After soaring

Chapter 3 Rules of the Sword

"Bone of the Thunderbolt!"

The sky suddenly darkened, and a purple electricity fell from the sky and fell on the central magic hall. At that time when the purple electricity cut through the void. Taixuan and others felt a powerful to shudderful evil smell from the purple electricity.


Almost at the moment when the purple electricity broke through the air, he closed the door of the Demon Hall for a long time and pushed it open from the inside out. When the two copper doors with demon images were opened, the thick black smoke spewed out of the hall. In the thick fog, the heart demon in a big black cloak strodeted out. When his eyes were looking forward, bursts of furious purple electricity came in and out.

"Bone of the Thunderbolt!"

When the heart demon takes the first step outside the magic hall. The sky was suddenly cloudy. Lightning and thunder. A huge earth of purple electricity hovered above the heart demon's head. Purple electricity is fleeting. Keep shuttling through the dark clouds, setting off the heart demon in the sky like the birth of the nine demon gods, and the shadows cast on the ground dragged the elder. The lens seems to extend to the earth.


The wide black cloak is like a night bird, behind the heart demon, it sang with the stronger and stronger wind. It's like a night bird spreading its wings in the dark.




The devil's face calmed into the water and walked out step by step. The footsteps are not very loud, but there is a kind of evil charm, which clearly falls in the hearts of all demons. Although there is no sound, all demons feel from the soul, the call from the most evil alien demons in heaven and earth is the call of killing.

The demons' blood is boiling. Countless demons feel the call to kill demons from the strongest earth between heaven and earth through the soul. Feel its powerful shadow over the whole dynasty and shelter all demons. One by one, they were very excited.

The demons of the seven legions have no leadership. They gushed out like locust swarms from various magic palaces. The black-pressing demons shouted 'the emperor'. Raise the magic weapon in your hand. It gathers from all directions.

An evil force affects all the demons of the dynasty. At this moment. The only image dominated by the Central Dynasty. Deep roots are implanted in the hearts of all demons. Its status also far exceeds the influence of King Asura on Asura Demon and Alonso on the Abyss Legion.

Although the first distraction holds the highest leadership in the name of the Central Dynasty. But in fact, due to the long-term actual rule by Taixuan. Alonso, Asura, Berspartan and others own. The first distraction did not actually control the whole dynasty - although no one in the whole dynasty dared to disobey him.

And the first distraction didn't do it, and the heart demon did it at the moment he got out of the customs. At this moment, all the demons forgot their respective substantive leaders for a long time and admitted that the emperor of the dynasty was in charge of the whole dynasty.

"Welcome Your Majesty!——"

"Welcome 5 times!

"Welcome F!——"

The gap between the palaces of the dynasty has been completely occupied by demons. They were facing the demons and crawling on the ground. There were bursts of enthusiastic shouts in the mouth, and the demons crawled in the position of pilgrimage in the sky and under the ground. The delinquence and manicness on the face all disappeared, and the rest was only devout faith and fanatical worship from the heart.

In the dark-pressure demon group, Taixuan's face penetrated through the waves of people. Looking at the heart demon like a god from afar, his heart was shocked. Shocked.

"Although he sucks the law. It has reached the soul level!" Taixuan's heart is full of palpitations, which is different from Alonso and others. Taixuan is in this evil force. In addition to feeling the evil charm of the soul, I also feel a faint power to absorb and tear the soul, which is very weak. Obviously, he is deliberately restraining this power, but that's the feeling. Let Taixuan feel the breath of Dafa from it.

"He. It can be done!" Somehow, when I came to this conclusion. All the worries in Taixuan's heart disappeared, but his heart relaxed instead.

Although the change of the first distraction is a little disturbing. But these are no longer under his consideration. The worst underground is that our group of people from the ancient land will die.

"But what does this mean? Before coming. Haven't we all made plans like this?" Taixuan showed a gratifying smile at the corners of his mouth. A wonderful understanding surged into my heart. Taixuan knew that the moment he had been waiting for a long time, I'm afraid he would come. And at that moment. From the moment you step into the demon world. Everyone is ready for this.

"From now on. No matter what decision he makes. We must all obey him unconditionally. The mysterious voice suddenly sounded in the hearts of all the ancient people: "The time is ripe."

