The growth history of waste Taoist

Chapter 23 Bite me!

I have never had any differences in helping others and meddling. During the dinner, I told him about Lu Renjia. Before he finished speaking, he guessed that I wanted to help Lu Renjia, so he asked me very sharply, "Did you ask her for money?"

I huddled: "No... You don't have to see each other like this, do you?"

He hummed and didn't say anything.

I directly took this answer as the default, and dragged Chengying onto the bus after dinner.

Lu Renjia's house is far away from the Third Ring Road, and it took us to get there for more than an hour on the special road by bus. This has to be put in the city, and I'm afraid it will take two hours to drive a private car.

As soon as I got out of the car, I habitually looked around and found that the environment here was very good, with fresh air and trees. Except for the occasional buses passing by, I couldn't even see my private car. Of course, it was a little far from the school. It took me a few kilometers to buy fruit. I couldn't help asking Lu Renjia, "Why don't you live in school?"

She smiled shyly: "I wanted to live in school before, but my boyfriend said that it was inconvenient to meet at school, so we moved out."

It's inconvenient. Isn't it just at any time? It's so euphemistic and romantic.

Lu Renjia took us into the community, turned two corners and said to us, "I'm here."

I quickly looked up at the community and didn't find anything unusual. Looking back at Chengying, there was nothing unusual on his face, so I turned back and asked Lu Renjia, "What floor do you live on?"

She raised her finger and pointed to the fourth floor of the fourth building. I looked in that direction, but still didn't see the black gas. On the contrary, there was a light green light inside. From the feeling, it was more like aura, so I asked Lu Renjia, "Is there anyone in your family?"

She shook her head: "No, I live alone."

"My boyfriend is not there either?"

She was silent for a moment: "...I'm the only one now."

I didn't go to my heart. I looked up at the fourth floor and suddenly found that the green light was much less. That feeling was not like the gradual fading after the green light dissipating outward, but a feeling of slowly converging from the inside, so I looked back to Chengying: "Go in and have a look?"

The shadow nodded.

Lu Renjia didn't say much. She went to the corridor and pressed the password and took us in. Strangely speaking, it was sunny outside, but she felt a little cold when she entered the corridor, as if the temperature had suddenly dropped a few degrees.

I shivered without taking two steps. Lu Renjia smiled at me and said, "Do you feel cold? The backlight of this house is cooler than outside in summer. Just wait to enter the house.

I nodded and didn't say anything, and I didn't think so at all. There is obviously something wrong with this house, because no matter how illuated it is, it can't be so much cooler than outside in summer. Do you think if you will tremble immediately when you get into the 20-degree air-conditioned room from a 37-degree place? Of course, you will feel cold, but you won't trembling at the first time.

Chengying reached over and pulled me and gave me a little aura from his hand. The previous cold feeling suddenly decreased. I subconsciously clenched Chengying's hand and asked in his ear, "Do you think it's strange?"

He nodded quietly, and then looked at Lu Renjia in a low voice: "Your friend doesn't seem to have any reaction at all?"

I was silent and asked her, "The landlord has lived here for ten years?"

She still nodded: "The agent said that he moved out because of his marriage. Who knows if this house has ever died?"

After listening to this, I felt confidently, so I patted her on the shoulder: "What the landlord said should be true. Since you rented the house through the intermediary company, the intermediary company must have investigated the situation. If there was a murder in this house, the intermediary company would not dare to hang up the house."

She was skeptical: "Really? Could it be that the agency and the landlord joined forces to lie?

Chengying took her words: "It's not impossible, but once the renter finds something wrong, he will find a way to investigate. The house where the murder occurred is recorded, and the surrounding neighbors also know something about it. As long as it can be confirmed that there is a problem with the house, the renter can claim compensation from the intermediary company and sue one by one.

He pressed his right hand on the door and slowly groped. Two seconds later, he looked back at Lu Renjia and slowly asked, "Have you asked the neighbors around you when you think it's wrong?"

Lu Renjia nodded.

Chengying raised his eyebrows slightly: "Is it the same as what the landlord said?"


