Phoenix Empire

Chapter 143 National Marriage

Hua Che's footsteps stopped there, and there were wisps of blood and faint groans from the inner room. The words were like putting a shackle on his feet, making it impossible for him to take a step forward.

"What else did you give her besides the name? Money? Power? Or... endless harm?"

Long Bo suddenly asked calmly. Hua Che suddenly turned around and stared at Li Bo, but Li Bo smiled bitterly: "Master, do you know what a woman wants most? You can give her the whole world, but can you give her happiness?

Why can't you give it? The world I have will be shared with the people I love and respected by thousands of people. We will be as high as the sky and enjoy fairy-like family happiness. This will be a happiness that no one in the world can pursue!

"What do you want to say?" Hua Che asked with a sneer.

"Didn't the magician's reincarnation foresee the future for you?" Ling Bo also turned around and set his eyes on Hua Che's face, "I can also watch the stars and measure your fate."

"Oh? So what did you figure out?"

"I may not be able to figure out what is a little longer, but the thing in front of me..." Bo paused, his expression was a little solemn, and finally sighed, "I advise the soldier to give up as soon as possible, otherwise, you will lose... what you think is very important..."

Hua Che's heart ached. Where did he seem to hear this?

What you expect and what you fear will appear on the same day. There will be a big change on the day of national marriage. You will completely get the Lingshi country, but you will lose something...

What exactly is it?

"Do you mean national marriage?" Hua Che said sarcastically, "Joke, how can my fate be influenced by your prophecy?"

Lang Bo's face changed. He should have guessed that people like Hua Che would not listen to his advice, and would the ominous haze he saw from the starry really cover their fate?

In fact, what does Hua Che's fate have to do with him? He just doesn't want his loved ones to be implicated.

"Well, the soldier may not even believe the magician's prophecy, and how can he believe me as a mortal? But..." Lingbo's voice suddenly became louder, with a slight weight. He was willing to beg, "Can you ask the soldier to promise me one thing? I would like to use this thing to make a deal and dedicate my skills and even my life to the court. That is to say, I am willing to serve the soldier for the rest of my life, only ask you..."

Huache looked at him with a smile on the corners of his mouth and waited curiously for his next step.

"I just ask you to keep your life at any time!"

Hua Che's smile suddenly condensed, sighed, and continued, "Maybe the most cherished person in your heart is not her, but please treat her well anyway, at least let her live a woman's complete life. Can you agree to me with this request?"

With this requirement, can he give his life? But what is this requirement?

"Even if you don't say it, I will give her everything she wants." Hua Che picked up the way. After hearing this, he sneered in a low voice: "Don't say some promises easily, because you can't do it at all!"

"What do you mean by this sentence?" Hua Che's eyebrows frowned and were slightly unhappy.

"I don't doubt the ability of the division, but..." Ling Bo's eyes suddenly became extremely sharp. "You are such a person. You can't give a woman the happiness she wants!"

"Book, Ling, Bo." Hua Che's voice suddenly increased. At this moment, two imperial doctors came out of the inner room and immediately saluted when they saw Hua Che. One of the imperial doctors presented a tray in front of Hua Che and said, "Soldier, this is the willow blade pulled out from the chest of the lord of the palace. It is the murder weapon of the Lord of the palace!"

Hua Che lifted a clean white cloth on the opening, took out the lancet, looked at it carefully, and asked, "How is the Lord of Youqi Palace now?"

"I reported to the soldier that the owner of the palace is now out of danger and needs to rest for two months before he can fully recover. I have prescribed a prescription and will immediately go to decoct the medicine for the owner of the palace."

Hua Che nodded: "If anything happens to the lord of the palace, I will only ask you!"

"Yes, soldier! I will definitely make the lord of the palace recover as soon as possible!" The two imperial doctors answered in a low voice and tremblingly, and then strode to the natural outside.

Hua Che glanced at the inner room and seemed to think whether he should go in or not, but his words sounded an alarm for him. In the end, he stopped saying one more words and turned away from the natural residence.

After a while, Yougu slowly came out of the inner room, and his soft and boneless body leaned against the door. Seeing that her eyes had been looking out of the lobby door and looking at the disappeared back, he called sadly: "Yougu, he has gone--"

"Thank you, big brother." Although there was a trace of haggardness on his face, He still smiled like a flower. "Brother, don't worry, You will take good care of yourself."

When Hua Che returned to Wolongju, Lingyue was lying asleep. In the quiet night, she could smell her even breathing, and the air was still flowing with a faint fragrance on her body. This moment was so warm and quiet. He did not light the lamp, but quietly walked to the bedside and gently covered her delicate and The small cheeks slowly slid down her beautiful outline--

Can't we really be together? Does our national wedding ceremony really have to be cancelled?

But I also want to give you an unparalleled gorgeous wedding, so that you can become my righteous wife, and we will open a new future together...

Why do they all say that I will lose something important, is to lose you?

"Teacher--" Lingyue woke up from her sleep and looked at him in consterlingly, "Teacher, are you back?"

As soon as she wanted to sit up, Hua Che motioned her to lie down and said lightly, "Keep sleeping!" Lingyue was a little confused and looked at Hua Che's slightly blurred face through the moonlight. For a moment, she seemed to see a trace of loneliness and worry in her teacher's eyes. But this night was actually like a dream. Later, Hua Che seemed to take off the bedding and lay beside her after she fell asleep. She even felt that her teacher held her so tightly that she couldn't breathe or escape...

The next day, the national wedding was held as scheduled. The whole city was full of joy, and thousands of people were in empty alleys. Silk and bamboo pipes mixed with noisy voices. The bright red joy hung all over the palace. The concentric knots on the trees flashed with light-like light, and the falling golden light danced in the sun, adding to the faces of every busy maidservant in the palace. The glory is stained with joy in the sky and the earth.

"That's why I chose to snatch the marriage at this time!" Feicheng raised his eyebrows and smiled. One sentence really shocked the scene. Hua Che's eyebrows raised, and his anger really endured to the limit: "Book, Fei, Cheng, you are so bold!"

"Yeah, I don't have anything else, just bold!" Shu Feicheng smiled, "Don't think it's the national marriage of Yuejun, I dare not come to grab it..." He looked at Lingyue, his eyes darkened, and said seriously, "Because this will be my last opportunity, I must also give myself this opportunity. If I don't say anything, it will always be buried in my heart for a lifetime. , I can't do it--

He also stretched out his hand to Lingyue and asked, "Yeer, would you like to come with me? You are unrestrained and carefree by nature. Only the sky outside can make you live a happy life. Would you like me to give you such a life?

Lingyue looked at Shufei City for a long time. He did say what she said in her heart. She yearned for such a life, but she was destined to be locked in this gorgeous palace since she was born. Can she choose such a life?

"You dare--" Hua Che was almost furious. Lingyue trembled, took a look at Hua Che, shook her head at Shufei City, and said, "No, Brother Feicheng, get out of here quickly. I won't go with you..."

Feicheng's eyes darkened, and his lips smiled again: "But I have come, and there is no reason to go when I come, unless... unless you tell me your heart, or..." He turned to Hua Che, "Or let's challenge for the last time!"