The growth history of waste Taoist

Chapter 24 Sogou, you will know

I raised my blue veins and picked up the blade and hit it fiercely at the back of her head. It was so strong that it could absolutely knock an adult man unconscious. The problem was that it was not a human, so I snorted sullenly and insisted that Qingshan was not relaxed. Damn, the tenacious will of the revolutionary predecessors is not for you to use in this place! Sister is not a cloud leg. If you bite and bleed, you have to go to the hospital to break the cold vaccine, okay?

I was so anxious and angry that I pressed her head and poked her eyes with the other hand. The female ghost's IQ was obviously not low. She poked one of her eyes and began to shake her head left and right, while still biting my leg! I was so anxious that I almost didn't bite her. At the right time, Chengying rushed over from the bathroom. Seeing that the female ghost and I were entangled reluctantly, he sighed and simply raised his right hand and pointed forward--

"Pa" bites my head and split my head.

I was stunned by the female ghost at the same time. After reacting, she immediately reached out and hugged her head and shrank into the wardrobe. I quickly stepped on her neck with another unhurt leg and pulled it out.

Chengying struggled with whether to help me or not. After thinking about it, he still didn't move: "You said I would have kicked my head out."

I looked at the female ghost's face and was suddenly full of sympathy.

Suddenly, Lu Renjia's scream came from outside, followed by a deep strange smile from outside. I was stunned for a moment, and then looked up at Chengying: "Is there more than one?"

Chengying shook her head, and the female ghost took this opportunity to break free from my feet and withdrew to the wardrobe with a "swish". I don't have to think about it and know that I won't see the one-eyed guy when I open the door again. I quickly dragged my injured leg and stood up: "Let's go! Go to see Lu Renjia!"

Chengying stretched out his hand to help me and cast a healing spell for me. I knocked off his hand and jumped out, shouting, "Go and see Lao Lu! She will be in trouble if something happens."

Chengying stood motionless and just raised his eyelids: "She is your friend, not my friend."

I don't care about her life or death.

The blue veins on my forehead jumped suddenly. After enduring and suppressing the impulse to correct his values, I jumped out of the living room with one foot. Before jumping to the door, I saw Lu Renjia wrapped in a large pile of hair and was not substantially harmed through the two layers of defense shields, but the air around it obviously became a little thin. Damn it! That guy clearly wants Lu Renjia to suffocate to death!

I threw two wind blade spells to cut off the hair wrapped around her, and the hair in the corridor followed to attack me. I didn't think it was a fire curse. When I bombarded it out, I found that Lu Renjia was being rolled up by her hair and brought it in the middle. I quickly poured down a water spell on the fire that blew out, and then cut out the vacuum wave with my sword finger.

Half of the hair troops outside the door were cut off, and the remaining negative resistance was pointed by Chengying Jianqi and withered directly on the ground.

I jumped to rush out to pull Lu Renjia, but the black gas surrounding her began to melt the defense shield and penetrate into it. I quickly started the spell attached to the necklace to release aura. Before I finished reading it, I saw Chengying holding a chain in front of me: "Don't read it, she threw the necklace on the ground."


The so-called heavenly sins can still exist...

I grabbed my hair and was anxious. I felt that it was the best strategy for Lao Lu to dictate the suicide note at this moment. Although it was not impossible to extinguish the black gas from the periphery, it was difficult to guarantee whether the black gas would break through the defense mask and invade Lu Renjia's body in the process.

said that it was too late, and I suddenly thought of a way and quickly took out my mobile phone to call Lu Renjia.

said that it would be faster at that time. When I took out my mobile phone, I heard Lu Renjia's mobile phone ring crisply and refreshingly. Suddenly, I was so embarrassing: "Lao Lu, hang up the phone quickly! If I don't call you, it will be too late!"

