After soaring

Chapter 4 Disaster and Demon World

The demon world.

The joining of the Legion of Destruction caused the army of the Nicholas Dynasty to retreat, killing them upside down, and a dragon screamed and retreated.

Nicholas the Great waved his hand, and millions of strong people above the Heavenly Demon Emperor broke out of the palace groups. However, soon, more masters flew up from the army of the Central Dynasty, one by one against the strong of the Nicholas Dynasty.

After a long time, the tragic losses of the two sides have reached an amazing level, and the center of the war has also been transferred from the space gap broken by the heart demon to the interior of the Nicholas dynasty space.

"Your Majesty, we can't stop it. The army of the Central Dynasty is about to enter the hinterland of the dynasty..." Outside the hall, a demon covered with scars stepped into the hall of the dynasty in armor and said.

"Cock!" On the throne of the dragon, Nicholas the Great in a white robe turned very ugly, and the pair of hands buttoned on the dragon chair tightened violently. In the crisp sound, cracks spread all over the two white jade-white dragon head armrests, and a hurricane centered on Nicholas the Great's body and soared from the hall: "Get out of the way..."

The first demon world.

Almost at the moment when Nicholas the Great stood up on the throne, towering into the clouds, the magic mountain surrounded by purple electricity, the half-sitant heart demon opened his eyes, and in his eyes, a cold murderous atmosphere flashed by.


Standing quietly on a black-purple protruding rock, Olan Guder only felt the corners of his eyes. A black cloak floated in the wind, rolled in the field of vision for a few times, and then faded like a tide.

In the sound of hunting clothes, the heart demon no longer knew when he jumped down from the magic mountain of thousands of feet. It doesn't fly, just along the surface of the hilly mountain. He tiptod on the sharp sharp stones and jumped hundreds of feet away. Between a few breaths, he had already appeared on the edge of the battlefield.

In the distance, a rumble of the earth came from the direction of the Nicholas dynasty space.

"Sing!! It was like a huge dragon roar from the vast exordin of the universe, and the roar went straight into the souls of all living creatures, and an invisible tide-like dragon breath expanded to the whole battlefield in the blink of an eye.

The original hot-blooded battlefield instantly turned into a cold century. Suddenly, there seemed to be a dragon. Looking down at all the demons from the perspective of the gods, in front of this powerful earth dragon, all earth creatures originally felt fear.

"Bone of the Thunderbolt!

Far away, a huge silver lightning fell from the sky. It fell on the palace of the Nicholas dynasty. The palace, which had existed for hundreds of millions of years, cracked into six and a half, and the six ruins fell down in six directions. Above the ruins, a silver figure flew up and flew up about a thousand feet. A dazzling sun-like light exploded from the palm of the silver figure high above the head.

The moment the burning light burst, the noise of the whole battlefield was covered up. An irresistible force spread like an ocean towards the entire Nicholas dynasty space. The dazzling light covered the sky, turning the whole sky into a dazzling light source, and all the demons who collided with this light couldn't help avoiding it...


When the exploding light of the sun occupied the entire Nicholas dynasty space. A long dragon chant came from the depths of the dynasty space. It affects the first demon world. The emperor-like dragon chant shocked the souls of all the demons. The powerful dragon breath and dragon power made the demons of the Central Dynasty produce an almost instinctive fear and escape psychology, which originated from the pressure of the absolute superior against the lower demons.

The demons of the forward army of the Central Dynasty were stunned by the chaotic dragon of Nicholas's body. When they screamed and retreated one after another, from the rear edge of the battlefield, the heart demon did not say a word, followed a straight line at a bright pace, as if slowly crossing most of the battlefield and quickly in the direction of the Nicholas Dynasty.

Wherever the heart demon goes, the demon who avoids the destructive light mass on the battlefield, the body almost instinctively dodges and makes a passage. The demons didn't realize what was going on. The heart demon was tired and jumped across the space channel along this straight channel. Behind him, the wide black cloak flew all the way...

The dragon breath and the burning silver light that frightened the demons could not stop the footsteps of the demons. His eyes looked directly at the light, without even blinking. In the dark eyes, clusters of cold light flashed from time to time.


The light of the eyes appeared quickly and disappeared quickly. When the devil took the first step into the space of the Nicholas Dynasty, all the light had disappeared. Youda's battlefield can be quiet. Except for countless dragon warriors belonging to the Nicholas Dynasty, all the soldiers of the Central Dynasty turned into powder and disappeared.

Looking at the empty battlefield, for a moment, the soldiers of the Nicholas Dynasty were a little overwhelmed - Nicholas the Great had not done it himself for a long time!

