The growth history of waste Taoist

Chapter 184 What line to drop at the critical time!

Lei Niang didn't feel any pain when she went down with an arrow, and she continued to rush towards me with a roar. But in the MH setting, it is not a fast moving monster, so the long distance is enough for me to pull the bow and string to accumulate strength to avoid it and run quickly to avoid it.

Looking up at the teammate icon above, Bi Xieyu's intestine is still standing in the previous position, and I don't know what he is busy with. He hasn't touched me for a long time. The strange thing is that there is no battle sign next to them. Are they digging honey and herbs...

Lei Niang patted me again. I couldn't help rolling around and dodge it. When I got up again, I was afraid that this distance was not enough to attack, so I had to pull my bow and run a distance. If you want to give me a third-person perspective in MH, I absolutely don't want to pull the bow and run away, but Bi Xie's game is a first-person perspective. I really dare not rush to turn my back on Lei Niang without actual combat.

So I pulled my bow and shot a short arrow, but I saw Lei Niang suddenly turn around, waved her giant claws, and shot my arrow directly.

How is this...

and MH are not very similar...?

In fact, I didn't pay attention to these when I played MH before. I only knew that when I hit the steel dragon, an arrow would be bounced away by the wind pressure around it, so I beat the steel dragon, but the wind pressure of Lei Niang and the steel dragon in front of me is different. It clearly shot my arrow with one paw... The key and key problems come, MH I After playing for 2000+ hours, I have seen the male fire dragon sprayed to death by a fireball of the female fire dragon. The electric monster dragon was bitten to death by a flying dragon by its son. The monster was accidentally injured in a melee during continuous hunting of large monsters, but it seems that it is true... I have never seen any kind of monster flying arrows flying over me.

Has Bi Xie changed the system?

I looked up at the icon above, and just finished a quarter of my head, and a huge shadow rushed towards me. I instinctively reacted badly and subconsciously rolled away from the same place. When I came to my senses, I found that a huge pit was smashed out of the place where I stood before. The charred grass in it emitted a smell that could be described as "painy", and Lei Niang, who was about 20 meters away from me half a second ago, had rushed to it aggressively. In front of me, the four claws were on the ground, the nostrils were spewing, and the eyes were staring fiercely. Although there was no attack, it was indeed a ready posture. As long as I relaxed a little, it could immediately jump up.

This is not right. Compared with the monster hunter in my memory, Bi Xie's game is obviously wrong.

Monster Hunter is one of the most famous action games of C. It is easy to operate and easy to get started, but it is difficult to play, because this game pays too much attention to action components, and even the design has elements that focus on operation rather than the plot - 80% of RPG games on the market can be done by brushing monsters and training equipment. You and I cut each other's continuous drug-stack and stand and fight monsters down, but this game never works - try to stand a pile against the dragon? I won't mention the golden lion. It's simply bullying you.

So my brother always said that MH is one of the games that drive PSP sales. I seconded this to some extent. After all, the design of this game is a little too unique, and the attacks of some monsters in it are simply unbelievable. It's enough to attack high skin and thick speed, and even attack without interruption after anger! However, in this game, there is a corresponding hard and straight time after the attack. Those who carry the sword have to swing the sword and dance the knife have to close the knife, and even the light crossbow and heavy crossbow have to load the bullets. Of course, you can turn over the game skills and pick in front of me, "Isn't there an automatic loading skill?" But the loading speed is so slow that you can stand your own size. Try it in front of the golden lion?

If you don't talk about skills and fight recklessly, then this game can only die and die again and die until you can't die until you can't die anymore and fall into PSP in anger. The reason why I love this game so much is that it is not the kind of game designed to encourage players to throw PSP, because although the monsters in it are high-skinned, thick and unreasonable, there is always a gap for players to attack after a move. It happens that this game is the player's gap attack. My brother threw it to me to hone my observation, endurance, analysis and judgment, and when I took over, I played it casually a few times. I was shocked that this game was much more energy-level than other games that rely on equipment level to suppress BOSS, and I suddenly couldn't put it down and played it for 2000+ hours. So I've been so wordy, and that's the only sentence I want to make a decision--

Bi Xie's game - if I'm not mistaken, after Lei Niang's attack just now, there was no gap at all, so she immediately launched an attack on me.

And I even have to stop pulling the bow and string, stand still, raise my hand and pull the bow to take the arrow, and slowly run away from the same place after accumulating strength.

How can I attack Lei Niang in this unequal situation??!