The hearts of all the ancient people suddenly fell silent. In the shouts of demons in the outside world, this inner silence seemed to be very quiet.

Countless eyes pass through layers of demons. Bet on the god-like shadow. After a short silence. A calm voice sounded in Tai Xuan's heart: "I understand!"

The moment when the words fell. In the dark pressure magic shadow. Countless straight figures bent down and crawled.. He lowered his head and respectfully hit his head to the ground - at this moment, the demon world. All ancient humans died...


A solid shadow sword appeared in the palm of a heart demon in the right hand. With a casual lift, the four-foot-long sword shadow came out of his hand and sank into the vast void above. Disappear.

"The direction of the ground pointed by my sword. It will be the place where I want to conquer, the place where my sword falls. It will be my paradise soon, and that's the direction of your war. The powerful voice of the heart echoed over the whole Central Dynasty: "Go ahead. Conquer there for me!"

Almost at the moment when the voice fell, the heart demon sent out the shadow of the sword to break through the layers of space. Falling from the sky. Fall obliquely to the ground.

Under the dark sky. There are countless dark golden palaces, and between the palace walls, a huge flag floats in the sky, on the black flag. It is tattooed with a lifelike silver dragon.


On the endless darkness and fertile soil. A huge silver dragon was standing still, suddenly feeling a crisis in his heart. He subconsciously turned around and turned back at the moment. A shadow sword quickly expanded on its silver pupil, getting bigger and bigger.


The silver dragon screamed. I didn't even have time to dodge, and I was penetrated by the long sword that broke through the sky. Nailed to the black ground.


The long sword fell. Huge black cracks stretched out in all directions like cobwebs, and this shocking change shocked the whole Nicholas dynasty. The whole space vibrated because of the long sword that broke into the sky and entered the shadow of the earth.

"This is ** naked picking!!"

In the gorgeous palaces, countless generals of the Nicholas dynasty stood up, and an angry flame burned in the magic pupils.

In the magic hall of the Nicholas Dynasty.

A middle-aged man in a silver-white gold-lined robe sits on the throne made of mithril and gemstones. He has soft bird hair. Silver-white pupils, and a kind of evil emperor's breath.

As the king of all dragons in the demon world, Nicholas the Great performs. It will directly affect the morale of the whole dynasty. As one of the oldest dragon clans, Nicholas the Great has lived for a long time in his life. There are few things that can move him.

Many arrogant challengers eventually proved to be just a ridiculous jumping frog.

"Quiet," Nicholas the Great's voice was peaceful, like the ancient well, and the strange power quickly appeased His Royal Highness's angry dynasties.

"Maya?" Nicholas looked at a stout demon in the front row on the left side of the hall.

"Yes. Your Majesty," Maya will. Nod and bow.

According to the previous practice. The opponent's attack will not arrive until some time. Before that, the dynasty had enough to investigate the details of the other party's land, and then before the other party launched an attack. Give a fatal blow.

Just as Maya turned around and was ready to walk out of the hall. Suddenly--


There was a violent wave of space in the western sky of the hall. All the strong men in the magic hall of the Nicholas Dynasty felt the strong fluctuation of the rules of the earth.


Outside the hall. A dark shadow, like a bird, skimmed over the hall and fell outside the magic hall: "Your Majesty. Urgent report. At the junction of the dynasty and the first demon world, the fourth demon mountain was attacked unprecedentedly, and we can't stop it at all!"

This man was wearing a thick black armor, and the demon in his hand and halberd knelt on one knee at the threshold of the hall, lowered his head, and large drops of sweat rolled down from his head.


A loud noise of landslides and cracks mixed with the screams of demons came from the west of the dynasty hall. At the same time as it was ringing. In the hall, one by one is enough to make the earth change the earth demons see through the air.


"The fourth magic mountain has been broken. Their attack is so fast!"

"The Eighth Dragon Tide Legion has been completely destroyed."

"They have already invaded!"

After sensing the source of this amazing change through magic knowledge. All the demons in the hall have changed color. One by one, they looked at Nicholas the Great at the head of the temple, waiting for him to give the order to kill.

In the long history of Nicholas. It was hardly recorded in the dynastic space by the other party. Not before. It will never happen again!

