The growth history of waste Taoist

Chapter 185 Do you dare to bet with me?

0.1 seconds.

Lei Niang's movement finally stopped a clear pause. I was overjoyed. I raised my hand to touch the arrow, which was a three-stage power attack. When I took the second arrow, I saw Lei Niang faintly as if it probably shook. Looking at it again, I found that it had recovered from its paralysis. "Wow" rushed back at me.

In an instant, I can only be glad that I move quickly. I don't want to roll away from where I was. After standing up, I was shocked and sweating like a drunk driver and hitting someone: ××, why is this Lei Niang's paralysis resistance so strong? In less than three seconds, he recovered from the paralysis state... In this game, only the roaring dragon with 18 flashes of flash bombs in the later stage of P3 can be compared. Is it possible that this Lei Niang had been numb 18 times in a row before she rushed to me?

It's not that the effect of the medicine is not enough. Didn't that guy say that the effect of the medicine is 1.35 times that of the big barrel bomb? The effect is not like 1.35 times so fast, and 0.35 times is almost the same!

Seeing that Lei Niang's blood was ready to rush at me again, I quickly jumped away from the same place, then touched it with both hands, and instantly touched eight sleep bottles.

I was overjoyed and thought that this thing should always work on Lei Niang's head. Just as he was about to open the bottle cap and throw it on Lei Niang's head, the cold voice sounded again: "The resistance to sleep medicine is so high that you won't fall asleep even if you throw a hundred."

Then he can't use the sleeping bottle, and it's useless to use the paralysis bottle. Do I still have a hair?!

I was both embarrassing and shocked. I looked down at the sleeping bottle in my hand, turned my mind, and gritted my teeth and jumped out the system interface.

I still don't believe it. There is no way for this game to call out a big bucket of explosives - for me to barely change it into explosives for eight bottles in my hand.

Fortunately, although there are many mistakes and loopholes in this game, there are still some explanations for dispensing. I roughly turned it over. Basically, ×× medicine with 〇〇 medicine can produce explosive drugs, and the success rate of the reconciled is as high as 95%. Suddenly, the raw materials that I didn't know were suitable and began to reconcile.

The sound sounded coldly again: "Give me a signal when it's configured."

I didn't say anything. As I ran my hand, I only heard the sound next to me say, "I will set a boundary to block the attack on you, but it will take about two to three seconds. During this period, you can run forward as much as possible. If you attack you with thunder and lightning behind, I will remind you that you can only roll to both sides. Remember to give me a signal after dispensing the potion. I will remove the boundary and let you attack the potion. You just need to seize the opportunity to throw the potion on the face and dodge it at the moment he is blown.

How talky, big brother. With the time for you to say this, I have already prepared the medicine and you should have said the spell.

I opened the bottle cap on the medicine and waved my hand to make an OK gesture. The air around suddenly loosened, and the fresh smell of grass immediately came to my face.

I looked back in that gap, and the electric Lei Niang was rushing towards me with her teeth and claws. It is fierce, like a tiger going down the mountain, and it is like a crocodile eating - of course, it should be called a tiger now.

I raised the corners of my lips and smiled coldly, lowered my figure at a speed far beyond ordinary people's speed, and then decisively threw out the configured explosives at a distance of less than 0.1 centimeters, and then twisted my body from the body at a speed of about 360° rotation at a moment of surprise. He escaped under his claws, and at the moment of the potion exploded, he turned around and jumped on the huge claws that could tear the black bear, and flipped and jumped on the nearest giant tree in midair. The man's boundary stretched out at the moment when I fell firmly on the tree, almost blocking me from the fire.

"Good job." The voice praised me coldly.

I raised my hand and wiped the sweat on my head, and then wondered before answering his words: "When did Bi Xie develop the function of manipulating characters according to the player's will?"

The voice paused next to it, and then said after a moment, "It's the overflow of the aura that locks the spirit in your body that activates the function of the game's idea operation, so that you can operate the character so freely."

I nodded and looked down at the explosion point under the tree. A tall figure in the thick smoke was rushing out of the thick smoke and running towards me. So I asked, "If you attack with arrows without explosives, how many arrows will it take to repel?"

The voice did not answer immediately, but was silent for a moment before saying coldly, "At least 357 arrows."

"Oh, that's fast enough." I nodded with joy, and then jumped down from the tree desperately at the moment when the smoke dispersed.

The air around me stagnated for a few seconds, and then an airflow floated in my direction. I turned my head and smiled in the direction of the man and cut off his words before he opened his mouth: "Chengying, what is the fastest time for you to beat him to death without sword spirit in this game?"