She took out her mobile phone from her bag tremblingly, but she was wrapped in her hair and couldn't refuse to answer it for a long time. She said that she couldn't be faster at that time. A green light flashed in the receiver, and the black gas wrapped in Lu Renjia disappeared and melted away. I only heard a beautiful "Hey?" inside, followed by a soft sentence. Soft voice:

"Are you short of money? I've arrived. Now I'm downstairs at your house. Can you come down and open the door?


Is this Lu Renjia's online name?

I looked down at Lu Renjia. After getting out of the danger, she was sitting on the ground trembling. Seeing me looking down at her, she trembled and said, "Yes, it's my friend who called me to help."

I breathed a sigh of relief and quickly jumped over and pulled her: "Your friend looks very strong. Let's go down and pick him up first. And you can't live in this house. You dare to come out in the daytime. Maybe it will be like something at night. You'd better find a place to hide first.

Note: Although changing places may not solve the problem...

Chengying then handed the necklace to Lu Renjia and hit her: "You still think about whether you have provoked anything that should not be provoked. It's better not to take off the necklace Mo Yuan gave you."

She nodded, took the necklace and hung it around her neck, holding the stairs and staggering down.

How dare I let her go down alone at such a ** moment? I quickly jumped and prepared to jump down. Suddenly, my body hung in the air and realized that I was picked up by Chengying: "I'll hug you down."

To be honest, I don't like the princess hug, because it would make me look very incompetent, but I weighed the time when I jumped down and Chengying hugged me, and closed my mouth and didn't say anything.

It is quite calm all the way, but the closer it is to the first floor, the higher the concentration of spiritual pressure.

Different from the resentment I felt in the room before, this time it is a very refreshing spiritual pressure, quiet and neat, as if it were precipitated in people who have been cultivated for many years.

I was convinced that this kind of aura could not be emitted by people who practiced for two or three years, so when I opened the door, I was stunned when I saw Zhengtai leaning against the sycamore tree. Lu Renjia was also stunned in front of me. After a long time, she asked uncertainly, "Well... are you Sogou?"

Zhengtai raised his eyes and smiled at us. The two dimples at the corners of his lips were particularly adorable. The shining sunlight rippled gently between his eyebrows, and the lake's green eyes were as vague as a veil: "Yes. Please take care of me when we meet for the first time.

...I wipe it! How can you find such a beautiful, cute, so sensible, so powerful, so polite and so watery Zhengtai these days! Lao Lu! You're not connected to J's house in District 11!

I stretched out half of my body to see Zhengtai. I just poked out my head and remembered that I was still being held by Chengying. I quickly stabbed him in the arm: "Let me down."

Chengying took his eyes away from Zhengtai with a blank face, looked at me, slowly bent down and put me down. At the same time, he lowered his voice and said in my ear, "Didn't you find that it is not a human?"

I was in a cold sweat. Looking back at Zhengtai, I really found that his qi was different from that of human beings. Most of the aura cultivated by human beings was sparse and uneven. With the blood circulation slowly flowing around the body, Zhengtai's body was very uniform, and her whole body was as neat as stripes, even if the edge was slightly The ups and downs are still neat like scratching with a ruler.

I looked back at Chengying. His aura was not so neat that he couldn't help but be a little confused. At this time, Zhengtai looked up at me and smiled, revealing a naughty tiger tooth: "So is this sister. Please take care of me when we meet for the first time."

.................. Damn, this is so cute! Damn it! Monsters are monsters!! I don't care!!

I smiled at Zheng Tai's eight teeth, ignoring Chengying's contemptuous eyes and pretended to be a big sister: "My name is Mo Yuan, and you can call me Mo Yuanmo. Your spiritual power is very strong. How many years have you been practicing?

Zheng scratched his hair shyly: "Six or seven years."

Ah, ah, ah, six or seven years? He looks only fourteen or fifteen years old, but he didn't expect it to be so powerful.

I sincerely praised him: "It's awesome. I can't even control my spiritual power when I'm as old as you."

In fact, I can't control it until now.

Zhengtai was a little embarrassed by my praise and said with a red face, "Mo Yuan is awesome. He can control the thousand-year-old sword spirit at such a young age. I'm far worse than you."

