Phoenix Empire

Chapter 42 Killing in the Picture

When the picture scroll unfolds, there is a smell of ink in the nose, and Hua Che's eyes lit up, and he is also deeply immersed in the painting.

The painting has rivers and mountains, dragons and phoenixes, and the painting has the vitality of all things. The light ink is still endless, as if a huge world appears in your mind. When you enter it, you can even hear the sound of grass and warbler flying and fierce horses galloping.

A picture of life, where the pen is finished, there is endless feelings and endless meanings.

Even Hua Che has to praise himself, and it is not an exaggeration to say that this painting is ancient and modern.

Under the world, I'm afraid that no one can make a real painting from ancient times to the present.

But this is from a young man of a weak crown age.

The strangest thing is that the horizontal picture is a phoenix flying. Looking at the picture, it is another magnificent scene of troubled times, and the fine copy of the painting shows the flowers, birds, insects and fish, and the prosperity of all things. The pen is shocking, and there is a picture that is just right to decorate the small regular script. It turns out that the last few sentences that Yushu Ziyi has not finished are:

If Yan Zixiao, flying flowers and dreaming,

If words dream, flying flowers are heart-catching,

If words are in the heart, the flying flowers capture the soul,

If you say the soul, the flying flowers will kill you.

The last sentence of flying flowers was murderous and murderous, which was particularly dazzling. Hua Che was angry and patted on the picture and destroyed the picture scroll called "Hundred Birds Chaofeng, Jade Golden Luan" into pieces.

"Who is Yushu Ziyi?" Hua Che asked coldly, and the Dragon Pavilion suddenly condensed murderousness, and everyone dared not say anything. Prince Lianxi answered, "It's just a Jianghu boy who is obsessed with artistic creation. Why are you interested in him?"

Hua Che's eyes sneered: "Is that right? A Jianghu boy is very worried about the country and the people. The Dragon Pavilion is indeed a good place for crouching tigers and hiding dragons.

"It's impossible to talk about crouching tigers and hiding dragons, but it's true that there are many handsome men and beautiful women and talented women. Why, do you want to come here to explore talents?" Prince Lianxi asked with a smile, "Just now, looking at your expression, you seem to have admitted defeat!"

"That's right, I admit defeat." Hua Che took out a trump card from his sleeve and put it in front of the prince Lianxi. "I'll give you the trump card back, but you have to agree to me a request."

"What are the requirements?"

Half a pause, Hua Che smiled, took Lingyue's hand up, got up and left immediately.

"Hey, you haven't said your requirements yet. Why are you running so fast?"

"Request, written behind your trump card, you can answer me in a hurry and give you three days to consider it."

Prince Lianxi was stunned and immediately turned over the trump card. There were four words reflected on it: enter the palace as an official.

This is a trump card belonging to the puppet queen, but it bursts into light at this time.

"Month? Moon Lord Lingyue?" Thinking of Hua Che calling the name of the girl in purple, the prince Lianxi's face changed sharply, and her eyes shone directly on the girl in purple beside Hua Che. Coincidentally, the girl in purple turned around and seemed to be attached to something and looked at the Dragon Pavilion.

"Hey, Lord Thief, the beautiful woman in purple seems to be looking at you!" Xiaobei was young and small. When the breeze slightly blew Lingyue's purple veil, she saw Lingyue's affectionate eyes like autumn water.

Is it true? That's because I'm handsome and pleasing to women. There's nothing I can do!" Feicheng smiled proudly and suddenly felt a trace of loss, "However, that beautiful woman, I really seem to have met somewhere..."

Lingyue's ear power is also excellent. She heard every word of Feicheng and Xiaobei whispering.

Can't you really recognize it? Or have you never taken it to heart?

Brother Feicheng, are you really good to Lan Er because you like him? Or are you the same for every girl?

Maybe... I thought too much!

There are so many beautiful sisters around you, each of whom is better than Lan'er, and every... is better.

