Phoenix Empire

Chapter 43 Emotional Divergence

There is a sarcastic response in his flashing eyes, and Yu Shuziyi's long eyelashes are covered by sneering and mockery.

Reach out and brushed his hand to open the graceful wicker and turned around in white: "18 years ago, your mother's spiritual purple frost judgment was unsuccessful. What can you do with your spiritual rain?"

With a merciless blow, Yushuzi slowly walked forward: "This is the end of the contract between us. Don't bother me if there is anything in the future, go all walks of life."

"Haha... Yushu Ziyi, do you really think your words can clear up our relationship?"

The charming and vicious voice is disgusting. Lingyu, a woman in red, sneered and said, "You and I are both from the Ling family. My mother died in the Qingcangmen change 18 years ago. She did nothing, but she paved the way for me. Even the soldier Hua Che couldn't guess that there would be a fish that leaked like me, and your Yushu Ziyi has been spirited by your mother since childhood. Zilu is a dark chess and put it outside the palace. I'm afraid that one day, she will not achieve a big event and leave such a smart son as you. And your mother was indeed defeated and died. Just the day before yesterday, she died at the hands of Hua Che in Jingyang Palace. Someone saw that her heart was taken out..."

Deliberately aggravated the tone of the following sentence, and looked at Yu Shuziyi's moist eyes, which were already full of pain. Lingyu took care of his messy Huashang, approached him, and asked in a charming voice, "As a son of man, don't you really want revenge?"

"Anyway, she is your mother. Although she didn't raise you and didn't care for you for a day, she is still your mother. Her parents' hatred is comparable. This revenge is not for unfilial piety!"

The red dress is like blood, and the woman's red lips are also like blood, against her red dress, which is more dazzling and enchanting.

The soft and boneless body was attached to his back again, and Ling Yuxiang kissed Ni in his ear and said, "Therefore, we will always be on the same boat. Our fate will always be connected and never be separated. We are the natural couple, and the world is our ideal and our eternal love. Witness."

"You have taken the first step, and there is no way out. In fact, as long as you want, we can completely control the two of them or let them kill each other. However, Ziyi, you are soft-hearted.

"What is the reason that makes you feel soft?" Lingyu asked in a soft voice, with a strong fragrance of powder.

"No why?" Yu Shuziyi cut it off and thought for a long time before saying, "I only do what I think is right. Which is more important than the safety of the country? I think you should think about this problem clearly first.

Lingyu's charming face suddenly gloomy, and he didn't seem to think that even the word hatred could still break the scale in his heart.

"So, you don't even care about your own life? If Hua Che find out your identity..."

"Then let him check it out!" Yu Shuziyi interrupted impatiently. Just as he was about to turn around, a red dress suddenly floated in front of him. His lips were hot, but Lingyu hugged him tightly and kissed his lips.

Unbridled teasing and lingering, Yu Shuziyi was surprised and kissed him warmly, but when the woman fell into tenderness, she bit her red lips fiercely.

There was blood flowing from the corners of her lips, and the woman in red raised her eyebrows, showing rare anger regardless of her makeup: "Do you dare to bite me?"

"It's my cloud biting you!" Yu Shuzi said coldly and wanted to leave, but when he turned around, he saw a beautiful figure in blue not far away.


The charming girl in blue originally came to him happily with a picture scroll in her arms, but she happened to see this scene. Even if they had been together for more than ten years, the two of them still respected each other. Except for holding hands and hugging, they never went further. However, he is kissing other women now...

She has been hoping that he can take the initiative to propose marriage to her family, and he has made such a promise, but he always maintains this inseparable attitude, which makes her unable to understand his heart.

"Ziyi, what are you doing?" The scroll in his arms fell to the ground, Yun Zheyan's eyes moistened, then wiped his tears and turned back.

Yushu Ziyi was about to chase her, but Lingyu's proud and sneering voice came from behind him: "Yushu Ziyi, you really care about this stupid girl, haha... If you dare to turn your back on me, I can't guarantee that I won't attack this stupid girl. You should know my temper very well!"

