The growth history of waste Taoist

Chapter 170 Noise Experiment and *Pharmaceutical


Yes! I remember it! Chaos told me about this! He has several hospitals, which are equipped with a variety of omnipotent and proficient medical staff, undertaking business including hard handling, loading and unloading, water delivery, sewers, computer repair, air conditioning maintenance, online game training, 3D modeling, photo coloring, QQ registration, CET-4 and CET-6 examination, certification, invoicing, Money laundering, debt, scraping, massage, fortune-telling, double eyelid cutting, painless × flow...andsoon.

He also said that he was interested in studying various diseases and his interest in studying the Ebola virus mouth pattern I made up. At that time, I thought that another identity outside the four fierce beasts was a doctor who was dedicated to overcoming terminal illness as the primary goal of his life. I didn't know that he was a guy who sold dog meat with a sheep's head and drove a hospital to do experiments!

No. 3075! What 3075! Bed 5 in Hospital No. 7 of the Third Hospital? Or are more than 3,000 people in front of me really circled up for human experiments?

The white coat holding the medical record book looked at me with a sympathetic face, shook his head, sighed inaudiblely, and turned back to tell others: "Get ready to record the data and turn up the volume."

As soon as the voice fell, the white coat next to me, which was bitten by me, immediately turned the volume of the headphones to maximum - I dare to guarantee that it was a private revenge - the noise from the headphones immediately increased several times.

I was shocked by a pain in my eardrums. I screamed and wanted to throw off the headphones. I shook my head but found that the headphones were very reliable and could not be rid of them without external forces. I immediately looked up at the white coats in front of me: "What are you doing! Get rid of the headphones!"

No one paid attention to me. The man who only held the medical record looked at me and shook his head. His eyes were half sympathetic and half compassionate: "The headphones can't be removed before the end of the experiment."

After a pause, he added, "Hear with it and it will be over soon."

Forbearance? Let me go. How can I put up with this situation?!

This is not a problem that can be solved by standing in KTV and raising your hands and covering your ears. I was forced to put on headphones after being tied to my hands and feet, and directly withstand the close impact of high decibel noise. And the deafening effect of that sound, I won't say more here. I won't doubt that it directly shatters the human eardrums. Even if I have spiritual protection in my body, or my physique is as tenacious as Xiaoqiang, and I only feel that countless sharp objects directly pierce into my ears at such a close distance.

I wanted to scream, but it didn't have any curative effect after two calls. On the contrary, the chaotic embarrassing guy greeted happily and excitedly: "Don't panic! Don't worry! Don't be nervous! Breathe deeply! Relax! Come on! Write down your current feelings little by little! Feedback should be provided after the experiment!"

-You are experiencing how painful natural childbirth is and providing your experimental experience!?

I began to struggle, but the effect was very poor. First of all, the spiritual power cannot be mobilized, and secondly, the belt cannot break free. After trying, I found that the only choice was to keep shaking my head. Although it may not work, it is also good to keep the headphones a little away from me during the struggle.

However, it was still in vain, because the white coat in charge of recording had been looking at me. He didn't say anything, but only stroked the headphones when I finally turned them away, then narrowed his eyes slightly, and said to me word by word before I cursed, "It's useless. Give up. If it goes on like this, you will only be more uncomfortable."

I was so shocked by the noise that I didn't even know my last name and had the energy to think so much. As soon as he straightened his headphones, he began to move again. The white coat sighed, shook his head, and took the opportunity to help me straighten the headphones again and added, "Don't you know the consequences of the failure of the experiment?"

I immediately stopped struggling.

He's right. I will only feel worse if it goes on like this. Chaos caught me to do the experiment in order to collect the data analysis results. If I honestly cooperate with his work, he will naturally roll away after collecting the data, but if he does not cooperate during the test, the data collected by Chaos will not be accurate. Question: What do researchers do when they don't collect accurate data?

Answer: Throw away the inaccurate results and retest.

So I decisively stopped struggling and gritted my teeth silently with my head down.

I can't help it. The situation is compelling, and I can only bear it. After all, I really can't resist at this stage, but it's not too late for a gentleman to revenge, and a villain to revenge for 30 years. As long as I am not killed by chaos in this shabby hospital, I will one day come back with more revenge.

In a trance, the gorgeous white light in front of me began to disperse, and my dizzy brain became heavy when I was hit by the noise. It seemed that I saw a beating figure shaking in front of me, and it seemed that there was indeed a beating figure shaking in front of my eyes, but the whole world was spinning, and I couldn't see it clearly and couldn't stand still. I instinctively raised my hand and waved forward--

The world suddenly became quiet for a while, followed by a fine pain from the arm.

I narrowed my eyes and looked at the source of pain. I only saw a needle slowly pulling out of my arm, followed by a cold sentence: "The effect of the medicine will attack within 15 minutes after the injection."

