. At that time, he also explained to me responsibly: "The bodymarks are more left on the target in a poisonous way. It can penetrate into the target's body with the blood, causing the target's mental weakness and fatigue. A series of poisoning phenomena, although this poison is weak, it will become stronger with the weakness of the target body. Do you see, is there black and cyan air emitted from the edge of the autopsy? That's the resentment left by the ghost.

Obviously, Lu Renjia was scared by me and even trembled a little with her voice: "Yes, will you die?"

I don't think so: "How can the corpse poison spread so fast? At least it will take a month to be poisoned."

She pushed away the chair and stood up: "Then I'm still going to die?"

She was so powerful that everyone around her turned their heads. I pulled her down in shock and jigly, smiled on the left and right before pressing her head and saying, "Be quiet! Do you want others to hear it?"

"What happened when they heard it! I'm going to die! What do you still care about these things!"

She fell away and I lay on the table crying. I quickly suppressed her and smiled at the people around me: "I'm disappointed in love. Please forgive me."

Then leaned over her ear and whispered, "I'll help you figure it out and I'll help you figure it out!" Don't get excited! Can I go to your house after dinner?

She stopped struggling and looked up at me with tears in her eyes: "Really?"

I nodded: "Really."

"Go after dinner?"

I nodded again: "I'll go after dinner."

She was relieved and took out a wet towel to wipe her face: "Is your boyfriend going too?"

"Who?" I was at a loss.

She pointed to Chengying, and I suddenly realized: "Go, that guy is taller than me. It's safer for him to follow."

After saying that, I couldn't help it. I picked up a chopstick of enoki mushrooms in the cold dish and slowly added, "Also, that guy is just a friend who eats for free, not my boyfriend. I don't even have a partner."