I have long been a mentor, and I shouldn't have too many extravagant fantasies, let alone let you get involved in my life.

So, goodbye, Brother Feicheng, Lan'er can't see you anymore, no more...

"Yeer, what's wrong with you?" Feeling that her hands had been trembling, Hua Che asked softly.

Lingyue looked up and smiled slightly, and her eyes were moistened with tears and turned into a clear light: "Master, I understand what you mean. Why did you bring Yueer here? Yueer promised that she would never betray her teacher again in the future, only belongs to the teacher, guaranteed..."

Yes, she knew that with her teacher's intelligence, it was impossible not to know that she met Shufeicheng at night. The calm of the seven nights made them happy, but this does not mean that they were not found by him.

"The night before the storm is always quiet." She remembers that her teacher once said such a sentence.

"Is it?" A trace of surprise flashed in Hua Che's eyes, but his smile quickly lingered, "Do you understand me?"

"Only ask the teacher..." Tears slipped down from the corners of her eyes, and she asked weakly, "Don't let too many people die."

Her tears can always soften his heart, no matter how hard-hearted and ruthless he was.

"Lingyue, the Lord of the Moon, it turns out that you are the puppet queen!" When the prince Lianxi saw Hua Che holding Youqi and Lingyue far away, she suddenly chased her out with a trump card. The light of the dream attracted the ring, and the starlight turned into a sharp wind to cut Lingyue's hat, but at this time, several tall figures suddenly jumped off the roof of the Shenlong Pavilion and blocked her way.

At the same time, Hua Che took Lingyue's waist and picked her up horizontally.

The hood fell to the ground, and a head of blue silk fluttered, but no one saw Lingyue's face.

Four tall and powerful men followed, blocking everyone's sight.

Prince Lianxi failed to perform the operation and suffered a counterattack against the wind. He couldn't help spitting blood and fell on the Xiangfei chair.