I don't ask him to give me a special skill of shooting ten thousand arrows and tracking arrows. After all, Bi Xie also said that in this game, we will brush materials to make equipment to return the boss, so I think it is good to make equipment for the skill of "thousand arrows" by brushing materials in the later stage of this game. The key is that Yalian has been running. Cheng La's bow and arrow didn't realize it for me, but I still challenged Mao?!

In desperation, I looked up at the life bar of the fish intestines above. Before I could see the names of the two people, I saw a semicircular battle icon behind my name. Suddenly, I thought that if these two embarrassing people saw the battle icon behind my name and could not come to meet me, I would really run all the way with Lei Niang to bite them to death. . Unexpectedly, I was shocked if I didn't see it. I don't know when the names of Bi Xie and Yuchang had darkened. Followed a huge dialog box in the void, and two lines of prompts for me to spit blood jumped out--

[Players get out of the war]

[Player's fish intestines out of war]

Is there any mistake? Is there any mistake? Is there any mistake!!

What did these two guys drop at the critical moment! What's wrong with playing alone in a 3D simulation game that I'm not familiar with even CMF plug-in! Bi Xie, your captain's effect is bonus! Fish sausage, the MT you guaranteed before entering the game pulls hatred! Both of them are disconnected, and I still have a hair! Fight! One! Mao!

I also wanted to get out of the war with grief and indignation, but Lei Niang over there still stared at me. Seeing that I was stunned and did not move, she immediately closed her back and bowed her back, and a low roar accompanied the tiger rushed to me.

I tried a roll to avoid his attack, and then tried to pull the bow and string at the moment I got up. Unsuc't result. Suddenly, tears flowed down my face. ××'s Si Niang's file game did not open a plug-in for players and only set up a straight for players. At this point, I don't know whether it is a monster "hunter" or a monster "abuse" person. Fortunately, Lei Niang has always been a big straw bag with embroidered pillows that are neither popular nor useful in the MH series——

PS: Don't mind when you see the brothers who were abused by Lei Niang here. I can really open fire and communicate with Lei Niang without injury. The village has graduated. I am not afraid of me in MHP3, but when I go back to 2G, I will tremble when I see Mr. Hong, but this is all a digression, and I will skip it here.

So as long as I don't want to use a knife, I should be able to rub it without injury. In addition, when I entered the game, I chose an infinite bow and arrow, so it took a little time and its consumption, and it was not completely impossible to win!

Thinking of me jumping from the huge claws swept by Lei Niang, I didn't want to aim at Lei Niang's forehead. When I met its defenseless turn, the arrow hit its forehead without surprise. I quickly jumped away from it and retreated to a distance away from it before squatting down and taking out my pocket.

God bless! Although Bi Xie's game was a little rushed when we landed, at least he put a few bottles in the bag for me. I didn't hesitate. I quickly took out the bottle and looked at it and burst into tears again.

Bi Xie... What on earth did he... turn this game copycat into??

I thought this game copied MH. The back bow is not a strong bottle but also a receiving bottle. No matter how bad it is, it's okay to dye the poison bottle and sleep bottle! But Bi Xie... What are the paralysis agents and bursting agents?! Sister, do I play a game with a chemical formula on the spot?!

A voice coldly reminded: "The effect of the drug is 1.35 times that of the barrel bomb. If you can aim at the head of the scorpion to attack, the effect will be much better than shooting with a bow and an arrow.

1.35 times? I couldn't help but be stunned.

I'm not a data party. I haven't calculated which of the damage of the big barrel bomb in MH or the damage of the big sword after opening the cat fire and eating ghost medicine G+ strange power pile attack power [UP], but the 1.35 times the damage of the big barrel bomb should be greater than that of shooting with a bow and arrow. So when I heard that sound, I didn't think much about it. I took out eight bottles with both hands and bent down to inhale, and held my breath to open all the potion bottles in my hand at the moment of facing Lei Niang.

Suddenly, there was a very faint smell in the air. There was no smell at first, but after smelling it for a long time, it was a little dizzy. I looked down at the traditional Chinese medicine and saw the word " paralysis" written on it, so I guessed that it was mostly a paralysis bottle in Bi Xie's game. I just don't know how many bottles to throw to work on the Thunder Wolf Dragon in Bi Xie's game?

No matter how you throw it away, let's talk about it. I clenched my teeth secretly. Looking up at Lei Niang, she also squinted at me, as if nothing had swept over my hand, then bent her tightly, and the next second she disappeared from the standing position hallucinatively.

I was already prepared. As soon as I saw Lei Niang disappear, I jumped back and jumped away from the same place. In an instant, the position where I was still stood a few seconds ago had been smashed out. Lei Niang opened her mouth three centimeters away from me and intended to bite it. Without blinking my eyes, I raised my hand and smashed all eight bottles. Lei Niang's face!