Nicholas the Great performed a unique skill - the silver miracle.

Except for the dragon clan, within a certain range, all non-dragon clans exist, all of which have been erased and completely erased from the soul! But this trick - ineffective against the heart demon!


The crisp footsteps fell to the ground like raindrops, waking up all the soldiers of the Nicholas dynasty. When he saw the long-haired flying shadow and the hunting cloak, the dynastic warriors in all directions shouted and roared crazily and rushed to the heart demon--


In the army of the Nicholas Dynasty, a group of strong people touched the figure of the heart demon. They couldn't help jumping in their hearts, and their pupils suddenly contracted. A sense of crisis targeted by poisonous snakes quickly surged up from their hearts, and they couldn't help but take back the steps they wanted to take.

Far away on the Devil's Mountain. Olan Gudale watched from a distance and subconsciously stretched out his right hand, as if he wanted to block something, but halfway, he froze in the air and stood on the rock. Don't move.

At the edge of the space of the Nicholas Dynasty, the heart demon brought the Nicholas Dynasty warriors like a tide in his eyes. He sneered in his heart and did not stop at all. He gently stepped on a protrusion and then flew up.

One hundred feet, fifty feet, twenty feet, ten feet... two feet, to two feet. The heart demon sneered, and the magic vortex in his body ran crazily. There was no action, and the star-sucking method had already taken action.


But I heard a sharp sound into the sky. Nicholas' army came to the heart demon crazily after taking a few steps. From far to near, in circles, silently turned into flying ash and dissipated.

In the void, an invisible fluctuation spreads in all directions. Where the ripples passed, the armies of the Nicholas dynasty fell one after another, and their pink bodies melted into the void and dissipated without a trace. Not only that, while their bodies disappear, countless soul fluctuations also disappear - absorbed by the star-sucking method. It's not just pure physical energy. And the soul.

Around the heart demon, a huge space was vacated in the blink of an eye. In the rear, there is still a steady stream of dynastic warriors...


Sky. Nicholas the Great's silver pupil suddenly contracted, and a cold glow of anger flashed through his eyes. With a sneer, the extremely tough silver silk imperial robe was broken in an instant. Under the silver robe, Nicholas' body expanded rapidly.


In the sound of the dragon, the human body of Nicholas the Great quickly disappeared, and over the Nicholas Dynasty, a huge silver dragon shadow quickly condensed into substance.

In the face of opponents like the heart demon, Nicholas the Great did not dare to neglect at all. He directly gave up all the fancy and impractical skills and restored the origin - the silver dragon body!

Eight pairs of sixteen silver horns, ferocious dragon head, the strongest and huge dragon body in the universe, and three to six pairs of huge gorgeous dragon wings born from the ribs - this is the body of Nicholas the Great, and it is also the strongest battle form!

Nicholas was originally born in a silver magic dragon in chaos. After a long time, he has great abilities and great powers. At the same time, it is also one of the oldest three chaotic dragons in the demon world. To some extent, the Silver Dragon family, including Auran Gudel, are all descendants of Nicholas' blood!!

As soon as Nicholas showed his body, the dragon power from the chaotic dragon clan immediately made all the dragon clans in the Nicholas dynasty kneel down instinctively. In the face of the absolute superior, the system of the dragon clan is strict, and it is even above the blood clan. When Nicholas appeared ontology, almost no dragon clan could stand firm. Similarly, at the space passage, the strong people, such as the Demon Emperor Asura, also felt the great pressure from the soul. For a moment, they only felt that they shouldered the Taishan Beidou, which was extremely heavy. Even the action has become difficult.

The space of the Demon Emperor.

In the gorgeous temple, a majestic voice echoed between the columns: "You can move!"

Almost at the same time as Nicholas the Great restored the chaotic dragon body, in the first demon world, several black space portals were opened at the same time, and six black portals hundreds of feet long quickly spewed out their forces.

"The Legion of Destruction belongs to me!" Suddenly, although there was some accident, Taixuan quickly reacted. With a wave of his hand, the Army of Destruction temporarily pulled out half of its troops and divided it, killing the army of the Demon Emperor Dynasty, which was spitting out. The Asura Demon Emperor also intended, roared, and also divided half of the clansmen, and turned to kill the army of the Demon Emperor's Dynasty. The armies of both sides quickly tore up.

Above the six black portals, a one-person high space channel suddenly opened. In the space channel of the black hole, an extremely powerful breath burst out and quickly approached the first demon world.