"That's your problem."

Chengying slowly opened the door, and the anti-theft door made a "squeaky" harsh sound. The light in the living room lit up in an instant, followed by the circular sound of mineral water in the water dispenser. I turned my head and looked at the living room, and a dark shadow suddenly flashed in front of us, very fast! Before I could react, I saw the dark shadow rushing into the wall. Looking at it again, it really disappeared without a trace.

Lu Renjia has never seen such a scene. With a scream, she hid behind me with her head in her arms, but Chengying's face was expressionless and slowly said, "I think that thing should be aimed at you. Even if you leave the house and hide elsewhere, you will follow it. What's more, it still leaves a mark on you, even if you hide Fang can't get in, and the corpse poison alone can slowly kill you.

"That is to say, it's useless for you to hide. What should come will still come. Instead of passively waiting for death, it's better to take the initiative to attack."

I took over Chengying's words and turned around and patted Lu Renjia on the shoulder: "Don't worry, we won't let anything happen to you."

She still hesitated and struggled for a long time before carefully asked, "Can I wait for you at the door?"

Wow, I really can't be so timid.

I looked up at Chengying. He spread out his hand and motioned me to do it. I had to cover Lu Renjia with two layers of defense cover, and then took off the necklace on my neck and handed it to her: "Then wait for us outside. Remember, no matter what happens, you can't throw away the necklace."

She nodded and carefully held the necklace in her hand. I told her again, "Call us if you feel scared." Then he followed Chengying into the living room.

The Reiki reaction comes from the east-facing bedroom.

The resentment has not dissipated, and you can see the black gas slowly penetrating from inside. Lu Renjia lives in a small house with one bedroom, one living room and one bathroom. Leaving aside the living room and the bathroom to be verified, the biggest threat obviously comes from the bedroom.

I looked at Chengying and pointed to the bathroom and gave him a thumbs up. He nodded and went to check the bathroom. I went around the customer hall for another week and made sure that there was no abnormality here before walking towards the bedroom step by step.

The door of the room is unlocked and can be opened with a push.

I first explored the room with aura and found that the distribution of resentment was quite even, and there was no sign of entity or convergence. I pushed the door with my hand and didn't see any vague or looming shadows, so I frowned and opened the door to check it carefully.

There is no furniture in the bedroom, only a wardrobe and a bed.

I knocked on the wardrobe first and didn't hear anything, so I lifted the sheets to look at the bottom of the bed. It's dark inside, and you can't see anything clearly. I reached out again and explored, but I still didn't touch anything. I couldn't help but suspect that the guy had left. After all, the distribution of resentment in this bedroom is very average until now, and there is no accumulation of resentment at all. Is it possible that this room, like the corridor, is also a bunch of resentment?

Is that guy floating out of the window...

Thinking that I looked up and looked out of the window, there was nothing there. In fact, I also knew that there could not be any. After all, the resentment response was concentrated behind me... Er, behind me?

Isn't that the wardrobe?

I quickly looked back at the wardrobe and found that the door was not closed, and there was a crack. It looked like Lu Renjia was not closed when she left, but I could see the resentment slowly converging in it, and I kicked the door first without thinking about it!

The door did not close, but made a "ka" sound, and then slid out a little.

Seeing this, I added another foot to the door. This time, I still didn't close it, but let me hear the sound coming from the top. I quickly looked up at the top of my head. Sure enough, I found a hand there, pale and deformed, as thin as if there were only skin and no meat.

Hmm, it's coming out.

I smiled coldly at the wardrobe, opened the door with lightning speed, then closed it before it could not react, and then quickly opened the door with lightning speed, then smashed the door with greater force, and then there was a finite number of infinite cycles.

The hand was repeatedly hit by me several times, and soon blood flowed down. I was even more happy to see this. While reading "You have guts to bite me~" while continuing to repeat this door-slamming action, finally the guy inside found that I was not easy to mess with. The face full of resentment only appeared in the cracks, and then a head bit my calf fiercely!

...I'm a piece of grass! How dare you bite!