Phoenix Empire

Chapter 142 Back to the Palace

Although he was attacked by the judge and foreign enemies one after another, Hua Che still took Lingyue to Fengyu Mountain Moon Temple for a signature, as if what happened along the way was just passing scenery. There was no unhappiness on his face, but no joy at all. Asking for a signature is just a process. The night wind on Fengyu Mountain is extremely cold, and even the bright moon hanging on the top of the mountain is very cold, cold to the bottom of people's hearts. Coming out of the Moon Temple, Hua Che has never spoken to Lingyue, and Lingyue has been blocked by Hua Che's cold expression when she tried to find the topic several times. The two of them are tacitly talking to each other and the name Feicheng through the book. This will be a name that the two of them will never forget. It is engraved in her heart, but it is also branded in his heart. .

Is it true that there will never be love between us?

You said you would try to fall in love with me, but you always called out another person's name in your sleep or inadvertently! Even if I tie you to myself, even if your people completely belong to me, what have I got?

At hand and the heart at the end of the world, how far is the terrible?

The cool breeze was like a sigh. Hua Che took Lingyue's hand, went down the mountain, boarded the car, and returned to the royal city under the protection of a group of imperial troops. He still entered from Qingcangmen, bypassed the urncheng District, crossed the ten-mile water corridor, the 17th hall and 24 palaces, and finally returned to the military policy palace.

The door of the palace of Bing Cefu was opened for him early, and the lotus lamp was exposed, crystal clear, like a shining galaxy star, shining all over the road he had walked. As soon as the bodyguard who stayed in the military policy mansion saw Hua Che return to the palace, he immediately reported to Hua Che the rebellion of the lord of the palace and the secluded palace owner of the army to suppress the chaos. Hua Che sat on the Xiangfei chair and listened to the bodyguard telling everything while drinking the warm 'unthinkable and unforgettable' beauty brought up by the maid in the house. Wine, for him, all the results are in his expectation. No matter how tortuous the process is, it is not enough to attract him. The important thing is the ending. Is the ending whether Ling Yuxiang was arrested in the end?

The bodyguard seemed to be very excited. Taotao endlessly interpreted the process of the Youqi palace owner and Mr. Tongbo teamed up to deal with the palace owner. His words were full of brilliance, but he didn't know that the more he said, the more Hua Che's face became ugly.

"Where is the Lord of the Palace now?" Hua Che suddenly put down the wine cup and interrupted.

The bodyguard's face sank, and he stammered: "Hundreds of imperial forest troops were ambushed by a group of killers on the way after her. They were intercepted and let her escape... fled..."

With a crisp sound, the wine cup in Hua Che's hand smashed on the ground, and Lingyue beside her was also shocked. She knew that her teacher was in a very bad mood today. Because of the meritorious rescue of Shufeicheng and was pardoned, he had always been angry with her, although he verbally said that he wanted to talk about merit. He rewarded Brother Feicheng with an official position and included it in the court, but he actually hated it in his heart! And Brother Feicheng also rejected him as an enemy and led his friends to leave Xingyang City and return to the world. Now the news of Ling Yuxiang fleeing from the palace disguised as the lord of the palace undoubtedly violated the bottom line of his emotional control. He finally broke out. After enduring her for a long time, he vented his anger because of a word from the bodyguard.

"Just a woman who is self-proclaimed to be smart and has false skills, why do you need to work hard to make her escape?"

The bodyguard turned pale, immediately lowered his head and knelt down: "Damn it. I failed to capture the head of the thief. Please forgive me!"

Lingyue also said the first sentence after the two were silent for half a day: "Master, Nie's bodyguard has done their best, and all the people who remain in the palace have done their best, and the mastermind of the palace has committed the crime of rebellion. Sooner will arrest her and go to prison, won't he?"

"Our military policy government will never leave useless people!" Hua Che looked at Lingyue, and the anger in Sheng's eyes was getting hotter and almost burned her. Lingyue repeatedly pleaded, "I'm sorry, teacher, please forgive Yueer. Please give Nie's bodyguards another chance to capture the thief and atone for their sins..."

"Aren't you on the side of your own people now?"

Hua Che sneered. Lingyue's face and said something about her lips. Hua Che interrupted, "It's getting late today. Go back to Wolongju and have a rest first!" Tomorrow is our national wedding. I don't want to see you haggard.

"Teacher..." Lingyue stood up, looked at him, and asked tentatively and carefully, "What about you? Do you have anything else to do today? Or is there something to hide from me?

"There are some things that need to be dealt with in the palace. Go and rest first, and I'll come in a moment!"

Huache said with a little order, but Lingyue was even more uneasy and asked, "Can Yueer accompany the teacher? Yueer is now... without a teacher by her side... sleep, can't sleep..."

In fact, she can't lie at all. After a little thought, she felt that she had made a big mistake. Her face burned with red glow after another, and her pink skin looked more explosive.

Hua Che was a little stunned. He walked to Lingyue and held up her sharpened chin. His eyes made Lingyue's heart palpitations, but she had to meet his eyes, looked at the sarcasm or pity light in his eyes, and shyly called out: "Teacher, I..."