...That's what the white coat with a needle said.

Then they turned around and closed the door coldly. I stood in a daze and waited until my strength recovered before slowly moving towards the corner of the wall. Then I sat down against the wall and carefully recalled what happened in the blank period before. Some chills came from the hand, but in a few seconds, the consciousness returned to clarity from chaos. I shivered and came back from the drowsy and empty.

First of all, it can be clear that I was injected with some kind of drug in the white coat.

And now should be the evening, the magic time when the sun sinks and the shadow of the trees. I just finished the noise experiment, and my ears are still buzzing. The principle of the noise experiment is to play a large number of irregular high-decibels and noisy sounds in the experimenter's ears. Although there is no harm, it will still make people feel dizzy and weak after listening to it for a long time.

So in this state, even if I want to refuse the drug experiment of the white coat, is it impossible?

As for what happened during this period... I sighed deeply and slowly adjusted the breathing rate. When I finally remembered what I had done a few minutes ago, only a group of cheerful alpacas ran through my mind.


I beat Chaos-,-

This is not the first time I beat Chaos, nor the last time I beat Chaos. I was directly dismembered on the rooftop before... but now it's different.

This is his field. I can't do whatever I want when I can't use spiritual power.

In fact, I didn't plan to beat him. My original idea was to endure it. When I found a way to unlock the sky, I would beat him with a blue nose and a swollen face and make the dog restless in the hospital. The key and critical problem is that the noise experiment gave me too many side effects. After the stress was over, I completely look at it. I didn't know what was in front of me. At a glance, I only felt that the long black and white oval humanoid in front of me was jumping around. When Chaos came to me with the potion, I rarely saw the still life. I instinctively turned my hand and crossed the blade across. Between the lightning, I only heard a slight sound, followed by the dead silence. Quiet.

And I didn't realize what had happened at that time-,-

Then, the white coat closest to me immediately clamped my arm and slapped me on the face.

I recovered in the dazzling white light and tried to focus my eyes on the front. After the white dissipated, I only saw Chaos standing in front of me. His expression did not change significantly, but his posture seemed a little strange. He turned his head, and his blonde hair also pressed against his cheeks in a soft arc, his bangs completely covered his eyes, and then there was a less obvious red mark on his left cheek.

I narrowed my eyes and felt that it seemed to be a palm print. After carefully looking at it, I felt that it was indeed a palm print. Take a closer look...

This seems to be probably...

My palm print...


At this time, can I well...??

The corners of my mouth suddenly twitched, and a group of red triple-speed grass mud horses ran past me, followed by chaotic eyes and bent the corners of my lips with a smile: "Yo... I seem to have been beaten...?"

It doesn't seem that you were beaten... and the person who hit you still hit me.

I want to apologize, but I opened my lips and realized why I should apologize! Obviously, I was the victim who was caught in the laboratory for human testing! What qualifications and face does a guy who indiscriminately arrest people to carry out experiments have to ask me to apologize!

However, when I looked up at the group of gloomy white coats standing behind Chaos, I sincerely felt that it was better to apologize.

Chaos did not move, and he looked at me in a beaten posture from beginning to end. His expression was not very angry, and his eyes were even full of interest. He turned his eyes, and after a long time, he said, "Mo Xiaoyuan... If I remember correctly, did you hit me right just now?"

...Can I say that you are hallucinating...?

The white coat next to

walked a few steps towards me, and his expression seemed to be a little nervous, but Chaos stopped them with a wave of his hand. I was sure that I saw blood flowing from the corners of his lips, but he turned his head and looked at me carelessly, wiping off the blood from the corners of his lips with his right hand: "Mo Xiaoyuan, can you still act on your own consciousness after the noise experiment?"

I was puzzled about whether to report truthfully, but the white coat next to me with the medical record book interrupted: "From the data record situation, 3075 just feels a little pain in my ears and looks at things vaguely. In addition, only the sense of balance should be slightly weakened, and there should be no other side effects.

Chaos and I opened our eyes in consters at the same time. I was shocked that this guy knew my situation so well, just like a roundworm in my stomach; Chaos was stunned: "Do you feel like vomiting?"

The white coat of the medical record shook his head for me: "No."

"What about the feeling of irritability?"


The chaotic ice-green pupil immediately lit up like a night star. He patted his hands and even his eyes became excited: "Sure enough! My vision is really right! Mo Xiaoyuan's physique is better than other experimenters.

He raised his hands and pressed my shoulder, unminding that I was suppressed by the white coat. He turned his head and looked at the white coat next to him and said, "What are you still doing? Carry out the pharmaceutical experiment directly without waiting for 3075 to recover. 3075's resistance and cell activity are stronger than other experimental products. You must make an observation record for me!"