The growth history of waste Taoist

Chapter 65 May all lovers in the world be brothers and sisters who have been separated for many years

The guy who transferred the task happened to be online. I sent a private message to him and asked him, "Brother, have you transferred the task of Dadong Four Religions?"

"None." He replied quite quickly: "Do you want to answer?"

"I'm a little interested. What are you talking about?"

"Don't disturb the teacher, it will be done in three days. I haven't seen the price, so I don't know the situation. You can take care of it.

This condition is loose. After thinking about it, I replied decisively, "It's a deal, send me your cousin's number."

He immediately sent the client's name and mobile phone number, and then saw that the status of the post had become [the entrustment has been transferred], and the man was immediately stunned: "So fast? He doesn't even ask you about the situation?"

"Ask Mao." I said, "This is my brother's number." Although the senior brother is a little obscene and obscene, the human face and beast's heart is a little sanctimonious, his ability is solid. A-section Taoist priest 007, and there are few people further up.

The man looked back and realized, "Then let's take this?"

"Hatch, go and leave a message below and write a secondary post, lest others come to grab the transfer. By the way, search for other posts to see if there is any task transfer near the South Second Section. If there is, take it all. If not, expand the area to the city center. If not, forget it. I will go to my brother's place to divide the tasks.

The old man said, "Is there a lot of entrustment from Mohan?"

I said, "Generally, there are at least 40 delegates waiting in line for him, but he usually only picks up a few, and the rest is left to his disciples."

The man was puzzled: "Then why don't you ask Mo Han for a task? The Taoist Forum task transfer system also needs to draw a commission, which is also troublesome to explain to the client.

I smiled and said, "Because I don't take over the task on the Taoist Forum, it's you and Chengying."

A series of exclamations on the screen: "Me and Chengying?!!"

"Yes, you two practice cooperation." I knocked on the table and said slowly, "The tasks taken by my brother are hanging in the Mo family's task list. If you want to transfer, you can only take over the internal personnel. Chengying belongs to the non-staff personnel. You can't even count the non-staff, so I can only go to him."

The old man threw a string of ellipsis and reluctantly accepted my statement, but he was still a little reluctant: "Then you can take on a few difficult tasks. Several commissions in the southern second section are low in difficulty, and the highest is C-. It's too easy for Chengying and me to do it."

"No." I'm very sure: "Any task will become A+ in the hands of both of you."

sou gou:“..."

Finally, I searched and transferred a total of three tasks in the southern second section. The old man didn't see it and grabbed them all. After that, he asked me, "Which one should I do first?"

I clicked on it and looked at it. The content was almost the same. One invited the dish fairy to hit the evil, the other was Xiangrui of the East Four Sect, and the other was haunted. Then he said to the old man, "You first call the haunted person in the house and ask him to see the house tomorrow morning. If you can find the situation, you can solve it on the spot. If you can't find the problem, post it first, and then leave a contact with him. The phone flashed, and then contacted the two students who asked the disc fairy to hit the evil and solved their problem. The East Four Religions is a legacy of history. It can't be solved for a while. If you leave it alone, it won't cause trouble. You can finish these two first.

The old man nodded repeatedly, and I opened the penguin poke brother's QQ and told him that I wanted to take over the task under his name and that I wanted to grab the task from him openly after borrowing it. The senior brother was happy as soon as he heard it: "I happen to have a task in the city center, and the difficulty level is basically E, don't you?"

I was also happy to hear it: "When can the E-level mission go to your hometown? Didn't the elder kick the task client out?"

"He wants to, but the commission for this task is 30,000 yuan." The senior said, "If I want to change you, will you pick it up or return it?"

"I'm a fool to drop off the task." I said, "Send the task to have a look?"

Brother then sent a WORD document. I opened it and saw that 25 eye-catching scarlet letters (no punctuation marks have been added) suddenly came to my eyes--

I wish all the lovers in the world are brothers and sisters who have been separated for many years!

I sweated wildly: "Brother, what are you stimulated again?"

"Nothing." The elder brother replied lightly, "It's just to accept the commission of the couple."


The brother's mission analysis book has always been very detailed. Many times when I read his task analysis book, I feel that I am reading a review, because he will first give this task a title, sometimes a very beautiful "Red Line through the ages"; sometimes a very bosom friend "cruel girl, you throw it away Why abandon your family affection and incarnate a fierce ghost; sometimes it is a meaningless "El's picture book"; sometimes it is a very complaining "You will know what many acts of injustice must die", and then summarize the general situation of the task below, sort out the noteworthy points in the description of the task client, and then list and Some clues related to this mission need to focus on the place of reconnaissance, the personality of the client, the external situation at the time of the incident, and finally indicate the idea of solving the task. Even the Taoist priest who started working for the first time, it was very easy to complete the task by looking at the analysis book of his brother's task.

However, the mission analysis book sent by the elder brother this time is very short, and the content is also very simple. In a word: after the breakup, the ex was still pestering his boyfriend. The rest is gone.