"Call the Silver Miracle Legion immediately. Wake up the Seventh Dragon Legion. In addition, gather the Dark Dragon Legion. These three legions are immediately transferred to the Fourth Magic Mountain... to help defend against the opponent's attack! In addition--"

Nicholas' order was not fully issued. Because. Almost at the same time as Nicholas the Great issued an offensive order, a destructive force passed through the distant space. It hit the space wall of the Nicholas dynasty.


In the direction of the west side to the Fourth Magic Mountain, the dark sky suddenly broke through a number of orders. Thousands of feet of black openings, behind huge openings. A wave of shouts to kill mixed with the murderous atmosphere of the sky. Like a sharp sword. Break into this space. .

After the originally boiling Nicholas Dynasty space appeared in the sky with this huge and frightening gap, Huo calmed down. On the black ground, the dense demons were stunned and opened their mouths. He looked at the huge gap in shock. And those who surged behind the gap were obviously subordinate to the demons of one party.

In the dynasty space, the strong people who originally wanted to step out of the dynasty space and destroy the powerful enemies of the dynasty took a breath of shock. Quiet down abruptly.

Heavenly demons are powerful demons at the level. It is not difficult to break through the space, but in another extremely stable space, there is such a big gap, but the demons think that they are not capable. It is necessary to break through such a land space and open up the underground passage between the dynasty space and the first demon world. The amount of energy needed is huge. And it also requires extreme space rules and attainments. If not. The access channel between the Nicholas Dynasty space and the first demon world will not be just the fourth magic mountain.

In the hall of the Nicholas Dynasty, it was silent like death. The demons stared at the huge gap in the western sky through the magic knowledge: the black armored demons were like crucian carp crossing the river, pouring crazily from the first demon world into the dynasty space. On the other side of the gap, the amazing army of demons was like the It's surging. A steady stream of people pouring in from all directions.

The sky behind them. Lightning and thunder. The wind is gusts, crazily rolling under the dark clouds. A towering magic mountain stands in the distance.. There is the place with the strongest purple electricity.

Halfway through the mountain, a huge black flag extends across the top of the mountain. Hunting and dancing against the wind_That is the banner of the emerging central dynasty.

On the throne of the palace of Nicholas Hall. The king of silver robes has a solemn face. His eyes crossed the layers of palace walls. After crossing countless layers of space, he fell directly on the top of the dark demon mountain standing in the distance, where a terrible strong man was standing in the air, and the cloak was dancing behind him. Almost at the same time, my eyes looked over, and my eyes were facing each other--

"Zi Zi!"'

The two people's eyes met, and the vast magic knowledge caused the void energy disorder. The place where the eyes intersect. A mass of purple electricity may disappear, and the sound of 'Zizzling' electric flowers does not resound through the world.

The two people only had a brief contact with each other, so they didn't drive away.

At the end of heaven and earth, the heart demon stands on the top of the black magic mountain. Standing in the void, above the head, the purple power is extinguished. Dark clouds are swirling.

"Kill!" Hold your right hand high and hunt the cloak behind you, like thousands of fierce snakes beating and waving the ground birds' hair at the same time, after the huge Land Devil Mountain. The army of killing demons and Asura demons roared and bypassed the magic mountain. It rushed to the space passage to the Nicholas dynasty.


Thick clouds are rolling in the distance. With a shrilling sound. In the sky. A row of silver dragons stretched their wings. It only flew from the space of the Nicholas dynasty.

A silver dragon is singing, with a huge mouth. A cluster of melting flames of gold and iron splashed out. At the horizon. The thick smoke condensed into a sea of smoke, covering up the gap.

The ground. A powerful demon belonging to the Central Dynasty roared and rose from the air. He killed the silver dragon in the sky and the dragon knight on the dragon's back.

There is a cold light in the eyes of the heart demon on the top of the mountain. At the end of the earth, the army of the Nicholas dynasty is gathering in all directions from the dark space. The sound of the dragon resounds through the world. The powerful dragon breath spewed out, filling the whole world.

Break through such a huge space and prevent the power of space rules from bridging. It takes a lot of energy. Only when the 'sucking method' reaches the direction of the earth and the heart demon above the nine heavens can we almost ignore the consumption.

