Phoenix Empire

Chapter 139 Mid-count

Although the voice of Youqi and Lingbo is extremely small, Ling Yuxiang still heard the words clearly and the words came to her ears. Although those enemies were not imported into Kyoto, she also had a cooperative alliance with her. She did contact the mysterious messenger with the news that Yuejun's trip to Fengyu Mountain this time, but She really didn't expect that the mysterious man would really come to help her and intercept Lingyue and Hua Che under the Lily Bridge for siege. This time, she was afraid that Hua Che's great ability would also be difficult to fly!

Hahaha, the more Lingyuxiang thinks about it, the more he gloated. The more he thinks about it, the more excited he is. You can send part of your troops to rescue him! After all, the king's order cannot be violated. If you don't send troops out, you will be no different from the anti-thief, and you will be charged with treason like Yushu Ziyi! If you send troops out, I think you, a disabled person, have any ability to guard this empty throne! If you don't drink toast and drink, you forced me to do it against you!

You can't be an ally, that's the enemy, and there are too many things you know!

"Then transfer half of the troops to rescue!" Shu Lubo pondered for a long time, and didn't seem to think of a better way, so he took out a talisman from his arms and handed it over to Youqi. "This is the talisman given me half of the military power given to me by Hua Che. Youqian, I will hand it to you for the time being, and you will send me to the army of the Muyue National Military Department! Remember, tell me everything in advance, and don't make arbitrary decisions!"

"Remember the big brother's order!" The woman in blue knelt on the ground and answered loudly. For a moment, she seemed to become heroic and powerful!

Lingyu saw Youqi running out of the natural residence with the talisman given to her by Lingyu. Suddenly, she was overjoyed. After the secluded figure completely disappeared from sight, she issued a signal, summoned a group of killers ambushed in the palace, and once again broke into the natural residence.

Lang Bo was still tasting the cup of "unthinking, unforgettable" wine. Seeing that Lingyu was lined with a group of black masked troops blocked at the gate of the natural residence hall, he asked with a smile, "Why did the Lord of the palace come back?"

"Book, I will give you the last chance, do you choose to serve me or die?"

Lingyu's tone was aggressive, and after drinking a glass of wine, he didn't even look at her, and replied, "A person's will should stick to the end, from beginning to end, otherwise you can't do anything, you can only live in a small room. I thank the Lord of the palace for his book. Such an opportunity to choose, but I can't trust you, because you will definitely lose! I only choose to cooperate with the strong!"

"Book, you..." Lingyu was so angry that seven steals seemed to smoke, "You are looking for death! You have just handed over the order of the Ministry of War to Youqian, and you should know your situation very well now!"

"People are knives, and I am fish." Shubo smiled jokingly, "The Lord of the palace came to lead the army to take my life!"

"It's good to know! You can't protect yourself now, and I don't believe that there are any other organs in your natural Curie?

"You can try it!" A fearless smile on his face made Lingyu's momentum slightly weak. Is it possible that in just three days, what mechanism did he really create?

"You..." Lingyu nodded to the people behind him and gave an order, "Let's go together. Who can cut off the head of the book? I will be rewarded!"

"Is the Lord of the Palace going to rebel?" Shu Lubo suddenly said righteously, "I am now stationed in the palace, and I am acting as the soldier Hua Che. The main person in the palace takes my head to go against the soldier Hua Che, right?"

Lingyu's eyes stagnated, and he laughed for a long time, "So what? Shu Lubo, you don't need to compare your eloquence with me. I'm afraid you have to go to the Yanluo Hall to talk to the Lord of Hell!" With that, her eyes were sharp like a sword at the black killers behind her and ordered impatiently, "What are you waiting for! Hurry up and kill him!"

The more calm people are in the face of danger, the more frightening they are. Those killers hesitate to understand this truth, but they will not dare to disobey Lingyu's orders. Dozens of people gathered around the book with knives, and when they raised their knives to the book, suddenly, Countless peach blossom blood shadows flew out of the inner room, each peach blossom blood shadow penetrated every killer's body, and those killers fell down again!

Blood splashed on the ground and even splashed on the face of Lingyuxiang, but Lingyuxiang, known as the blood witch, did not show much horror, but paid attention to the murder weapon that killed these killers!

Peach card!

These deadly weapons are actually peach blossoms!

"The God of Gamble!" Lingyu's pupils shrank and shouted harshly, which really called out a person from the inner room of the natural residence!

"It's me! Blood witch, you disappeared in the world. It turned out that you changed your face and hid in this palace!"

The woman in black came out, and her drooping hair covered half of her face. A gust of wind blew up, and her hair brushed away. Her eyes also cut into Lingyu's face like a knife, as if to tear off the fake skin on her face.

"Who are you calling?" Ling Yuxiang now plays the identity of Lingyun, the master of the palace, and naturally does not want to admit that he is a blood witch!

"I will never forget the charming fragrance that confuses men. We used to be friends, didn't we?" That was a long time ago. Lingyuxiang, who wandered in the world as a blood witch, also invited her to join and persuaded her to seduce men with charming fragrance. Any man seduced will be used by her blood witch. She has also been poisoned by this demonic woman. Fortunately, she was rescued by Prince Lianxi to get rid of this woman. Control, join the Dragon Pavilion and become the world's famous gambler, but she will never forget the poison that once made her vomit.

"Hahaha, gambling god Liu Yingxi, yes, we used to be friends, but at that time, you were just a nameless wild girl. I took you in. It was your reward for me to ask you to do something for me, but you betrayed me!"