Asura and Taixuan both changed their faces and exchanged glances with each other. With a flash of body shape, both knives appeared in front of the space channel.

Jinghong glanced at Tai Xuan through the dark space channel and saw a tall dark shadow flying in. His right hand patted on his waist. With a choking sound, the long and narrow black-edged knife had jumped into his hand. Be careful, it's the Demon Emperor!" Tai Xuan quickly said to Asura with divine consciousness, and Asura also looked tight. I didn't dare to neglect. A group of magic shadows floated behind him, the dark luminance flashed, and seven magic soldiers had already floated behind him.

"Boom!" Without any hesitation, Taixuan and Asura took action at the same time, and two narrow knife lights split into the black energy path at the same time.

At the moment when Taixuan and Asura took action. A wisp of shadow quickly escaped from the hole, and after a few steps, it appeared behind Taixuan and Asura. With a robe under his feet, he had already shot electrically into the territory of the Nicholas Dynasty, straight at Nicholas Emperor and the heart demon. It was the Demon Emperor.

The moment when the Demon Emperor used the power of space control, bypassed the attack of Taixuan and Asura, and stepped into the space of the Nicholas Dynasty with lightning. The heart demon's heart suddenly beat, and his pupils shrank slightly without a moment's hesitation. With one step, the man has quickly stepped up.


The heart demon in the air has let out a desolate roar like a roar from the flood, and the bones of his whole body are ringing. Muscles expand rapidly.


Earthquake. The four demons looked at the air in shock. There, the heart demon has already changed the demon ape and incarnated into a peerless beast, the ancient demon ape.

The cruel breath and bloodthirsty killing spirit accumulated from the flood and famine are surging like waves, filling every corner of the Nicholas Dynasty space. The pair of blood-red giant eyes hung high in the air like lanterns. When they rotated, the unparalleled murderous spirit made the strong man at the level of Heavenly Demon God also shocked.

The ancient demon ape is a peerless beast. Born with the anger of heaven and earth. It is a peerless murderer. It is the strongest and most ferocious existence in the universe, and there is no fear of chaotic dragons at all. Naturally, it is more like other creatures. There is a near-instinctive fear of the huge chaotic dragon from the soul.

"Ding Dong! The huge mouth grinned, revealing two huge fangs. And the huge hairy arm was rolling on the chest, and the sound went straight to thousands of miles. The change of the heart demon has not stopped. After the muscles of the shoulders, the two strands of flesh are not afraid to open, beating like a heart.


After the two tents of blood burst, behind the heart demon incarnated as the ancient demon ape, four pieces of huge dark shadows unfolded in the wind - it was two pairs of huge demon wings. On the top of the head of the ancient demon ape incarnated by the heart demon, there were seven pairs of fourteen horns!

This is a special existence derived from the combination of the heart demon body, the incarnation of the demon ape, and the change of the body of the Lord of killing - the ancient ape with amazing power, agile action, able to fly, and control the rules of killing, and the ability to absorb the killing!!

Four pairs of dark wings were shaken up hard, and the heart demon incarnates of the ancient ape flew towards Nicholas the Great like a meteor.

"Follow the original contract of the chaotic universe, according to the guidance of the Lord God, the dragon clan in all directions, pray..."

Nicholas the Great's loud singing speed is already very fast, but the speed of the heart demon is faster. In the blink of an eye, he is approaching the dragon boundary of the chaotic dragon clan that appeared in the void within a hundred feet of Nicholas the Great. The silver light formed a huge sphere, surrounding the dragon body of Nicholas the Great.

The existence of the dragon breath boundary is precisely to prevent the situation of being interrupted by the powerful existence of the heart demon when chanting the dragon curse.

"The ancient law of praying to rule the darkness of the universe, this power of chaos calls the universe to destroy the world..." Every time Nicholas the Great spit out a word, the shock of the earth is aggravated by one point. At the foot, huge cracks quickly appeared from the surface of the earth. In the distance, the footsteps of the Demon Emperor couldn't help but stop, staring at Nicholas in the air.

He recognized that this is the silence of the chaotic dragon clan! The released light of death will destroy all enemies within millions of miles in an all-round way! This is Nicholas the most powerful ability of the chaotic dragon clan. Even if the demon emperor meets him, he still needs to retreat!

However, the silent dragon curse of the chaotic dragon clan has not been successfully released. When Nicholas was still eight characters away to successfully complete the superpower destruction curse, with a bang, the dragon breath boundary broke. The crisp voice clearly reached the ears of all the demons on the battlefield.