"The Nicholas Dynasty was the first to choose this seat, and this time let's take it as the first target. Taixuan, if Nicholas the Great uses the dynasty elite of the dynasty. You just go up. Assisting the Asura and the Killing Legion, as for Nicholas the Great... Don't worry. As long as he gets up, I will get up and deal with him!"

"Yes, my lord!" On the Devil's Mountain, Taixuan and a group of ancient demons bowed their heads. On the back of the mountain, the soldiers of the Legion of Destruction spread from the top of the mountain to the foot of the mountain like ants. Unlike the hustle and bustle of the battlefield ahead, this is a quiet world.

As soon as the heart demon cloak was thrown, it slowly fell from the air. Sit cross-legged on the top of the mountain, slowly closing your eyes. Tai Xuan suddenly found that he had sunk into self-study.

Taixuan looked forward, but saw that the army gushing out of the Nicholas Dynasty had contacted the first three legions of the Central Dynasty. The two sides tore up together tragically. Thick smoke is everywhere. The fire is soaring. The screams are intertwined with the dragon's chant.

His eyes reflected the scene of the distant army tearing up. Taixuan looked surprisingly calm. No one knew that he was standing on the top of the mountain. This name will rise to the strong man behind the overlord of the demon world. What are you thinking at this moment?

Five steps away from Taixuan. Olan Gudale looked at the distance with a complicated look. His lips were tightly squeezed, although he is now obedient to the Central Dynasty. Obedient to the powerful central emperor, but in essence, Olan Guder still belongs to the demon dragon family, and in essence, he is also an arrogant dragon clan. The Nicholas dynasty is in the demon world. It represents the dragon family.

For Nicholas, Auland Gudale has an almost instinctive fear, and her behavior has already constituted a betrayal of Nicholas the Great. Facing this ancient dynasty again, it made Auranguddell scared and close.

He glanced at the central emperor sitting on the black phosphorus mountain stone. Olan Guder's heart was hanging. Nicholas the Great was terrible, but the newly rising central emperor made Olan Guder more frightened, which was the fear of the soul.

The Central Emperor did not mention that Olan Guder should participate in the war ahead, but he did not put her out of the current Central Emperor. It's not the king who could be negotiated at the beginning. He became terrible and frightening.

Half a day after the outbreak of the war between the Nicholas Dynasty and the Central Dynasty. The messages were sent to all forces in Haohan's demon world.

Demon Hall.

"Lord. Shall we participate in it? A hell monarch looked up at the top of the demon temple. The handsome and amazing fallen king Lucie said, "This war. It has gone beyond the dynastic war of collecting faith and has become a 'war of destruction' level war! This war is likely to rise like the land war hundreds of millions of years ago.

"No!" Above the hall, it seemed that he had been busy constantly favoring the plane projection on countless planes and shuttling through the fallen king suddenly opened his eyes, and his eyelids suddenly opened. From the depths of those evil eyes, countless bright nebulae seemed to bloom: "After a while, no matter what the results are, we must not intervene in the first round of wars between dynasties."

The hall was immediately silent, and the seven hell monarchs exchanged a win-eye at each other, and then bowed down their heads: "Yes. Your Majesty.

The space of the Demon Emperor's Dynasty.

The raid of the Lord of Killing almost uprooted the foundation of the whole dynasty, and all the palaces were destroyed. There is only one piece of palace rubble left to clean up the rubble. Then it is a huge work to build a new gorgeous and towering palace complex.

In the busy scene of the dynasty, countless demons and wizards are like grasshoppers. It is moving back and forth on the dark ground. Cleaning up the rubble, in the middle of the ruins of the original dynasty palace, a gorgeous temple stands on this dark land. The temple emits a bright light. It is eye-catching in the middle of the night, looking at it from afar, like a bright diamond set in this dark land.

This once belonged to the exclusive temple of the 'Emperor'. After the war, the subordinates of the demon emperor were moved from the first demon world to the demon emperor's palace. Around the palace, thousands of purple chains and ferocious high-level demon statues have been damaged, and only about half of the remaining number is lost in the process of crossing the space!

Nevertheless so. This is still a beautiful work, from the gods. Even with the power of the demon emperor. At the moment when I saw this temple. I couldn't help but stay. Originally, he swallowed the word 'no' back into his stomach, and turned to nod and accepted the burning hand.

