Phoenix Empire

Role setting

Main character setting:

1, the first heroine: Lingyue, who is the lord of the musk moon, has a cold and simple personality, is the puppet queen of powerful ministers, and also the emotional soul of the dream god.

2, the first male protagonist: Hua Che, who is a musk moon soldier, is gloomy and romantic, powerful and murderous, black and vicious, intelligent, and is the fifth son of Dream God.

3, the second heroine: Lianxi, is the reincarnation of the dream god, and the soul is also a modern traveler. She is resolute and cheerful, intelligent and cunning, greedy and lustful, gambling, fun and fighting wisdom.

4, the second hero: Shufeicheng, the son of Shangshu, is also a wanderer thief, sunny and handsome, confident and smart, likes to be free and casual, go his own, dares to love and hate, and is dedicated.

5, other male supporting role: cold swordsman Ling Yue, Lingyue's division and shadow guard.

The lively and lovely magician reincarnation, the teacher of Lingyue, the same age as Lingyue.

Yushu Ziyi, a handsome and talented man, is the cousin of Lingyue.

The enchanting man Fox Nianxiang.

6, other supporting actresses: mysterious dancer Zi Shaoqi, for the princess of the Magic Snow Palace, arrogant, decisive and independent.

The stunning demon girl is the lover of Hua Che, enchanting and vicious.

Ling Xueyan, an indifferent killer, is unknown and is waiting to be decrypted.