He obviously asked for a moment, but still quickly said, "Three minutes and eleven seconds."

This result should be the fastest result for the young master to pass the customs alone. Seriously, it is indeed the fastest result.

I raised my eyebrows coldly, bent down with my hands and picked out eight medicine bottles. I pulled up the corners of my mouth and smiled, "Very good, very powerful."

He didn't say anything.

I raised my eyebrows again: "But do you dare to bet with me? Just think of it as my oath of war against you.

As I spoke, I raised my hands and smashed all eight explosives on the head, and the moment I patted them with my claws, I jumped and stepped on the head of the head. I looked back at the traceless figure in the void and said, "I don't need your help. In three minutes, I will definitely defeat the I will defeat you!"

The air behind him seemed to move. I guess he wanted to speak, but I didn't wait for him to answer, because the tiao� began to beat violently at that moment. I could only turn around and rotate with one foot with the yi's head as the fulcrum, 180° behind my side, I clenched my fist and hit the jaw's eye, and then shook my hand and directly took the eight A freshly opened explosive potion spilled on it.

A loud noise.

I was sure that all eight explosives hit the eye I hit. When I stepped on its face and jumped off its head, I found that the electric current around it suddenly became bright at the moment the smoke dispersed, and the originally weak light also became extremely dazzling after the explosion. Even if a fool saw this situation, he knew that it was a sign of an outbreak, so I didn't dare to hesitate. I jumped back from the side, turned my head, and kept running on the grass.

Sure enough, he was furious.

After anger, its speed seems to have a bonus of about 25%, and the impact wave raised by the claws on the ground is also several meters farther than before.

I originally wanted to pull the bow and shoot arrow. I looked down at the shock wave under my feet, but I thought it would be better to run away first, otherwise it would be bad if the record of Chengying was not broken until I hung up first. Fortunately, the map of the stream is well lit, and it is not easy to be tripped by the intertwined roots on the ground day and night, so I was able to shuttle through the ancient wood gap while capturing the attack with dynamic vision.

Chengying seems to be moving with me, because the wind has been flowing in a strange direction. I guess he should be waiting for me to ask him for help. I admit that if the sword spirit or attack of Chengying can cause damage, whether it is assisted or output, it is a great help, but since I have made a poisonous oath, I will not apply for Ying's assistance, not to mention that if I really modeled the Thunder Wolf Dragon in the game designed by Bi Xie, then I can't lose.

Flying a kite is obviously the best tactic available at present. This stream map is not open, but it is better than many places covered after turning from the stream to the plain. In addition to the sawed ancient wood, there are wooden pavilions built by unknown people. The pavilion looks like a grass cage from a distance, but it is hollow in the middle, only leaning on a few brackets on the ground.

Of course, this kind of straw-like thing can't stop the attack. It was struck by it several times with lightning from afar and collapsed to the ground with a "bang", but the time of only about five seconds is extremely valuable to me, because it is enough to configure the remaining 27 explosives.

Chengying should have watched the battle next to me, but he didn't say anything from beginning to end. And I didn't get distracted from him as if I couldn't see him. I only chased after me and launched an attack. Halfway through my efforts, I have changed from trying to find opportunities to pull bow and archery to run as far as far as I could. Now I finally hide behind the wooden pavilion and match all the explosives. Naturally, I turned around and penetrated. The large amount of dust raised in an instant from the collapsed wooden pavilion rushed to the front: "Five-"

I threw all the explosives in my hand without hesitation towards the face that was approaching in an instant.


The explosive agent exploded the moment it touched the cheek. From this angle, you can clearly see the face leaning back because of the impact of the explosion.


I clenched my right fist and jumped high towards the top.


Inject your full strength into your right fist with the speed of free landing.


Then he hit him hard in the eyes--

What happens next can be described in literary and artistic words, which may lead to another chapter.

Considering that everyone did not have the leisure and patience to look at my detailed description, "When I hit the tender cow's face with the speed of the leopard with the strength of the eagle's accurate bear", I decided to simply use the word "the howl of howling in an instant". The sound simply ran through my eardrums, and even the lush camphor trees next to me trembled like being torn by howling. In short, when I saw the body leaning back because of losing its center of gravity in the thick smoke, my first reaction was to raise the corners of my lips and look at the air next to me that I couldn't see at all: "How Question mark Has it been more than three minutes?

Master Chengying still didn't say anything.

But the next second, he quickly disappeared from the position I could feel, and then suddenly appeared beside me when I felt the sound of the wind, reached out to the side, and easily brought me out from under the giant claws.