At this moment. All the top strongmen of the whole dynasty gathered in the temple. The news of the war between the Nicholas Dynasty and the Central Dynasty spread to the Demon Emperor's space. It caused a seismic earthquake in the whole dynasty.

Others may not know the details of this central dynasty. But how did the strong man of the Demon Emperor's dynasty not know the other identity of the Central Emperor secretly! Your Majesty. The Nicholas dynasty was attacked by the central dynasty. We have formed an alliance with the Nicholas dynasty. Do you need to send troops to help now? And, at the time. It seems that it is also to deal with the Lord of Killing at the time of war. It's the best time to sneak up on the hinterland of our dynasty. The demons in the temple stood on the ground with dark gold totem tattooed. At the top, a powerful demon asked.

In the temple. A troup of demons are looking forward to the demon emperor on the throne. In this gorgeous temple. The only discord is the two thrones side by side above, and one force can only have one master. Another position on the side of the Demon Emperor. Obviously, it is extremely disrespectful.

Before the temple was transported from the first demon world. It's not that no one has tried, but the whole dynasty is strong. But no one can destroy any of the two thrones.

Above the throne, the demon emperor is back to the back of the treasure seat. Close your eyes and don't speak.

"When did Nicholas the Great stand up from his throne? We will send troops to help at any time!" The majestic sound echoed between the pillars of the temple in the dark. Between the columns. The demons bowed their heads respectfully.

"Nicholas, when? You are forced to do it yourself. At that time, it was time for you to perish. A real ruler, if you are forced to be like this. He completely lost his qualification as a ruler. It also violates our rules as the thirteen emperors. In the hall. A deep cold murderous storm I, man] passed away...

Magic World Calendar xxx). [ Year.

Emerging forces. The Central Dynasty challenged the Nicholas Dynasty, causing a sensation in the whole demon world, and all forces were watching. Many strong people believe that the battle will end soon, and the Nicholas dynasty will calm down the challenge from emerging forces at a thunderous speed. But it turns out. Everyone is wrong...

The war lasted for a full month due to the limitation of plane space. The battlefield between the two sides has always been limited to the huge space gap broken by the heart demon with great power, compared with the army of more than one billion demons. No matter how big the gap is, it seems to be far from enough.

The war was very fierce. The Nicholas Dynasty suffered huge casualties, but the central dynasty lost a lot. As a dynasty that existed for hundreds of millions of years, the Nicholas Dynasty had a unique innate advantage until the killing of the demon army appeared. The rest of the dynasties found themselves underestimating the power of this emerging place.

Killing dynasty, a ephemeral dynasty, although this dynasty is like a strange thing in the middle of the night, the flowers bloom in an instant, and it has withered. But he is strong. But it was recognized by all dynasties.

And the Central Dynasty. It is not just an empty and ambitious emerging force. This is a dynasty in the name of 'killing'!

The vast land is vast. The dense demons were divided into two strands tore up and killed, belonging to the armies of the two dynasties, regardless of day and night. Until death, every year! L, there are a lot of demons falling dust. Every moment. Countless dragons fell into the air, the horns of war resounded through the world, and the thick smoke and starry fire were the only accompaniment.

The maintenance of a huge space channel requires a huge amount of energy. And the bearer of this consumption. Not someone else. It was the Central Emperor.

However, Taixuan, Olan Guder and others were stunned to find that with the passage of time, the degree of war escalated. The breath of the Central Emperor has not only become weak, but has become more and more unfathomable.

"He is absorbing the energy of this war, he. It's getting stronger!" It's too mysterious. Meeting.

The killing formula of the heart demon has reached a level that is difficult to understand. Let's talk about the first two floors. It's equivalent to the story of a cicada, so now, the killing demon will really break out of the cocoon.

The war is getting more and more escalating, and the more fierce the two sides can draw more and more energy from it. As the only killing master who controls this area, all the killing energy caused by war and killing will be guided by the killing rules. Instead, it was absorbed by the heart demon.

The heart is at the top of the magic mountain. Sitting on the wall, it's not just self-study. He also absorbs the new energy - the magic power of killing!