I sweated for a moment, dragged the analysis document below to see the task solution idea, and found that my brother's ending idea was simpler than the content summary: idiot, why don't you just find this man again?

...This is indeed the best way to solve the problem...

But if it's just an ordinary ex's harassment, it's worst to lose your temper with your boyfriend and act awkward and coquettishly, let your boyfriend coax himself a few words, and then ask your ex out to have a meal and chat in front of her to show your love. If you don't get out of here, pick up a drink and splash her face and then kick her. The problem is basically solved. It's a little strange to solve the task in his hand. Is it possible that the ex is still a thick-skinned mistress who can't be demoted no matter how impeccable he is and shameless he can still persistently cover his cheeks in front of his boyfriend?

If it really rises to this point, it is true that some people will use unconventional means such as ruffian gangsters or wizarding Taoism.

I asked my brother, "The client asked you to curse your ex?"

"Your brother won't do anything unreasonable."

"That's asking you to collect your predecessor's hair and run to the gate of the shrine at 3 a.m.?"

"30,000 yuan is not enough for a round-trip ticket."

"Go to your round-trip ticket, you should go to Akihabara on your way." I said, "What the hell does she want you to do?"

"The elder's paraphrase is to find out where the ex was hiding, and then cast a forgotten spell on the ex to stop pestering her boyfriend." The brother's hand tapping on the keyboard seemed to pause, and it took a long time to type a line:

"However, I always feel a little strange."

I didn't answer and waited quietly for my brother's next sentence. Brother debuted earlier than me and was more cautious than me in details. If he said something wrong, there would definitely be something wrong to make him feel wrong.

So I waited quietly for three minutes, and a sentence finally appeared on the screen.

"That client..."

"It seems to be big and small eyes?"


I calmly wrapped the photos of all the sharks in the hard disk, built them into the compressed package of True Love Knight Shark, and passed them to my brother. As soon as he clicked down to receive them, he decisively interrupted the transmission. The senior brother suddenly wailed: "Mo Xiaoyuan, you can't do this!!"

"Get out of here!" I said angrily, "I'm "Fate/Zero" has stopped waiting for you to speak, but you threw a piece of garbage information to me. If I didn't call back and scold you, you are a respected teacher!"

"Your sister! Do I have any information that I won't give?" The senior brother was even more angry, "That woman's makeup is the same as plastic surgery! The powder on the face is covered like a hair cake! The perfume is as strong as a leek pie! High heels are like stilts! Will you stare at this man from beginning to end!?

I gloated and laughed: "So you stared at other people's eyes?"

Brother: "..."

"Have you noticed any mascara used by people? Lancome or Diao?"


"Even if you don't pay attention to other people's mascara, at least pay attention to other people's breasts? Dafa? Is it good? Concentrated logging? Do you have a D cup or E-?


Brother couldn't answer the words and sent a depressed expression of Reggio. Then I smiled and carefully sorted out my thoughts to him: "I have finished reading the task analysis, and the following points I know now:

1. The client loves to dress up;

2. The client is very rich;

3. The client attaches great importance to her current boyfriend.

I haven't been in contact with her, so I won't analyze whether her attention to her boyfriend is due to true love or ulterior motives, but I can be sure that she is willing to spend money for her current boyfriend, and her ex's entanglement with her boyfriend is also very new to her, but she doesn't know where her ex is hiding, so she pays for it. We help find out the predecessor's forgotten spell by the way, otherwise she can make the ex regret his birth in other ways, which I don't need to think of.

The key problem now is to find her boyfriend's ex. Your mission analysis book is too simple, and there is no information about her boyfriend's ex. However, I guess the woman must be hiding in a place she can't find, and may have cut off contact with the people around her, otherwise the client would have sent out to the network. Then she pulled it out, so I personally think that the woman is either hiding in a place where ordinary people can't find or can't get in, or someone to help her.

The senior sent an expression of admiration: "Good analysis. She really couldn't find the woman, so she entrusted us to find the woman and punish her with Taoism by the way to let her disfigure herself or break a leg. The elder didn't agree, so she privately asked me to find the woman and give her a breath."

I wrote it down secretly and then asked, "Is there any other information?" Is there any resentment about that woman?

The senior slowly replied, "There is nothing abnormal, just like a little citizen, no upbringing, and especially likes to show off. Pay attention when you meet her and don't be choked by her."

"Don't worry, your sister and my ability to resist sarcasm is a talent, and ordinary people can't chop me." I looked at the time and unconsciously it was already ten o'clock in the evening. I knocked on the keyboard and said to my brother, "You tell the client that I am responsible for this task. After it's done, give me her mobile phone number. I'm going to wash up first."

Brother replied with a smiley symbol and asked me, "Will you go tomorrow morning?"

"I'll go tomorrow morning if it's convenient for her." I said, "Just look at the ability of the vest to analyze mission intelligence."