The growth history of waste Taoist

Chapter 171 Scattered, Chimoto Sakura

Holding my hand left and right, it contracted slightly, and quickly removed the pressure.

Blessing them, my almost broken hand was finally relaxed, but those people didn't give me time to rest, dragged me and pulled directly towards the white coat with the medicine.

They have found that I have no strength to resist at this stage, and it is even a little difficult to stand, but they still hold my arm vigilantly to prevent me from attacking other white coats in the next drug test. I can't help sneering. Is it so vigilant?

"We really need to be so vigilant. After all, there have been cases where testers resisted drug experiments and attacked medical teams. No one can guarantee that this will not happen again. In order to ensure the safety of medical staff, we must eliminate all potential threats." Chaos looked at me with a smile and slowly opened his mouth to explain.

I was swore: "What... did I just say something?"

He nodded with a smile.

I turned my head and looked at the side speechlessly, and found that there was a woman in the white coat. She was also wearing a mask, but she twisted an iron suitcase in her hand. Not surprisingly, she should have contained the medicine that Chaos said. And she is looking at me hatefully at this moment, as if she can't swallow me alive.

Did I trick her or provoke her?

Chaos turned around and greeted her, and she immediately changed her face 180 degrees and responded affectionately. As many birds as possible, there were as many birds as there were.

I shivered and immediately understood the reason why she hated me so much. What else could there be? Just because I beat Chaos. It can be predicted how miserable my next situation will be.

The white coat wearing a mask put the left-handed iron suitcase on the table next to her and carefully took out the newly developed medicine from it. Chaos and conscientiously explained: "This is a newly developed medicine to enhance the resilience of human bones. It is mainly developed for athletes so that athletes can recover quickly after bone injury. Originally, this test was to be carried out in conjunction with the impact test, but as soon as you finished the noise test, there may be adverse reactions in the drug test directly, so just observe it first and go to the impact test if there is no problem.

I didn't say anything. I only turned my head to the woman's right hand in the slightly flashing light, and then looked at it for a long time before I gathered my constantly shaking eyes on the medicine bottle.

The medicine bottle is transparent, so you can clearly see the green inside**. Because I was just taken out of the medicine box by the white coat, the water has been shaking slightly, but the color is very light, a little like the extreme coral sea. If I don't know that this is a potion, I really think it is like a new perfume.

The white coat on the left that was bitten by me quickly pulled my arm and pulled me to the side of the woman's white coat with completely rude movements. Before I could react, I saw the woman pull out the needle, pull out the potion, and stab me in my arm!

I still didn't react. In the process, I only staggered, and there was a slight tingling sensation on my hand.

Ya's revenge is too strong. This is because of the chaos!

Chaos is indeed not angry, but this does not mean that the follower behind him is not angry. According to international practice, he should disinfect with iodine and wipe his muscles with cotton before injection with a syringe, but he can only press, press, prick, pick, pump... These actions are so smooth that people can't give birth to "non-special" The perception of karma.

This guy still uses a typical IV injection, but the angle is not the standard 45 degrees. When I reverse pumped, I obviously saw the blood gushing out of the body, but soon returned to the blood vessels with the injection of light green**. Fortunately, this guy's revenge is not very strong. If she deliberately gave me a "misplug", "not punctured", "broken", "distorted" and limited number of infinite circulation... Before that, he complained to me "how long your blood vessels are", I'm afraid she has a good temper like my sister. I want to wish her death of a household registration.

"The time of the drug attack is 15 minutes." Chaos pinched the stopwatch beside him. Although his tone was a little plain, his joy had not changed much.

I turned my head and looked at him, and he raised his eyebrows slightly. His green eyes were as cold as emeralds, but at the moment he looked at me, he clearly showed warmth.

Although it is impossible to rule out the possibility that you will have allergic reactions or side effects in a shorter period of time, your physique is different from other experimenters and should have different effects. After diluted, it can only last for ten seconds on the mice that have been cut off. For the human body, I need to adjust the concentration of the drug in batches. Although I have not tested the specific concentration adjustment range until now, it should be no problem to increase the concentration of the drug by 70%.

I didn't say anything. I just looked at the chaotic spring breeze and warm face and twitched the corners of my mouth: There is nothing wrong with your operation, but did your staff listen... When I injected the medicine before, I saw something secretly added to the woman's white coat into it. Is it my illusion?

