Phoenix Empire

Chapter 140 Escape

Is this a failure? All the eyes projected on her are so sarcastic and sharp, deliberately peeling off the ugliness hidden under her gorgeous veil!

I can't trust you, because you will definitely lose. I only cooperate with the strong!

What a resourceful young man who is famous for his organ skills!

"Hahaha..." Lingyu laughed at each other, and with a change of the ghost in red, he stood behind Lu Bo, and a young willow blade pressed tightly on Lu Bo's throat. "Book Lu Bo, even if you are more intelligent, you are just a disabled person with no chicken power. You are counting on..." He stared at the three women who had been shocked, Yu Tian and Liu Yingxi, "Are these women going to protect you?"

"I also have to admire Hua Che's measurement, and my own women can also dominate and enjoy it with other men!"

"You woman, you really can't spit ivory out of the dog's mouth. I cut your tongue so that you can't speak to death!"

Liu Yingxi was furious, and the thousand peach blossom phantom cards hidden in his sleeves have been separated from their hands. At the same time, the peach blossom fan on rainy days also took action to block Liu Yingxi's peach blossom cards: "Yingxi, Mr. Bo is not impulsive in the hands of this woman!"

"Hmm!" After two consecutive insults, no one could stand this tone, but in order to take care of the overall situation, Liu Yingxi, who had never been wronged, also silently endured it. On a rainy day, he shook her hand and comforted her with his eyes.

An uneasy heart has been placed on Lingbo, and the smile on her face can no longer be stretched. She also said in a cold voice, "Lord of the palace, kill Mr. Lingbo, and you don't want to go out alive!"

"Of course I know to kill him, and I have no hope of living. Your heart is cruel. I haven't heard of it, but do you really have the heart to see your childhood sweetheart's blood splash here and die in front of you?"

"You--" looked at the fearless expression on her face, and she, who had never been threatened, also showed intense tension and hesitation. "Lingyu, what do you want to let Mr. Lingbo go?"

"The lord of the palace..." Liu Yingxi was shocked, "If the military division has an order to pick up a good opportunity, he will capture the thief's head, otherwise..."

"Lang Bo is my eldest brother and the most important person in my life. His legs are because of me..." With tears in his charming eyes, he paused and whispered in a low voice, "I can never let him die!"

Langbo is the most important person in your life, so what about the military division Hua Che?

"Do you really want to disobey the order of the military division for the sake of Mr. Tongbo?" Liu Yingxi asked, nodded faintly, and his calm face also showed subtle changes. His eyes were facing each other, and there was nothing to say except for tears interpreting each other.

Ling Yuxiang laughed proudly again: "What a pair of crazy men and women. I'm really sad for the soldier Hua Che. None of the women around him love him, and none of them is sincere. Hahaha, what about the power in the world? You can't even get a woman's love..."

We really belong to the same kind of people. We live sadly in the powerful world we have created. We can only satisfy ourselves with rights and desires, but we are ruthless!

"Have you laughed enough?" Youqi suddenly stopped her laughter and said solemnly, "Put down the knife and I'll let you go!"

"Do you think I would be so stupid to leave?" Stopping his smile, Lingyu stared at each other and stared at the ghost.

"What else do you want?"

"Destroy the evidence!" Lingyu raised the corners of her lips and squinted her dangerous eyes and smiled. She pointed to the listening box in her hand and repeated again, "The evidence, destroy, destroy, drop!"

Youqi was stunned, and the slender hand holding the sound box began to tremble, and all eyes turned to her, waiting for her decision!

"What are you waiting for? Do you want to see your eldest brother die immediately? It was too angry and excited. With a little force, the knife in the spirit rain partner really cut a blood stain on his throat!

"Don't--" Youqi shouted and was so nervous that he almost rushed to the book. Ling Yuxiang suddenly stopped his hand and shrilled: "What, I'm heartbroken. I'll destroy the evidence immediately when I'm distressed. I've been waiting impatient!"

"Even if I destroy the audio box, there are hundreds of royal forest troops who can testify. Do you think you have been acquitted of the charges of blaming and conspiracy?"

"That's like a soldier Hua Che..." Halfway through the words, Ling Yu's eyes were bright and frightening. In the faint fear, she said word by word, "Kill, people, destroy, mouth."


"Whover, do you choose the life of your eldest brother or the life of hundreds of imperial troops? I don't have much time to wait and make a choice immediately!"

"The Lord of the Palace--" The rainy day and Liu Yingxi couldn't help shouting, and the royal forest army outside the natural life also began to feel uneasy. Youqi still looked at Lingbo, with anxious tears in his eyes, and his expression was still so calm!

Brother, can't you give me some instructions?

"Okay, I can ruin the audio box!" Youqi suddenly raised her eyelashes and smiled, holding the box in the air, and suddenly "cocking". The sound box turned into powder and fell from the palm of her hand. Lingyu laughed excitedly when she saw everyone beside her, especially when she saw shock and regret on their faces, she smiled like flowers and excitement!

Naturally, everyone else is quiet except her, and she is the only one laughing crazily!

After she finished laughing, she suddenly felt something was wrong and condensed her eyes on her face. The unpredictable look on his face and the unbreakable arrogance really made her feel strange and scared!

"Why didn't you react at all?" Lingyuxiang couldn't help asking Lingbo in turn, but Lingbo smiled and said, "If I have any reaction, will I die faster?" He said as if jokingly, and suddenly said, "If the Lord of the Upper Palace thinks that he can threaten others if he has captured a disabled person, it's really a big mistake, and there are countless mechanisms that I have created in my life. A small box is really not a particularly good thing."

"What do you mean?"

"Why don't you take a closer look around here? Is the construction of the natural residence different from before?"

Lingyu's face changed greatly. She looked around in fear and couldn't wait to see through every corner of this natural residence, but she didn't see anything, so she was even more afraid and kept asking, "What else have you installed in this natural residence? Shulu, you scumbag, you have been calculating me. What else have you installed?

Ten years of companionship, the price of ten years of companionship actually requires you to completely dedicate your body and feelings!

If you had known this, why did you have to...