When the heart demon came, the pupils of the demon emperor in a black dragon robe beat, and the eyes clearly reflected the situation in mid-air: the silver light formed into a sphere all over the sky, under the action of the star-absorbing method of the sublimation of the heart demon, opened a hole. The huge silver light of the earth was like a stream of water, and a strand of light poured into the huge body of the heart demon.

Its absorption speed is not enough to describe it in case. It's just that in the blink of an eye, Nicholas Kankan spit out two characters, and the boundary of Longxi was completely broken.


A huge magic palm was firmly clasped to Nicholas' huge dragon head from the bottom up. The two-half-shaped dragon's mouth was forcibly closed, and the dragon curse that was about to be completed was also failed!


Nicholas the Great reacted very quickly. While the ancient ape was against the chin, the five-toed dragon claws poked out and scratched into the chest of the ancient ape.

Nicholas's dragon grabbed only half an inch and could no longer get in. The pair of silver pupils were full of fear: ""

The heart demon smiled and said, "Let me tell you, this is called the method of sucking stars"

After saying that, the heart demon launched the power of the soul of the star-sucking method, and Nicholas' huge soul turned into a stream of pure spiritual energy that quickly flowed into the mind of the heart demon, constantly nourishing his primordial spirit.

The tenth weight of the star-sucking method. It is the power of the soul. For the first distraction, it would have taken a long process to achieve it. But the eccentric devil is a special existence. Like extraterritorial demons, heart demons have the ability to devour the souls of other evil spirits, which is an instinct. No need to practice.

General creatures. Although he also has the ability to devour other weak ones, this ability is not very strong, and he can't use it when he meets an opponent who is stronger than himself. The heart demon combines this instinct with the star-absorbing method, resulting in a domineering magic skill that other creatures can't protect the beauty!!

Like a water-deficient and exposed flower, Nicholas's soul quickly weakened. The soul is closely related to the body. In the case of the loss of soul energy, Nicholas can't make any resistance at all. It's just that the whole body keeps shaking. The originally smooth dragon skin soon appeared layers of folds.

"Shout up!" There was a loud shout behind him, and it was the Demon Emperor who shot in the air. One punch to the heart of the devil's back.

"Do you want to save his life?" The heart demon raised his right hand, turned into a knife, and cut it obliquely. Huo turned around, holding Nicholas's huge open-eyed dragon head in one hand, and there was a cruel and bloodthirsty sneer at the corners of his mouth.

There was no movement of the heart demon. A dark brilliance emitted by the demon emperor casually split in front of him and passed by him. After a hundred feet, it decomposed into the purest post-magic gas, which dissipated silently without a trace.

The emperor's pupil contracted violently. With his cultivation, it can be clearly seen that at the moment of attack and closeness, the two same but different sucking forces pull their own attacks aside, making them deviate from the original direction. If you lose the right direction, no matter how powerful the attack is, it's useless!

"This is a very terrible guy!" An idea flashed his mind like lightning, and glanced behind the heart demon. Nicholas' wrinkled headless body turned into a meteorite and fell heavily from the air. The demon emperor knew that his original plan had failed.

The guy in front of him controls extremely domineering and strange skills, and can arbitrarily distort the opponent's attack. Under this premise, there is almost no attack, which is really effective for him.

Strong ambition, strong strength, domineering skills, loyal subordinates, these things that rule one side, and even win the hegemony of the demon world, the demon emperor found them one by one in front of the killer.

"Hmm, Demon Emperor, you are really haunted. Wherever it is lively, where it is profitable, there is your trace. This time, I'm afraid you have to leave something!" The heart demon smiled and slapped Nicholas' soul's sucked head. Behind him, the four dark wings shook and turned into a meteor and shot at the demon emperor.


The Demon Emperor had no intention to fight with the heart demon at all. With a wave of his hand, he wanted to lead the army back to the Demon Emperor's space again.

"It's too late!"

As soon as the voice fell, six purple thunder suddenly fell from the sky and bombarded directly on the six portals. In the click, all six portals burst into pieces.


The Central Dynasty quickly divided a large number of troops into two parts of the Demon Emperor's Dynasty, and was killed by the warriors in the first demon world...

"As a dynastic emperor. Forced to use the unique learning at the bottom of the box, all the secrets are undoubtedly exposed. This is a kind of failure in itself! Nicholas, you can only blame yourself!" After a glance at Nicholas's dead head, the demon emperor broke through the void with one palm, and at the same time, a magic gas was released. Wrapped in hundreds of powerful dynastic generals, they only broke through the space of the Demon Emperor's Dynasty without any nostalgia.


