Phoenix Empire

Introduction to history*

Dear friends who read the book, because the introduction of the historical background is too boring, I won't put it in the text. I will post it in the work. If you are interested, you can have a look, because these historical backgrounds are related to the text story and also ambush suspense. I feel that it has been deleted like this. I am a little reluctant to send it out to send it to those who are willing to read. Let's have a look!

All people have dreams, the direction of dreams, the direction of God, or the secluded places of Taoyuan, or Tianyu Palace, or the divine continent, or the vast universe, or the light and strange land. All imaginations are strange and mysterious, beyond divine consciousness, and are freely hired in dreams, or gods, or immortals, or demons, or deviating from the six worlds, but they are still inseparable from the six realms. Among them. The dream has been born for a long time, the sun and the stars shine, the moon, the mainland is formed, the mountains are full of, the seas circulate, the nine continents are distributed, and the islands are zero. There are gods born. The dream god is good at painting, using wind, flowers, snow and moon as their colors, dyeing the nine continents, holding the sky, taking the source of life, making people with lotus roots, blowing their fairy spirit, and people can live. Scattered on the land of Jiuzhou, reclaiming wasteland, planting trees and digging, flourishing, dream gods are happy, and their land is called Ximengchuan.

Dream God is happy and perfect, with colorful flowers, birds, insects and fish, giving all things life, giving them freedom, and choosing those with the best qualifications to see the way of heaven in the world, giving wind god, flower god, snow god, thunder god, rain god, rainbow god, star god, moon god, sun god and other positions, and ordered his subordinates to protect the people of the mainland and give blessings. Thousands of years of loyalty to his duty.

In the land, each continent has its own country, which is called the guardian god, which is called the wind clan, the flower clan, the snow clan, the thunder clan, the rain clan, the rainbow clan, the star clan, the moon clan, and the Yang clan. All ethnic groups divide one land, apply the center of the regime, sify the country and pray for the blessing of heaven. All ethnic groups come to each other, coexist harmoniously, and create civilization together. Ximengchuan has experienced 1,300 years of peace, the birth of nightmare demons, slaughtered the divine world, and died together in the world. At this time, the world was in chaos. Ximengchuan's various ethnic groups competed for its land, and the heroes competed for deer. The war lasted for a hundred years. The lives were devastated, and the blood flowed into a river. The Yang people destroyed the thunder clan, the rain, the rainbow clan and the flower clan and built the Zhongxi empire. The Central Plains dominates the world, and small countries have returned to avoid the disaster of war. However, the country of Xinying in the illusion in the east, the musk moon country on the island in the south, the wind country in the desert in the west, and the demon snow country on the mountains of the glaciers in the far north are in danger. The location of the country is mysterious and difficult to find, and there are more legends and ghosts. Zhong Xi's founding emperor Yao Guang repeatedly The subordinates and soldiers returned without attacking, and finally they could not stop fighting. It is said that the four countries are the clans of gods, ghosts, demons and demons, and do not belong to the people of the world. They tell them that the world belongs to the emperor and the four directions are stable. Since then, the world has returned to peace, the people have rested and recuperated, and the Zhongxi Empire is stable, and all kinds of wastes have flourished, and developed agriculture, animal husbandry, tea, mulberry and other industries. The industry is prosperous, the people are happy, and the empire is getting stronger and stronger. It has been passed on for hundreds of generations. After more than 3650 years, due to internal corruption and the chaos of the kings of Pan, the last emperor of Zhongxi traced back to the monarch and used the power of the foreign countries to resist the interior, and was finally destroyed by the foreign countries. When Zhongxi's country died, the lord of the Dragon God subdued the world, changed the name of the country and returned. He claimed to be the son of heaven and called Long Jie The emperor gathered the heroes and then conquered the four directions.

In the 31st year of Yan's return, Emperor Longjie led his army into the South China Sea and found the musk moon country that had disappeared in history for more than 3,000 years. In the war with it, although he was defeated by the musk moon army, it was tragically attacked by the tide. The army was devastated. It was suspected that it was heaven and the withdrawal of the army was returned.

In 35 years, Emperor Longjie sent troops to the east, looking for the Xinyan Kingdom of Dongchen's fantasy realm, destroyed its boundary, captured its king, and wanted to slaughter the city to invade the country. Unexpectedly, it fell from the sky. Most of Longjie's army died tragically in Shiyu and fled.

In the 39th year of Yan's return, Emperor Longjie was unwilling to complete his army. After completing the army, he marched to the northwest desert and found the wind of the castle on the desert. He demonstrated with the army and ordered him to surrender. Before the war, he was hit by a sandstorm. The army collapsed and dispersed and his bones were empty. The remnant army returned to the king with the history of the country. He was defeated three times and did not dare to fight again.

In his later years, Emperor Longjie led his troops to the extreme north again with the wish of finding the demon snow country on the snowfield in the extreme north. Before he arrived, he suddenly encountered an avalanche and the whole army was destroyed. Although Emperor Longjie returned to the court, he died due to illness the next year. Before his death, he still regretted that he could not see the demon snow country in his life, and he would be born in another country in another world.

- Ximengchuan. History of the Empire

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