Feicheng and others were shocked and helped up the prince Lianxi, and all the slaves of the Dragon Pavilion fell into a tense atmosphere in a hurry.

~~~~~~~~~ vertical and horizontal dividing line~~~~~~

Yun Zheyan caught up with Yushu Ziyi.

Fengtai Yuliu, Qingxi under the sun, the waves of water shone on the figure of a man in white, shining his hazy and picturesque beauty, as well as a contradiction and pain in his heart.

"Ziyi, you seem to be very unhappy today. What's wrong with you?" Yun Zheyan stood in front of him and asked innocently and worriedly.

Yushu Ziyi only shook his head and said indifferently, "Yun'er, do you know who are the three people who came to the Dragon Pavilion today?"

"The prince said his surname was Long." Yun Zheyan still answered naively and romanticly, "Er, Ziyi, what's wrong with Mr. Long? You seem to hate him very much?"

"His surname is not Long, his surname is Hua, and only one person in the whole musk moon country has this surname, that is, the powerful minister who sits in the Ling family and manipulates Lingyue, the owner of the small palace."

"The soldier Hua Che?" Yun Zheyan was shocked and covered her mouth inconceivably. "No wonder this Mr. Long is so handsome and magnificent. It turns out that he is..." Seeing that Yu Shuzi's face had changed, she quickly changed her words and said, "Oh, no, although Mr. Long is very handsome, he is not as good as Ziyi..." His face is full of playfulness. With a cute smile, she took Ziyi's hands again. "Ziyi's position in Yuner's heart will never change, and Yun'er will always like Ziyi."

The clear water is beautiful, and the water waves are surging, showing that the reflection of the girl is equally beautiful and delicious.

She hugged one of Yushu Ziyi's arms and shouted at the delicate voice of Qingshan across the river: "Yun'er will always like Ziyi, and Yun'er's feelings for Ziyi will never change."

Seeing the beautiful girl, Yu Shuzi couldn't help smiling: "Yun'er, I understand your heart, you and I will never forget this. Even if I don't have my parents' orders, I will propose marriage to you."

Is that right? When was that?" Zhe Yan jumped up with joy and hugged Yu Shu Ziyi's neck, "I'll wait for you to propose marriage to my father."

"After I finish one thing, I will definitely propose marriage to your father and vow not to live up to it."

"What's the matter? Can't you tell Yun'er?"

"..." Yu Shu Ziyi's face changed slightly, and there was a trace of imperceptible dark color in his eyes. He gently pushed the clouds and smoke away. He said, "Yun'er, go back to the Dragon Pavilion! Isn't there still a lot of things you haven't done?"

"What is more important than accompanying Ziyi! In fact, there is nothing wrong with Shenlong Pavilion today. It's all about Feicheng teasing Sister Lianxi. What kind of martial arts competition to marry Sister Lianxi? Fortunately, the boy came up with it, and ended up accompanying himself.

Yun folded smoke and laughed at the banquet, and Yushu Ziyi only smiled. Zhe Yan was a little ashamed and said uneasy, "Ziyi, are you still angry with me and Feicheng? In fact, we..."

"No, you believe me." Yu Shu Ziyi interrupted and said softly, "It's just that I have something to do now that I need someone to do. You can go back to the Dragon Pavilion first, okay?"

"Can't I help you with anything?" Yun Zheyan's face was slightly dark, and he said with a little panic, "Ziyi, what have you been doing over the years? Why have you been refusing to tell me and avoiding me all the time?

"I said that there are some things that you don't have to ask more."

Seeing that Yu Shuziyi's expression suddenly became cold, Yun Zheyan was unhappy, but he did not dare to ask again. He had to respond, "Well, I'll go back to the Shenlong Pavilion first, but you can tell me anything you want to say!"

"Yun'er will always be your loyal listener." He raised his fist playfully and left reluctantly.

Yu Shuzi saw her go far away, took out a green leaf from her sleeve and threw it into the clear stream.

The green leaves drifted down and dragged a winding long line on the water.

Suddenly, the surface of the water turned red, and gradually reflected an enchanting and gorgeous figure.

A beautiful woman, like a spirit snake.

She hugged Yushu Ziyi from behind, and her red stained his white clothes: "Mr. Yu solved the matter so quickly, that's what I said! How can such a small thing be difficult to be the first of the four famous talents in Kyoto?

"The ink fragrance in the painting is just a medicinal guide. If you want them to hook up, you need to use the art of witchcraft." Yushu Ziyi opened the woman's arms boredly and looked at her and said, "But I don't want to do it now."

"I don't want to do it, why?" The woman smiled and looked unbelievable and doubtful.

"Because I don't know enough about whether they have a reason to die." Yushu Ziyi said, "Also, is it right or wrong for me to do this? If the two of them really die, will this musk moon country get peace? Shaking his head, he looked coldly at the woman in red and said, "No, after their death, the Muyue Kingdom will not only not get peace, but also turn upside down and war will be everywhere. It's because of you greedy people who slaughter their closest relatives in order to fight for the throne.

"Haha... Greedy, cousin Ziyi, don't you know that our fate has been doomed since we were born? We have no choice. If we want to survive in this dangerous and bloody Ling clan, we have to learn to be cruel, vicious, ruthless and righteous!" Turning to Yushu Ziyi, the woman in red opened her long fingers and stroked the man's face, and her eyes flashed with obsession and envy. "It's really a handsome face that even women can't even reach. No wonder those stupid girls will be fascinated by you. Is what you just said to that stupid girl true?"

Before he finished his words, Yu Shuziyi was very angry. He picked up the skirt of the woman in red and pressed her on the willow tree. The green strips trembled, and the woman's dress also became messy. In panic, he only heard Yu Shuziyi's anger and said, "Don't try to touch my heart, otherwise, I will make you die."

"Haha..." The woman smiled excitedly, "Cousin Ziyi's cousin has become more and more imposing, but I like it very much." Holding his neck, she said softly, "How about helping me take back the country of the Ling family?" At that time, you will be the moon king, I will be the moon lord, and we will share the world.