In the roar, a huge magic palm directly penetrated into the demon emperor and ran into the void of the earth, chasing after him!


In the dark, there was the sound of two palms hitting each other. The void shook violently, and the upper body of the heart demon shook, floated under his feet, and he couldn't help taking half a step back.

Take back the palm and see the furry palm. There is still a trace of blood, and the blood obviously does not belong to the heart demon.

"This demon emperor should not be underestimated!" Looking at the void, the space passage that the demon emperor had gone. The demon was silent. There was a thoughtful look in his eyes.

The Lord of Killing, the demon body, the transformation of the demon ape, the combination of the three, the power of the heart demon has reached a terrible situation. However, just in the plane channel, after hurriedly slapped the Demon Emperor, the heart demon suddenly found that the power of the other party was not much worse. Although there is still something worse, it is no longer the heart demon that can only defeat with strength.

And just now. The heart demon is pure brute force. He forcibly closed the two jaws of Nicholas the Great, who was chanting the spell.

"This demon emperor is really not easy!" The heart demon withdrew his hand. At the same time, the long hair outside the body quickly fell off, and the body continued to shrink, returning to the original human body.

"Bone of the Thunderbolt!

A purple electric flashed from the clouds above the head, and the winds were everywhere, but the battlefield of Youda was dead and quiet.

"If you drop, you won't kill!" The cold voice came from above, drifting in all directions with the sound of the wind...

"The power of power!

After a long time, the Sifang Silver Armor Dragons knelt down one after another, the weapons in their hands were released, and a handle fell to the ground...

is a battle. Nicholas the Great died at the hands of the Central Emperor. He was defeated by the law of sucking stars, and the Nicholas Dynasty perished!

The whole demon world shakes...

After conquering the Nicholas dynasty, the heart demon ordered Peris to adapt the forces of the Nicholas dynasty and disperse them into the seven armies of the dynasty. As for, some dragons who are still loyal to Nicholas the Great, and the dragons that do not surrender to the land, with a total of more than 2 million, were all sucked out of their souls and energy by the heart demons and turned into powder and died!

Under the high-pressure rule of the heart demon, the dragon clan is scared and dares not resist at all!

After completing the conquest of the Nicholas Dynasty, the Central Emperor did not stop conquering the demon world at all, from the thirteen dynasties to ordinary demons, all in the list of killing.

"Those who follow me will prosper, and those who oppose me will die!" The voice of the central emperor spread all over the demon world, but unlike the original demon emperor, this time the audience is the whole demon world!! The vibration caused is far from comparable to before!

The borrowing price of this sentence is the destruction of a dynasty!

War, continuous war, killing, continuous killing!

Whether it is the ancient demons belonging to the same clan, or the elite Asura demon army, they are all tools in the eyes of the heart demon. There is no race, everything, its existence is only for one purpose, to dominate the demon world.

Shortly after the battle between the Nicholas Dynasty and the Central Dynasty, the Augustus Dynasty and the Caesar Dynasty went to war, and the war between the two sides was far greater than any war. In the one night of the only twelve dynasties left, there were a large number of wars close to the level of the destruction of the dynasty!

In the magic world calendar XXXX calendar, hundreds of millions of fallen angels in hell suddenly raided the Sahara Dynasty, one of the thirteen dynasties!

Lucifer, the fallen king who has not moved his body for hundreds of millions of years, suddenly appeared in the Sahara Palace and sang with the hell of hundreds of millions of stars! Killed the Sahara Emperor and more than 120 of his top demons and strongmen - the Sahara Dynasty perished!

The whole demon world was shocked. No one expected that the fallen king Lucifer would suddenly make such a move, and the demon world was officially caught in an extreme dynastic melee. Soon, all the forces were involved.

In the month after Lucifa conquered the Sahara Dynasty, hundreds of millions of demons were killed and injured in the demon world. In the chaos, another piece of news did not attract much attention.

One of the thirteen emperors, the second son of the Demon Emperor, Andrey led a group of subordinates to betray the Demon Emperor's Dynasty and set up for himself. The territory was the northwest corner of the first demon world. However, Prince Andrey did not announce his participation in the battle for hegemony. With him, he is also a famous general of the Demon Emperor Dynasty, who has the top demon in the absolute field!

Dynasties compete for hegemony, the death and injury of demons are countless, and the land of the demon world is full of beacon smoke. In the rise of the Central Dynasty, the number of deaths of the Destroyer Corps alone has reached one million, let alone other forces.

Fengyun Wuji Yuanshen three points, the first point of the god reincarnation of the demon world, the purpose of the internal consumption of the demon world, fully unfolding...