In the demon world, killing is available all the time, and a lot of killing energy is released at all times. It's really the nourishment of the Lords of Killing.

Among all the killings, there are hundreds of millions and billions of 'dynasty wars' and 'dynasty annihilation wars' on both sides. It is the huge energy of heaven and earth that the lords of all dynasties can't refuse**. In addition to the gods, only the Lord of Killing can absorb them.

The existence of the killing of the emperor Tanatos is a mistake. His appearance means that every strand of killing energy appears. It will be divided into two parts. And the heart demon has only one of them.

"The coward!" Although his eyes are closed. However, the powerful magic knowledge of the heart demon spread all over the battlefield, but the heart demon did not sense the breath of the escaped killing emperor Tanatatos.

The induction of the Lords of Killing is very sensitive. And a dynastic war 'feast' is absolutely an irresistible ** for the Lord of the Killing.

Only the Lord God can come from Haohan's universe. In the position of hundreds of millions. Through his own control of the law, he absorbs all the energy subordinate to his own law of control, and as the closest existence to the level of the Lord God, the Lord of Killing can only fully absorb all the killing energy within a specific range, and at the same time draw a trace of energy from a larger range.

This range and the intensity of killing energy absorbed from the ground. It is related to the realm of the Lord of Killing, and the higher the cultivation is. The more energy you can absorb from the killing between the earth, and the more energy you can absorb from the earth determines the realm of the killing. Such a cycle.

"Taixuan, you can lead the 'Destruction Legion' to attack," the heart demon suddenly said when he opened his eyes and looked at the glued situation in front of him. The faint voice sounded directly in Taixuan's heart, Lord!" Without any hesitation. Taixuan waved his hand, and the ancient demons from the ancient times were like tigers coming out of the box. He came out from behind the mountain with Taixuan.


The roar shook through the sky, with a roar. A group of ancient demons crackled in the bones of the whole body. The body suddenly plucked, and sharp black bones popped up at the back of the spine joints.


behind. A steel whip-like tail cone swings hard in the void. After leaving a shadow, the ancient demons, who had changed greatly, leaped out of the Devil's Mountain and exuded an amazing murderous atmosphere from them. Even if the killing demons saw it. They were also shocked and retreated one after another.

In the tens of millions of ancient demons, there is not only the amazing killing spirit and bloodthirsty desire of the Asura demons and the killing demons. There is one more that they are not angry about. It's this resentment. Make the ancient demons more terrible than killing the demon army!!

These people have long been dead!

In the space of the Nicholas Dynasty, I saw a powerful and amazing army in the distance killing from the back of the first demon battlefield. A group of magic dragons have changed their colors. Even Nicholas the Great was shocked.

The 'Abyss Legion', 'Killing Demon Army' and 'Asura Demons' three legions from the Central Dynasty have made the Nicholas Dynasty feel the pressure of a certain land, now. Another corps was killed, which was more terrible than these three legions. All the dragons sank to the bottom of the valley.

On the throne of the dragon. Nicholas the Great clasped the palm of the handrail, in the pair of silver eyes. A flame is beating...

Unlike the beginning of the killing in the demon world, Taigu has entered a long period of peace without war. Without killing, all people are immersed in day and night self-study, including. Fengyun Wuji...

The wind is vast, the top of the Sword Pavilion. Fengyun Wuji sat on the cliff in front of the cliff. Under his skirt, a white robe hunted in the wind. Under the cliff. Countless ancient strong people sit down. Silent self-tutor.

Every once in a while, Fengyun Wuji will carry out a long period of self-study, or retreat, and every time retreat. There must be great progress.

The formation of 'sword relic' is an opportunity. It is after the mental energy reaches a certain level. The idea of the sword body method is bound to achieve the ground result. Its formation. It was not done on purpose, but after defeating Gongsun Zhishang with 'Sword Relic'. Fengyun Wuji has never had time to solidify the 'sword relic'. It was not until the return of the extraterritorial demon sky that he made up his mind.

In the conscious space. Day and night. Time is slowed down by thousands of times here. The dark space of consciousness is divided into tens of thousands, and all the fragments of consciousness are based on the function and evolutionary direction that can be derived from the 'sword relic'.