I grabbed Chengying's arm at once.

This is not simple. When Lao Lu answered his phone before, I had this feeling that releasing aura through sound is not the level that ordinary practitioners can reach. What's more, he can also see the real body of Chengying. No matter how waste I am, I will feel alert.

Chengying understood my concerns, so he patted my hand gently, and then covered my hand to look at Zhengtai: "It's not convenient to talk here. Let's go up and sit down."

Zheng has noticed a wound on my foot for a long time. Hearing Chengying's words, he naturally nodded, but Lu Renjia screamed beside him: "Don't! I won't go back to death!"

Didn't I say that if you died outside?

I looked back at Lu Renjia. She happened to look at me with tears in her expression, and her expression was infinitely pitiful: "I won't go home again... Mo Yuan, can I stay in your house for a while?"

I hesitated for a moment, and then looked up and Chengying. We agreed with each other that Lao Lu could not be alone in the house in this case, but we had different views on Lao Lu's whereabouts. I saw Plan A in his eyes and he read Plan C from my eyes. Finally, we had a brief spiritual communication and considered it. Suggestion B: "You go up and get your clothes first. Let's find a place to communicate with your friends."

Lao Lu was so scared that he refused to go upstairs no matter how much we persuaded him. I had no choice but to jump my legs and prepare to suffer again.

Chengying still wanted to hold me up, but was stopped by me by hooking his neck. I secretly pointed to Zhengtai when Lu Renjia and Zhengtai were not paying attention, and Chengying immediately replied with the eyes I knew:

"Is that boy handed over to you?"

"Don't worry about me."

So Lu Renjia and I limped upstairs and rolled down. It felt only five or six minutes, but the atmosphere below changed. Zheng Tai laughed more and more innocently, and Chengying smiled more and more expressionless...

Well, of course, ordinary people feel that Chengying's face is expressionless, but I can feel that his mood is fluctuating. What's the matter? Chengying and Zhengtai broke down?

There are actually people in this world who can bear the smile of millions of volts... I admire Zhengtai.

Considering that I need to deal with my foot injury and Lu Renjia dragged a big bag - there were cosmetics, jewelry, laundry, daily necessities × towels and even egg cookers, I once felt that she would rather move than call for a temporary residence. Anyway, what's wrong with her? Obviously, she was chased by a female ghost and still had the leisure to move so many things outside-- For reasons such as inconvenient to walk around, we found a coffee shop in a hotel nearby, and then explained the situation to Zhengtai.

Zhengtai listened attentively and concluded the same as me: "Have you been to any places you shouldn't go recently, or have you provoked something that shouldn't be provoked?"

Lu Renjia shook his head decisively: "I go home except for class. How can I have time to mess with those things?"

Chengying snorted coldly inexplicably: "Isn't this a non-human?"

I had an idea and interrupted, "Have you ever received a curse text message? Like that type that must be forwarded to ○ people within × days. Although every time I receive such a text message, I will brazenly reply directly, "If you don't forward it to 50,000 people after receiving my reply, you will die."

Lu Renjia shook her head: "No, I just changed my number."

I don't give up: "What about the curse website? After opening, it is first a fire, and then it is 'your resentment,qingらします.' It also counts."

She still shook her head: "I only visit Taobao."

I wipe it. I really can't help it if I'm so clean.

I couldn't think of any other possibilities, so I simply turned my head to look at Chengying. The old man was holding his chin and not talking. On the contrary, Zheng Tai's eyes turned around and suddenly applauded, "by the way! Have you ever received any strange packages? It's the type that hasn't placed an order, but it hasn't been sent to you thousands of miles away.

We turned our heads to look at Lu Renjia at the same time. She really thought about it and nodded: "I received one, but I didn't open it. Why is it related to the package?"

"I think it should be." Zhengtai smiled and showed his teeth: "If you guess correctly, the duck who lacks money should have received a package in the evening. This thing has been very popular on the Internet recently. You will know it as soon as Sogou."