"Betrayal?" Liu Yingxi also sneered, "You are shameless to say the shameless things you have done, and you have poisoned many young and ignorant girls. It's my wise choice to leave you, which is not a betrayal!"

"Oh, don't pretend to be so high, it's not that you haven't been touched by a man! However, you have a bigger appetite than me, and even the soldier Hua Che has seduced you..."

" shut up! Shameless, bitch!" Except for Xiao Yufeng, Youqi, herself and that person, no one else should know how this demon girl knew this matter. Liu Yingxi couldn't stand it. She brushed off Moyun's wide sleeves, and the peach blossom card in her hand spread out like a cloud. "su su" attacked the spiritual rain phase like a rainstorm, and the spirit rain phase practiced the magic of escape armor. Unexpectedly, he disappeared from his body in the blink of an eye, and the flowing shadow quickly chased out of the natural residence, but he could not find the figure of Lingyu everywhere.

Worse, this woman must still be living in nature!

When Liu Yingxi rushed back to the natural residence, he saw Lingyu fighting with a maidservant in white!

The maidservant's skills are also good. A fan waved freely in her hand and became a style. The fan exploded with countless crimson lights, and the light and shadow also condensed into red peach blossoms, blooming in mid-air, which was flawless!

Catch the wind and catch the shadow, like a shadow, peach blossoms bloom everywhere, and the fragrance is deadly!

Peach blossom fan! Rainy day!

"Yingxi, why don't you come and help me!" The rainy day has been trapped in the array of Lingyuxiang. Those black killers forced her to die from all directions, and Lingyuxiang took this opportunity to escape from the array and condensed the murderous spirit on Shulu. Liuyingxi saw that Shulubo and Yutian were in danger, and it was difficult to choose who to save first. At this time, she naturally lived outside. A group of royal forest troops rushed over under the leadership of Youqi!

"The soldier has an order to take down all the judges!"

With a shout, the imperial forest army of silver armor, iron and potassium surrounded the nature, and the sound of neat footsteps shocked the sky. Hearing the sound of Lingyu, it changed color, he immediately turned around and looked at Youqi and asked with hatred, "Didn't you lead troops to the west of Xingyang City to ask for driving?"

"Who would leak such a stupid machine to others? Lord of the palace, you are arrogant. Are you too stupid to imagine others?

You sneered and sarcastically, Ling Yuxiang's face became pale, and he said angrily, "What you just said was deliberately told to me?"

"Yes, Lord of the palace, I have to admit that you are too cautious. None of the killer sent to assassinate Yuejun can speak. Even if they fail, they can't confess you as the mastermind. Therefore, the military division came up this strategy to give you this opportunity to rebel! If Yuejun, the moon lord, doesn't die, you dare not act rashly. Therefore, I just deliberately told Mr. Tongbo the situation in the west of Xingyang City, so that you have enough confidence to rebel, and you just admitted it yourself, you are going to rebel, aren't you?"

"Hahaha, rebellion? Did I just say that? Which of you heard it again?"

"I heard it! Hear it with your own ears!" Liu Yingxi immediately answered the way.

"I heard it too, with my own ears!" It also picks up on rainy days.

Ling Yuxiang looked at Liu Yingxi and Yu Tian respectively and sneered, "What are you two? You two are hidden in Mr. Lingbo's inner room. Maybe they have an unclear relationship with him. How true is what you said?"

"You--" Liu Yingxi and Yu Tian were so angry that they wanted to take action against Lingyu. They intercepted them and said to Lingyu, "You take the killer into the natural residence and assassinate Mr. Lingbo are the best evidence. I can arrest you now for conspiracy and even punish you for justice!"

"Hahaha, isn't it? I took the killer into the natural residence, which only shows that I want to kill Mr. Yangbo at most. How much does it have to do with the conspiracy?

"You lured Mr. Bo to conspire with you to rebel, which is another great evidence of guilt!"

"Who can prove that I coerced Mr. Po to conspire with me?"

"You pretended to be the name of the lord of the palace, sneaked into the palace, raised the killer privately, and plotted not to be defamy, which is even more evidence of a crime!"

"Fake the name of the lord of the palace? Is this the charge you made up to slander me again?

"What a ghost who doesn't admit his mistake. It seems that you won't admit it if you don't take off your mask!" Liu Yingxi gritted his teeth with hatred for this woman. When he was about to wave the peach blossom card, Mr. Tongbo suddenly said, "Wait, I have all the evidence!" Lingyu's eyes condensed and looked at the book with a sneer, which meant that what evidence can you produce? What you said still doesn't count! Unexpectedly, Shubo also looked at her and smiled, "If it's what you said in person, is it evidence?"

"What do you mean?" Lingyu's face sank a little. Shu Lingbo took out a small ink box from under the wheelchair he was sitting in, threw it to Youqi, and smiled, "There are indeed no large organs in the natural residence, but my listening box wrote down everything the palace owner said to me today, from what you said how to use the jade tree. Yushuzi Yi began to kill me and seize the throne in the end. Every word said by the Lord of the palace was contained in this box without omission! Youqi, open the listening box and let everyone listen to the voice of Shanggong's initiative!"

"Yes, big brother!" Youqi replied loudly, and opened the listening box. The sound in the box was the dialogue between Ling Yuxiang and Mr. Lubo. All the royal troops couldn't help but be moved.

The sound fell, the box was closed, and Ling Yuxiang's face had turned pale. He smiled and said, "Lord of the palace, you should have nothing to say now!"