Yu Shuziyi turned around angrily and saw that Lingyu's lips were bitten by him. The tip of the woman's tongue licked the blood beads, and her face was proud. She smiled and said, "Don't push me, or I can do everything. You only have two choices now, either to cooperate with me to the end, to live and die together, or you just wait and see how I can torture that little girl to death.

"Do you dare?" Yu Shuziyi looked cold and said angrily, "If you dare to touch her, I will kill you first!"

"Do you think I dare?" Lingyu sneered arrogantly and said, "You can kill me. Anyway, I'm not alone. In the matter of the spread of Lingyue, the owner of the small palace, you should also see how strong my manpower is, and I have eyeliner everywhere in Kyoto. I have a way, and it's an unscrupulous way!"

"How can Aunt Zishuang have such a vicious daughter as you? If you do more injustice, she will kill herself!"

"In today's world, soldier Hua Che also does more injustice, but he seems to get more than anyone else." Lingyu smiled gloomly, "The former moon lord Linghui is a kind lord, but she died earlier than anyone else. It can be seen that Ziyi's cousin, your theories are ignorant and ridiculous. If we don't fight, we can only wait to be slaughtered by others. With Hua Che's wisdom, it may not be long before we can find out our true identity. We don't have much time to be a good person to wait. If we want to survive, we must do it first!"

"What do you want me to do?"

"If you want to achieve something, you must start with the weak first. We don't have enough ability to confront Hua Che head-on, but we can deal with Lingyue first. I have got accurate information from the palace. Yuezhu Lingyue doesn't seem to have enough ability to protect herself. If you can lure her out of Hua Che's side and kill her again, it's easy.

"Lingyue is also our cousin. You can even say such words!"

"What about cousins? In the kingship battle of our previous generation, even our brothers and sisters killed each other without mercy." Lingyu's charming eyes flashed with ruthless coldness, that is, with a little smile, "You can do it if you don't want to kill her, then destroy her most important thing and make her face the world!"

"What is the most important thing?"

Lingyu smiled meaningfully: "For women, of course, the most important thing is... appearance and reputation."

Yu Shuziyi's face suddenly changed. Looking at Lingyu's charming smile like a dazzling poison needle, Lingyu met him speechless and added proudly: "I lured her out, ruined her innocence, or ruined her appearance."


When Hua Che was walking on the noisy street with Lingyue, he heard some rumors about the life of today's moon lord from the crowd. When those who spread rumors said that Lingyue was a mixed race born by his mother Linghui and an enemy man, the people whispered to each other, and everyone's face showed regret and indignation. Love. Some even whispered that the young moon owner's bloodline was impure, childish and incompetent. No wonder he would be manipulated by the powerful ministers, and the country of the Ling family must be defeated in her hands.

Although rumors are not poisons, they are more dangerous seeds in people's hearts than poisons.

Once it breaks out, it will be out of control.

Lingyue walked among those people and felt that everyone's eyes were peeling off her soul.

It turns out that she is not a lord loved by the people. It turns out that in the minds of the people, she is a childish and incompetent queen. She is not recognized by anyone, not liked by anyone, and even existence is a mistake.

It was an 18-year-old girl's unbearable sin and pain. Several times, she almost couldn't stand the inner torture and fainted in Hua Che's arms.

Hua Che whispered something to Youqi, and Youqi quietly retreated. Before long, some officers and soldiers rushed into the crowd with knives and cut those who spread rumors to death. Some people who talked particularly fiercely were also immediately chopped to the ground. It is said that other people who sighed and attached were tied up by those officers and soldiers. It is to be taken into a cell to atone for the crime.

When Lingyue saw the people crying out for injustice, she wanted to run to stop the officers and soldiers. Hua Che held her hand tightly and told her, "The people are very ignorant. When you give them too much freedom of speech, they will be unscrupulous and make a big thing earth-shaking. Yueer, from today on, the master will teach you how to manage the country and manage the people.

Lingyue didn't listen to a word of Hua Che's big truth. She only heard one meaning, that is, these officers and soldiers were all following orders, and the order was given by him.

More and more unable to accept some of the things he did, Lingyue finally couldn't help quarreling with him again and again.