The ninth heaven of the Dafa is the realm of the sword god, the nine heavens are divided into three layers, and the second layer is the 'sword relic'. As for the third level of the realm, Fengyun Wuji has a vague order.

The third layer is the 'rule of the sword'.

The operation of the universe is integrated by hundreds of millions of rules, and above the rules, there are laws. It is this bright earth system that maintains the orderly operation of the universe.

Regardless of magic skills. Gods and demons, Dafa, true qi. Magic..., all local skills. Reach the end. It should be attributed to the word 'rules'.

No matter how sharp the sword is, no matter how squisite the sword is, no matter how strong it is. All need to be submissive to the final 'rules' connected with the 'sword', and Fengyun Wuji named it the 'rules of the sword'.

In the void of the vast universe, the number of rules is unknown, and there must be a rule corresponding to 'Kendo'.

So. If there is a 'rule of the sword'. So what should it look like? Feng Yun Wuji fell into a deep thought.

'Sword Relic' does not need to be studied too much, and it appears. It solves the problem of the load of the huge mental power generated by the derivation of the thought sword body on the body, and also solves the problem of the upper limit of the spiritual power that a creature can bear.

You only need to run a specific trajectory in the body, and strengthen and run it, and the 'Sword Relic' will continue to get the essence, even if the derivative function of the 'Sword Relic' is deduced. It won't take too long. In a sense, the consolidation of 'sword relic' is more physical work.

And the deduction of the 'rules of the sword' is determined. As the researcher of the 'Ideological Sword Body Dafa', whether Fengyun Wuji can reach an unknown height. Achieve the tenth level of the 'th most important method of the thought sword body method'_that is already out of the 'level of skill'. It rose to another height. Close to the land of 'God'.

"If there is a 'rule of the sword'. So, what kind of rule will it be?" Feng Yun Wuji thought that this original problem sounded from the depths of the sea of consciousness. Spread to the depths of the whole consciousness of Haiti. Draw out a burst of echoes.

'Sword', starting with people. That is, people-oriented, and its right is the 'knife'. From the pictological point of view, the 'essence of the sword' is closer to the 'sharp thing'.

Between heaven and earth. A tangible sword. There is an invisible sword. The tangible sword, made of gold and iron, the invisible sword, escaped from its birth. Transform into its shape. And get its quality.

What can be the essence of the sword?

Anything 'sharp' can hurt 'people'. Only if it can cause damage to other things, then that thing has the nature of a 'sword'.

Sharpened wood. It can break your fingers. From this point of view, it has the characteristics of a 'sword'. And a piece of cast iron with a 'sword shape', if it doesn't open the front, it doesn't mean to hurt people, and it doesn't hurt people. Then, 'it' is not a sword.

Feng Yun Wuji thought about it, and his thinking became more and more open.

What's the difference between a hammer and a sword? Is it the shape?

No. The difference in appearance is only superficial. In essence. Whether it's with a hammer. It's better to cast a sword. The result of it. They are all the same. That is 'harm'. From this point of view, there is an essential difference between a hammer and a sword.

They all have the essence of 'sword'.

The 'sword', the emperor of the army. To some extent, the reason why the sword is named 'The Emperor of Soldiers'. It is because its appearance is closer to the essence of the 'sweal' - 'damage'.

'Sharp' things can often make a feeling of pain at first glance, which is something other 'weapons' don't have.


Be a person. Have a killing idea for other places. Or when you are hostile to others. So at that moment. This man has a 'sword' in his heart.

As long as it is a 'sword', it can cause damage, as much as the universe. Earth collision between planets. As small as the bumps between the rolling and falling rubble of the peaks, only 'damage' is generated, then they have the 'sword and earth essence'.

If there is a realm of 'rules of the sword' in the ninth layer of the 'word body method', then this is the 'rules of the sword'. What it wants to do. It is to control all the things in the world with the essence of the 'sword'.

In front of the 'rules of the sword' controller, no move for the purpose of 'aggressive' can be sent out and cause damage. Any creature. There is hostility in his heart. The murderous moment means that it falls into the hands of the controller of the 'rules of the sword'.

There are thousands of 'swords' in the world, and there is nothing in heaven and earth to 'injure' - this should be the 'rule of the sword'!

Reach this level. There is nothing to hurt in heaven and earth except the main god!