"Can you say what you just said again?" Hua Che's voice was full of ** magnetism, but Lingyue knew that what he said was also a tentative mentality. Saying it once has made her feel that she has betrayed her conscience. If she says it again... "I'm sorry, teacher, Yue'er should not deceive the teacher."

Even if it's cheating, is it so difficult for you to say it again?

Hua Che seemed to be a little tired. He let go of his hand and whispered, "Go to bed!" Tonight, I won't go back to Wolongju.

Lingyue opened her cherry lips slightly, and her eyes dimmed again after she lit up. Hua Che didn't look at her anymore, so she had to leave silently, but after a few steps, she couldn't help looking back and asking, "Teacher, can you tell Yueer, the real Yu Shu Ziyi, where did you lock him?"

No matter when, she only cares about others, either Shufei City or Yushu Ziyi!

Hua Che was very angry, but he still tried his best to control his emotions and replied, "Yu Shu Ziyi, no one can lock him up. Even I don't know where he is going now?"

"Ah?" Lingyue was surprised and more suspicious and worried. She looked at Hua Che with inquiry and said puzzled, "Cousin Ziyi is not in the hands of the teacher, so he is now..."

She wants to ask, is he alive or dead now? But she couldn't ask.

Hua Che saw her mind and replied with a smile, "Don't worry, he will never die until the agreement between us is completed, and I will tell the world and clear him of his name."

After hearing this, Lingyue was also happy and worried, and politely thanked him, and her respect only made Hua Che more unhappy. The agreement between you?" Lingyue looked at him confusedly and asked.

"Do you want to know?" Hua Cheyun smiled, but changed the topic and said, "I'm very tired today. I don't want to talk about these things anymore. If you have no other questions, go back to Wolongju immediately. Tomorrow's national wedding ceremony must be held as scheduled. I don't want anything unexpected?"

Being swept away by Hua Che's warning eyes, Lingyue's heartbeat couldn't help but speed up again. Was the teacher afraid of something unexpected? The national wedding ceremony belongs to them. After that, she will be his righteous wife, and he will also be the moon king who reigns with the moon lord in the history of the musk moon.

But this is just a political deal! Exchange her marriage for the peace of the musk moon country!

She didn't want to escape from this political marriage, but left too many regrets in her heart!

"Yes, teacher." She nod her speechlessly and left. Hua Che looked at her back, and the anger hidden in her heart slowly overflowed from the corners of her eyes. Unexpectedly, she obeyed so calmly that she did not miss him at all. Did she really love him at all?

After Lingyue left, Hua Che lay on the chair and closed his eyes for a long time. Suddenly, he thought of something and invited a maid from the house and asked, "Why hasn't the owner of Youlu Palace returned to the house yet?"

"The soldier, the master of the palace..."

"What's wrong with her?" Hua Che was most disgusted with the hesitant answer and asked harshly.

"The lord of the palace was stabbed by the lord of the palace, and now he is still in the natural center of the prince. The imperial doctors are discussing whether to draw a knife for her... Soldier..."

Before her words fell, Hua Che had left the chair. When she looked up again, she only saw a corner of white clothes flashing at the gate of the inner hall of the Bingce Mansion.

Hua Che hurried to the natural residence and saw Mr. Lubo sitting in the middle of the lobby drinking wine with a frown, and there was a sad scream in the inner room. Hua Che wanted to run into the inner room, but Lubo stopped at the door and said in a low voice, "You can't go in!"

The only person who can stop him is Shuluanbo! Although Hua Che was unhappy, he asked with great interest, "Do you know whose place this is?"

"I know." Lingbo smiled indifferently, raised his eyes, met Hua Che's eyes, and said coldly, "But she doesn't want to see you at this moment!"

Don't want to see me? Hua Che felt funny and asked, "You said she didn't want to see me?"

"Yes." There is only one simple word, but there is no way to explain it. Because of the mysterious instructions and begging him not to tell the soldier Hua Che about her pregnancy, she wants to save the child and dares not take this risk. Why? Even if you are pregnant with a child for this man, don't you dare to tell him? Why let yourself bear all the pain alone, but let the person who hurt you feel at ease?

The mood is complicated, like ten thousand ants biting, so he keeps anesthetising himself with wine!

However, this man has come here now. He also knows that Youqi is actually eager for Hua Che to go in to see her. She may also fantasize that when Hua Che knows that she has a child, a happy expression will appear on her face.

But it can only be a fantasy! Even she didn't dare to guess whether Hua Che would accept the child.

It is the time of Yuejun's wedding, and the extra accidents will only lead to tragedy!

"I want to go in, no one dares to stop me!" Hua Che angrily brushed his sleeves and took a step into the inner room.

"If the soldier rushes in at this moment, she will die!" Lu Bo suddenly shouted, and Hua Che looked at him coldly. He lowered his voice and said, "It was she who asked me to tell you that if you see her at this moment, she will die in front of you immediately. In fact, she is an extremely stubborn and fragile woman. She just doesn't want you to see her embarrassed appearance when she is injured. So, please... fulfill her!"