The white coat looked at me and smiled, and her eyes were clear: Shut up and don't say anything!

I had to look at the chaos silence, but he smiled at me, turned his eyes and looked at the white coat with the medical record next to him: "The clinical response of 3075 will be recorded by you. Is it okay?"

The white coat didn't say anything, and it felt like he was nodding from the action. Chaos raised his eyebrows with a smile, patted her white coat on the shoulder and said, "I want a record of all the situation after the injection of 3075. Remember to observe her situation at any time when you record it. This animal system is relatively special, and there seems to be an unknown virus in the body. Contact me as soon as you find the situation when you observe it, otherwise if there is an accident..."

He narrowed his eyes slightly, and his tone gradually became happy as it rose: "You know."

I don't understand.

The white coat nodded.

So no one paid attention to me. After saying that, Chaos retreated collectively with other white coats. I was waiting in chaos... Immediately after the man or beast left, I lost the strength to stand, and there was no one around me. Naturally, my hands and feet fell to the ground quickly, and then maintained a posture of leaning against the cement and facing the sky.

The guy with the medical record did not stand beside me, and the medical team also disappeared when it left. I don't know whether he entered the monitoring room or followed him. Anyway, I looked around and didn't even have a ghost around me.

I don't know how long I will stay in this damn place.

I looked up at the timer on the wall until the minute hand jumped three squares before slowly getting up from the ground and moving towards the corner little by little.

The side effects of the noise experiment have begun to be alleviated. Although the roar in the ears continues, the chest is less stuffy, and the dizziness has also begun to be alleviated. There were bright yellow lights swaying outside the window, and the indoor light slowly began to dim. It should be... night outside now, right?

Chaos didn't prepare dinner for me... This service is a well-equipped hospital, tsk, maybe I don't even have a shower tonight... I'm not demanding it anymore. Just equip me with a bathroom to give me a room with a size of ○.

I slowly curled up and yawned for a long time after recovering. The chill and sleepiness penetrated into the skin from the air at the same time, and were soon replaced by the enthusiasm from my bones.

It has been four minutes since the drug injection.

The body finally changed differently. First, the feeling of tearing came from the joints, and then the connection between the bone and the bone became hot. Small and dense sparks bloomed in the body, and soon sparks spread in place.

I can feel the boiling and restlessness of hundreds of millions of cells in my body, and the pain crawls all over my body like ants. It is an extremely detailed bite, and even the cracks are so dense that it can be ignored. The skin attached to the floor could initially detect the cold infiltration, but now it is covered by the enthusiasm from the limbs. The feeling of muscle rupture and bone burning invades from the nerve endings and finally spreads into a overwhelming brocade.

can't break free and can't be avoided.

This is not the pain that can be endured by clenching teeth, because two hundred and six bones seem to have been disassembled and reorganized, and the fracture is still connected to the meridians and capillaries visible to the naked eye. This long and firm process is like a protracted war, tearing down people's bones and allowing them to recover for themselves. Chaos said that this is a medicine to strengthen the natural resilience of bones, but the feeling of clinical trials makes me feel that it is a medicine to cut off human muscles and muscles... Be sure to use words to describe what I feel at this moment--



... I really can't find any other words to describe.

The blood circulation will not last more than one minute. The specific digital senior did tell me, but after listening to the elder's extremely hypnotic theoretical class, the whole person just wanted to lie down immediately ** and connect with Zhou Gong. There are not many words that can be heard, let alone remember... It's just according to the chaotic "white mouse test only lasted ten seconds", even if the concentration has increased by 70%, it doesn't work now. Should it also stop?

Oh, by the way, I remember that the woman's white coat secretly added other things to the medicine before. Her whole family is so unmedical, and her waist circumference will exceed her chest circumference sooner or later.

Slowly, the fiery heat began to crack from the bone bite, and small threads also extended from the cracked spinal cord. At first, there was only a slight heat between the joints, but now it is completely turned into a fire, burning the ligaments and nerves while steaming the blood.

I can't see the changes in the internal organs, but I feel that all the organs have begun to melt. The blood vessels have become membranes as thin as cicada wings. A slight collision can make it spread out, and the field of vision becomes white. Even the clear light outside the window has turned into a blurred scenery in the alternation of heat and pain. In a trance, there seemed to be an unusually handsome brunette man staring at me in front of me, and then I struggled to the highest point with thin lips and said softly:

"...Let's scatter, Chimoto Sakura."
